Posted tagged ‘Galactic Center’

Waiting for the World to End in 2013?

January 19, 2013
After the Apocalypse, courtesy Mimenta Digital Arts

After the Apocalypse, courtesy Mimenta Digital Arts

Apocalypse (Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apocálypsis, from ἀπό also καλύπτω meaning ‘un-covering’), translated from Greek, disclosure of knowledge, hidden from humanity in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception, i.e. lifting of the veil or revelation

As most of us already know, the Long Count Calendar of the Maya ended on December 21st, 2012. It signals the End of the Cycle of the Fifth Sun which began on 13 August 3114 BC.

The Maya chose to mark this event in their major cycle at a time when coincidentally the spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy comes into closest conjunction [including that of the planets, solar system and the Sun at winter solstice] with the Galactic Center/Dark Rift.*

The ancient Maya discovered a mathe-magical key that linked nearly every known astronomical cycle. With the number 260 and its component divisors (13 x 20, 5 x 52, etc.), they could interconnect all apparent time sequences of observable celestial cycles—solar, lunar, eclipse, Venus, Mars, Mercury, the cycle of precession. Their knowledge of the precession of the equinoxes has filtered into New Age consciousness as bringing round that cosmic date when the Sun and Earth entered the ‘Age of Aquarius’.

*The actual astronomical range for this annual ‘rendezvous with its ‘cosmic birth canal’ is more realistically 1960-2240, with closest range between from 1998-2016, but it has become popular to fix it around the close of 2012.

Separate from this now-famous calendar, the Mayan Sun-Venus Calendar happens to end on March 28th 2013. It marks the end of the current fifty-two-year Venus cycle that began on April 10th 1961, and more crucial, it marks the start of the new 5000-year cycle of the Sixth Sun.

Daykeeper Hunbatz Men, modern Elder of the Guatemalan Maya, foresees no apocalypse

Daykeeper Hunbatz Men, modern Elder of the Guatemalan Maya, foresees no apocalypse

Some see the notorious ‘Shift’ as one of consciousness. Others as a ‘night of terror’ [Don Alejandro, below] or not to be feared [Hunbatz Men, pictured left, and below]; a further shifting in the polar and magnetic compass points; or physical earth shifts in the form of tsunamis, earth tremors and volcanic or solar activity.

Still others more spiritually determined, like Ken Carey [Bird Tribes, Starseed: Third Millennium] see humanity reach out to fellow beings, winged, rooted, ocean-going or star-seeking, and bring the shift into the personal domain.

“This field of human consciousness will soon know itself for what it is: even as we realize that each of us is like an individual leaf on a tree, or an individual cell in a body. Even after this happens I expect that in order to minimize any disorientation this event will bring, the Star Maker will only gradually reveal its conscious Presence within us, slowly allowing humankind to awaken to the realization that people are not only One, but that we have a rôle as the Star Maker’s physical organ of consciousness—an organ similar to a brain—but more clearly understood in our new capacity as the guidance system for this particular planetary garden.”
Ken Carey

During Consciousness-raising workshops in the GalacticHuman TMI Timeline and Starline programs, a remote viewing on 2020 and 2012, brought up an event associated more appropriate to 2013 than 2012, on an early January/February event:

Starting 1/3/2013 to 2/13/2013 “No communications, internet and/or electricity cut off-isolated from ? – communications will be ‘different’.”
Maya 13-moon cycle;
0:Ahau/12 220

1:Imix/1 1 day(1)=Kin(1); power doubled day.

1/3/2013 comes 13 days after 12/21/2012 ( – 13 an important cycle (13 months x 20 glyphs = 260-day calendar)
1/3/2013 Long Count is a ‘mirror’, with emphasis on 13:
2/13 is 40th day later; 39 day difference (39 = 3×13)
2/12 is 0-Ahau/13-Cosmic; Kin 260 = end of the cycle; 2/13 is Kin 1 = begin
12/12/2012 (-9 days/kins, 9 Underworlds)
12/21/2012 (0 day)
1/3/2013 (+13 days/kins, 13 Heavens)
Long Count reading by Galactic Human Workshops

Serpent of Light Beyond 2012
According to Drunvalo Melchizedek’s ‘School of Remembering’* the Serpent is on the move and its energy will culminate on a date in February or March 2013.

February 16th, 2013 is the 260th day of new Age [Maya], which completes the first Cycle of Creation (13 x 20 days). It is the seventh day of Tone Seven of the time-wave that started on the 24th December 2012.

2/16/2013 Long Count:
Near-Earth-Asteroid 2012 DA14 (discovered 2/13/2012) is forecast to come very close—within satellite orbit range—to the earth on 2/15/2013.

Blazar X-3 in constellation Cygnus emits light/energy in a jet

Blazar X-3 in constellation Cygnus emits light/energy in a jet

Sun and Earth alignment with Cygnus X-3. Cygnus X-3 is considered a ‘blazar’, sucking energy from another star, one of the largest sources of X-rays and one of the few sources of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays, also known to produce gamma ray bursts.

*from Serpent of Light: Beyond 2012 by Drunvalo Melchizedek

Valentines Day, 2013 thru Feb.19th, collision in Aquarius-Pisces, courtesy Astrotheme

Valentine’s Day, 2013 thru Feb.19th, collision in Aquarius-Pisces, courtesy Astrotheme

‘Beginning of a new cycle and a new world —where entire heavens will be opened up to humans — free to explore our natural environment of space, time and dimension beyond the Earth.’
Guatemalan Mayan prophecy cycle to 2/19/2013, transmitted by Drunvalo Melchizedek

2/19/2013 Long Count:
According to Drunvalo Melchizedek, from previously secret knowledge held by the modern Maya, in 1959, after the Lhasa uprising, when the Chinese caused the Dalai Lama to flee to India from Tibet, the kundalini of the Earth—its crown chakra seated in Mount Kailash in Tibet—shifted with him. This ‘serpent of light’ has continued to move through the earth’s electromagnetic system for sixty years and is gradually coming to a focus—elders on both American continents agree—in the Andean plateaux: final resting place, and subject of much discussion.

When that happened, it triggered a meeting on the North American continent of Elders from all areas of Mexico, Belize and Guatemala, and a grand meeting of all Mayan tribes, because they had foreknowledge that the Serpent of Light was going to move. Elders have met annually since then and other groups have joined in increasing awareness and world consciousness:

The crop circle following, in particular, has been graced with several seasons of serpentine motifs in the ripening grain—2012 producing some of the most miraculous—see previous Siderealview blogs, below.

The Phoenix Star Knowledge Conference held December 10-13, 2012 included Mayan daykeeper, Hunbatz Men’s deeply convincing shared knowledge on fearlessness and the sacred duties required of future humans.

Prophesies relating to the end of the Great Cycle have included information on the New Beginning. Other sources, research from Enoch scrolls through ‘lost’ Babylonian texts through ‘missing’ Biblical epistles, speak of knowledge of this time known to the Ancients [antediluvian implied] as one of joy. But unfortunately the old fear-inducing scenarios have, rightly or wrongly, continued into this new time.

Maya Elder Don Alejandro says: “On March 31, 2013 the sun will be hidden for a period of 60-70 hours and this is when we shall enter the period of the Fifth Sun.”
3/31/2013, 13-Ahau, 3 Wayeb has ‘strange stargate signs and portents’.

Elder Hunbatz Men comments on our imminent, ancient remembrance:

“According to the prophecies, in the year 2013 the first stage of higher understanding will begin. If we are willing to work with our subconscious, we will then be able to reclaim the information that has been impregnated in the deepest parts of our being. In this way, the ancient knowledge will rise again.”
Hunbatz Men, Daykeeper and Mayan Elder

Don Alejandro picks March 31st 2013 for 60-70 hours of darkness

Don Alejandro picks March 31st 2013 for 60-70 hours of darkness

Other possible interpretations include:
—something affecting communications/electronics—Coronal Mass Ejection or large solar flare—
—temporary or combined effect from asteroid 2012—DA14
—metaphysical/energetic event affecting some people—or a new intuitive?/level of communication
—an externalization of an internal personal shift

It is a milestone date.

According to Melchizedek, the Guatemalan Maya are convinced that their date for the ‘transition’-shift’s happening on February 19th, 2013 is correct. The Sun-Venus cycle closes March 28th*; Don Alejandro dreads March 31st. Hunbatz Men says we have nothing to fear. Some say the shift has passed.

And there are several crop circle-Mayan studies/theories, including those on the CropCircleConnector site to satisfy the hungriest Venusian-addict. Take your pick.
*Detailed Venus calendar calculations here.

To be sure, 2013 has waited behind the veil of 2012 for long enough. Now the serpent of light is squeezing out from below the dawn and, if we’re open to it, willing to give our intuitive consciousness the full rein of its supreme intelligence, along with the billion-year-old carbon-fuelled DNA in our cells—and with our right hemisphere—this serpent energy may trigger our solar-inspired cells to become more than the sum of our parts: perhaps even to fulfill the destiny our [Egyptian, Sumerian, Assyrian, Greek, Russian, Roman, dare I say Atlantean?] forefathers foretold: “to become as one with the gods”.

Will it be a happy Valentine’s Day? If immortality awaits, are we really, culturally, humanly, lovingly, intuitively, psychically ready?
©2013 Siderealview

Lifting the Veil: Humanity at the Gate: Solstice 2012

November 29, 2012

Santiaguito volcano, Guatemala, September equinox 2012; Earth stirred in transition from summer to autumn

Serpentine Mind disentangles from branches of confusion uncoils its knowledge to greet the dawn and sees In the growing light
Great Colored, feathered wings
That grew unnoticed in its sleep
Understanding perfectly
In a single rush of joy
It flies above the ancient promises
Beyond where the forest lies to the Sea
The open sea
As rings around the Morning Star
Light corridors through the air

During classic harvest time, a crop circle appeared on new moon August 17th/18th, predicting thirty-six days stretching from then until autumn equinox, September 22nd; and coincidentally twenty days backwards to Lammas and the Avebury masterpiece, more below.

According to some Maya present-day research, Equinox is the famed day for witnessing the serpent of light creep down its light staircase at Chichen Itza. Equinox ceremonies there are attracting increasing numbers each year on that day, and it added to the excitement this year that seven “triangles of shadow and light” appeared on the northern staircase. The August crop circles appeared to reinforce this appearace of Kukulcan.

Today, one hundred days farther on, the full moon in Gemini/Sagittarius—plus a partial lunar eclipse——may be closing one door——the end of an astronomical sky show and spectacle which the Heavens have been giving us all year—

2012 Astromical Highlights
May 4 Partial lunar eclipse, off Mexico
May 14 First standstill Venus during retrograde loop
May 20 Annular eclipse of Sun
June 6 Transit of Venus (above) and Inferior Conjunction
November 13 2012 Total solar eclipse, in which Sun and Moon align with head of the Serpent (constellation Serpens)
November 18 Solar system conjunct dark ridge Galactic Center
Nov 28 Partial (penumbral) lunar eclipse

—or a preparation for what is —more energetically— to come.

We are told by all Cultures that moments of experiencing the “Shift” are individual: that we will be taken by the Light, know if it is meant for us, that it matches our own inner right-ness, intent, and it will allow us to move on down the new path. Our spiritual senses are being honed. It is thrilling to believe the crop circles—particularly later in the 2012 seson—are showing us a kind of starmap of consciousness: in the essential original meaning of the Maya calculation of time: they appear to be more a calendar to consciousness.

Sadly, out there in television land there is a war being waged to capture our attention “in fear” and to distract us from what is happening in our inner-spiritual world.

Avebury forecast solstice dawn to precision limits; photo M.Etchepare

Human consciousness is rapidly transitioning to a new state, a new intensity of awareness that will manifest as a different understanding, a transformed realization, of time and space and self.
Daniel Pinchbeck

Several years ago Michael Glickman suggested some crop circles were representative calendars or ‘maps of time’. A square within a circle in 1997, itself made up of twenty-six rows of 30 squares, the total number of squares coinciding with the number of weeks remaining from its appearance date until the end of 2012. Glickman and Pinchbeck both believe that the focus on the end of this year too marks a dimensional shift and the purpose of crop circles is to key us in to this change, and to give us clues as to how this shift in dimension will manifest itself in our world.

Thankfully, help from the crop circles has only continued to manifest and inspire us—with the magnificent series of serpent formations all summer, and the Avebury culmination, commented on in so much detail by astronomer Miguel Etchepare.

More sigificant than the development of language…
We are all aware that there is a Shift going on. In physical terms, it has taken some by storm; continents have upheaved, hurricanes have raged; and the December portal beckons.

Ken Carey writes:

The great day of purification has begun—a short but essential division that will gather those who promote fear and volence and separate them from from this Season of the World like chaff is separated from wheat at binding.
During these next two and one half decades [written in 1988] humankind will experience this separation, a transformation in human consciousness more fundamental than the development of language, more significant than the shift to agriculture, more meaningful than any historical revolution.

The dawn approaches.

What if they are all right?

Returning to Galactic Birth Canal
There has been such a plethora of celestial events, from Mars lander, to Voyager breaking through the heliosheath, to Venus transit, and potent crop circle reflections in autumn fields have echoed events, even after the crop crowd had closed down group hopes and expectations for the year.

Venus's Heliacal Rising, November 2011, her return from the Underworld presaged solstic dawn 2012

Something in between dreaming and doing
Something arching down from there to here
We are the arching
We are neither here nor there
We are the hope that lives between
The continual blooming outward and upward
of something we want
but cannot see

– Author unknown

The Etchepare series of videos is important to view—especially for budding astronomers or those less aware of the movement of the skies. On the Maya count, above, November 13th’s total solar eclipse brought the sun and moon to co-align with head of the Serpent (Serpens caput); while last week on November 18th, the Solar System became conjunct with the dark ridge of Galactic Center. Please read various back up blogs on Venusian cycles, significance of Galactic Center, the Maya Sacred Tree.

Each year we spin in and out of this Dark Rift: it is a cosmic sign of our balance in the system, a prelude to our annual rendezvous with Galactic Center—that dark patch in the Milky Way—when the Sun, including us, microscopic specks of energy clinging on to the plane of the ecliptic, all nine planets of our system as one, aligned again with our Motherboard-birth canal, the Creator-energy-vortex, on November 18th in the middle of our Galaxy. The portal is still open—our consciousness is being assisted before the sun spirals away one more time, and we shall head off for another year of peripatetic searching through infinite realms of space.

What is significant about Etchepare’s starmap—interpreted solely from his inspired reading of the Lammas Avebury crop circle, above, is that by associating each planet as it rises ahead of the sun just before dawn on solstice, December 21st, 2012, not only do the planets—led by Saturn, Mars, Venus guide the solar rays ahead like a plough or cosmic train of starlight and planetary bodies—along the line of the Ophiuchus’ [Serpent-bearer] arms, holding both ends of the Serpent—Serpens:caput, head, above November 13th led by Spica and the edge of constellation Virgo; pulling serpens cauda (serpent tail) after him.

But … when all these miracles have been witnessed all over the planet —various earth views are given, making it easier to understand the sky program from any earth location, including Antarctica—the dawn sun … rises from the very mouth of the Galactic Rift.

For the Maya to calculate so far in advance of their own time and to see this train of heavenly bridal veil enticing the light to re-emerge from its birth-hole—was indeed unprecedented. It is still difficult for some to comprehend such detailed knowledge of the heavens so vastly ahead in time. However, their predictions for solstice are phenomenal—to an exact celestial degree: Saturn joins Spica/Virgo to ensnare Ophiuchus, who, wrestling forever with the head and tail of the Serpent, drags—alongside Venus and Mars—the reluctant Sun at the exact moment of dawn from his cosmic birth cavity at Galactic Center to be reborn for a new cycle.

Indeed a spectacle worth keeping predictive records of witness for over three thousand years. And we are the civilization alive to witness it.

In the eyes of the Ancestors, we are the ones we have been waiting for. We need to get our heads round this soon: and … before solstice would be good.

Above all, group consciousness, or combined intuition is clearly the way to perceive what is happening to us.

For those perhaps not willing to take another [spiritual] leap, the earth will continue in her beautiful bounty, I do believe; but I also believe there is an added dimension out there—not just because the crop circles have succeeded in describing “portals” in detail; but because all the ancient calendars can’t be wrong.
©2012 Siderealview

Solar-Serpent bonding: Earth’s Love Affair with the Light

August 22, 2012

Let the Voyage begin——

Ephemeral apparition: head of serpent/dragon lady in the wheat at Picked Hill, Woodborough near Alton Barnes, August 20th, 2012; sadly harvested within the hour,
photo, courtesy Jack Byron

Amid wild celebrations last week for the Mars Curiosity-Rover project, only a small cheer went up in the world of sky-watchers, astronomers and space-fans, to mark on August 20th the thirty-fifth anniversary of the Voyager launches.

What is more significant—but less broadcast—is the fact that Voyager-2 (launched August 20th, 1977) and Voyager-1, (two weeks later on September 5th, 1977)—now at 9.3 billion and 11 billion miles/18 billion kilometers respectively from the sun—are encountering their first brush with a new horizon: the ‘heliopause’~~~ entry into the intersteller void.

Since 2005 Voyager-1 has been exploring the outer layer of the bubble of charged particles which the sun blows around itself: its heliosphere, a cocoon of electromagnetism which buffers it and us, its planetary children, from the bombardment of cosmic rays from interstellar regions.

Suddenly our envoys—the Voyager twins—enter a whole new dimension: heliopause, between solar system and hyperspace

At interstellar interface, NASA expected a trio of changes:
1. strength of solar particle bubble or ‘mist’ to weaken, as the edge of the field, the heliosheath, was reached;
2. increased interaction with the interstellar field and consequent bombardment of cosmic rays;
3. polarity shift of the cosmic magnetic field in relation to the solar magnetic field.

Then last month, in one day—July 28th—as if fulfilling their dreams, data from Voyager-1′s cosmic ray instrument panel showed the level of high-energy cosmic rays originating from outside our solar system had jumped dramatically—by five percent. During the last half of that same day, the level of lower-energy particles originating from inside the solar system had correspondingly dropped—by half. NASA Astrophysicists seemed confident to announce that Voyager-1 has crossed into interstellar space.

Angels and Dragons*
Meanwhile back on Earth, despite continuing adverse weather conditions persisting since July, the croppie community in Wiltshire were holding their breath, waiting for the 2012 season ‘finale’ when, invariably in the past, August makes its last summer statement amid the ‘waves of grain’.

Stanton St Bernard (3 phases); dripping with sundog terminals, light-enhanced sacred temple towers lead to angelic orbs with a fairytale fanstasy feel

In contrast to the glorious summer of 2011, when crop circles seemed blessed by farmers willing to tolerate both their impromptu appearance and the visitors they generated, 2012 circle designs have had a hard time. Long gaps—days of rain with no crop circles—frustrated CC-watchers. The weather is not all to blame. For reasons known only to some farmers themselves, 2012 crop imprints have suffered heavy losses from immediate cutting; but because the CC fraternity—so forgiving, so believing—are backed up by such a strong and dedicated team of hang-gliding, microlite and fixed-wing pilots and photographers, not a single image has been “lost”. The designs may no longer fill a space in the fields, but their images linger in cyberspace for continued enjoyment, meditation, discussion, and analysis—of which there has been plenty.

So those few rare events which survived, especially those like Stanton St.Bernard, above, which attracted successive phases, have been like manna from heaven.
*thanks to Prof. Paul de Vierville for inspiration

Earlier in 2012…

Avebury’s dramatic neolithic double-ramparts provide an arena to view the August 1st triple serpents, in a field bounded on the E by sacred Green Path/ancient Ridgeway

For those who are only now discovering the depth of the croppie belief system, it may help to know that various pet theories perpetuate among long-term students of the phenomenon, particularly in 2012: among them that they display—
—Calendar system(s) of the Maya; where rendezvous with Galactic Center between winter solstice December 21st, 2012 and January 5th, 2013 marks the end of one five-thousand-year cycle and the beginning of another;

Serpents and sundogs; angels and dragons: serpentine crop circles centered on Woodborough, Picked and Milk Hills, Alton Barnes, June-August 2012
mosaic by Michael Costa

—In several native American traditions, 2012 foretold as the time of ‘Return of the Ancestors’; also interpreted as the time when the people of the Earth will see the light and return together to ‘ancestral ways’ of nurture, respect for and—in many cases—worship of sacred places;
—Return of Aztec god Quetzalcoatl—Kukulkan of the Maya—heralded by complex ‘signs in the heavens’, including Venus transit, solar fireworks and striking planetary conjunctions;
—Fulfilment of Biblical prophecies, some based on even earlier Sumerian, Arab or Egyptian myth;
—Heavenly antics, comets, auroral and spectral phenomena and including star and planet alignments not seen for 26,000 years, or one backward cycle of the solar system through all twelve signs of the zodiac on the celestial ecliptic: the precession of the equinoxes.

Voyager and the Voyage

2012 Finale: Woodborough/Picked Hill August 20—earlier designs all rolled into one—feathered serpent head, starlight twinkling terminals, world faith symbols & power of coiled dragon energy dance within an orb—who could ask for more?

It may be wishful thinking to see Voyager’s capsule of electromagnetic plasma in this August 20th —anniversary— crop circle, left; and there are certainly other intriguing similarities in it to explore: it has a recognizable ‘signature’—light-enhanced terminals, feathered-serpent curving orb-filled body—which over this season has made repeat appearances, like a familiar artist illustrating a beloved fairy tale, bringing together individual jigsaw pieces from his house of cards, his rainbow palette, each successive glyph a mirror or a fragment of the one before: to make one cohesive whole. At the same time the Woodborough/Picked Hill creation strikes a chord on a subliminal level, making the subconscious conscious; activating elements within us we barely understand ourselves.

Among the first to arrive, and last to leave, dragon tadpoles (Woodborough, June 9th) offspring of the Woodborough Hill finale, August 20th, have survived intact until harvest this week.

Encapsulated in its multi-liminal design, above, are elements suggested in the earlier motifs (players on June and July’s bucolic stage are described in my July 11th blog); some see this season’s multiple appearances as Earth Energy, Dragon Force, others as the influence of the famed St Michael (ley) line, or fluctuating electromagnetic waves, posing as pictures in already ripe barley and wheatfields.

So, when the apparent finale appeared Monday morning August 20th—harvested within hours by an irate farmer convinced that his field had been vandalized by board-and-string ‘hoaxers’—believers were doubly grateful for the presence-of-mind of at least two microlite/aircraft photographers who were able to capture aerial images for the croppie audience.

From heart chakra to crown via a silver thread to the Soul: kundalini in crop circles

Picked Hill is a marvel of symbolism:

Star-dragon CCs: familiar recurring sequence, top l. June, middle July, lower August 2012; graphics ©RC

incorporating in electromagnetic shorthand, visual reminders of half a dozen of the season’s most provocative designs, while simultaneously triggering subliminal stimulus in the human observer. It encompasses the oval (‘alien’) head of Hinton Parva, July 25th, mirrored in both Picked Hill-1 ‘nest’ (July 9th, harvested) and Avebury’s triple serpents, August 1st, below, whose own sundog sparkles point SE, indicating the direction of the serpents’ final resting place. In addition, as the observer is led out from the central ‘brain cortex’ of the oval head, it can be visualized as the crown chakra, seen from above (implication: a higher dimensional view) which appears to connect via a slim sparkling sliver—kundalini’s silver umbilical cord of light—to the soul;

Etchilhampton July 28th, piercing the heliosheath, V-ger enters hyperspace; or the crescent/decrescent cycles of Venus and Moon? various interpretations abound

the central crescent whose elaborate shadow featured in the Etchilhampton ornate double crescent crop circle of July 28th, below right, is like a decorative pinnacle on a sacred mosque, looking east; but the same Woodborough crown chakra, when skewed horizontally, transforms into an all-seeing eye [eye of Horus, humankind’s pineal gland, inner third eye]; and the feathered headdress associated with Kukulcan, feathered serpent Sun-god of the Maya—another allusion to the mingling of sunlight with dragon energy in the earth; the whole formation is surrounded by the same psychedelic sparkling terminals seen in the fairytale Vimana-angel-sundog formation of Stanton St.Bernard pictured above [phase 1 June 29th, phase 2 July 17th, phase 3 July 20th], completed exactly one month ago.

Woodborough, viewed sideways, displays the all-seeing eye, the crescent forming a glint of light within the iris

Curiously, its feathers cresting the familiar sharp-egg shape—oval—are unevenly spaced and numbered, their axis and that of the central sickle-Muslim crescent aligned a little to the east of south, which has inspired some to calculate ‘moons’ until December solstice this year. We may not all be left-hemisphere calculators with determination to master complex number systems, but spatially, there are other pointers in the formation. As apex of a triangle no more than half a mile across, its imaginary SE arm points to July 9th ‘nesting serpent’ (obliterated), while a half mile to SW, the triangle’s other arm alights on the energy serpent/tadpole babies spawned June 9th on the other side of Picked Hill—miraculously still intact. This is where the solar-serpent love affair has come to rest. In spite of having her first nest trashed, she chose Picked Hill to return and try again.

New Horizons

‘Central sun’ motif at the centerpoint of the Milk Hill design, August 5th. iPhone GPS, cellphones and compasses were reported to malfunction; superb poleshot, Stuart Dike

At a most basic level, magnetic fields are produced only by electricity; and the powerful limestone aquifer of Wiltshire, in particular around Woodborough, Alton Barnes, Milk Hill and Avebury, invariably attracts and produces conditions conducive to the generation of that energy. So, with new eyes, we may wish to observe Earth within the context of our Universe as electrically charged, electrically based and electrically-operated. Fluctuating solar flares and increasing sunspot activity only encourage the love affair perpetuated from the dawn of time between our star and our Earth Mother. It needs only a tiny stretch of the imagination to feel the deep resonance between such a powerful star and its watery planet offspring. Each year as solar energy beats down (sometimes mercilessly) on the Pale Blue Dot we call home, we revel in summer, anticipate another crop circle season, and enjoy the timeless beauty of light, on which we all depend. August is a month of bountiful plenty; of forgetfulness of what winter resurrects when our star deserts us to shine on the opposite hemisphere.

Miraculously, a power greater than we can imagine ordains that even after the severest of winters, our star—forever entwined in its loving embrace with our serpent/Earth mother—will see us through and the light will return.

The journey of 2012 may seem little different from, say, 2011, 2010, but we don’t all have to be empaths to figure that something fundamental has changed. It’s not just that Voyager has reached the outer edge of our system of knowledge, and the journey onward from here into the unknown is one we all now must share responsibly, no longer take for granted.

Our ancestors—from diverse cultures and traditions—all shared earth wisdom as part of understanding life’s cycles. The crop circle theme of 2012, if one single theme is identifiable, may be just that: we are passengers in a starship driving rudderless through the void; and while the engine powering our voyage towards Galactic Center at midwinter clearly adores our Mother-Serpent-Earth, it is a carefree lover, with eight other planets in tow, careening headlong towards the Dark Rift in the Milky Way, with the same abandon displayed by the Voyager interstellar probes who even now are entering their own new region of space. We, human operators of the Earth ship have a responsibility as caretakers and it is time to take care of our home. We are made up of stardust, “billion year-old carbon”, and we…

“…got to get ourselves back to the garden”
Joni Mitchell

©2012 Siderealview

Nuntius dixit: Consciousness Shift, new Belief in Self-Unity ~ & a Solstitial Meditation

December 22, 2011

Aurora Borealis at its height during Earth's buffeting in early December solar storm

We are already well into the Trans-itional Process. Conditions have changed, but we must tell people, as I was told. Few notice this on their own.
Ken Carey, December 2011

This year has spanned twelve months of profound and disorienting changes. Very few of us have escaped.

Now as the year winds down, light hours come to their briefest ebb, the sun comes to a ‘standstill’(sol-stice), everyone is getting those days of feeling ‘not-quite-there’ or half way through and already feeling like a limp rag. It’s called hibernation.

I do believe that solstice week of 2011 is bringing home to so many of us—through emotional experience—a culmination of a yearful of calamaties; a supercluster of supersonic speed changes and a rollercoaster ride into the last days of the December 2011 spiral, as we head into January 2012.

As that Big Number crawls ever closer and we become so focused on its magic aura, perhaps we have not been looking around. We are headed helter-skelter for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Hanukkah…and many proclaim the EndTimes predicted in the Longcount Calendar of the ancient Maya.

But it’s all about LIGHT!

…and just for TODAY (and tomorrow) we are experiencing the shortest days (least light) in the Northern Hemisphere.

After tonight—the longest night—the hours of daylight will once again begin to lengthen; our spirits to strengthen.

It may not feel like it (mid-solitude-meditation or last mad-rush), but it all turns on today’s hinge.

If you are a meditator, if you like to set time aside to contemplate our communal progress, now is a good time. A special meditation is given here by meditator-par-excellence, author of Return of the Bird Tribes, Ken Carey.

It is our strength of spirit which is hovering now—reflected in the horoscope chart below—Great Spirit is checking out the last of our faltering steps, so close on the threshold of thrusting ourselves into that new time.

Riding the evolutionary wave this week—and into the whole first quarter of 2012—consists of feeling—not suppressing—all our deepest darkest fears to the fullest; hanging in there through the tsunami; and then regaining our equilibrium in triumphant glory! We just don’t know how strong we are, until we use a little solar muscle.

The Winter Solstice and Galactic Center

Coincidentally at this time of year, the Sun, Moon, Earth and all planets of the solar system come into closest proximity and alignment with our nearest parent galaxy—the Milky Way—whose motherly arm extends out to us from the ‘kink’ in the middle of her trailing gown of starfields. The kink at Galactic Center has been beckoning us in cycles since 1983 and we have one more cycle in this great Cosmic Calculation to go…till December solstice 2012 rendezvous with that great energy point, see Cosmic Birth Canal.

Crab Nebula, image courtesy of Hubble Telescope

Winter Solstice occurs when the Sun is at its most southerly declination of -23.5º in the Northern hemisphere during the shortest day of the year. The sun is directly overhead on the Tropic of Capricorn in the Southern hemisphere at that solstice, and is the longest day of the year for those living south of the Tropic of Capricorn.

This solstice week four major planets are also visible together in the evening (south-to-western) sky in the Northern hemisphere: from left to right: Jupiter (high in South), Uranus, Neptune and Venus (low in West),

And if you get up early tomorrow morning you will see the rest of the planets lined up in spectacular array in the pre-dawn sky: Mercury, the Moon, Saturn and Mars.

In the background are three of the brightest stars in the night sky: Arcturus, Regulus (Leo), and Spica (Virgo).

“Predicted long ago by civilizations such as the Yucatan Peninsular Maya, the winter solstice of the year AD 2011 is to see the culmination of many smaller cycles in the evolution of consciousness.” Ken Carey December 2011

The special days and nights right before the Winter Solstice and immediately afterward, are the most mystical time of the year, an opportunity for human hibernation of sorts: time available for us to meditate for hours during this time. It is good for us.

Solstice is a time to enter into deep contemplation—to imagine how our personal creations assist others and the planet—a time to divest and release old burdens.

“Powerful cosmic currents of transformational forces are engulfing our planet, our solar system, and in fact our entire galactic arm as we are about to initiate a new Great Cycle of Evolution. Predicted long ago by civilizations such as the Yucatan Peninsular Maya, the winter solstice of the year AD2011 is to see the culmination of many smaller cycles in the evolution of consciousness.” Ken Carey December 2011

Ken Carey's Return of the Bird Tribes, 1991

Ken Carey, long-dormant author of the Starseed Trilogy, Vision, and Return of the Bird Tribes has resurfaced during 2011 after near-seclusion since publishing his seminal works (1979-91).

He has come out of a twenty-year period of hiberation to make some revelationary announcements: he takes this new time by the shoulders and shakes it: Unlike others who have been worried that an earth-pole reversal is possible, he suggests that the ‘reversal’ is a “shift in ourselves”.

“Simply put, the polarity reversal has started consciously moving us toward a mental state where we think about God more than ourselves, a state where we find ourselves looking around the natural world, wondering who the heck thought all this stuff up, who created it, and why. Even now, if we meditate and refuse to let fear automatically make our decisions, we soon find ourselves caught up in a sort of treasure hunt so intriguing and fascinating that it actually becomes hard not to think about it!”
Read more:link

Winter solstice chart for December 21st, 2011 6pm in Northern hemisphere

Ms Clow is also a believer that at culmination of the Mayan Calendar (Calleman version October 28), this is the first Winter Solstice since completion of our long evolutionary journey into Oneness; surely, she thinks, this tipping point is significant.

Barbara Hand Clow is, as always, outspoken:
“The Winter Solstice is the time to be brutally honest and evaluate whether our ideas enhance others or whether they may actually be detrimental for evolution. A sweet elixir of knowing comes the day of the Winter Solstice when the light begins to return, and each one of us can put greater realities above our personal desires. Chart detail below*.

Ken Carey provides us with a guided meditation for this especial time—a time which is beneficial for us all to slip out of our ‘cultural’ role and reconnect with our “five-minute path to God“.

He also believes we are due to meet our Maker in the truest sense of all indigenous belief in becoming absorbed by the One, the Divine, the Nagual. Many have already made the connection, but now there are opportunities for the new initiates, the newbie-wannabe-souls to join together too. He calls it our “moment of non-time” when we experience this oneness with Spirit for the first time.

For many of us, that experience is long overdue.

He calls it in his ‘spoof alert’—a preparation for meeting in that nanosecond of non-time:

The Kink in the Milky Way --galactic center where we rendezvous each year at winter solstice

It has become clear to me that we all live in the middle of the Galaxy. I noticed that we had chosen to exist in a moderately populated arm of our spiraling galaxy, and that our galaxy was right there in a moderately populated part of the universe. There’s nobody out there on the rim of Zero, and, as much as we hate to admit it, we get lonely, so we all huddle in the middle. I translated what I felt, intuited, perceived, heard, into the all-encompassing visual word, “saw.” 
And I saw that the pinhead in the middle of the our sacred circle wasn’t just us humans, but was, in fact, all the stars, galaxies—electrons, subatomic particles right up alongside the reddest of the largest giant stars. The restlessness of the pioneer spirited particle/waves had chosen to settle and explore the outskirts, the Unnamed Lands of which nothing was known. But the little ones, not knowing they were leaders, grew uncomfortable. They wanted some names, even just a few, but the further out they went, there was nothing there, even the ether was as sparse as a desert’s watering holes. 
They wanted to turn back, the very smallest of the smallest, which we haven’t detected yet, made the decision. They all came to a full stop. Utterly STILL they were, utterly still. And the outermost rim of The Circle quivered, all 360 degrees simultaneously. For a nanosecond—I’ve certainly come at a good TIME, I thought—the whole thing blinked off and on, everything: the hypothetical circle and its creative contents, everything that is named, and everything that has no name.”

His full meditation is linked here.

CAREY Handholds along the precipice

His final words give inspiration, consistently encouraging:
Do you want to know a secret?  “Bringing you here, into this awareness, was the goal of all the words that flowed since this meditation began.  Hopefully you have heard few of these words, hopefully you’ll remember fewer still, the mantra of their drone drew you through your own passages, tunnels, alleyways, skyways and caves.  You can always read these words later.  But heard spoken aloud, as I now think they should be the first time, these words were given you to remind you only of the general direction by which you will one day soon easily drift home. 

“Yes,  you have only climbed a spiritual ladder of which the words were but steps to a higher frequency.  When others have drawn you back into the dominant cultural mythology, they may come in handy.  But you no longer need them now.  Now you are centred in God, in your deepest and truest level of being.  Now you have become wholly yourself

Once you reach the stratosphere, there's no need to pull the ladder up after yourself...

“Once you are on the roof, you don’t need to haul the ladder up behind you.  It has served God’s purpose, so you move on. 

Your growing number of friends with whom you can discuss this, and meditate together again and again into this awareness will so increase your joy.

You find it much easier than you have in the past to practice staying in this consciousness.  Others will follow, and the flow will continue. 

M31 Andromeda spiral Galaxy, nearest galaxy to our own Milky Way at 2.5million light years distant

“Today could be the arrival, yes, the arrival of God, but also the arrival of spirit beings and angels far more numerous than the human race.  They have been training too for these past 5,125 years.  Many have been assigned to you and guiding you since birth.  That is why you have found these words, these steps of a ladder you will soon leave behind.” ©KenCarey, December 2011

… and the astrological small print
Because solstice sun is followed by Capricorn New Moon on December 24th (Christmas Eve) chart aspects are given below.

*Clow Chart detail
The reading for the Sagittarius (Sag) New Moon noted that the wild December 10 Gemini lunar eclipse (the fulfillment of the Sag New Moon) would be intense because Uranus went direct at 0 Aries. This combination seems to have shredded patriarchal financial resistance to supporting fairness with money because the Euro nations were forced to come to an agreement based on greater sharing. In the reading for the New Moon in Sag, which featured a wonderful grand trine in the earth element-Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus-we noted “(the grand trine) suggests the world financial structures will not collapse totally because unexpected levels of support arrive that ease the transition into more fairness and equality.” B H Clow, November 2011

This year’s Winter Solstice chart has almost all the planets situated in deep resonance with each other, and intriguingly, the god of war, Mars, is not part of this harmonic dance. Mars has no aspects to the other luminaries, so he looms like a Watcher in the sky hoping the shift can liberate him to be mostly a god of personal power instead of merely the god of war. We are witnessing a sign of the coming times. At the Solstice, the Sun moves into Capricorn, close to the Galactic Center and also conjuncts Pluto; trines Jupiter in Taurus; squares newly direct Uranus in Aries; sextiles Chiron/Neptune; and sextiles Saturn.

This aspect will continue throughout the winter months.

The sextiles to the Sun from Chiron, Neptune, and Saturn encourage us to adopt deep ways of wisdom and healing, instead of frittering away our resources and creativity. These aspects are all very close, so their intermingling patterns tell a story of remarkable change that is opening space for new patterns throughout humanity.

“Our world is like a re-tooled factory that is ready to spit out new models”
BClow: Aspects of December solstice 2011

She believes these aspects to the Solstice Sun are game changers that allow each one of us to look at the world in entirely new ways.

Carey is holding out open arms to all who would step with him into the new reality of ‘God-centering‘. Both with his shared meditation and in his new blog where he welcomes readers old and new to his wisdom.

With grateful thanks to Ken Carey, whose contributions are ©
©2011 Siderealview

Group Consciousness: Instinct Shows the Way

November 28, 2011

A murmuration of starlings, thousands celebrating strangely warm weather, late November, NE Scotland

A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song. 
Lou Holtz

Starlings are some of the most ubiquitous birds on the planet: seen in Asia and Europe as all-black, in north Africa and western USA, bespeckled with silver. They are also the most adaptable. They are equally at home in open Scandinavian farmland, the mountains of Scotland and over the ocean bays of the Northwest Pacific coast. They flock in ‘murmurations’, dancing at dusk before they swoop to their pre-roost. Then, just as suddenly, as if on a signal by a starling commander, they flip upwards to the sky once more, perform a reprise and –communally, as one — head for bed. Sometimes there is a twitter, a single juvenile not quite in tune with the rest, but mostly their flight is silent, except for its enormous “swoosh” as a thousand birds murmurate overhead. For a mere human, rooted to the ground, it is a seminal experience; a writer-friend says “gotta put this on my bucket list: see a murmuration before I kick it”. For the starling, it is an exercise in group consciousness. A pre-nap flex of those compact little bodies, as if to celebrate the last of the light.

As with many animals — the cetaceans, the wolves — the starling’s group consciousness shows how far we humans have strayed from our own instincts, our intuitive ability to sense the emotions, the loves and fears of our fellows.

Do starlings have a deeper connection to ocean life? or are they just teasing us? Murmuration over Gretna, Borders in Scotland's warmest Autumn 2011

A wolf knows the difference between an inconvenience and a catastrophe Clarissa Pinkola-Estes Women Who Run with the Wolves

It is our instinct, says Dr Clarissa Pinkola-Estes, American poet, author of ‘Women Who Run with the Wolves’, 1995, and Jungian psychotherapist, which women are reasserting, re-educating their families to recognize, allowing the long-hidden feminine ‘knowing’ to come back into its own. She likens parental instinct (often in both parents — not just restricted to the female source) to radar.

“A mama’s, papa’s heart tracks the presence, speed, direction, and distance of the swift-flying hearts of kidlettes… where those beloved flying objects are positioned, at what altitude, in what condition they are traveling. This is a normal state in nature, for the older to keep track of the young.” She believes that the mother-father-radar can track other objects of like kind. That this same radar can “map the surfaces of other ‘objects’ in the same sky… including their density and intents, whether near or far away, so as to sense ‘what else’ is ‘out there’ in the universe their lovelings travel day and night.” She is convinced human instinct just needs to be fostered for it to return alive and well to the human heart; that fear — exaggerated by Culture, bombarded by Media — dents and dulls instinct, damages its natural flow. But intuition can be repaired. She tells a sweet story to illustrate how.


“There is a little story in our family told about the wolf of the village named Gubbio. In our highly unconventional Schwäbisher version of the Gubbio Wolf, St Francis of Assisi who could speak to the animals, spoke to a Wolf the villagers madly feared for all its growling and staightlegged and ears-forward postures in the roads and behind the homes.

“Gentle Francis praised Wolf for her many attributes, but also whispered to Wolf, ‘Dont act quite so scary with the villagers, you know, keep some of the things you know and see to yourself… instead of always growling or barking them out over every little thing. That way the villagers will not fear you. And you can still see what you see, know what you know, and if need be, react accordingly.’

Women and wolves: tuned into their instincts; Pinkola-Estes' wolf archetype

“And Wolf agreed to do thusly, and loved St. Francis because Francis was gentle with her, and did not chastise her… but instead, taught her to remember her best self again.

“And thus, in our family the old people told the story that the Wolf from that day forward to whomever asked, would share her thoughts and ideas with whichever human being thought to ask Her about her far sight, her keen sense of smell and hearing, and her ‘tasting the air’.”
Women who run with the Wolves, 1992, 1995 C. Pinkola-Estes, American poet, post-trauma specialist and Jungian psychotherapist.

….Like an alert and healthy wolf, many a mother’s heart, a father’s heart carries a radar system in order to herd, teach, protect the vulnerable and the young…**

So, it happens that we, the human race have been gearing up to 2012, sensing with greater or lesser instinctual knowing, that something is afoot. It’s not just that solar radar is shooting flares at us in gay abandon — the current ‘radiation storm‘ causing anomalous weather, high-latitude aurora borealis and electrical blackouts — but deep in our cultural memory, our Oversoul anticipates and prophecies foretell something earth-shifting to take place as one World Age grinds to a halt and a New World Age starts up its engines.

Return to Source: realignment with the Center of the Milky Way December solstice 2012

What this new world will be, we still do not know — and unknowing has traditionally been the death of the logical mind. But there have been and continue to be many signs: from the Occupy movement statement of zero tolerance by our Youth, now two months down the line; to the much-vaunted-and-analyzed Long Count Calendar of the Maya, spiraling to a close in just over one year from now, December solstice, 2012, when coincidentally the Earth, Sun and Solar System will come into close alignment with Galactic Center. It is the moment the Maya foretold that we come into alignment with the Sacred World Tree, that deep chasm in space at the center of the Milky Way where we shall re-enter our Cosmic birth canal.

Windmill Hill July 26th, 2011 Ouroboros, mythical serpent consuming its own tail: return to our own birth canal

Looking back over the crop circle season of 2011 in England – and not forgetting a number of surprise Southern hemisphere appearances in Brazil end-October/early November, it seems we have been prompted many times to trigger our cultural folk memory, our Group consciousness, into desire to return to our ancestral roots: not just in terms of retuning into our Earth Mother — to care for and nurture her — but to our celestial roots where we rendezvous in December 2012 with the birth canal from which the solar system sprang: symbolized by the classic Ouroboros, serpent of wisdom and all knowledge, consuming his own tail.

New Man reborn from the mouth of the Serpent, Kukulkan

In Central American legend, when the serpent swallows his beginnings, New Man emerges from the serpent’s throat, reborn, rejuvenated, re-instructed in the wisdom of the spheres.

Unlike the internet system of ‘artificial intelligence’ of just one decade ago, the network most of us call our alternate home is burgeoning with spiritual advice, distance healing, consciousness-raising exercises and support groups. It is as if, in a few years we are being groomed to elevate our consciousness, ourselves, our Group Mind and hone our new knowledge and our Instinct in any way we can, in order to prepare ourselves for a meeting with our Greater Selves: it is as if the Attractor at the End of Time is calling us to become one with All that Is. And, unlike a few years ago, the concept is now less daunting. We are becoming accustomed to the idea that we ARE, as Carl Sagan once said, Children of the Stars, and that we are returning Home.

Feels good, doesn’t it?
©2011 Siderealview

** Dr Pinkola-Estes is a miracle woman/wolf in Jungian clothing. When she authored the first edition of WWRWTW in 1995, certain pages were edited out (who could edit out such wonders?). Be that as it may, she is now offering access to these missing gems and posting them on her Facebook page. Do visit and *like. You will be glad you did. MCY

The Enchanted Loom: Return of the Ancestors

October 26, 2011

In Teotihuacan mural solar plasma showers humans with 'enLIGHTenment'; musical instruments play joyful rhythms

The brain is waking and with it the mind is returning. It is as if the Milky Way entered upon some cosmic dance. Swiftly the head mass becomes an enchanted loom where millions of flashing shuttles weave a dissolving pattern, always a meaningful pattern though never an abiding one; a shifting harmony of subpatterns
Charles Sherrington ‘Man on his Nature’, 1942

The Maya say within the present Great Cycle of 5200 years, a calculation of time based on the Precession of the Equinoxes (apparent backward movement of the Sun through the zodiac, as viewed in spring –each Grand cyclical revolution totaling 25,920 years), the Long Count began on August 13, 3114 BC; and that it will end or begin again on December 21, 2012. Focus for its beginning date is the calculation that August 13 (Gregorian calendar) falls 52 days after summer solstice, always the Mayas’ date of Creation. There are exactly 7200 Tzolk’in rounds in this creation cycle. Maya day-keepers believe that the purpose of the Tzolk’in is to serve as a hub or temporal microcosm for all calendar cycles, and as such, the true Great Cycle must begin and end on a day that is 13 Ahau in the Tzolk’in count. In traditional reckoning, the Tzolk’in 260-day calendar and the last date for the much-discussed Long Count Calendar, coincide on 21 December 2012, which is not 13 Ahau but 4 Ahau. Hence the current dilemma: does humanity reach enlightenment in two days’ time on October 28th (Calleman, Clow, Argüelles and others)? or is it ultimately a signal, a last boost of light which will carry us into supra-dimensional existence, heralded by winter solstice 2012?

Traditionalists say there are still another 420 days to go, which gives us enough time to assimilate this increasingly powerful influx of light — fiber-optic informational strands of galactic proportions — preparing us to cross that bridge into cosmic consciousness in just over a year’s time.

This is the time heralded widely as the Shift of the Ages.

John Major Jenkins backs up traditional Maya belief in 2012 as the long-awaited time of cyclical renewal and human ascension

Several groups of descendants of Maya genealogy — along with other well-known and well-schooled Western proponents of the 2012 version, like John Major Jenkins and Daniel Pinchbeck — suggest we need to prepare ourselves: that humanity is moving fast towards this reconciliation of opposites, end of duality, joining of time with eternity; the finite with the Infinite; but we have several psychic areas that need refining first. The indigenous tribes are becoming more vocal, no longer holding their knowledge for their own people alone. The Great Cycle climax is like a familiar coming home; for them signs in the heavens (Norway spiral, increased eclipses) are a wonderful occasion for celebration, not fear.

Four eclipses and a transit of Venus are some of the heavenly happenings expected in 2012.

“At any end or beginning nexus -— at the dawn of a new religion or spiritual tradition -— you have this amazing opening. Revelations come down. There’s a fresh awareness of what it means to be alive in the full light of history.”
John Major Jenkins

‘This happens every 5300 years. Do not be afraid, my brothers and sisters; this is not the first time this has happened. We are now in the third Age of the Sun. Don’t believe threats and fear spread by the world’s scaremongers’
Don Alejandro Oxlaj

Tzolk'in Calendar Stone of the Maya, a carved limestone block reflecting similarities with Sanskrit mandalas and Tibetan Buddhist sand paintings of 'Wheel of Time'

“…the sun moving into an alignment with the equator of the Milky Way, the winter solstice of 2012 marks a point within the zone of a shift that actually began years ago…the progression of the sun across the zone of the Milky Way’s equator covers a corresponding zone of time that began in 1980 and ends in 2016…we’re already well into the alignment that the Maya predicted more than 2000 years ago.”
Gregg Braden, ‘Fractal Time

Time acceleration

We are in the midst of a critical evolutionary leap that inspires us to heal our bodies, transmute our emotional blocks, clarify our minds, and discover our souls
Barbara Hand Clow

Ms Clow and Dr Calleman assume that there is total accuracy in the calculation the Maya used to catalogue their concept of time. Ms Clow also believes that time is accelerating at an enormous rate (Hand Clow: The Mayan Code — Time Acceleration and Awakening the World Mind, 2007) and that there are other visible factors beginning to manifest in our 3D plane of existence which are assisting us in elevating our consciousness into a more cosmic view of our reality.

According to Maya Shaman-Priest, Don Alejandro Cirilo Oxlaj Perez:
“Do not be afraid… The prophecy says now is the time of the awakening. This is your job now, to awaken. The Vale of the Nine Hells is past and it is time to prepare for the Age of the Thirteen Heavens.

“The ancestors are returning, my brothers and sisters, and we do not have long. Now is the time that the prophecies will be fulfilled. Do not be afraid.

“The time of 13 Baktun and 13 Ahau is fast approaching, and they shall be here among you to defend Mother Earth. The prophecy says, ‘Let the dawn come. Let all the people and all the creatures have peace, let all things live happily’, for the love must not only be between humans, but among all living things. They said, ‘We are the Children of the Sun, we are the Children of Time and we are travelers in space.

“May all the songs and all the dancers awaken. May all people and all things live in peace. For you are the valleys, you are the mountains, you are the trees, you are the very air you breathe….”

Layers of the Pyramid of Time: Calendar of the Maya Underworlds and their phases

“Now is the time of return of the grandmothers and grandfathers. Now is the time of the return of the elders. Now is the time of the return of the wise ones who are within all of you. Now is the time to go out into the world and spread the light. The sacred flame has been kept for this purpose and now the time approaches when you will be required to love all things, to love a world gone crazy, to rebalance the heavens and the Earth. For the Time of Warning has come to pass and the Warriors of the Rainbow are now being born.”

“Sitting on the stone steps of the Central Acropolis I looked around me at the towering sentinels of stone, their upper platforms stretching above the jungle canopy like altars to the stars, and I listened carefully to the wind whisper messages of a far-off time, and of another world.” John M Jenkins, after a 16-hour bus ride, on first arrival at Tikal

Milk Hill crop circle (2009 June solstice week in three stages) depicts Sun and solar system transmitting light in the form of an informational wave of inspiration

Jenkins is, by his own intellectual reckoning, more traditional in his approach: believing that the completion of the Great Cycle is more likely to happen in December of 2012 because of that date’s synchronistic Galactic alignment. October 2011 has no such cosmic ‘attractor’ calling us from deep space. But on winter solstice 2012, the Earth, the Sun, the solar system of planets and its circling comets will align with that great dark chasm in the middle of the Milky Way which the Maya call the cosmic birth canal, their Sacred World Tree — Galactic Center. Some astrophysicists speculate that this unfathomable abyss is a ‘black hole’ which attracts us and will guide us through the shift.

Our rendezvous with the Galactic equator within our own Milky Way galaxy is believed by the Maya to return us to our ancestral birth canal

Others that it constantly spews out DNA-enhancing light which is already changing our human genome. Whether a black hole sucking in or a light source throwing out, both ideas are theoretical. All we know is that for the last 30 years we have been dancing a skirting flirting rumba, annually bringing us closer to that point of alignment with our parent star cluster.

The Maya, bless them, were besotted with our End Times and our moment of galactic reunion fascinated them as far back as AD500. That alone is a remarkable effort; a truly authentic example of the ability to delay gratification, itself the first sign of enlightenment. Their calculations all center round the 2012 endpoint: when another Great Cycle begins.

“We, by choice or design, actually live in the end
time anticipated by the ancient Maya shaman-prophets. Their bones and their civilization have long since gone into the Gaian womb that claims all the children of time. Indeed, their cities were ghostly necropoleis by the time the Spanish conquerors first gazed upon them, 500 years ago.
“Yet it was our time that fascinated the Maya, and it was toward our time that they cast their ecstatic gaze, though it lay more than two millennia in the future at the time the first long-count dates were being recorded.”
Terence McKenna in his foreword to ‘Maya Cosmogenesis 2012’, John Major Jenkins

Crystal Skull legends

Toltec or Maya rock crystal skull sold by Tiffany's in 1890s to the British Museum

Returning ancestors which indigenous elders speak of are not just of the human variety. An old Native American legend describes the existence of thirteen life-size human skulls made of rock crystal, that are believed to speak or sing. According to legend, these crystal skulls contain answers to some of the great mysteries of life and the Universe. The legend says that in time of greatest need, at a time of enormous crisis for humanity, all thirteen of these crystal skulls will be rediscovered and brought together again to reveal their knowledge. Their information is vital to the very survival of the human race.

Lubaantun, Belize rock crystal skull: when all 13 skulls are assembled, ancestral wisdom will be released to enlighten and guide us

So far six crystal skulls have been found — including the enigmatic Mitchell-Hedges skull, right, discovered in Lubaantun, British Honduras in a Mayan temple in 1924, and the British Museum’s ‘Max’, above. The Lubaantun skull’s size with detachable lower jaw are like no other and examination by Hewlett-Packard in California’s Silicon Valley could detect no tool marks. Carbon dating is impossible as quartz crystal contains no carbon. They concluded laser technology of the highest order was the only means capable of creating it and that its pristine crystalline surface was capable of imprinting ‘gigabytes and gigabytes’ of information beyond present computer technological capability. Its find-location, deep in an AD6thC Mayan temple makes it a controversial object of great beauty which has spawned several novels and an Indiana Jones movie.

The legend emphasizes a pivotal time in human history, when all 13 crystal skulls will be reunited to awaken mankind to a new era — transforming consciousness from the old paradigm into a new world.

“Crystal skulls are complete depositories of knowledge and each skull contains a particular specialist area of information like a living library, each one a volume in a set of encyclopaediae. And those who are able to ‘read’ the crystal skulls will be able to extract knowledge from them only after they are assembled together.” Patricio Dominguez, Pueblo Spiritual Advisor.

“The thirteenth skull represents the collective consciousness of all the worlds. It connects up the knowledge of all the sacred planets”
Swift-Deer, Harley Reagan, Native American Cherokee Medicine Man.

Now would be a good time for the ancestors to return: the human race — numbering one billion in 1804 took 125 yrs to reach two billion in 1929; 3 billion 1959; 4 billion 1974; 5 billion 1987; 6 billion 1998– is about to hit 7 billion on October 31st 2011. So the human population, at the end of this month, has doubled since 1969. We need our ancestral knowledge now — a more gentle form of wisdom, a simpler way of life — if only to save us from cataclysm.

Much of that human population — at least the younger strand of it — is out in the streets right now. They have suggested that we ALL use the 13Ahau date of October 28th as a gesture to turn off the lights (candles instead, unless you’re on solar!) radio, tv, electrical appliances and toys (computers, too) for one day — certainly not to BUY anything in the shops that day — but to go into nature, read a book, meditate, play, dance, sing, create. Suddenly the message is getting out that the people –the little person– has something to say which is meaningful.

To paraphrase Apple co-founder, Steve Wozniak, they are setting the tone for the world.

Imprint of the human pineal gland, the 'third eye' symbolic of Mankind's awakening, Roundway crop circle July 25th, 2011 in Wiltshire's ancestral heartland

Whether as a result of passing through the Photon Belt, receiving DNA enhancing code through crop circles or light from the cosmos, the Human Mind’s ‘Enchanted Loom’ is indeed waking up. We are experiencing more than ever before in recorded history a revitalizing force which permeates us and our immediate surroundings.

This new consciousness is starting to sweep the world. We humans are becoming psychically linked, our minds fusing into unity-consciousness, a worldwide spiritual culture. No longer are collective thought patterns limited to the unconscious. Dream reality is slipping into our waking dimension, our souls vibrating faster; what we think is made manifest before us.

The once external God is becoming an internal sacred voice.

Patcha Cuti and the New Earth
The Andean Q’ero shamans believe a new species of human starts to appear around 2012, helping the world to heal from its wounds.

Akhenaten and Nefertiti accept light rays from the Aten (Sun) in an Egyptian stela from his city of Akhetaten (Tel El Amarna)

Last of the historical Inca, the Q’ero, like Akhenaten’s cult of the sun, believe the sun’s orb brings great change. This pachacuti prophesy has lain within their collective memory/culture for the last 500 years. It is optimistic: they believe a new type of ‘light’ human will appear to help mankind through dark times.

Pacha Cuti, literally ‘world-turner’, can be interpreted in two different ways:
[1] that ancient Inca ruler, Pacha Cuti, an enlightened being, ‘stepped outside of time’ and was famous for greatly expanding the Inca empire; that he will return in 2012 to ‘turn the world around’ from a chaos to peace.
[2] that Pacha Cuti represents great change coming in the form of the ‘luminous ones’ — humans with new (psychic, telepathic) abilities and a luminous nature. These are the ancient ones returning who will set the world right-side-up again. The Inca believe that this new type of human has already manifested and is living now in our time.

Inca Shamans also speak of a tear in the fabric of time itself; of doorways between worlds which are beginning to open up again. They believe we have the opportunity now to explore our real human capabilities and become Pacha Cuti ourselves.

Peruvian Shamans say ancestral wisdom means:
“Follow your own footsteps. Learn from the rivers, the trees and the rocks. Honor the Christ, the Buddha, your brothers and sisters. Honor the Earth Mother and the Great Spirit. Honor yourself and all of creation.”

There are 420 more days to go after October 28th to reach the traditional Long Count finale. This month’s 13 Ahau may be the catalyst to project us into alignment, not just our planet, our solar system, our Sun, with the equator of the Galactic plane, but to align our consciousness with an altogether new world: the world of gnosis in its original Greek meaning: intuitive, esoteric knowing. With our hearts out front, and our minds tuning in to feelings, sensations, listening to premonitions, internal guidance, the inner voice, we shall become a new race: the ones fit for the stars: the place from which ancestral gods and angels and guardian spirits/star beings always kept a watchful eye, ready to help us stand, should we fall. Our youth have taken the ‘Occupy Yourself’ initiative. In becoming a world voice for fairness, balance and caring, we are showing our hand; so those same light spirits –our own ancestors — no longer need to hold back.

The Light is coming to our aid now in massive doses. It is up to us to accept the transformation and to allow it to raise our consciousness to transcendental level.

Not only Light, but the spirit that motivated our ancestors, is returning: that enchanted loom of our Group Mind is waking up; the shuttles are clicking. We are realizing we can become greater than we are, just by willing that idea into existence.
©2011 Siderealview

Galactic Underworld and Venus Rising

December 5, 2010

Venus's Heliacal Rising, November 2010: her return from the Underworld

Something in between dreaming and doing
Something arching down from there to here
We are the arching
We are neither here nor there
We are the hope that lives between
The continual blooming outward and upward
of something we want
but cannot see

– Author unknown

On winter solstice this year, December 21st, the longest night in the northern hemisphere will be graced not only by a full moon but a total lunar eclipse at 8:14am GMT — 00:14am Pacific time.

It is a cosmic sign, a prelude to our annual rendezvous with Galactic Center — that dark patch in the Milky Way — when the Sun, including us, microscopic specks of energy clinging on to the plane of the ecliptic, all nine planets of our system as one, align with our Motherboard, the Creator-black-hole, call it what you will, in the middle of our Galaxy. Then, spiralling away one more time, we shall head off for another year of peripatetic searching through infinite realms of space until, two years from now, we return for that Great Meeting with Source prior to winter solstice 2012.

The Ancients always took note of appearances like this solstitial eclipse as they occurred at the cardinal points of the year (later on the same day, the Sun enters zodiac sign of Capricorn). In our 21st century world, I am not alone in thinking this heavenly sign — the apparent total annihilation of the moon’s disc — will probably go relatively unnoticed. Western minds filled with Christmas concerns, getting the car to start or catching the commute to work in snowy conditions, tend not to be looking skywards.

For the Maya, on the other hand, Mesoamerican life in the 9th century and later was an ongoing succession of cosmic appearances. They came in time cycles, each with a predictable quality. And their fascination with the night sky, like many prehistoric and classical cultures, allowed them to develop a deep knowledge of time which dwarfs our numerical western (Gregorian) system.

Time was seen as an evolution of human consciousness, split into Great Ages through which society would evolve. The Maya developed separate calendars for mathematical, ritual and functional purposes, but the great Long Count calendar which began in 3114BC and which comes full circle on winter solstice year-after-next is the one which has caught hold in our collective imagination as presaging the ‘End of Days‘.

For the Maya as well as for many other Ancients, celestial movement was at the root of astrology, theology, cosmology, history and social change. For them, the purpose of life was to understand sky rhythms that created time and to reflect in their culture the beauty and cosmic order seen in cyclical heavenly repetition.

‘It becomes clear….that the Maya always expected history to repeat itself’
Bruce Scofield, Signs of Time (1997)

Kukulkan, feathered serpent god of the Maya, Toltec and Aztec (Quetzalcoatl)

The Tzolkin, which is the oldest Mayan Calendar, repeats itself every nine months. The Long Count calendar’s 5124-year cycle with its so-callled end date of December 21, 2012 actually measures the precession of the equinoxes, the sun’s apparent motion through each of the twelve zodiac signs once in 25,920 years, but theoretically stretches to infinity. To give an idea of this precession cycle’s massive scale, it takes the Earth 72 years to move through one degree (1º/360º) of one zodiac sign.

West Acropolis of Yaxchilan (Maya: 'Green Stones') in Mexican state of Chiapas

There are carvings on the walls of a ruin at Palenque that give dates beyond AD4000. It is our modern short-sightedness that assumes, based on only one of the several Mayan calendars, that time stops at winter solstice, December 21st 2012. It is specifically this ending and new beginning chronicled in the Long Count Calendar which in New Age parlance is called the ‘dawning of the Age of Aquarius‘.

Documentation of this extremely long cycle was an amazing achievement for a culture whose belief in cycles of time had them keep astronomical records for 6000 generations, projecting forward and (20,000 years back) into a distant past. It is evident in the placement of some of their most sacred buildings that they saw purpose in heavenly movement.

Cosmology and religious icons were intimately intertwined.

While several pyramids and ballcourts at Tikal, Palenque and Chichen Itza are sited on extreme sun positions (solstices, equinoxes), the Governor’s Palace at Uxmal is precisely aligned to view the heliacal rising of Venus at its southernmost point in an 8-year cycle.

Whereas Megalithic and Egyptian complexes can sometimes be obscure or difficult to understand from our modern non-sky-viewing cultural perspective, (Newgrange and Stonehenge heelstone aligned on solstice sunrise, Aberdeenshire recumbent stone circles aligned on midwinter sunrise and midsummer moonset), the writings and hieroglyphs of the Maya are more easily understood as they can be compared easily with recent calculations of the same recorded astronomical cycles.

The ancient Maya left codices, systems of hieroglyphic recordings devised to include celestial sightings and predict events. The complexity with which these sightings and predictions are woven seamlessly into their entire culture is almost surreal.

Dresden Codex fragment, water-damaged in WWII, restored: shows Lunar series and Venus tables

One of these codices, the ‘Dresden Codex’ details an elaborate recreation of a cosmic environment which the ancient Maya believed regulated life. It contains an illuminated calendar recording observations of the planet Venus. Working with their solar Haab calendar and the separate sacred ritual Tzolkin, the Maya saw the heliacal rising of Venus, (Venus rising before the sun, visible in the east as a ‘morning star’) as a sign of resurrection of Light after Darkness, rebirth of a New Age. But its resurrection might also be seen as presaging evil, invoking wars, sparking conflict.

In Mayan mythology, the planet/goddess was inextricably linked with the sun and power of serpent god Kukulkan –his name means ‘one who emerges from the serpent-spirit’ or cosmic kundalini force. To the Maya the two bodies seemed conjoined, stand close to each other in the sky, never stray more than 47º apart.

Lamat: glyph for Venus as 'evening star'

Venus either follows the sun (when she appears as evening ‘star’, Lamat), hides behind the sun, descending into the Underworld, or reappears before the sun — her heliacal rising as a ‘morning star’, Ah-Chicum-Ek’. Seen in mythological context, their joining symbolized at times his masculine domination over female-desire-sexuality producing cultural balance, art and architectural beauty; at others (when she rides into the Underworld — below the horizon) her ability to wreak havoc on society. This warrior-goddess aspect of her femininity is not easily understood in our modern rush for ‘male’ pursuits in business, military dominion and political power. But it is this aspect of Venus which lingers in mythology and which is the natural, intuitive deep feminine of the mother consciousness which early patrilineal cultures (Hellenist Greece, Latin Rome, Judaism, pharaonic Egypt) wished to suppress. In examining the Venus cycles — particularly as they relate to upcoming 2012 date — we may be delightfully surprised to learn something ‘new’ which is very old.

According to observations made by the Maya, episodes of upheaval linked to the cyclical motion of the planet Venus play out as life-changing events.

Venus’s astronomical cycles are legendary.

Fascinated with sequences, periodicity and numbers, the Maya must have adored Venus. Not only does she disappear and reappear with amazing regularity, her luminescence is also measurable, on some clear nights actually capable of casting a shadow. They noticed that Venus travels faster round the sun than Earth, orbiting 2.6 times to Earth’s 1.6 orbits. Venus orbits the Sun 13 times in 8 years, passing between Earth and Sun 5 times until they return to that meeting point in the synodic cycle (synod = meeting place). Point of closest ‘meeting’ is called ‘inferior conjunction’, taken as the start of the cycle.

It is also when Venus cannot be seen from Earth because of the sun’s brilliance, but as she continues to orbit, not only does she appear to go into ‘retrograde’ motion — a phenomenon caused by both bodies in orbit passing each other at different speeds — but she suddenly becomes visible again at greatest brilliance. Five Venus cycles of 548 days exactly equals 8 Earth cycles of 365 days — 8 Earth years — to bring both planets back in line to synodic point. When Venus is on the opposite side of the Sun its position is called ‘superior conjunction’ and has weakest brilliance. In between Venus appears to stretch to ‘extreme elongation’ to either side of Earth. The Maya also noticed Venus’s ‘stages’ took exactly 36 days, or multiples of 36.

So, Venus reaches maximum brightness 36 days after inferior conjunction, traveling direct and in the morning sky; maximum elongation (Venus’s farthest distance from the Sun) occurs 36 days later; then at superior conjunction, 216 days after that (6 x 36 days) Venus is on the far side of the Sun and traveling at its fastest speed, about 1º15′ per day, but obscured by the Sun from Earth eyes. Thirty-six days after superior conjunction, when the Sun and Venus are about 10º zodiac degrees apart, Venus first appears in the evening sky, setting after the Sun. In evening star phase, maximum elongation happens 216 days after superior conjunction, with maximum brightness reached 36 days following maximum elongation; 36 days more bring her back to inferior conjunction (and retrograde motion). This calculable sky embrace between Venus and the Sun, their apparent duel for supremacy in brilliance, disappearing into the ‘Underworld’ and reappearance in reborn brilliance, must have delighted the Maya.

Venus's orbit and Earth's over an eight year cycle

Not only did they know every nuance of Venus’s synchronicty with Earth, but they figured that in a complete cycle of 8 years the two planets did a dance round the zodiac (and the Sun) which resembled a sacred pentagram. Some of their written motifs reflect this knowledge. It is no surprise, then, that they also knew when Venus made a double transit of the Sun, a phenomenon that occurs less than once per century.

To bring their supreme, detailed and laborious calculations into modern context, it is synchronous that in 2012, there will be two profound solar eclipses and a rare ‘transit of Venus’ on June 6th, when Venus will pass directly in front of the Sun from our Earth perspective. It forms a perfect alignment of Earth, Venus and Sun. Transits come in 8-year pairs, with the precursor to this transit seen in June 2004. Transits of Venus happen on average only twice every 121 years. The last transit of Venus occurred in 1874 and 1882, around the time of rediscovery of ancient Mayan sacred sites. The 2012 Venus transit completes the pair and the phenomenon will not recur until 2117 and 2125.

Their solar calculations are renowned, too, with a system of years split to reflect numbers 13 and 20 still used by present-day Maya and many devotees.

A prophecy is attached to each of the twenty year Katun cycles. Each cycle starts on the day of the Ancestors, Ajpu or Ahau as Ancestors are known to the Yucatec Maya. The first 20-year cycle starts with 11 Ahau.

The present cycle (see Underworlds, below) starting on a 4 Ahau date began in 1999 and completes in 2012.

The Maya thought this katun brought scarcity and the arrival of great leaders. It is also the katun of remembering knowledge and writing it down.

4 Ahau: Food scarcities. Half the katun good, half bad. The return of Kukulkan

Kukulkan, depicted in the ancient Classical period as Divine Serpent, at Maya city Yaxchilan, modern Mexico

Legend of Kukulkan, Plumed Serpent god of the Maya, shares prophecy with the Aztec legend of Quetzalcoatl, known as Feathered Serpent, god of intelligence and self-reflection.

Serpent god Kukulkan in more recent Maya tradition

In the Mayan version of the legend the king and his court had descended into weakness and debauchery. He decided to redeem himself by sailing out into the ocean alone on a flaming boat. The gods forgave him and he was reborn. He came back to the Maya on a vessel from ‘across the waters’.

This Katun prediction implies that a great hero will come from across the waters to heal the problems of the people. It was during one of the 4 Ahau time periods, between 1480 and 1500 that Christopher Columbus came to the continent of the Americas from across the waters.

Chichen Itza
Although Kukulkan was mentioned as an historical person by Maya writers of the 16th century, earlier 9th century texts at Chichen Itza do not identify him as human and instead artistic representations depict him as a Vision Serpent entwined around figures of presiding priests. Chichen Itza’s famous step pyramid, El Castillo, shows Kukulkan depicted presiding over sacrifice, but the magnificent pyramid

Serpent god seen undulating down the staircase on fall Equinox at Chichen Itza

is most famous for his serpentine ‘appearance’ via the sun, which on the equinoxes (March 21, September 23) casts a serpent shadow that descends the steps of the famous pyramid’s north side in the late afternoon before fall equinoctial sunset and ascends its serpentine undulation prior to spring equinox sunset.

The living Maya still hold ceremony to celebrate equinox.

At autumn equinox this year Carl Johan Calleman called for a convergence to prepare ourselves for Unity Consciousness, our renewal as a species.

As the seventh day of the Galactic Underworld is activated we will actually finally come to a point when it is time to celebrate the end to male, western and rational dominance and to create a balance between the different aspects of the human mind associated with the left and right brain halves
Carl Johan Calleman

He suggested that, beginning November 3-7, 2010 (‘Yellow Galactic Seed’ Tzolkin date) careful contemplation of the Shift of the Ages and an awareness of our position in affecting the way we move forward will facilitate the dawning of the last step in our evolution. Seeing all of Creation from 3114BC divided into nine ‘Underworlds’ of ever-decreasing length, Dr Calleman (and others) agree with Mayan calculation that in that week in November we emerged from the last ‘night’ of the penultimate phase –the eighth Galactic Underworld which began January 1999, consisting of a wave-cycle of six fluctuating ‘days’ and ‘nights’– and that we now stand in the seventh ‘day’ of that wave, preparing to enter the final Universal Underworld, the Ninth Wave, in February next year. That is only two months from now. In that final cycle of existence, according to the Maya — and to thousands of believers of other faiths around the world — we are capable of manifesting ‘one thousand years of peace and harmony’ on our shared planet.

On that weekend of Yellow Galactic Seed in November — coincidentally when Venus’s heliacal rising returned her to our skies as an ‘morning star’, the leaders of nations representing East and West on Earth held separate but spiritually-cohesive celebrations and ceremonies to invoke peace on earth and a joining of minds. In the West, Don Alejandro Oxlaj, 13th Generation Quiche Mayan High Priest — ‘Wandering Wolf’ — and Buddhist spiritual leader of the Orient, Seiyu Kiriyama, joined their flocks in mutual meditation, flooding the airwaves and ethers with positive affirmation. Calleman saw this not only as the meeting of West and East but a mingling of the feminine, intuitive right-brain half of humanity with the masculine, rational left-brain side.

Unity Consciousness. Our ‘Awakening’.

New Age philosophy and astrology support a path to ascension required of its vision-keepers, lightworkers (through meditation and right living) as a process of uniting these two conflicting polarities, emphasizing the need to bring harmony to the male-female yin-yang, left and right brain hemispheres which must operate before the Earth may return to a balanced state of wholeness and oneness.

As a small postscript, or just to keep us on our toes, Mayan Elder Don Alejandro has suggested that shortly after the solar system’s 2012 re-alignment with Galactic Center — when our sun and all planets are conjunct the dark ridge in the middle of our Galaxy, the Milky Way —

Earth will “pass inside the center of a magnetic axis and that it may be darkened with a great cloud for 60 to 70 hours”
Don Alejandro Oxlaj

To some Mayan scholars, in a continuing calendar the doom-and-gloom scenario is far more likely to play itself out, not in 2012, but around the year 2032.

Several other events are in the lineup for 2012:
May 4 partial lunar eclipse off Mexico
May 14 1st standstill Venus during retrograde loop
May 20 annular eclipse of Sun
June 6 transit of Venus (above) and Inferior Conjunction
November 13 2012 total solar eclipse in which sun and moon align with head of the Serpent (constellation Serpens)
November 18 Solar system conjunct dark ridge Galactic Center
Nov 28 partial (penumbral) lunar eclipse

We know our future is in our own hands. This is seen by believers with faith in Man’s ability to transcend his inglorious past as positive, glorious rebirth, awakening, resurrection of our soul, our apotheosis, potential to become one with the gods. The opposite is also true –especially if we continue to contribute to the misuse of energy, pollute and dissipate earthly gifts.

As we know, cycles exist to show choices in the Path: overall the future is golden. Venus’s malevolence may only be a wayshower to direct us away from a mistaken ‘Way’. The future, in the form of the Ninth Wave, is upon us — all the heavenly signs say so — and it’s up to us to embrace it.

10/10/10 Holographic Universe and Us

October 10, 2010

The PACMAN message

Comet Hartley passes in front of the Pacman nebula headed for close encounter with Earth on October 20

GREEN comet 103P/HARTLEY 2 is fast approaching Earth, on course for a close encounter on October 20th – ten days from now – en route for its six year rendezvous with the Sun. At that time the periodic comet (its P designation indicates it is a regular orbiter within the solar system) will come within 11 million miles of Earth. Plainly put, that’s half way between us and Mars. By contrast, our orbit round the sun keeps us at a safe distance of 93 million miles (or one Astronomical Unit — 1AU) from our star. So Hartley is technically a NEO (near-earth object) originating in the vicinity of Jupiter and its ‘grazing’ path to the sun will brush past our celestial neck-of-the-woods both coming and going. As periodic (and other) comets orbit the sun tangentially, it is technically possible for our orbits to intersect, but we are in no danger from Hartley. Because of its close passage, however, it is becoming a naked-eye object in the night sky with binoculars and amateur telescopes beginning to enjoy great sightings. NASA also has great interest in Hartley: its ‘‘Deep Impact’ orbiter, bristling with instrumentation to measure such icy visitors, will fly within 435 miles of the comet on November 4th. That’s closer than the distance between London and Edinburgh. The same orbiter studied comet Tempel on July 4, 2005, after launching an impactor into its icy nucleus and, after its flyby of Hartley, Deep Impact will set out on a mission to study exosolar planetary systems. To date, 492 planets have been discovered orbiting stars outside our solar system.

Comet McNaught was a brilliant object in July's southern hemisphere skies

With the appearance of another comet in our skies, hard on the heels of comet McNaught which shone brilliantly in the southern hemisphere during the July 11th total solar eclipse, there’s just a chance that Hartley’s passage may not be totally without incident. Why otherwise do you suppose we have been treated to a little cosmic reminder of celestial phenomena, fully a month after the end of the 2010 crop circle season?

Does Baltic Farm crop circle depict comet Hartley passing in front of the 'Pacman' nebula on its way to the Sun ?

Hartley is currently passing in front of NGC281 nebula — affectionately known as the Pacman nebula — in constellation Cassiopeia, whose gaping mouth seems about to swallow the comet. It’s not unlike our playful higher consciousness — or Circlemaker-ETs; call them what you will — to use humor to get our attention. So, is there something in the (late) Baltic Farm crop circle of September 26th — when few except NASA and JPL knew about Hartley — that forewarns us of a spectacular display; another Heavenly Sign, perhaps?

Crop circles for several years now have reminded us to look to the heavens rather than stay stuck in our earthbound rut. During summer 2010 our consciousness has been expanded as we were gifted pictures in the corn hinting at dimensions beyond our comfortable 3D world. And the 2010 season didn’t just expand our consciousness arbitrarily. As we discussed in a previous blog, dimensional research has been running neck-and-neck, trying to keep pace with crop circle concepts!

Our consciousness has been tweaked by and is tweaking our own higher Self. We are beginning to see how much our own psychic generator affects the quantum field in which we live, breathe, think, love, expand.

Through 2010 crop circle imagery not only did we see our concept of dimensional reality challenged, but were led seductively and with great gentleness through the next phase in our DNA activation, our passage through the stars — guided by crop picture code — as we reconnect with our divine Creative Consciousness, seated, some believe, at the Hunab Ku, heart of our Galaxy; others within our hearts, the seat of the Soul.

A visible bulge at the center of the Milky Way is where our Galactic center, Mayan Hunab Ku, radiates from constellation Sagittarius. Galactic counter-center focuses on the Pleiades, Orion and Gemini. The Pleiades have long been associated in traditional mysticism with higher consciousness. Ancient wisdom of the Hindu, Maya and Egyptians all had focus on the Pleiades and Orion. Such cultures built pyramids which aligned with these constellations. Not only might this section of the sky be seen as the symbolic crown chakra of the galaxy, but it coincides with the New Age interpretation that the Photon Belt or surge of cosmic energy particles is increasingly churning through the galaxy from galactic center to counter-center, a belt through which Earth is starting to pass and will become totally enfolded by 2012.

“If Quantum Theory hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet” Niels Bohr (1885-1962) Danish physicist, first to apply Quantum Theory, Nobel Physics Prize 1922

Michael Talbot, author of The Holographic Universe, died in 1992 aged 39. [Ed. Why is it some of our most enlightened visionaries give us a taste and then shuffle off this mortal coil?] He was a major proponent of intellectual parallels between ancient mysticism and the quantum field, believing firmly that — unlike the uncertainty of quantum physics — our physical Universe behaves like a giant hologram. He supported quantum physicists American David Bohm and Parisian Alain Aspect who proved in 1982 that, contrary to Einstein’s principle of relativity which stated that light had a finite speed (c=186,000 miles per second), subatomic particles like electrons are capable of transmitting information instantaneously, whether they are 10 feet or a million miles apart. Recent Russian research by molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev suggested that our human DNA behaves similarly — communicating instantaneously with another particle of fellow DNA in another room, another town, on another continent; another planet?

Talbot likens our brain to a miniature Universe, thoughts as ‘pebbles in the electromagnetic pool of our mind’. He says: ‘Nature uses mathematical underpinning; so does the brain.’

To make a hologram, the object to be photographed is first bathed in light of a laser beam. A second laser beam is bounced off the reflected light of the first and the resulting interference pattern where the two laser beams commingle is captured on film.
When the film is developed, it looks like a meaningless swirl of light and dark lines. But as soon as the developed film is illuminated by another laser beam, a three-dimensional image of the original object appears.
Three-dimensionality of such images is not the only remarkable characteristic of holograms. ‘If a hologram of a rose is cut in half and then illuminated by a laser, each half will still be found to contain the entire image of the rose.’

Along with Stanford neurophysiologist Karl Pribram, b. 1919, Talbot says we think with holograms inside our head, using standing waves, interference patterns in the brain just like a TV set lodged in our mind. Together they figured the holographic model explained several phenomena, including:
– telepathy
– precognition; mystical feeling of oneness with Universe;
– psychokinesis — mind’s ability to move objects without physical touch.

Others joined them, agreeing that the holographic model explained near-death experience, OBEs (out-of-body states), archetypal experiences, encounters with Collective Unconscious, altered states of consciousness, psychic ‘coincidences’, the paranormal. In 1987 Robert G. Jahn and clinical psychologist Brenda Dunne, both of Princeton University, announced after a decade of rigorous experimentation by their Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab (PEAR), they had unequivocal evidence that the mind can psychically interact with physical reality.

Talbot encourages everyone — even those who may not have mathematics or physics training — not to be afraid of the concept of quantum physics: anyone who can approach the subject with an open mind can understand the concepts, he says.

“Don’t be afraid. Once you’ve overcome your ‘fear of the water’, you’ll find quantum physics’s strange and fascinating ideas much easier than you thought.” Michael Talbot, The Holographic Universe

The hologram starts to explain everything: that the way we think affects everything within our sphere of consciousness, i.e. We are the Whole.

“Quantum physics: the dreams that stuff is made of” Isaac Asimov

Most verbal, contemporary and charismatic of all believers in the Holographic Universe is Nassim Haramein, born 1962, a budding genius, self-taught physicist and Director of Research at the Resonance Project, in Boulder Colorado. He goes beyond holographic theory, beyond Einstein’s unified field, sees the universal hologram as sacred geometry, taking his Universal scaling Law for Organized Matter as a model for ‘whole’ structures, from subatomic particles to complete galaxies. His approach in this seminar, illustrated with loving devotion to his pyramids, sacred tetrahedra, torus spirals, fractal curves and spheres, is lengthy in form, but is worth watching because, with a little application, concentration, his breezy approach makes it so simple to grasp. His theory is that the Universal Intelligence is constantly creating fractals, generating spheres, and that these creations are held together by the ‘glue’ of gravity. Links above show some of his series of 45 talks, and videos 11 and 12 focus specifically on crop circle messages.

Haramein’s Resonance Project Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit group that studies the magic of ‘collective resonance’, encourages intra-disciplinary scientific residential collaboration and operates within a self-sustaining wholistic facility, using permaculture and gray water recyclng, soil and water conservation, alternative fuels within native and edible landscaping, pollinated by on-site bees.

Whatever your favorite way of believing in what’s to come, it is certain that the beings we were before summer 2010 have moved into a new level of reality. We are being led by avatars, contemporaries, new thinkers — and crop circles — to become our higher, nay, highest selves.

And the fun is just beginning.

Fledgling Crop Circle: 2010:05:05

May 9, 2010

Sideways view: fledgling crop circle close to Old Sarum sacred precinct, Wiltshire

It’s not surprising the 2010 crop circle season started late – in spite of huge excitement and anticipation in croppiedom: England had a tough winter. Frosts and snow through March, freezing temperatures in April. This little beauty appeared on May 5th. Not quite as late as the season of 2006 when nothing happened until June 9th, but with so much expectancy, it will gladden a lot of hearts.

Crops like oil seed rape (canola), although planted last autumn, wait for the ground to warm up before starting into growth. Farmers suffered delays because of a late spring. But canola is a speedy plant once it gets going. It’s one of the brassica family (cabbage, radish) and when the sun shines, it responds. Yellow flowers now litter the patchwork plains and downs of Wiltshire and our first crop circle – a little avian fledgling by the looks of it – appeared late evening on 05/05.

It chose to manifest in a field adjacent to Old Sarum, one of the most well-known Iron age fortresses in this ancient sacred landscape. Sarum is the old Anglo-Saxon name for Salisbury, a fortified mound with huge surrounding bank and ditch like the Avebury stone circle; it stands on a busy intersection of a three-way prehistoric trade route between Stonehenge and the south coast, close to the barge access of the Water of Avon. This 1st Century BC fortification was a strategic ancestral stronghold of the powerful first Britons, venerated and preserved through successive cultures until the first cathedral of Old Sarum was built inside the circular structure in 1069. Before AD420 it housed a Roman garrison (as Sorviodunum = Sorvio’s fort or mound), became a Saxon fortress and finally the site of a Norman castle in the AD11th century. The present cathedral in nearby Salisbury was the second Norman cathedral of that name; and building began there in 1075 on the structure which stands today. The outline of its Old Sarum predecessor still appears in the grass within the great ditch (illustration).

Ghosts of last year's crop circle past shine through canola in East Field Alton Barnes

Much speculation preceded this little vanguard’s arrival, many expecting the first design to bend crop stalks in more popular precincts like Avebury, Milk Hill and the multi-decked fields of Alton Barnes. There, through strengthening canola stems, the shadows of last season’s pictograms show like ghost signs to a lost past.

Wiltshire Ley running through Stonehenge and Old Sarum

The location of this year’s first design does have great energetic significance, however. Old Sarum stands on one of the great electromagnetic Earth-energy lines – Wiltshire’s Leys – that run along relatively straight tracks between and among ancient sacred sites: the Sarum ley runs from a prehistoric earthmound north of Stonehenge, through Stonehenge itself to Old Sarum, to the cathedral in the present city of Salisbury and south through Clearbury Ring and Frankenbury Camp – all ancient sacred sites. The little crop circle with its bird-like design (or sacred geometric pattern of sevens and fives) hugs this energy line, choosing to appear in a crop of canola where the flowers were not yet quite open (to hover within the energy forcefield) rather than siting itself in the neighboring field where the crop is well advanced but standing outside the lines of force.

Electromagnetism may have a lot more to do with what’s going on than we realize. But it’s a difficult area to explain. Like particle and quantum theory, sacred geometry and musical tone ratios, or string theory: a little out of one’s normal range of conversation. Unless we take it one step at a time.

A little background might help. While string theory is usually the realm of quantum physicists, it is elaborated on most elegantly and simply by crop circle researcher Bert Janssen to explain some of the late ‘nineties and ‘noughties complex crop circles.

Put simply, lines of force act on other lines of force – waves in the bath, tones produced by strings of different length on a guitar or piano, light beams or an interaction of one electromagnetic field on another electromagnetic field. They all act similarly. When they do, they cause tiny nodes to appear where the waves/frequencies overlap to disturb or ‘interfere’ with each other. These interferences allow energy (‘particles’) to gather in the nodes, with subsequent result that they form patterns. While ‘superstring theory’ was developed by John Schwartz, Michael Green and Edward Witten for the subatomic world where (below atomic level everything is energy and) exotic, imaginary and invisible particles are found, we can relate it to the formation of crop circles where waves induced by electromagnetism are like musical sound waves or waves rippling on a beach: different locations, same theory.

Harmonic Convergence and Harmonic Concordance brought planets and galaxies into alignment

Earlier crop circles – before the watershed summer of 1987 – were fairly simple in manifestation and quantity. In August that year a cosmic moment of alignment occurred known as Harmonic Convergence, when the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury and Venus stood in exact conjunction in early degrees of Virgo/cusp Leo while, according to astrologers and New Age pundits, they formed a Grand Trine with the other large planets: Jupiter in the last (anaretic) degree of Aries/cusp Taurus, Saturn and Uranus in Sagittarius/cusp Capricorn. This Grand Trine is seen by some as one of Fire, by others as an Earth Trine. To the 144,000 lightworkers and spiritual supporters who gathered to meditate at earth’s power centers in Mount Shasta, CA, Sedona, AZ, Glastonbury, Somerset, Findhorn, Scotland and Mount Fuji, Japan, this was seen as a combined Grand Trine of fire and earth, as a metaphysical turning point for the human race.

Another astrological event happened 16 years later, a cosmic moment called Harmonic Concordance in November 2003 when a Total Lunar Eclipse completed an astrologically-beneficial configuration of sun, moon and all the large planets known as a Grand Sextile or Star Tetrahedron.

The Solar System, with us in tow, and our home Galaxy became one

Between these two astrological dates a momentous happening in astrophysics brought the two sides of the coin together. During the summer of 1998, the plane of the solar system, with us on earth in its third orbit, moved into alignment with the plane of our own Milky Way Galaxy: the two planes – solar system of nine planets and the unimaginably huge spiral of stars that is our Galactic home – became one.

Since the first Galactic synchronization in the summer of 1987, with boosts in 1998, 2003 (and, some say, with the transit of Venus across the sun in 2004) the energy being beamed to earth has increased exponentially with each of the 25 years (since 1987 and) until 2012, one quarter of a century down the line. Harmonic Convergence was a watershed for crop circles, too. They started to resonate with us with increasing frequency and sophisticated design until in the final years of the ‘nineties we experienced ‘a shift’. They became our means of communication, even communion with Galactic Source. Not only does the earth continue to receive increased Galactic ‘waves’, but as we approach the final years of this Great Cycle, crop circles are increasing our excitement, anticipation of what’s in store for us Galactic children in the last years of our evolution as a race.

Long-term crop circle enthusiast, metaphysician and speaker, Freddy Silva noticed that

‘During the 1998 and 1999 seasons there was a mood swing, as if a new type of energy had lodged itself within the Earth. This energy reflected in crop circles seemed more agitated, some more disruptive to the body than usual. The veil between the the seen and the unseen felt thinner than ever. The new wave of crop circle designs fit neither the recognized hand of humans nor the will of the watchers.’

Many indigenous peoples – not just the Maya whose calendar now predominates in End Times thinking, but others like the Hopi, Inca, Apache and Modoc – work with calendars in order to predict moments of revelation, times of increased Galactic resonance, a coming together of Group Mind in us, the Gaia-earth-keepers. We are, after all, custodians of planet Earth. Those people tuned into earth changes are the first to note when such shifts occur. The Maya say God – – Hunab K’u – – is Movement and Measure which the crop circles appear to demonstrate.

Barbara and Gerry Clow in their 2004 book ‘Alchemy of Nine Dimensions’ liken the energy they feel within crop circles to ‘receiving the light’.

Barbara Clow is convinced we planetary inhabitants, either by visiting circles or seeing the signs, symbols, consciousness-triggers of their graphics, are affected in some way by them. She continues:

‘I know that many of us have been receiving these exquisite crop circle transmissions in our consciousness. When new symbols are transmitted from 8D Light, all the people on Earth are transmuted by them as Gaia herself rejuvenates.’

Crop circles designed by light tubes from upper dimensions

Her illustration shows how crop circles are made by tubes of light that are generated on fields of grain, most commonly in England. The eighth dimension (8D) is a form in the mind of God. The seventh dimension (7D) is sacred sound that can manifest form. The sixth dimension (6D) is the geometrical field that creates forms. The fifth dimension (5D) is unconditional love, an energy that comes when creation happens. The fourth dimension (4D) is where energy polarizes so that things can manifest. The third dimension (3D) is the field where the crop circle takes place.

Science fiction author and writer of the screenplay/movie ‘Day After Tomorrow’, Whitley Strieber describes Ms Clow’s book on crop circle transmissions as: ‘a message that matters tremendously to every single person on this earth. It is about nothing less than achieving relationship with a brilliant and spiritually-potent presence that has been offering itself to us for many years, and which has the capacity to transform us, starting with each one of us who is willing to open ourselves to it.’

We achieved Galactic synchronization in 1987, Galactic resonance in 1998, and Ms Clow believes we will be offered Galactic citizenship in 2012, provided we have proved by then that we are capable of reaching resonance with very high frequencies (light waves) and what she calls ‘multi-dimensional consciousness’.

Neale Donald Walsch has a final contribution to make to this new way of being: he says

‘The change goes deeper than the content of your mind, deeper than your thoughts. In fact, at the heart of the new consciousness lies the transcendence of thought, a newfound ability to rise above thought, to realize a dimension within yourself that is infinitely more vast than thought.’

As all is energy, in our own bodies, in our minds, in our combined consciousness – Galactic consciousness – we are preparing for an unprecedented change in the world we know. We are about to become part of a world we have only dreamed of.

To the new season of crop circles I say: ‘Let it begin.’

Crop Circle Season: an early bird?

April 10, 2010

Weeks before swallows return, we may see an early start to crop circle season

I believe the 2010 Crop Circle Season is imminent. I don’t mean this July. Much sooner. Possibly even next week.

I made a few notes on dates previous seasons began – even after atrocious winters – thinking I had at least another week before I needed to post this, another week of research and doublechecking the facts. But, in going over it again, I realize Crop Circle Consciousness is upping the ante.

H2O molecule or octohedron, West Overton June 1999

A decade ago the first crop designs in Wiltshire and Hampshire appeared when barley and wheat were beginning to show signs of ripening at the end of May and the first week of June. Similarly, in the early years of the 1990s’ decade, seasons began May-June. But as the decade got older, consciousness quickened and seasonal appearances started happening earlier. By the last year of the ‘nineties, 1999, the first crop circle appeared in Over Wallop Hampshire on April 3rd! In the early ‘noughties, up to and including 2006, the season didn’t begin until well into May or even June (2003-2004) in ripening barley and wheat. Then, bang, as if the last years of the decade again brought anticipation and focused interest on the phenomenon, the season started earlier: 2007: April 15th at Oliver’s Castle, Wiltshire; 2008: April 20th Waden Hill, Avebury. Last year, the first crop circle appeared in oil seed rape – not yet in flower – on April 14th at the Ridgeway.

April 14th is less than a week away. And there are already a number of fields planted in oil seed rape (canola) in Wiltshire, Oxfordshire and Hampshire.

Picked Hill, Wiltshire August 2000 'flower of life' crop circle

This year April 14th is also Vedic New Year: Vikridhi; the name itself occurs only once in 60 years. A week later, it’s Earth Day (Arbor Day), a northern hemisphere date chosen to celebrate the birth of naturalist John Muir, but more recently absorbed into the Earth-First culture of organic growers, tree-lovers and tree-huggers everywhere and, naturally by analogy, those who celebrate the earth’s crowning glory in crop form: the Croppies.

We all know the crop circle phenomenon has been getting more notice of late: worldwide attention, in fact. On the internet alone, it features in websites as diverse as ρѕу¢нє∂єℓι¢ α∂νєитυяє run by supreme techwiz ‘CO’, to the photographic marvels of Karen and Steve Alexander to the ultimate in documentary archives, the Dutch-run multi-lingual Crop Circle Archive which seems to have catalogued every crop pattern in every country since the beginning of Creation!

Then there are the more philosophical and ‘mystery school’ sites like Freddy Silva’s Crop Circle Secrets, Krsanna Duran’s Timestar and Paul Vigay’s leading-edge research site, Crop Circle Research.

Given that in all self-realized culture, ‘consciousness equals reality’, we’re speaking about a large slice of humanity who follow such blogs and website updates; a large group of people whose consciousness is willing the new season to begin.

CO runs an international blog, unfunded by donations, a labor of love. He’s very good at what he does, his blog-traffic is astounding (one hit every five seconds) and he has a distinctly Vedic following. The Alexanders, Cropcircleconnector and Lucy Pringle, on the other hand, are a little more conservative, receive handouts with solid Brit, or WASP, backing (Americanese for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant), and have a slightly more ‘English’ approach to the subject. You are encouraged to buy a T-shirt or log on and read a plea for financial support before you can be routed to the goodies. The Dutch archive site offers a diagram catalogue of every crop circle, is volunteer-funded, but its attitude is open and its following represents perhaps half the First World. I like to think of CO’s following in the Indian Subcontinent as the Second World. The Third World is, so far, unrepresented.

So, give or take a few million, let’s say half the world is anticipating the new crop circle season. Not consciously, perhaps, but after a hard winter with only images in one’s mind or on one’s computer to feed off, it is hungry for a new influx. The future is wide open: will it show more mathematical code, more Mandelbrot sets, develop wild sacred geometry, or will it take the form of a Fibonacci spiral’s striking beauty? Or, or. . . will we of human culture stretch our superhuman electromagnetic circuitry and present ourselves with something we’ve never conceived before?

‘You mean, crop circles are rock ‘n’ roll?’ Julian Cope

Before he died, Paul Vigay wrote of his amazing work in crop circles. It ranged from simple on-the-ground measuring data and observation of cell-structure change in wheat, through correspondence with Gerald Hawkins on sacred geometric design, through illuminating discoveries in ultrasound. His work with Hawkins led to a previously obscure relationship between sacred geometry and intervals on the music scale noticed by the ancient Egyptians: something they likened to ‘frozen music’. It seemed to him a natural progression that he should later make recordings of pixel images of crop circles played through a computer program which converted pixels to sound, and discovered that the resulting music had a quality conducive to meditation, relaxation and deep contentment: essentially sounds in the ‘alpha wave’ band. He said:

Inspired by the work of Gerald Hawkins and our conversations on musical theory, I felt there was an important link between music and crop circles. Combining the two, I developed some computer software that could convert crop circle images into musical notes to see what ‘tunes’ were composed by them.

He recorded several soundtracks from different crop formations which can be downloaded from his website – maintained lovingly since his death. It did not surprise him that others ‘heard’ music while walking or kneeling or sitting inside crop circles which had been recently formed.

There are also a number of ‘coded’ messages which have been received and transliterated over the years. The Chilbolton radio telescope message is only one of many. I would recommend for code-lovers the lengthy study made by Robert Boerman in 2001 after an attempt to communicate with the circle-makers elicited a ‘reply’. This early documentary evidence was one of Hawkins’ favorites and its interpretations are fully discussed on the Dutch Crop Circle Archive.

Mandelbrot set visual in fractal geometry

I mentioned the chaos theory aspect of mathematics represented by the Mandelbrot set. It’s a complicated concept, even for a mathematician, discovered by French-American ‘father of fractal geometry’ Benoît Mandelbrot, aged 85, and still theorizing! Joseph Mason, a student of human consciousness (dream-sequences, results of concentrated intentional motivation), chose to experience learning its potential by his own method of study: concentrating by day, dreaming by night – and noting down his own responses, intuitive actions, human motivation.

Mandelbrot crop circle formation appeared after his dreams

As a non-mathematician, he familiarized himself with its complex form in chaos theory which, when projected visually, creates a satisfyingly circular heart-like geometric pattern with frilly edges, called a Mandelbrot Set. He made copious notes as he went along and was not surprised when, nine months after he started the experiment, a Mandelbrot Set design appeared as a crop circle. It convinced him even more firmly that our own consciousness is creating the formations.

The last few seasons of crop designs have made an unprecedented advance in complexity and beauty; our Group Consciousness is indeed making us sit up and observe the Earth with new eyes.

This dear planet we call home is where we are nurtured – particularly in the warm summer months when the Earth showers us with blessings. If only we might allow ourselves a break from thinking ‘poverty consciousness’ (‘running out of oil’) and instead dream up new ways to operate (‘an electric motor run on magnetic particles rather than coils’), within the bounds of her precious resources.

We are the caretakers. If we start taking better care of her, she will provide us with everything. All our needs will be met. We have only to think of miracles for miracles to occur.

We’re already wired for the upgrade. Our DNA has been receiving increasing light boosts since our rendezvous with Galactic Center at midwinter. Consciousness equals reality. We are capable of creating wonders beyond our wildest dreams.

And, what’s more, the new season of crop circles may show us the way…