Archive for the ‘metaphysics’ category

Time to Tempt Humans to Act like Telosians—Delving Deep Within to Discover our Origins As Star-People

February 23, 2023



Mardi Gras in New Orleans, below featured floats of multiple facets of fantasy l. & far rt., with yum-yum food like NOLA specialty King Cakes pic 2, while many threw private balls 2nd rt, with individual gowns created for such a special occasion.

NOLA-‘Big Easy’ Leads World Celebrating Mardi Gras-Fat Tuesday in Joyful Parades, Happy All-Nighters & Loadsa Food despite winter weather, while Rich Nations’ Powerful Leaders’ Boast their ‘Nuke-em’ Attitude

While rain & wild winds battered the North Pacific & huge low pressure throw winter rains, bitter ice balls & heavy snowfalls at New England and cities in central United States, like Denver, Las Vegas, many cultures on both sides of the Atlantic & deep into Brazil—original Carnival country-threw caution to the winds and celebrated as if it were their last day on Earth.

In spite of deep flooding in Gulf states, Arizona, California & Mississippi basin, unusually high temperature fluctuation in Florida, Georgia and Alabama, the Bahamas, Haiti, Cuba and the Caribbean experienced hotter-than-usual (winter) highs. New England, along with D.C. New York & Michigan froze solid.

Europeans—Britain, Scandinavia and Finland suffered deep low pressure, although this is more ‘normal’ for them, and their icy road clearance vehicles and sand-gritting lorries were out getting plenty of exercise.

Stretching farther north into Alaska, the Siberian Arctic and (presently high-profile) Ukraine, Poland and Russia their native tolerance of bitter weather seems not to deter their warlike tendencies—especially Russia & Ukraine continuing to batter each other with (borrowed) weapons, their perseverance encouraging weakling U.S. President Biden & distant N.Korea & China to promise MORE.

Through all the pain & suffering experienced by (non-warring) families in Turkey—with two recent earthquake disasters claiming 40,000 lives so far, it seems that four leaders of some of the world’s richest nations—U.S.A, Russia, China, & N.Korea have lost perspective in promising to “solve the problem” with NUCLEAR armaments, rather than by family-focused humanitarianism.

The dilemma is—for any rational everyday person-on-the-street—unfathomable.

$500 Million Funding for Nuclear-bearing Aircraft Weaponry can feed World’s Poor & Homeless Masses, with Some to Spare

Instead of moaning on about how difficult it is to “find appropriate housing” for the poor, homeless & underpaid voluntary sector-[traveling hospital staff, volunteer social workers, families in temporary vehicles/mobile campers], U.S. President Biden & Russia Head of State Putin declare war on one another—not perhaps in news bulletins, but in ‘unofficial trips to neighbor nations. With a quick speech for United Nations European members in between. U.S. President, cleverly ordered AirForce One to transport him secretly from D.C. to Germany; then commissioned an overnight sleeper to Warsaw, in order to arrive ‘fresh’ for a televised speech.

China & North Korea respond—as they don’t like to appear laggards in the nuclear ‘game’, having had their baby surveillance balloon shot down by U.S. jets over the Atlantic. They hastily gathered support from other small neighbours in the East; sprucing up their nuclear weaponry and preparing for war.

Turkey, meanwhile, languishes between, grateful for any help: money, food, vehicle response, care-givers, life-support professionals from anywhere in the world which supports their plight.

Turkey/Syria earthquakes (second occurred Monday night, February 20,2023) have created a crack in Earth’s crust 186 miles/300km long-not easy to patch up!

Animals & some stalwart hooman owners have survived 10 days or more beneath the surface of the rupture, without water or sustenance & yet were alive when rescued.

Dog & cat-owners are overjoyed at their pets’ return.

Food parcels & non-perishable donations are being accepted & distributed in shelters hastily erected to house lost individuals and families still searching for loved ones.

In Sadness there is Joy in Pain/Sorrow there is Hope—Message from Light Beings

Reminiscent of Star Trek Four: the Voyage Home, with Spock, Capt Kirk, Pavel Chekov & Scotty’s surprise appearance in their stolen Kingon ‘wessel’ complete with recyclable whale family, pic left; our brothers and sisters in the light appear as if by magic from an unknown realm to help us learn new attitudes to life and express joy, humour and gratitude instead of worry & despair.

When on Earth they keep counsel inside Mt. Shasta, pic l. my book touching on their story. They live within their own secret kingdom inside the mountain, emerging when humans summon them in need. They encourage us to find places where we feel joy-beach bottom rt. Richardson’s State Beach Park, Hilo, HI; and encourage us to plant more beautiful greenery—preferably trees, bottom l. to help our planet thrive in troubled times.

There is always Hope.

Elderly humans a generation ago conscious of maintaining a positive attitude to see them through hard times, would use this attitude in a difficult situation – loss of a loved one, misbehaving child, even the onset of age in their own bodies.

Now, with amazing timing, Light Beings of Other Worlds beyond ours—Telosians their own name for themselves— have miraculously entered our timescape with a spectacular array of pointers to guide us off the “inevitable” course we were on, and along a totally new path to-[pick one-happiness, enlightenment, Salvation (biblical), problem-solving, truth, LOVE, the answer: empowerment]!

Telosian Truth Has a Different Ring to it—or When Life Gives You Lemons, make Lemonade

When all else fails, Humans have had a habit of looking on the bright side. The New Age emphasizes this thinking by the adage ‘If Life gives you Lemons, make Lemonade.’ Telosians take this feeling even further, with a positive attitude to everything from automobile breakdown to missed rail/air connections, to burning supper on the kitchen stove. It’s all going according to Plan, i.e. don’t worry the small details, the bigger picture has a better solution in store.

Sure enough, with a firm belief of something better to come lining our pocket, a surprise solution will suddenly appear and the problem will go away.

Recent World Meditation Initiative Fire-the-Grid 2/21/23 pulled People of all Nations & Faiths together to Create a One-Mind Gathering for Thousands

Fire-the-Grid, pic below rt. uses symbols unknown to us in the ‘real world’ but which trigger a space deep inside where their shape and simplicity mean something intangible—for which we have no words.

In a religious context, the Gk.word Telos is used by many New Testament bibles to denote the physical form of a human-Jesus-as a result of INTENT by a Creator who has no physical form aka God.

Fire-the-Grid, below rt. shows us the way, even if only our subconscious mind gets the message.

Anael, early guide to making this series of “letters” mean something to our subconscious, describes them as words without a known language. She says our soul understands their message, even if our conscious mind does not.

As earthling guide sent by Telosian Light Beings, she begs us to trust that inner knowing to bring the Light forth into day.

Symbolic of an inner language we know in our hearts & rarely used parts of our subconscious mind, Fire-the-Grid shapes are familiar, but we can’t express why.

Telosian Light Beings sent out a “Wake-up Call” the night before World Meditation trial, February 19, this year. It was followed by 24 hours of psychic support 2/20-2/21, 2023, with a full hour exercising our ability to meditate tuned in on every part of the globe.

Telos Allows Change on Day-to-Day Basis, Just as Human Intentions Change

Humans gathering to share in a mind-meld (tku Spock) in the spirit of gratitude, joyful expectation and in some cases the use of prayer was enough to form one of the first events in 2023, following many years of practice after original Fire-the-Grid exercises at the end of the last century. Light Beings from a different Universe at that time helped Earthlings understand their mission on Earth was similar in belief, but different in content, from messages received by other cultures like the Maya Elders who have long expected a change—the SHIFT—from physical earthbound living to belief in the coming of the Light to end human darkness.

According to Daykeeper Hunbatz Men, Elder of the Guatemalan Maya, 2013 was the year set for a change earthwide from selfish hateful treatment of one’s fellow men to one of loving understanding.

He says there will be no Apocalypse.

Humans will prepare for the coming of the Light in their own way within their own cultural limitations. The Maya, he affirms, will assist in that transition to feelings of caring and love, of friendly sharing of wealth and protection of the innocent and young families by gentle persuasion and the support of elders within their own community who already believe the change is happening.

So now, ten years after the predicted date—the Maya had known of this for at least fifty years prior—their ancient ritual gatherings at solstice and the equinoxes when the sun climbs the staircase of Chichen Itza in the Yucatan are evidence of their brothers’ faith in the Feathered Serpent Kukulkan-great god of ancient Central American race whose monuments built over one thousand years ago predict the path of the Serpent-god each year. It is he who has foreseen humanity’s impending change from dark to Light.

Kukulcan, great Feathered Serpent god of the Yucatan, pictured bottom of page rt. is known to be capable of wildly astronomical feats-like climbing the temple stairs on solar ascension on solstice and descending when our Sun declines on autumn equinox. His knowledge of the galaxies is understood to be beyond human comprehension & therefore immortal.

If Not Apocalypse, What Can We Expect?

Four minutes before Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) 11:11 a.m. February 21, 2023 converted to world time zones—East Coast U.S. five hours prior; Central CDT 6 hours, California PDT 8 hours prior; Hawai’i central Pacific a day before @ Midnight + 7minutes.

Western time zones prepared. We had practised feeling joy in the pleasure of simple things, laughing at our own childish attempts at grown-up seriousness. We were learning to release worries and doubt; we knew it was time to be counted along with those who could lay down fear & doubt; pick up the sword of true ‘reality’. To laugh, cry with joy, dance, play & be grateful for all that life has already given us—our family, friends, cats, birds, garden veg, herbs, fruit—with the expectation of more to come in the future. Even love we never thought would reach us in our rapidly advancing world.

Linguistic aside: in Indo-European terminology—study of language from its first ancient roots common to Latin, French, German, Dutch, Polish, Jewish, Flemish, even Islamic variables & to tribes along the Road to Marrakesh the word Telos denotes point of a spear, dagger or arrow. Just making a point!

Plus the knowledge that we are capable of creating anything in a world we choose. Laughter the best medicine; joy, happiness, pleasure and humour are tools of our trade.

“Find a place of comfort and calm; release all feelings of urgency, guilt or worry-anything negative which might hamper one’s mind from entering that special place within where all is light.

“Move away from FEAR conversations; move away from FEAR thoughts; TRUST in a bright and beautiful future. Hold your frequency high, so that you are part of all that moves forward. The darker the time, the more you look for the light”

They added this message the following day: “If you joined us last night/day before, bless you. There is more to come.”

Telosian Future Vision is Variable—Dependent on their own Group Mind

It is comforting to realize Telosian Light Beings are themselves subject to their own Group conclusions.

Telosians predict the “Collapse of the Fourth Field”—their name for our current world culture of war & legal battles, embezzeling, stealing, murder & rape: our unloving treatment of our fellow men & women.

Whilst conceding the Group Mind is capable of making decisions for themselves along with us, their followers, these are subject to change along the way, because Group Consciousness is constantly on the move too, changing shape/direction with each new day.

Other (S.American) cultures—like Machu Picchu, in the Peruvian Andes above Cuzco, have found unique methods of switching into non-time. as actress and Academy Award winning author, Shirley MacLaine discovered in her own search for enlightenment.

Shirley’s book ‘Out on a Limb’ charts her search in Earth’s highest mountains for ‘other’ consciousness ‘closure’.

Expectations for a Future Without Sadness/Crime or Disappointment

With our new arsenal of pleasurable thoughts, funny & satisfying life changes, expecting the unexpected—and thanking our lucky stars we are the recipients of such daily surprises, we remind ourselves to show gratitude and love to those who bring such new surprises into play.

Light Beings enjoy continuously—anything & everything that comes their way. As in their realm there is no such cataclysm as death. The physical body renews and becomes more beautiful as our genetic structure is in balance and so physically we cannot “age” after 35.

They constantly repeat—so it becomes our belief too—that we are immortal; that there is no dying in that place beyond…

Encouraging, n’est-ce pas?

Especially if after the collapse of our so-called Fourth Field, life will re-open like a concertina-form instrument to reveal love and blessings we never dreamed we deserved. The love of our life awaits us on the other side. That’s the spirit, my friend, Enjoy. ©2013 Marian C. Youngblood

The Janus Effect—Riding into the New on an Old Horse

January 6, 2021

Saddle Bags full of Old Stuff, Camping Out in the New


Janus Effect— Riding into the New on an Old Horse

Janus, an Etruscan god, borrowed by Romans for their first month of reformed Julian calendar, which previously began March—equinox. The god is pictured, right, as a young man looking forward, old man looking back.

Angels, far right, were invoked to guide the army through battle, horses blessed as bearers of essential supplies

Emperor Trajan, A.D.98-117, seen left, creator of Trajan’s Column in the Roman Forum, used his power as Optimus Princeps to erect a 1st-century video documentary in STONE of his successful campaigns in subduing barbarians throughout the Empire, being offered beheaded captives

Trajan’s column in Rome, erected after successful Dacian campaign, portrays Rome’s omnipotence in all things martial—barbarians always defeated by superior Roman knowhow/weaponry/transportation

Saddle bags full of Old Stuff, Camping out in the New


Emerging from what feels like a deep dark cloud of a year—2020—into the light of a new one which has potential to wake us all up and catapult us right out of bed, it is tempting to blanket all of the bad with the old, and look to the new year to solve all our problems.

But it’s a little more complicated than that.

If I’m honest, solitary confinement aka lockdown aka quarantine aka Tier 4 [for Brits], has had a remarkable effect on my writing regimen. Many blog authors and fiction wannabes will agree, we need a writing routine to help get ourselves organized, or we’d never produce a single word—bless our Muses, may it never happen.

Angelic Potpourri of Offerings from the Stars & Social Media as Humanity Wakes up to Responsibility

Creative people have found time in isolation rewarding in unexpected ways: more self-time allows honest re-assessment of our capacity for change, our output—both volume and quality—and enjoyment of what we do. With no distractions to interrupt our daily entry to the Writer’s Cave—painting boudoir, or garden plot [unless it becomes a criminal act to do so]—new books get written, music composed and broadcast, gardens and parks flourish. Nature likes to show off her growth.

Having nobody else to talk to, or hug daily—some elderly have had no phone connection or physical touch for months—has an effect of allowing us to spiral inward to where our Muse usually sits at her own computah waiting for us to ask! That isolation opens inner doors to our mind—and its myriad compartments—usually unheard in the (former) hurly burly of day-to-day existence—what we used to call the Nine-to-Five.

The new Nine-to-Five might be called more appropriately the Dawn-to-Dusk, or Sleep-no-More. Reaction to having only oneself in charge of one’s day—plus social media— has made superstars out of teenagers and octogenarians alike.

Drive-thru Virtual Graduation for U.S. Students, Remote Viewing A-levels in Britain

A virtual world for Education premiered in British A-level exam results, and U.S. Virtual Graduation ceremonies, with drive-in access to ‘graduates’ on a giant public screen, and cars suitably six feet apart. Zoom and Facetime no longer domain of teenagers, hosts home vids from newbies thru to experts. Tweets and Instagram posts get a million followers, 12-year olds become ‘social media influencers.’ Even the Mother Road, beloved of Kerouac and the Beat Gen, has shown (very cool, hip) example by maintaining nightly shows at its Route 66 Drive-In Movie theater in Jaspar, MO, with Miami Dolphins converting their stadium for film shows and Robert De Niro’s Tribeca Drive-Ins operating in many states.

Our entertainment antennae are being tweaked. We lap up visual, virtual televised or electronically-generated media like babes to the bottle. Royal audiences have become a television moment of a tap on the virtual shoulder by a non-corporeal monarch with a (light saber) sword.

Angelic Intervention and Messages from the Stars

Our senses have become heightened by this aloneness. Plus an automatic human response to being caged—escape—to get out into Nature and do more walking, planting, appreciating. World movements have appeared, to plant rescue forests, create community veg and fruit gardens, rewilding abandoned plots and city parks. Cairngorms National Park, largest park in Britain, has committed to revitalising biodiversity and to restoring (near-extinct) Caledonian Pine Forest (rewilding and exclosure plantings) and to Scotland’s looted and damaged peat bogs. Some highland estates have initiated a reduced seasonal game shoot, with fewer acres of heather burn (cover for the grouse), allowing local wildlife to return in natural numbers.

Messages from aloft include December highlight Saturn/Jupiter Great Conjunction, when every planet and asteroid that we know of—plus a few we didn’t imagine—came into alignment in a small quadrant of our (Earth-view) sky, over winter Solstice. While the two giants are separating now, they continue to dominate January skies. Astrologers predict cataclysmic change. Seismic scientists believe this alignment of planetary bodies produces earth-directed energy, similar to the effect of a sunspot maximum when the solar face aims directly at earth: it produces increased volcanic eruption and earthquake movement.

Something like that is happening now—which started on Solstice—in the Halema’uma’u Caldera, a collapsed crater atop Hawai’i’s Kilauea volcano, 4,000ft. Quiet for three decades, goddess Pele chose earth’s shortest day to reawaken a two-year old collapsed shield volcano that had filled with water (60ft deep). Blasting through rock, old petrified magma, and evaporating the water lake in process, Halema’uma’u (and Pele) created a lava lake that is currently changing the local landscape. Watch this space.

Volcano National Park USGS webcam and drone footage of December eruption update to Epiphany, January 6, 2021

Writerly Conclusions—When Life Brings you Lemons, er, Lava—make Lava-ade?

Meanwhile an Epiphany in the (smokey but breathable) writers’ cave, wassup, Doc? Is a new year resolution to keep on keeping on when all around are losing theirs, still valid if the ground we walk on is shifting beneath our feet? In our newfound zeal for restoring the wild, reducing CO2, becoming more in tune with Mother Nature, do we turn the clock back aka horse-drawn-plough? or forward aka book a seat on Space-X?

Roman ingenuity would have known. Ancient advice to the fallen, the wounded, the lost—and the found? Get back on the horse.

©2021 Marian Youngblood

Old Endings New Beginnings—Death and Regeneration in the Age of Scorpio

October 26, 2015

Fireworks in the Sky for Hallowe’en/Guy Fawkes

Ancient custom SoCal style—Ghostbusters-inspired Hallowe'en frivolity in the glitz capital

Ancient custom SoCal style—Ghostbusters-inspired Hallowe’en frivolity in the glitz capital

Orionids began the whole celestial fireworks show by scattering fragments of leftover comet Halley (orbit period 76 years) last Tuesday night, October 20th, as we hovered at Scorpio’s door. Ostensibly meteors came from the head and spear of Orion. The Hunter, however, forever pursuing the Pleiades through the northern sky, lies 1,344-Light-Years distant from us, while Halley’s cometary fragments skidded past within a skittish 50-miles overhead.

Brit Guy Fawkes mask, traditional Bonfire Night mingled with Hallowe'en, is  banned in Persian Gulf as anarchist

Brit Guy Fawkes mask, traditional headwear for Bonfire Night mingled with Hallowe’en, is banned in English Ex-pat Reserves in Persian Gulf as anarchist

Halloween 2015 approaches, and with it British Guy Fawkes’s revolutionary—but foiled—attempt to blow up Parliament in 1605 Gunpowder Plot, celebrated throughout the English-speaking world. It is hard not to feel a revving up of cultural unrest, mirrored in grand scale on the celestial tapestry overhead. Following recent eclipses, planet conjunctions and lunar standstill moments to light up the sky, the Heavens continue to give us a box-office show right through our transition into autumnal Scorpio restriction, Saturnine beating our not-so-savage breast, and our cultural winding down of the Creational Clock—to primordial death.

And regeneration.

Earth’s Crustal Plates in state of Flux
It is horrific to learn of devastation caused by last weekend’s two massive 7.5-magnitude and 7.1-mag. Richter scale earthquakes, interrupting an unusual lull in quakes worldwide. Both are causing havoc and tragic loss in Hindu Kush and Vanuatu.

Earth's tectonic crustal plates: Himalayan upthrust mirrored by Pacific plate displacement in Sunday's  shock in Vanuatu

Earth’s tectonic crustal plates: Himalayan upthrust mirrored by Pacific plate displacement in Sunday’s shock in Vanuatu

While in Afghanistan, fears surface that such ferocity will open subterranean faults to the Ganges and Bangladesh, Pacific plate movement in Fiji shows equivalent turmoil only 50 miles deep. Both tremors were forecast.

Algol as Demon Star
Media traditionally tries to displace or make light of world tragedy by focusing attention on the cultural caricature. The current fave demon star is Beta Persei, otherwise known as Algol in the constellation Perseus. The star’s archaic name comes from the Arabic for ‘head of the ghoul’, or ‘head of the Demon’, because it appears to die and come back to life.

Why did early stargazers name this dual star for a ghoul—demon? Beta Persei, otherwise Algol or the Ghoul Star* was known to flicker. Ghoulishly, it was also seen in folktale as Medusa’s hair. Entwined within a legend of a star that fades and returns mysteriously from the Realm of the Dead.

Sound familiar?

Ancient astronomers calculated its rhythm and guessed—rightly—that its twin star system, with the dimmer of the two bodies passing in front of the brighter, has a regular beat. It causes Algol to shine in spurts—to pulsate. So, throughout the ancient world, Algol was seen as a demon or monster, who, as we know, is the Devil’s familiar. Centuries of observation have proved Arab astronomers’ calculations. 2015 Astronomy forecast is for Algol to reach minimum brightness late Friday night, October 30th 2015 at 11:52 p.m. in central U.S.A. (October 31st 04:52 Universal Time).

*To find the Ghoul Star: look for constellation Perseus—cuddling Andromeda—in the northern evening sky. Perseus lords over the northeast sky, above the bright star group Capella and The Kids (lower left of Perseus) and the Pleiades star cluster (lower right).

Greek and Roman culture associated the star with the Head of Medusa, monster-woman, whose fearful countenance struck a man to stone. Snakes in place of her hair were additional encouragement not to stare.

Screen Shot 2015-10-22 at 2.09.58 PMWhen the dimmer of the two stars passes in front of the brighter, Algol shines at minimum brightness. Astro forecast calls for Algol to reach minimum brightness late Saturday, October 30th, at 11:52p.m. Central time, U.S.A. (October 31st 4:52UTC).

Ancient astronomers were fully aware of the influence the heavenly bodies’ movements had on their population. Greek and Roman culture controlled their populace by providing—not only bread and circuses—but also seer-oracles with miraculous predictions to affect their worlds.

Meteorite held as sacred fire from Heaven in sanctuary of Hellenic Oracle at Delphi and in Saudi Mecca's Inner Sanctum

Meteorite held as sacred fire from Heaven in sanctuary of Hellenic Oracle at Delphi, and in Saudi Mecca’s Inner Sanctum

A meteorite, a “Zeus-fallen thing,” was kept in the Temple of Venus on Cyprus, and another in the pre-Hellenic Temple of Apollo at Delphi, on the slopes of Mount Parnassus in Greece. In Rome, a piece of sky iron, regarded as a heavenly shield upon which the tenuous security of the state depended, was cared for and guarded by a special order of priests.

Most famous holy meteorite is called the Black Stone, Hadshar al Aswad. Mounted in silver, it sits in a place of honor in the Ka’aba, the sacred shrine at Mecca, and is circumambulated by all Muslim devotees who make the Hadj, the requisite holy pilgrimage. The sacred stone has a vulvic-shaped cleft which suggests ancient pre-Islamic goddess worship. It is attended by a phalanx of men called the Sons of the Old Woman.

Arabic and Arab culture dominated the sky: star names still bear their mystical Arabian names—their connotations striking fear in believers’ breasts. It may even put goose bumps in ours.

Algol is one of these.


Jupiter Venus and Mars triangle in pre-Dawn Eastern sky

Saturn moves out as Sun moves into Scorpio. Get started on the Grand Plan: all signs in 1st/2nd house

Saturn moves out as Sun moves into Scorpio. Get started on the Grand Plan: all signs in 1st/2nd house

To counteract all the willies, hoolies and ooeys, there is contrast—thank the Angels—in the morning sky.

If we have learned anything from last month’s astounding sky tapestry, it is that celestial cycles are never-ending. And there is a rhythm which we normally-oblivious humans can attune to—if we take the time to do that.

Lunar standstill provided the springboard for repeat eclipses, close encounters of heavenly bodies with Earth, and an awareness

    that galactic fireworks can be to us—as they were to our ancestors—a source of gratitude and awe for the Great Beyond. Now—tonight—one month farther into this miraculous heavenly cycle of an amazing year—three cycles later than Mayan predictions—we prepare for Hunters’-Harvest full Moon: closest tightest brightest full moon combination of highest tides, lowest rainfall, highest land temperatures and greatest earth movement and tectonic mayhem since the last cycle.

    Pacific plate movement is merely a reflection of crustal displacement along the Himalayan upthrust, according to NOAA and USGS. It helps to remember, however, As Above So Below. And it was independently forecast.

    Azimuth, angle and rising times coincide miraculously to give us a pre-dawn display all week until Ghoul Hour

    Azimuth, angle and rising times coincide miraculously to give us a pre-dawn display all week until Ghoul Hour

    Ancient astronomers, students of celestial expansion and collapse, would have been amused by our (modern) human frailty and lack of vision, in midst of clear cosmic signs that all is well in Star Worlds.

    All this week—prior to and immediately after Tuesday (tonight’s) full moon, where our cultural sight should be set is perhaps less on poor old Sol, led by Saturn into Scorpio’s western clutches over the Pacific.

    Brilliant Venus, in conjunction with Jupiter above, and dimmer Mars below, 4:45a.m. October 25, 2015 looking East

    Brilliant Venus, in conjunction with Jupiter above, and dimmer Mars below, 4:45a.m. October 25, 2015 looking East

    Rather should we look East: Shake our culture shackles and set the alarm to get up before dawn—with Daylight Saving Time imminent—November 1st—this is an easy 6a.m.event. Then feast our eyes on three miraculous planets—Jupiter, Venus and Mars—rising in conjunction within minutes of the Sun’s brightening rays. Each dawn they can be seen, dancing a jig: vying a little each morning for position, getting closer and yet closer into a conjunction mazurka, which will separate and scatter in early November.

    Two thousand years ago, such a spectacle would have inspired pilgrims. If we suspend 21stC. disbelief, their heavenly beauty might also inspire us to pause briefly in our headlong millennial crawl over the edge.

    If we are all spared~~and allowed to Return from the Dead on Sunday~~ 😉
    ©2015 Siderealview

Earth Day: Celebration or Apocalypse Now?

April 20, 2015


6.6mag. Taiwan S.Japan location 24º129'N 122º335E   01a.m. UTC April 20. 2015

“6.6mag. Taiwan S.Japan location 24º129'N 122º335E 01a.m. UTC April 20. 2015

Four hours ago, a massive 6.6 magnitude Richter earthquake hit coastal Taiwan and Southern Japan. Local agencies, already overburdened with ongoing (nuclear) clean-up, continue to report. Minimal U.S. press coverage—slow to extract reports from the world arena in (western) night-time, unless specifically targeted—may find that differences in international dateline/time-zones may not result in this event’s being buried, It may not fit into a neat, orderly media-orchestrated political schedule.

There are ramifications, however—especially for western U.S.A.

EarthCrisis or Early Warning?

Minimum 'safe' height: 146ft—most of Tsunami Alley: sea-level

Minimum ‘safe’ height: 146ft—most of Tsunami Alley: sea-level

Location / uncertainty 24.129°N 122.335°E± 5.4 km
Depth / uncertainty 28.9 km± 4.4
Origin time 2015-04-20 01:42:58.470 UTC
Source: USGS

Two groups of Native American elders have summoned their communities, in preparation for uprooting and a move inland, away from their traditional ocean-listening posts. In San Luis Obispo county, a small nucleus of Chumash, originally ‘whale-whisperer sea-shell people’from Morro Bay to Malibu—their traditional lodges and burial grounds long-since displaced by ex-pat. Ventura- and Topanga Canyon-ites—have returned to hear “repeated warnings from our cetacean siblings” that we are endangering our homeland.

Washington Tribe prepare for Move to High Ground
The Quileute tribe of La Push, Washington holds a ritual each year, where every woman, man and child in the reservation summons local whales, dolphins, sharks, seals and other marine species to the community’s beach by playing drums. The tribe’s chief then wades among the animals and interprets their sounds.

Cetacean whisperers help us tune in—use it before we lose it

Cetacean whisperers help us tune in—use it before we lose it

In 2014, tribal leaders were “summoned” by Pacific Ocean whales, to alert them to a tsunami, ‘soon’ to engulf their community. La Push is located at the intersection of three tectonic plates, prone to earthquakes of nine-point magnitude. The tribe immediately started to make plans to move their community to higher ground. It applied for and received money from both the State of Washington and the federal government, to fund the relocation. Synchronously, assistance has been offered to Quileute elders by Finland’s University of Aalto, in designing their new settlement. In Finland’s Baltic and Arctic Oceans, they are also brother-whale-whisperers.

Wilderness no Longer Wild

“The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness” John Muir

John Muir—progenitor and founder of first U.S. National Park—would be proud of us, his descendants. While he was born in lowland Scotland and thus learned how precious is wild forest floor—Scotland’s indigenous trees mostly eaten by commercial sheep enterprises— un-mangled [by humans] tangled growth. Yet we seem oblivious of our continuing and unrelenting pollution of our only home.

Radioactive Slush
Gallons of slush and ice melt flood Great Lakes and Chicago hinterland.

Combination of Fracking, waste water recycling, human negligence cause man-made quakes in U.S. central states

Combination of Fracking, waste water recycling, human negligence, cause man-made quakes in U.S. central states

Sudden floods in New England, the Carolinas-coastal Virginia cause concern over contaminated drinking water supply. Marinas in Coral Gables, Everglades and Gulf states, Alabama, Louisiana and eastern Texas are revamping water towers last used in Hurricane Katrina, to cope with extra demand. Meanwhile Four Corners, Gila Bend, Arizona, Utah, Nevada—don’t even think of temperatures in Death Valley—and in a geographical spread as far east as Idaho, Kansas and Minnesota, high winds bring risk of grass fires.

Half the country is burning up, while the other half flounders in rising sea levels.

Do we still deny we have a hand in this? Are we pretending we don’t know what’s going on?

Competing for Cleanliest
Last week California Governor Jerry Brown scoffed at Florida governor’s amorous advances for a tourism “exchange”. While organic Californians greatly outnumber Brooklyn retirees in the balmy Everglades and Fort Lauderdale, in ecological terms, neither state can boast a totally clean city.

Echoes from Earth’s Chasms—Ring of Fire Rumbles into Activity
X-Class Solar flares emerging from the ‘hidden’ side of the Sun, add a frisson to so-called normal spring weather. Global extremes have caused great loss of life, however.

There’s more to come.

Triggered by solar CMEs incoming—bombarding Earth’s heat shield to stretching point, dormant volcanoes along subterranean ridges and lava reservoirs of the Ring of Fire are exploding.

Ring of Fire—Seismic Deeps and Ridges of the Pacific Ocean: festering to blow

Ring of Fire—Seismic Deeps and Ridges of the Pacific Ocean: festering to blow

Sewage and polluted water are high-profile questions that affect the whole human Earth-population.

Californians, once again, get to act guinea pig.

When Chualar—Salinas-Monterey Bay hinterland—received its first crop circle December 2013, it seemed to point the finger at even the most enlightened of Administrations for allowing continued proliferation of housing development in the Salad Bowl of the World. Fuller account of the Salinas fantasy here.

When the dice are rolled, who gets the blame for leading humanity over the edge of the world——?

Unfortunately for Governor Brown—and for all his supporters south of Sacramento—the WWII-aircraft carrier U.S. Independence has been rediscovered on the ocean floor, in San Diego’s back yard. However supposedly :safely: out of sight, according to U.S. National Ocean and Atmospheric Administrqtion (NOAA) Chief Science officer, James Delgado, the hulk, used for monitoring hydrogen bomb tests on Bikini Atoll in South Pacific’s Marshall Islands was deliberately sunk off San Diego’s beaches, carrying one hundred barrels of nuclear waste in its hold.

Bikini Atoll: no Place for Bikinis Now
NOAA make light of the rediscovery:

WWII. aircraft carrier, U.S. Independence, scarred in Pacific battle theater

WWII. aircraft carrier, U.S. Independence, scarred in Pacific battle theater

“After 64 years on the seafloor, Independence sits on the bottom as if ready to launch its planes”
J.Delgado, Chief NOAA Science officer

Damaged in WWII, aircraft carrier US Independence found intact April 2015 in Pacific waters carrying nuclear waste

Damaged in WWII, aircraft carrier US Independence found intact April 2015 in Pacific waters carrying nuclear waste

A half-buried metal ship full of discarded nuclear waste is not what U.S.Navy residential retirement community of Coronado needs. Not to mention its hold, stuffed with radioactive bricks, concrete and mortar—’in case of leakage’—lies now exposed to every little rattle emanating from the San Andreas fault and its tributaries stretching south into Baja California. Los Angeles’ Baldwin Hills experienced two middle-range quakes last week. Pasadena and San Marino residents live constantly with shaking mantels.

Sentient Earth
In cyclone-hit Philippines, residents live their lives in the shadow of a stratovolcano.

Pinatubo still fuming a century later

Pinatubo still fuming a century later

Fifty years to the day, volcanic activity around the planet regurgitates ash, debris and detritus from its dormant cone, as if marking the event in EARTH’s calendar, Earth‘s schedule, Earth’s Grand Plan.

Residents of Pinatubo‘s local island Luzon—unlike the cancer-prone residents of Bikini—still recount stories their grandfathers told of wildlife death toll, relocation and readjustment to life under a stratovolcano’s gaze.

Shooting Stars on Mid-Atlantic Ridge

Five years on: NorthAtlantic ridge giant, Eyjafjallajökull, used pyroclastic flows to delay SpaceShuttle Discovery's reentry to Earth

Five years on: NorthAtlantic ridge giant, Eyjafjallajökull, used pyroclastic flows to delay SpaceShuttle Discovery’s reentry to Earth

It is also five years since Iceland’s volcanic-field-cum-ice flow blasted ash and pyroclastic mush into the North Atlantic, delaying the return of NASA’s last space shuttle, Discovery.

Their favorite volcano, Eyjafjallajökull, standing proud in a 33-mile wide lava field, is still smoldering, shooting reminders up into the stratosphere along the fault held loosely by the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. In case anyone farther afield is listening, Herta, Surtsey are telling us Earth has its own idea of marking anniversaries.

CCphCaGWgAEs-v4Perhaps we should go along with the conclusion drawn by an old veteran WWII Lancaster bomber navigator friend, who only last week decided to slough off this mortal coil at the youthful age of 95:

Combination of Earth’s silicate core, presence of Iridium and solar flares gives us our weather. It’s the CORIOLIS EFFECT.
Commander (retd.) Sandy (Gogo) Constable, RAF

We shall see, Sandy. When the tsunami hits Coos Bay, may we remember your words of wisdom.
©2015 4/20 Siderealview

The Comet Labyrinth: Following the Umbilical Chord to the Soul

November 29, 2013

Comet ISON Reaches Perihelion

Sun-grazing comet Ison's head fans open as it makes closest approach to Mercury 11/19— before slingshot round the Sun 11/22-12/22

Sun-grazing comet Ison’s head fans open as it makes closest approach to Mercury 11/19— before slingshot round the Sun 11/22-12/22

Comet ISON, or Comet Nevski–Novichonok, currently the darling of NASA and Russian space agency whose Vitali Nevski and Artyom Novichonok discovered it in September 2012—using the International Scientific Optical Network in Kislovodsk, Russia, reaches its closest point to the Sun: PERIHELION: tonight, after its journey through the SolarSystem from the Oort Cloud on the edge of the heliospere fourteen months ago.

Thanksgiving comes in all forms
For over a year, international agencies have followed Comet ISON’s heady entry into our neighborhood, heralding its last naked-eye visibility in our eastern dawn skies this weekend, before perihelion—now—its ‘slingshot round the Sun’. When it reemerges next week—despite media/entertainment industry’s drama-crisis Doomsday scenario of planetary mayhem, disintegration or worse—it becomes a more-easily visible evening sky object, setting along with Mercury and Venus after the Sun in the west December 4th.

Harking back to beautiful swallow crop circle of June 2009 with sparkling  "coded" tails, courtesy CCC

Harking back to beautiful swallow crop circle of June 2009 with sparkling “coded” tails, courtesy CCC

Increased brightness caused by its encounter with the solar electromagnetic forcefield—in its face, so to speak—will add to holiday glitz and excitement, as the fireball gradually retreats back whence it came. December 4th-5th Northern hemisphere skies will be dominated by the glitter of twinkly wishing stars; it will do a fly-past of Earth on Hogmanay/New Year’s Eve. What more could a movie-fantasy/retail-therapy culture want for the ‘holiday season’?

On a (less Western) more philosophical soul-level: if Humanity’s Oversoul wished to indulge us in a little fireworks display to herald the phenomenal rise in spiritual consciousness-awareness of kin spirits reconnecting on earth, within what has for some been a waiting game since the ’Sixties, wouldn’t “It” choose to entertain, rather than chastise us?

Aren’t most of us tired of having to cope in that ‘stranger-in-strange-land’ environment? desire with body-mind-spirit to reach out of our fish tank-box and allow the Great Work of the Medicine Wheel to gather us up in its healing motion?

Perspective of the Ancients

Newly-formed Niijima Island, courtesy NipponCoastGuard, during simultaneous eruptions Java, Mexico, Guatemala & Sicily, November 23, 2013

Newly-formed Niijima Island, courtesy NipponCoastGuard, during simultaneous eruptions Java, Mexico, Guatemala & Sicily, November 23, 2013

Comets in the mind of ancient peoples were signs of the wheeling of the Ages; heralds of the end of the old and the beginning of the new. On an electromagnetic level, we are naïve to believe that recent fierce elemental storms have not happened many times in the history of planet Earth. This year alone, as well as Solar sunspot maximum storms, accelerated weather patterns and volcanic activity have increased on Earth as well as on major ‘outer’ planets, Jupiter, Saturn+moon Titan, Uranus and Neptune. So adding a newcomer from the Oort Cloud into the heliospheric mix, it is little wonder all heads turn to the skies.

Labyrinth: a solo path

Labyrinth: a solo path

You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is in danger by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness. And so to whatever degree any one of us can bring back a small piece of the picture and contribute it to the building of the new paradigm, then we participate in the redemption of the human spirit, and that after all is what it’s really all about
Terence McKenna

Terence McKenna
‘s prophetic statement that ‘Man would make it with Machines’ has arrived in the real world. Bluetooth and iPods accompany street rap, break dancing and shopping carts. Man is more making it with his machine than his neighbor; more aware of his inner soul than the ‘real’ world around him. Altogether not such a bad thing in consciousness terms…

The Body is the umbilical cord to the Soul—Terence McKenna

NORSE Thor, GOD of Thunder Lightning & the ethers struck bolts of fear in Viking hearts

NORSE Thor, GOD of Thunder Lightning & the ethers struck bolts of fear in Viking hearts

Western civilization has been denied the concept of ‘Soul’ for fifteen hundred years while the establishment church/temple controlled the means—ritual pathway—umbilical cord which leads there. By denying their followers, whether Roman catholic, Anglican, Islamic, Hasidic, Coptic, Mormon or southern Baptist, they are all entangling their followers in unentanglable strands of dogma which obscure the Soul they profess to teach connectivity to.

Integrity requires listening to loving parts of your personality and honoring them. Conscience takes you where others want you to go. Integrity takes you where your soul wants you to go.
Gary Zukav
Spiritual Partnership: the Journey to Authentic Power

Mind-Body Labyrinth:Umbilical Cord to the Soul

Silbury Hill "time-attractor", or Eschaton: is time running out? crop circle June 25th, 2013

Silbury Hill “time-attractor”, or Eschaton: is time running out? crop circle June 25th, 2013

We are in the grip of some kind of an attractor, and when we look back at History, we can have a sense, I think, that we have never been here before. But we are so accustomed to causal thought, that we assume we have been pushed here, pushed here by historical necessity, by bad political decisions, by the vicissitudes of evolution—cultural and otherwise. I don’t think so. I think we have been pulled here, that we are under the aegis of a kind of attractor. Some people would call it a “destiny”, but what it is is a dream that is pulling us deeper and deeper into the adventure of existential becoming. And faster and faster—that’s the other thing. Deeper and deeper, faster and faster, so that the rate of change that people were accustomed to before the Industrial Revolution, for example—we can barely conceive of such slow-moving, stately, meta-stable societies. On the other hand, within the 20th Century, the acceleration has been even more intense, and will continue to accelerate in the 21st.
Terence McKenna, The Archaic Revival

McKenna was convinced of the aloneness of Nature; he saw it critically as responsible for the current need to construct the UFO-Alien scenario—as the ‘most acceptable form to the ego presenting itself—alienation—disguising itself as an ET being’.

Many within the crop circle community have waxed eloquent this year on classical weaponry, ancient legendary ‘seeding’ from the stars, etc., and the UFO element has been given full rein.

Javelin-style CC Chute Causeway, Wiltshire 2013

Javelin-style CC Chute Causeway, Wiltshire 2013

Valid points, however, are being made to a predominantly western-agnostic-disconnected audience, who seem unable to make the quantum leap to an electromagnetic scenario which most enlightened, consciousness-aware, New Age groups now accept as our greater human potential: our current path on the planet either encompasses such greater awareness, or dies.

Taken together, several West-Keennettdesigns this year reflect previous seasons: the alien head Hinton Parva, 2011 the sacred serpent Ouroboros, the double-bladed axe.


“Local legends tell of gods in old Mexico armed with Xiuhcoatl, ‘fire snakes’. that emitted rays capable of penetrating and mutilating the human body.”
Graham Hancock on use of ray-launchers among the Aztec-Inca civilizing gods, Quetzalcoatl and Viracocha Fingerprints of the Gods

Australian aboriginal tradition tells that former men were the ‘Brothers of Lightning’.


Electromagnetic spectrum: light, sound, music, all one

Electromagnetic spectrum: light, sound, music, all one

So, if the 2013 crop circle hourglass shape, top, is a deceptive electromagnetic trick played by the forcefield around Silbury, Avebury and the Ridgeway, while at the same time reminding us of its alchemical symbol and our wasting (planetary) time, what are we going to do about it ?  

Overton-&36Silbury Hill is the largest man made mound in Europe—imagine a five-acre field (2 ha), lovingly mounded with tons of chalk approx.2,500 B.C., contemporary with building Avebury, Aberdeenshire’s recumbent stone circles, Egypt’s classical pyramid period.  

July 7th 2013 at first sign of English summer, largest manmade mound in Europe, Silbury Hill attracts Ship of Dreams crop circle

July 7th 2013 at first sign of English summer, largest manmade mound in Europe, Silbury Hill attracts Ship of Dreams crop circle

Throughout the much-maligned, many times sabotaged 2013 crop circle season, a subliminal but increasingly powerful element of design, intelligence and desire to communicate appears, showing an overlay of tighter, more specific pointers to trigger those intuitive receptors in the human brain. Previous seasons from the glorious days of 2009-2010-2011 have prepared our consciousness for the appearance of ‘magical’ designs which trigger joy centers and memory receptors in the mind; so that when similar Disneyesque shapes reappear, reshuffled, realigned, we sense them as familiar. Check archives for specific seasons, sidebar right.

Progression of sound and light, electromagnetically transmitted in crop designs 2013 in the Avebury triangle

Progression of sound and light, electromagnetically transmitted in crop designs 2013 in the Avebury triangle

Circling the hourglass formation are ‘weather-feather’ glyphs which at first glance look similar to June 2012 designs. But edging closer, they reveal Celtic Church ogham, the Dark Age equivalent of Viking runes.

MUINThe idea related to Muin, vine, is propheric, open to intuition, truth. Its potency is greatest during Lammas-August and the ancient festival of Fire, of Lugnassadh, Lammas, symbolic of letting go, releasing old habits, clearing the past.

RUISRuis, elderflower, beginnings—endings, death/rebirth. Power at time of ‘thinnest veil’ between dimensions, Hallowe’en, Samhain

IDADIoho, ancient yew, symbolizes rebirth, reincarnation, immortality—yew wood never ‘dies’. 

COLLColl, hazel, intuition; wisdom of the Salmon, pre-Celtic totem of gnosis, potent in July. 

EADADEadad, poplar, birth, healing, prevention of illness; finds spiritual strength-endurance to face harsh life realities.

The Assyrian/Minoan labrys, double-headed axe was symbolic of sacred union between sky-earth; ultimate god/essly power; access to electric current, thunder and lightning; sun; fire. In Minoan Crete, coincidentally destroyed 2500B.C. by volcanic apocalypse, the double-bladed axe meant divine sovereignty, holding sacred power via presence of the deity within.

All are symbols of left-hemisphere-dominant power, prevalent for two millennia, now being questioned from within by some of us in western society. An undercurrent of the resurgent feminine—in all its guises, intuitive through outright male-female conflict—is surfacing to join indigenous wisdom in respect for the mother planet.

Ever-increasing circles of energy: humanity's potential godself

Ever-increasing circles of energy

Imagine for a moment, if you will, being our sentient mother Earth, tried beyond her patience with us, her errant children’s ways, enlightened and encouraged by her brightening lover, Sol to communicate in a language long known to our foremothers, but now forgotten: the plant symbols, Pictish creature designs on stone, tree shapes translated into ogham by early Celtic churchmen. Would she not use all the armoury at her disposal—an alkaline-waterfilled-electromagnetic-natural generator to relay her messages as artforms in crop circles—messages in the corn—as in 2013, within the underlying fabric of this magical aquifer? And would she not use multi-phase formations appearing in sequence over consecutive nights, as in 2009,2010, as a means to tempt those who of us who long to reconnect; while reminding us that enlightenment comes in fragmentary-momentary layers.

Sadly in post-modern faith-devoid Britain, these sacred messages, worshipped in pre-Celtic belief as intuitive gifts, seems to be ignored on those now-overpopulated shores, and it may take a miracle for the Brits to wake up and see it for themselves.

...our Pale Blue Dot...

…our Pale Blue Dot…

Viewed imaginatively as an overlay in a sequence of several seasons, like long-time crop circle devotee Gerd Estrup, or as an ongoing dialogue between higher consciousness and our prosaic selves, the 2013 season is indeed appealing to our soul to wake up and contribute; to intuit, grow and believe in something greater than the unholy mess we have created.

If we open ourselves to infinite possibilities, the unlimited, the unexpected, the extraordinary is allowed to enter and surprise us. We may save ourselves and our Pale Blue Dot after all.
©2013 Siderealview

Waiting for the World to End in 2013?

January 19, 2013

After the Apocalypse, courtesy Mimenta Digital Arts

After the Apocalypse, courtesy Mimenta Digital Arts

Apocalypse (Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apocálypsis, from ἀπό also καλύπτω meaning ‘un-covering’), translated from Greek, disclosure of knowledge, hidden from humanity in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception, i.e. lifting of the veil or revelation

As most of us already know, the Long Count Calendar of the Maya ended on December 21st, 2012. It signals the End of the Cycle of the Fifth Sun which began on 13 August 3114 BC.

The Maya chose to mark this event in their major cycle at a time when coincidentally the spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy comes into closest conjunction [including that of the planets, solar system and the Sun at winter solstice] with the Galactic Center/Dark Rift.*

The ancient Maya discovered a mathe-magical key that linked nearly every known astronomical cycle. With the number 260 and its component divisors (13 x 20, 5 x 52, etc.), they could interconnect all apparent time sequences of observable celestial cycles—solar, lunar, eclipse, Venus, Mars, Mercury, the cycle of precession. Their knowledge of the precession of the equinoxes has filtered into New Age consciousness as bringing round that cosmic date when the Sun and Earth entered the ‘Age of Aquarius’.

*The actual astronomical range for this annual ‘rendezvous with its ‘cosmic birth canal’ is more realistically 1960-2240, with closest range between from 1998-2016, but it has become popular to fix it around the close of 2012.

Separate from this now-famous calendar, the Mayan Sun-Venus Calendar happens to end on March 28th 2013. It marks the end of the current fifty-two-year Venus cycle that began on April 10th 1961, and more crucial, it marks the start of the new 5000-year cycle of the Sixth Sun.

Daykeeper Hunbatz Men, modern Elder of the Guatemalan Maya, foresees no apocalypse

Daykeeper Hunbatz Men, modern Elder of the Guatemalan Maya, foresees no apocalypse

Some see the notorious ‘Shift’ as one of consciousness. Others as a ‘night of terror’ [Don Alejandro, below] or not to be feared [Hunbatz Men, pictured left, and below]; a further shifting in the polar and magnetic compass points; or physical earth shifts in the form of tsunamis, earth tremors and volcanic or solar activity.

Still others more spiritually determined, like Ken Carey [Bird Tribes, Starseed: Third Millennium] see humanity reach out to fellow beings, winged, rooted, ocean-going or star-seeking, and bring the shift into the personal domain.

“This field of human consciousness will soon know itself for what it is: even as we realize that each of us is like an individual leaf on a tree, or an individual cell in a body. Even after this happens I expect that in order to minimize any disorientation this event will bring, the Star Maker will only gradually reveal its conscious Presence within us, slowly allowing humankind to awaken to the realization that people are not only One, but that we have a rôle as the Star Maker’s physical organ of consciousness—an organ similar to a brain—but more clearly understood in our new capacity as the guidance system for this particular planetary garden.”
Ken Carey

During Consciousness-raising workshops in the GalacticHuman TMI Timeline and Starline programs, a remote viewing on 2020 and 2012, brought up an event associated more appropriate to 2013 than 2012, on an early January/February event:

Starting 1/3/2013 to 2/13/2013 “No communications, internet and/or electricity cut off-isolated from ? – communications will be ‘different’.”
Maya 13-moon cycle;
0:Ahau/12 220

1:Imix/1 1 day(1)=Kin(1); power doubled day.

1/3/2013 comes 13 days after 12/21/2012 ( – 13 an important cycle (13 months x 20 glyphs = 260-day calendar)
1/3/2013 Long Count is a ‘mirror’, with emphasis on 13:
2/13 is 40th day later; 39 day difference (39 = 3×13)
2/12 is 0-Ahau/13-Cosmic; Kin 260 = end of the cycle; 2/13 is Kin 1 = begin
12/12/2012 (-9 days/kins, 9 Underworlds)
12/21/2012 (0 day)
1/3/2013 (+13 days/kins, 13 Heavens)
Long Count reading by Galactic Human Workshops

Serpent of Light Beyond 2012
According to Drunvalo Melchizedek’s ‘School of Remembering’* the Serpent is on the move and its energy will culminate on a date in February or March 2013.

February 16th, 2013 is the 260th day of new Age [Maya], which completes the first Cycle of Creation (13 x 20 days). It is the seventh day of Tone Seven of the time-wave that started on the 24th December 2012.

2/16/2013 Long Count:
Near-Earth-Asteroid 2012 DA14 (discovered 2/13/2012) is forecast to come very close—within satellite orbit range—to the earth on 2/15/2013.

Blazar X-3 in constellation Cygnus emits light/energy in a jet

Blazar X-3 in constellation Cygnus emits light/energy in a jet

Sun and Earth alignment with Cygnus X-3. Cygnus X-3 is considered a ‘blazar’, sucking energy from another star, one of the largest sources of X-rays and one of the few sources of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays, also known to produce gamma ray bursts.

*from Serpent of Light: Beyond 2012 by Drunvalo Melchizedek

Valentines Day, 2013 thru Feb.19th, collision in Aquarius-Pisces, courtesy Astrotheme

Valentine’s Day, 2013 thru Feb.19th, collision in Aquarius-Pisces, courtesy Astrotheme

‘Beginning of a new cycle and a new world —where entire heavens will be opened up to humans — free to explore our natural environment of space, time and dimension beyond the Earth.’
Guatemalan Mayan prophecy cycle to 2/19/2013, transmitted by Drunvalo Melchizedek

2/19/2013 Long Count:
According to Drunvalo Melchizedek, from previously secret knowledge held by the modern Maya, in 1959, after the Lhasa uprising, when the Chinese caused the Dalai Lama to flee to India from Tibet, the kundalini of the Earth—its crown chakra seated in Mount Kailash in Tibet—shifted with him. This ‘serpent of light’ has continued to move through the earth’s electromagnetic system for sixty years and is gradually coming to a focus—elders on both American continents agree—in the Andean plateaux: final resting place, and subject of much discussion.

When that happened, it triggered a meeting on the North American continent of Elders from all areas of Mexico, Belize and Guatemala, and a grand meeting of all Mayan tribes, because they had foreknowledge that the Serpent of Light was going to move. Elders have met annually since then and other groups have joined in increasing awareness and world consciousness:

The crop circle following, in particular, has been graced with several seasons of serpentine motifs in the ripening grain—2012 producing some of the most miraculous—see previous Siderealview blogs, below.

The Phoenix Star Knowledge Conference held December 10-13, 2012 included Mayan daykeeper, Hunbatz Men’s deeply convincing shared knowledge on fearlessness and the sacred duties required of future humans.

Prophesies relating to the end of the Great Cycle have included information on the New Beginning. Other sources, research from Enoch scrolls through ‘lost’ Babylonian texts through ‘missing’ Biblical epistles, speak of knowledge of this time known to the Ancients [antediluvian implied] as one of joy. But unfortunately the old fear-inducing scenarios have, rightly or wrongly, continued into this new time.

Maya Elder Don Alejandro says: “On March 31, 2013 the sun will be hidden for a period of 60-70 hours and this is when we shall enter the period of the Fifth Sun.”
3/31/2013, 13-Ahau, 3 Wayeb has ‘strange stargate signs and portents’.

Elder Hunbatz Men comments on our imminent, ancient remembrance:

“According to the prophecies, in the year 2013 the first stage of higher understanding will begin. If we are willing to work with our subconscious, we will then be able to reclaim the information that has been impregnated in the deepest parts of our being. In this way, the ancient knowledge will rise again.”
Hunbatz Men, Daykeeper and Mayan Elder

Don Alejandro picks March 31st 2013 for 60-70 hours of darkness

Don Alejandro picks March 31st 2013 for 60-70 hours of darkness

Other possible interpretations include:
—something affecting communications/electronics—Coronal Mass Ejection or large solar flare—
—temporary or combined effect from asteroid 2012—DA14
—metaphysical/energetic event affecting some people—or a new intuitive?/level of communication
—an externalization of an internal personal shift

It is a milestone date.

According to Melchizedek, the Guatemalan Maya are convinced that their date for the ‘transition’-shift’s happening on February 19th, 2013 is correct. The Sun-Venus cycle closes March 28th*; Don Alejandro dreads March 31st. Hunbatz Men says we have nothing to fear. Some say the shift has passed.

And there are several crop circle-Mayan studies/theories, including those on the CropCircleConnector site to satisfy the hungriest Venusian-addict. Take your pick.
*Detailed Venus calendar calculations here.

To be sure, 2013 has waited behind the veil of 2012 for long enough. Now the serpent of light is squeezing out from below the dawn and, if we’re open to it, willing to give our intuitive consciousness the full rein of its supreme intelligence, along with the billion-year-old carbon-fuelled DNA in our cells—and with our right hemisphere—this serpent energy may trigger our solar-inspired cells to become more than the sum of our parts: perhaps even to fulfill the destiny our [Egyptian, Sumerian, Assyrian, Greek, Russian, Roman, dare I say Atlantean?] forefathers foretold: “to become as one with the gods”.

Will it be a happy Valentine’s Day? If immortality awaits, are we really, culturally, humanly, lovingly, intuitively, psychically ready?
©2013 Siderealview

New Beginnings: 2012 Hinges open Doorway to Consciousness

December 27, 2012

CONSCIOUSNESS: Great Gatherer toward Ascension

Princeton's Global Consciousness Project recorded 12/12/12

Princeton’s Global Consciousness Project recorded 12/12/12

The Great Cycle of the Maya has been sliding quietly shut. December 21st, 2012, foretold as long ago as 3114BC to be a cosmic door closing on ‘historic’ humanity, was said within the Maya themselves to herald the threshold of a new form of Man: the revealing of the knowledge of the Ancestors, or ‘return of ancient wisdom’, and the ‘gathering together of tribes’.

The Great Long Count Calendar of the Maya is not the only calendar to herald this moment, but it is certainly the most evocative and topical headline-hitter of all ancient calendars which come to a finale at this crucial crossroads in time. Similar sacred systems studied by early priesthoods [5000+BC] in both old and new world religions from the Assyrian ‘fertile crescent’ to the Siberian steppes, based their supreme knowledge and annual information of secret wisdom ‘given by’ the stars. It was common in all cultures, held sacred, and its ongoing calculation was handed down as sacrosanct.

Seen from the perspective of the NewAge self-awareness movement, many such ancient prophecies would appear to allude to man’s growth in spiritual knowledge, practice and frequency.

So when group meditations started happening worldwide on 12/12/12, the resulting reverberation, measured on the University of Princeton’s Global Consciousness Project, passed any previous measurement on their global consciousness scale which registers world consciousness fluctuations as a dot-graph chart.

This result has astounded Princeton Noosphere Project monitors; but contributing to this event has been a decade’s worth of mega-growth in world computer function/distribution, ensuring that more people now have access to a ‘network’ [television or computer] during December 2012 than ever before in human history.

This special solstice 12/21/12-end cycle event has had a larger [eastern] audience too, as the last full moon of the year occurs tomorrow, December 28th, see astro chart below for its potent Cancerian influences.

And this extended portal, related in consciousness to the thoughts we have continued throughout the year on this blog, comes now at a time when remarkably, the human race may just be ready for it. Certainly questions about human potential, personal growth, creating alternate realities are on many lips.

What has been surprising is the number of young people who had heard of the Maya Cycle Close, had listened to but not necessarily believed the associated doomsayer apocalypse scenario; because they themselves genuinely believed in the less-broadcast-more internet-wide alternative for hope-for-humanity.

We are saddened that our supposedly intelligent media should invade their youthful peripheral world, scoop up and serve vampires, blood-and-gore, fireballs at the end of a comet tail, in order to create a massive fear plot.

… and what a let-down to find no axis-reversal, no polar shift; but instead a wondersome star-show as spectacular as the December Geminid meteor shower and a stunning night sky full of anciently-grinding- and wheeling stars, galaxies, planets and satellites predicted by ancestral calculation and all draped in divine splendour of a black winter sky, for our delectation.

Hope for 2013 and the New Cycle
Instead of succumbing to a stupor of virtual/screen terror, or a mock-millennium-bug-rave-till-the-grave, many have found personal reason to use this season to go within. There has been in internet circles as well as sacred centers round the world an emphasis on attaining newfound knowledge, newdreamt dreams; remembering our connections instead of our separateness.

Much of the new consciousness is simple: a child could do it. That’s what all the ancient texts say ‘with the eyes of a child… you will but see…’ ‘…and a child shall lead them…’

The first hinge of the Great Doorway of Consciousness has opened. Mankind steps tentatively forward, knowing intuitively how to proceed but still not sure if it can really be true: that love is the answer; that we are all brothers and sisters. Then, seeing others do the same, our steps become bolder. By letting go fear of ‘others’, we find more ‘like’ minds/spirits gathering round, coming into our lives.

Astrological chart, courtesy Christina Adolphsson, full moon in Cancer December 28th, 2012

Astrological chart, courtesy Christina Adolphsson, full moon in Cancer December 28th, 2012

Several million people worldwide met together in consciousness during the twenty-four-hour standing-still of this particular solstice 2012, in order to pull in the stillness through meditation: and another estimated million will continue a Vedic tradition in celebrating the full moon tomorrow. These groups consist not only of Central and South American, indigenous North American, Inuit and Aleutian/Alaskan heritage; along with thousands of southern hemisphere celebrants in Vedic ceremonies of the Indian subcontinent alongside private sun- and moon-worship celebrations on Bondi Beach. More significantly, in the heavily-populated northern hemisphere, hundreds of thousands of non-denominational spiritual groups internationally combined their loving intent, pooling spiritual resources for world peace and loving brotherhood.

Flower of Life: at root of all growth from cell to consciousness

Flower of Life: at root of all growth from cell to consciousness

Meditation ceremonies for December solstice, Christmas, full moon and year-end [Hogmanay] will continue in many cases through New Year, according to private calendars-timing-invitation. These ceremonies include but are not limited to events associated with established spiritual communities worldwide [e.g. Esalen, CA, Scotland’s Findhorn Foundation, Jean Hudon’s (Canadian) Planetary Light Network; Drunvalo Melchizedek’s ongoing Hawaiian, New Mexican and Central American ‘flower-of-life’ mer-ka-ba visualization for Ascension [his advice on a possible “earth-shift” in an electromagnetic sense can be read here]; the Meeting of the Thirteen Grandmothers in Arizona; and even more prolific, thanks to the internet: another uncountable number of individual workshop/meditation initiatives continue to be conducted online, courtesy of Keisha Crowther, Gregg Braden, Caroline Myss, Baba Ram Dass, Humanity Healing Network, Eckhart Tolle, and David Wilcock; with other proactive media influences [like Daniel Pinchbeck, Evolver and Reality Sandwich continue to encourage from the sidelines…
with assistance from sacred L.A group events e.g. Dee Wallace, Sandra Bullock, Brad Pitt environmental foundations.

From the perspective of the great serpent-hole at the center of the [Milky Way] spiral arm, the Earth is a precious planet. Teeming with millions of intelligent lifeforms, all potential cells of its supreme guidance system holding the planet in orbit as it passes through the gate. Its species are equipped with every last form of technology, spiritual, dimensional, physical and material: all the tools and toys of the imagination to play with and a perfect planet to perform on. And Mother Universe stands back for a few billion years [remember, time and space are relative, so this is an arbitrary number] and allows the species to have free choice.

Well, the Universe has left us to our devices now for something like five thousand years, give or take a Maya-contrived Baktun or two. And our consciousness has begun to hone itself: Ascension is a word on more lips now in 2012 than in, say, the post-war Eisenhower-era (where more common words might have been ‘duplex’, ‘superhighway’ and ‘warloan’).

And if not Ascension, then almost everyone [reading this blog] has spoken of or contemplated raising their own consciousness.

Where there is a meeting of consciousness, particularly with a a communal intent, a goal in view, Group Mind creeps in, allowing right-hemisphere/female-related sensations which the body knows intimately, like intuition, emotions, feelings, to take over.

During 2012 throughout the world, with so many spiritual groups holding conferences, earth-festivals, sacred ceremonials, to celebrate this exceptional milestone of time in our combined earth culture, it has become bigger than merely marking year Twelve-Twelve Gregorian; Hebrew year-5773; Maya

“Where two or more are gathered in My Name”
New Testament, King James edition

If teenagers can feel it; it’s there, on the tip of our tongue, that indescribably elusive taste of freedom-creation-possibility; if the Occupy Movement was last year’s phenomenon in the ongoing cycle of change to bring human interaction back to the human level [rather than being ‘managed’ by its current soul-less bureaucratic one]; then Ascension is this year’s preoccupation, its golden meadow of opportunity.

If we don’t see it right off, does that mean that the consciousness-the meadow-isn’t there? or does our habit of expecting media-manipulated answers to be delivered on a screen overshadow our deep desire and conviction that the great cluster of global consciousness is finally on the move.

We are not the people who were born into this world six, five, four, three decades ago. Not only has our skin, muscle tone, brain function but every cell changed, regrouped and rebirthed. Our consciousness, too, however much we doubt, has altered.

Some of those early movers and shakers have entered another dimension, leaving a few of us to carry the torch. Others, among the early ‘believers/NewAgers have sadly lapsed into the retirement-relapse-ageshock-memorylane comfort zone of never again having to confront ideas of Ascension. Still powering on, though, there are the original NewAge believers, encouraged as each decade passed and another generation joined them to swell their numbers quietly.

Now the long-awaited and much-foretold EndDays are manifesting one by one, hour by hour, minute by minute, and we are being asked as each precious moment of it passes, or as each new thought, new emotion arises, if we are worthy; if we have done enough in this life to merit the honor of still being alive as this time of flowering for us humans begins.

Drunvalo Melchizedek
’s spent two years in a solitary cabin in isolated surroundings, attaining a personal state of peace, openness and belief. His description of a personal ‘shift’, a St-Paul on the Road to Damascus moment, Ascension-in-action have been likened to experiences documented by all indigenous shamanic practice. The Leary-Alpert-McKenna team’s 1990s research has never been outclassed as a source of information on the natural ‘alpha’ theta-wave condition. This enhanced state of awareness is one sought by all meditative practitioners from Zen to Tibetan to Sedona to Laos. Independent gurus give the same advice. Allowing the left hemisphere to relax and the right to come through; intuition, awareness of gratitude, feelings over logic, calming the voice of the ego into a submissive role.

Ken Carey was also drawn to spend several seasons in isolated conditions, growing his own food and opening himself to belief that what he needed would be provided for him.

Both emerged from their experiences professing the first step in wrapping oneself in this new blanket of love is silence, and faith that it will go on surrounding us.

As Mayan 21-December-2012 slips quietly to a close and the stars and planets of the firmament wheel once more out of the central axis of the Milky Way’s Dark Rift and begin again a whole new charting through unventured regions of the Galaxy, we raise our heads humbly to such a magnificent canopy and at the very least wonder how we came to be so blessed to be here at this time, at this change of consciousness.

Because, however tentative and faltering our baby-steps, they are indeed steps we are making, with unfathomably loving spiritual help [call them Angels, Archangels, guides, God, Great Spirit, Jah, JVH or Aunt Maud-channelled-in-heaven] to become our more-loving selves; and as we feel more proficient at our new openness, more brotherly can be felt towards each other and miracles can be projected and start to happen: in energetic and spiritual terms our imagination-creativity-self-field (a pure extension of our self), is made more ‘real’ every time we re-emphasize a loving solution over a non-caring one.

Perhaps no great revelation or white light appeared on solstice 2012; no fiercely threatening alien form of a ‘dark star’ in the Nibiru mold crashed through the heliosheath and stood breathing lethal gas into earth orbit.

But, as Carey said in his latest work
‘when all else are looking the other way, God’s work will be done’.

Shift of the Ages
It probably takes a prescient kind of mind to know just exactly when one went/goes through the shift, if such one does/did, or whether we are among those privileged to live in these times of unique growth for the experience of sensing human psyche-consciousnes-groupmind.

I believe we are indeed the ones chosen to be here for this shift in consciousness-dimension-level of understanding of a Greater Spirit to guide us unerringly through these uncharted waters… we have to let go of the oars, believe we are in good/godly hands, and allow the energies, the aegis of the new to direct and guide us. After all, in a brand new dimension, all directions are valid; and we have pointers to show us the way, if we only watch and listen.

It may be some months before we shall look back on these final moments of December 2012 and be able to say truly: ‘I was there then when the shift…’ or ‘I had a feeling in my bones…’ it may be February before we will feel a change in the air, new birdsong, but, let us believe our star-nurtured electromagnetically-magical circuitry is capable of more than we currently see; more like the gods the Ancients believed were directing our path.

I believe the Ancestors knew of which they spoke when they called this moment the Shift of the Ages. While we may be slower on the uptake than the Masters, I think we mortals made it through the portal and that great dreams are ahead for us, with help from our loved ones, new friends and old, virtual and in the flesh, and that those who continue to help “bring through” the “new reality” will grow in strength and numbers.
©2012 Siderealview

Magnificence of the Three-Six-Nine and Timing of the Eschaton

March 6, 2012

The Transcendental Object at the End of Time

Kahauale'a: seismicity and solar flares = son et lumière

If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the Universe
Nikola Tesla Никола Тесла; Serbian American electrical/mechanical engineer and inventor (1856–1943)

Nikola Tesla's Tower: he invented the Tesla coil in 1891--still in use 120 years later in radio, tv and electronics

“(I have conceived) a means…for man to transmit energy in large amounts, thousands of horsepower, from one planet to another, absolutely regardless of distance. Nothing can be more important than interplanetary communication.”

“My flying machine will have neither wings nor propellers. You might see it on the ground and you would never guess that it was a flying machine. Yet it will be able to move at will through the air in any direction with perfect safety, higher speeds than have yet been reached, regardless of weather and oblivious of ‘holes in the air’ or downward currents. It will ascend in such currents if desired.”
Nikola Tesla on his self-energizing craft

“Many recent crop circles presaging mathematical/symbolic resonance/code have appeared near transmitters/antennae. Tesla was fascinated by the ‘attraction’ antennae/lightning rods held for lightning.

History–the Shockwave that precedes the Eschaton
McKenna said: “Nothing is unannounced. If you are paying attention, stuff comes down the pike. First a little wave, then a medium wave, then the tsunami.

“This is what it’s like when an entire species prepares to move on to the next dimension” Terence McKenna, speaking in 1999.

‘We are in the shadow of this transcendental object at the End of Time; we are all gathered here at the endgame of processes–we are about to become unrecognizable.’
Terence McKenna on Omega Point or Eschaton

He calls Eschtology the ‘study of that Last Thing’; the Thing we are still unraveling: that ‘concrescence of becoming’. Just as Carl Sagan released his belief systems towards the end of his life, McKenna had doubts. He didn’t want to die; at one time he believed death might be overcome.

He tended towards Eastern thought, (*influenced by Teilhard de Chardin, a Jesuit monk); his viewpoint was suffused with mystical theology of Eastern orthodox Christianity which is teleological, Eschatological and Universalist.
He did believe that the Universe has purpose towards hyper-complexification, or advanced organization. He predicted it would occur faster and faster. “In this state there is an illusion which makes it appear as if Nature is tending towards something–towards caring.”

“We are on the brink of understanding between Western space-time-matter and the energy dynamic, where an event is NOT pushed from behind, but attracted by something ahead. The Universe is under the sway of the Transcendental Object at the End of Time. All Nature aspires to this state of perfect Novelty. Nature abhors habit; so it produces Novelty at every level.”

According to the traditional view, provided in the last 200 years by Science, we live in a ‘very ordinary galaxy in a very ordinary Universe’. But, if drawn by the Attractor, we (human beings) suddenly return to center stage, become important in the Scheme of Things, because we are presently the most novel species on the planet–evolving most rapidly–as part of the Cosmos’s own tendency towards higher order. ‘More than that, we are the carriers,’ says Terence.

Most novel development since sliced bread

Symbiosis: Man + Machine = Superconsciousness

Today, as we draw ever closer to that transcendental object at the end of time, TOATEOT, Humanity represents the cutting edge of complexity. The whole process is one of moving towards complexification, his Novelty; our Fusion as one Consciousness; the Omega Point.

When Omega arrives, Humanity will have reached the finite limit of the capacity of the body. It is then, McKenna predicted, we will “‘make it with machines’!: These machines are time compressors; they give us a false sense of eternity.”

He predicted Consciousness and Language would be the keys.

Our entire civilization cannot move a marble at the speed of light, but we can move information at the speed of light…
Terence McKenna on the human-machine symbiosis

Donna Haraway, "A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century," in Simians, Cyborgs and Women: The Reinvention of Nature (New York; Routledge, 1991)

How could he know, thirteen years down the line from that prediction, that today we would be knee-deep in our umbilical connection to the Universe via the Internet? We are capable of holding three conversations at once, share omnipresent exclamations of momentary excitement, the discovery of a new spring flower: daily affirmations of our connection. We check out fifty blogs while the washing machine churns and still find time to email parents-child-friend. Last week I was invited to (and spent the evening at) a Blog Party.

There was absolutely no difference in my mind between attending the party in the ethers and one in person in the real world, except for the lack of champagne slipping down my throat. Brain synapses registered the same: maybe an even higher sense of ‘anticipation’ because some of our new Internet friends we’ve known for such a short time. We are only just getting the hang of this symbiotic wo/man-machine relationship; but it’s fun. Isn’t it? As Terence said, in coming together, we are becoming one Consciousness.

McKenna knew this time would come because he was tuned in–through shamanic conviction–to that experiential-knowing of our deep connection through our bodies to Nature to Earth-Solarsystem-Galaxy arm-Universe.

Immanentizing the Eschaton*

Grateful Dead at Winterland, 1973;
album cover art, courtesy Emek

You can’t go back and you can’t stand still
If the thunder don’t get you then the lightning will
Grateful Dead

“We now hold a catalyst for the human imagination of sufficient power that if we use it, we can deconstruct the lethal vehicle that is carrying us toward the brink of the apocalypse. And we can redesign it into a kind of starship that will carry us and our children out into the broad star galaxy we know to be awaiting us. But it’s a cultural test Nature is giving us. Intelligence is a grand experiment, upon which a great deal depends… and if it proves inadequate, Nature will cover it over with the same kind of cool impunity as she covered the dinosaurs, the trilobites…”

As McKenna’s own death drew near, his compassion for his fellow Man surfaced as the closest he ever came to faith in Universal Intelligence.

Glimpses into that Mind brought him into close alignment with Tesla’s own wonder of the Universe–and Number (top). The “magnificence of the 3-6-9” is the Phi spiral which entwines through everything. Both Tesla and McKenna spoke of the marvel of the Fibonacci sequence [3, 6, 9, 15, 24, 39…] and the stunning fractal it reproduces in Nature: from the Julia Set, Mandelbrot kidney-shape and the spiral of growth in plants, to the way galaxies spin in whorls and spirals: each according to an ever-expanding sequence of numbers–Nature’s fondness for one-third and two-thirds–themselves fractals of a greater whole.

The 'Julia Set' cropcircle appeared at teatime July 7th, 1996 next to Stonehenge, to the amazement of visitors. Even their trails have Fibonacci beauty

“We wonder why numbers–the product of the human mind–are so incredibly powerful for the description of Nature? Numbers arise in the depths of human restless emotion. What the relationship is of these things to each other is a deep mystery–the most difficult question for philosophy; one not even asked until 20thC–but it indicated a fundamental congruence of processes which are mental and at the same time relate to the world of Nature itself.

Phi spiral form in Fractal Mathematics

“I am an inventor/purveyor of a mathematical theory of Consciousness. I believe that, more powerful than any atom smasher or subtle than any space telescope, is the human mind. The human mind is the most subtle and superb of all instruments for the study and measurement of Nature.

“When we look into ourselves, we discover the same process that we discover in the birth and death of a species, flow of a river, collapse of a corporation or flowering of a love affair. Somehow this process is under the aegis of some sort of universal equation or description, so it doesn’t matter if it’s the birth or death of your hope, or the evolution of the Pacific Ocean. Processes always occur in the same way. Therefore congruence between the mental world of human beings, the abstract world of mathematics and the world of Nature–it’s the same Universal Stuff. This is why the concept of ‘truth’ can have some meaning.” Terence McKenna

...or we could, like the playful dolphin, keep up the game in the hopes that the Universe, in the form of a helpful humpback, might surface and give us the ultimate ride...

His predictions reflected his beliefs: that the human race is facing a dilemma: remain fixed in the plane of matter–or take off and find we have wings. He thought the amphibians must have had similar thoughts ‘…should we go up there and breathe the atmosphere… can we make it?’ Unlike the amphibians, we are breaking from the plane of matter; hurtling towards the Attractor at breakneck speed. The process is now in place, so that we must totally rewrite the script. No-one knows what will happen in the next 100 years, let alone in the next 100 days.

We are becoming a Community of Mind. But, ultimately, the only person in there is you.

‘You can argue, discuss and scientifically examine all you like, but it comes down to the same thing: Nobody understands what is happening. Not Buddhists, not Christians, not Government scientists, not anyone you know. So forget ideologies. They betray, they limit, they lead astray. Just deal with the raw data and TRUST YOURSELF. Liberate yourself from the Illusion of Culture. Take responsibility for what you think and what you do.’

We are about to make some new kind of leap. Before you enter the zone, you are an animal; after you leave the zone, you are a god. In the zone you are a schizophrenic and there’s a fire in the Madhouse at the End of Time. TMcK

The sweet pea Deva was first to explain to Dorothy Maclean the involvement of the Nature kingdom in human affairs

In the expanded New Age version, based originally on Eastern Orthodox ideas of Eternity–but quantized to fit with parallel universes, relativity of time and space, and the effects encountered in dreamtime and out-of-body experiences–the Eschaton, the ‘last thing’ has already happened. In *eternity/no-time everything already is, was and will be. So we can theoretically, from our position within (enclosed) time, already access the Eschaton in certain states of awareness. Also, we can choose to live as though continuing in such an awareness. In McKenna’s credo, it is extremely important to persevere: to live that belief, once experienced.

Both McKenna and Tesla were steeped in Nature: Tesla invented means to draw free energy from a naturally-occurring waveform attracting lightning to the earth; McKenna lived the last years of his life surrounded by his beloved wild Hawaiian forest, in his committed belief that Nature speaks, if one but listens.

Findhorn Foundation , a 50-year old Intentional Community in NE Scotland, was created around a Group Mind calling itself the Devas/Nature Kingdom. Dorothy Maclean, 92, the last of the community founders, continues to teach/write and spread Nature’s spiritual message widely. In her long life she has dedicated herself to sharing that vast store of knowledge imparted by the plant kingdom. She started small: the Deva of the Sweet Pea was first to speak to her. Still others have written/spoken of the wisdom given by Nature Spirits.

Virgin coast redwoods, sequoia sempervirens: Humboldt Co Freshwater Reserve, saved from clear-felling by Julia's treesit in Luna

Julia Butterfly-Hill–treesitter par-excellence–who almost singlehandedly saved swathes of virgin Redwood forest (Freshwater, CA, early 1990s), says her Sequoia host, Luna, whispered to her–mostly at night.

Several indigenous cultures, followers of the back-to-the-Earth movement–of which Ms Maclean and thousands of surviving Baby Boomers are a part–along with an upsurge in much younger Green/Alternative communities–advocate returning to ancestral ways of living in harmony with our surroundings; that we need to return to a state of reverence and respect for the Earth. Kiesha Crowther, Nassim Haramein and Drunvalo Melchizedek foresee mass exodus from cities and towns, should ‘earth changes’ become the norm.

McKenna would see our present earth-battering by solar flares (M-class flares yesterday, X-class flares today, see NOAA index, sidebar right) as yet another sign of the approaching Eschaton. I think he would again offer his previous advice: to take responsibility for how we think and what we do.

And may we have faith that the Universal Mind–manifesting as our Supreme Intelligence and Oversoul–and having our best interests at heart, will lead us with a kindly hand.
©2012 Siderealview

*There is no time at the End of Time because time is ‘restored’ in its fullness…every moment, every experience in all possible worlds/dimensions becomes eternal at the end of time. Not only what happened but what might have happened (or will happen), so it is essentially infinite. Nothing is lost.


Vesica Piscis: Mother Earth and the Creative Force

August 7, 2011

Waylands Smithy Vesica Piscis crop circle, August 4th, 2011 -- sacred geometric co-radial circles where circumference of each shares the center of the other -- its central axis symbolizing the Cosmic Birth Canal to which, according to the Maya, all life returns in December 2012

The symbol of an ovoid –an egg– expresses the the primordial form of everything manifest, from atom to globe, from man to angel. The spheroid is with all nations the emblem of eternity and infinity —- a serpent swallowing its own tail. To realize the meaning, however, the sphere must be thought of as seen from its centre
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine

The Vesica Piscis in sacred tradition — from Kabbalist to Vedic to Zen — is considered to represent the female organ of creation. Its circular shape invokes an intertwining of feminine energies, Mother Earth’s womb, a mingling of Nature and primeval cultural reverence: it is a symbol seen in all ancient graphical traditions, from pagan Sun Wheel, Celtic cross, architectural ‘golden mean‘ to sacred windows in cathedrals, mosques, tabernacles and pagodas.

The Vesica Piscis also represented to the Maya the summer and winter solstices in any time cycle. To them the Vesica Piscis shape held the Cycle of the Ages — the Precession of the Equinoxes, less of a calculation of Time; more as a symbol of evolution of consciousness. We are experiencing this change now as we move from one World Age (Christian Age of Pisces, 0BC-AD2000) to another (‘New Age’ of Aquarius).

Its Latin meaning, lit. bladder of the fish, may seem to lessen its sacred quality to the prosaic, but it remains connected in a bodily way and in the geometric sense in all cultures — East and West.

Antediluvian Meaning
In earliest traditions, the supreme being was represented by a sphere, the symbol of a Creator with no beginning and no end, continually existing, perfectly formed and profoundly symmetrical. The addition of a second sphere represented the expansion of unity into the duality of female and male. By overlapping, both spheres — goddess and god — created a divine offspring. The Vesica Piscis with its derivatives, the Flower of Life, Tree of Life, and fundamentals of geometry, has a history of thousands of years, easily predating all major religions of the current era.

A theme running through several recent crop circle seasons — most striking from 2007 on — has been the suggestion by the ‘Circlemakers’ that we return to the wisdom of our roots: roots in our native Earth, roots of our tradition, our sacred beginnings. Since it is presently clear to almost anyone in the Western World that in pursuing our headlong drive for power, riches and exploitation over balance, human warmth and respect for the earth, we have gone seriously awry. It might seem that our combined consciousness — that deep level of awareness we share beneath the cultural façade; what Terence McKenna called Humanity’s Oversoul — has chosen to ‘wake us up’ by bringing us (those genuine electromagnetically-produced) crop circles each year, to educate us and lead us gently towards a more loving future.

Perhaps, therefore, we should not be surprised by the ingenuity and wry sense of humor of the Circlemakers.

West Kennet Crop circle central tuft with 'spiderweb' filaments. Sacred earth pyramid Silbury Hill in distance, largest manmade mound in Europe,
photo Mariusz Szymaszek

For instance, this year in May — while we were all looking forward rather than looking at the miracles of the season — a quiet little ring appeared in green barley at East Kennet. It lay within one field’s breadth (roughly 10 acres) of one of Wiltshire’s most ancient shrines — the Neolithic tomb (long barrow) of West Kennet. Several 5,000-year old monuments lie — inter-visible — in this densely-built Neolithic landscape within two miles of Avebury’s Great Stone Circles.

Stonehenge and its magical meridian (51ºN) aside, the modern British are not particularly drawn to ancient shrines for their sacred quality, but crop circles — appearing within the same landscape and overlying the same limestone aquifer that produces measurable electromagnetic resonance (likened to human meditational alpha waves) — have been drawing them in. Nobody who has spent time in a pristine formation can deny it holds an ‘atmosphere’, an energy which can be uplifting, almost surreal. There is a growing body of evidence that crop circles are indeed produced through the medium of light and sound.

When the East Kennet circle first appeared, Stuart Dike, one of the long-time stalwarts of CropCircleConnector, crop circle ‘bible’, said at the time:

East Kennet crop design, May 17th, was ringed by extra circles June 22. If seen as the 'negative', it acquired a mirror-image 'positive' at West Kennet, July 25th 2011,
photo Olivier Morel

It certainly takes me back to over twenty years ago, from the 1990 days in Wiltshire. This is what we were all used to seeing back then, very simple designs, with a sense of excitement of what they could become. It’s a great indication that the earlier designs are very much part of what’s occurring today: the precursor of what was to be an evolutionary road in geometry and complexity. Perhaps the phenomenon is telling us not to ignore the purity of what was occurring at the very beginning.

Little did we know that the Circlemakers had further plans for that small field. One month later, during excitement of solstice and a profusion of appearances (2 at Stonehenge + 4 more in the vicinity over a 2-day period), nobody seemed to notice that East Kennet had acquired three concentric rings (June 22).

West Kennet Longbarrow, July 25th 'mirror image' of East Kennet phases 1 & 2, photo courtesy Bert Janssen

Then exactly a month after that, on July 22, attention focused on the intricate and superb ‘spider-web’ headdress formation which appeared in an adjoining field (East Kennet-2). There followed in quick succession two exceptionally graphic ‘suggestive’ crop designs at Roundway (1 & 2, July 23 & 25) –appearing to advocate humanity’s opening its third eye, releasing the body’s natural happiness hormone, melatonin— so, once again a little mirror appearance the same day — at West Kennet Long Barrow itself this time, next to the passage grave — seemed less than significant.

Working behind the scenes are a multitude of local altruistic researchers (CCC, above, is one of many). Their common bond is that they believe that ‘genuine’ crop circles are phenomena somehow produced through an electromagnetic or dimensional medium, either by light, sound or other variants within that vast spectrum. Sometimes, when local conditions are just right, a substance colloquially known as ‘angel hair’ (documented as being found after UFO sightings) has been deposited and can be measured, if collected within the first few hours after a formation has been laid down. Researchers in this field include the Massachusetts-based BLT, the British Harmony Blue group, and the CircularSite in the Netherlands,. They are consequently disappointed and nonplussed by world media efforts to persevere in ‘replicating’ crop circles, as has been tried on several occasions. Research on the dimensional/spiritual nature of real crop circles continues. On the morning the West Kennet circle motif appeared, the HarmonyBlue team found angel hair in the West Kennet formation (‘spiderweb’ photo, above).

There is even the suggestion — by the much more charismatic ‘spider-web’ crop appearance at East Kennet on July 22 — that the Circlemakers were telling them where to look!

Two Cherhill crop circles in the same week: Cherhill Down, July 20th, left; Cherhill 'smoking alien' July 27th, right

Sacred geometry

The Vesica Piscis is the root principle in sacred geometry, interlocking circles which share radii, cosmically and intrinsically entwined. In precise mathematical measurement, where the circumference of each shares the center of the other, the ratio between the width of the vesica piscis to its height is the square root of 3, or approximately 1.7320508…

A mathematical sub-note: if straight lines are drawn between the centers of both circles with each other and with the two points where their circumferences intersect, two equilateral triangles can be formed, joining along an edge.

Eye of consciousness, complete with eyelashes! Crop circle at Silbury Hill, Avebury August 2, 2011

Archimedes of Syracuse, 287-212BC, Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor and astronomer, in his On the Measurement of the Circle, used these ratios:

In Christian tradition this sacred number –153– appears miraculously in the Gospel of John [21:11] as the number of fishes which Jesus of Nazareth caused to be manifested in the Feeding of the Multitude story. Since all Judaic written (Biblical) tradition centered on sacred number, numerological sequence and coded word combinations/number of letters used, this coincidence has a deeper meaning. The Fish — Lat. Piscis — is well-known as the secret symbol used by the Early Christians in Rome. By enumerating the total catch on the Sea of Gallilee, specific use of that sacred geometric ratio would have had meaning to early followers, aware of the significance of number.

Interlocking circles, Water & the Sacred Feminine: Vesica Piscis's sacred shape which seals the cover of the Sacred Chalice Well at Glastonbury, Somerset

Probably the best known example in England of the Vesica Piscis is the design on the wellcover of the Sacred Chalice Well at Glastonbury. While we are now culturally ignorant of number, this design resonates with us on a subliminal level (internal balance) and, seen there in a New Age context, represents the Universal symbol of the Feminine, Mother Earth, in contrast with the nearby masculine emblem of Glastonbury Tor. The Glastonbury example on the lid of the Chalice well — like the crop circle at Wayland’s Smithy (top) — contains the meridian line that runs through the centers of both circles.

Even though this archaic symbolism may not seem relevant to some after so many aeons of time, it is not unrealistic to suppose that our cultural unconscious, even blurred and insensitized by modern inconsequential minutiae in massive overdose, does at some deep level sense peace, harmony and beauty when we behold this sacred design.

Egyptian Celestial and Sacred Measure

We owe the Egyptians for the application of Sacred Geometry on the surface of the Earth.

Cosmic serpent-of-Life returning to its birth canal at the center of the Galaxy in 2012 -- West Woodhay Down, Inkpen crop circle July 29th, arrived as a prelude to the August 4th glyph (top), the Cosmic birth canal itself

Geo-metry means ‘measure of the earth’. In ancient Egypt, from which Greece and eventually the West inherited the study, the Nile would flood its banks each year, obliterating orderly demarcation of plot and farm areas. This annual inundation symbolized to the Egyptian the cyclic return of primal watery chaos, and when the waters receded the work began of redefining and re-establishing boundaries. The temple astronomer might announce that celestial configurations had changed so the orientation or location of a temple had to be adjusted. It was seen as regaining law and order, dominion over the earth. The laying of squares upon the earth had, for the Egyptian, a metaphysical as well as a physical and social dimension. This activity of measuring the earth – ‘geo-meter’- became the basis for a science of natural law embodied in the archetypal forms of circle, triangle and square.

Plato at his Academia required the study of mathematics as a prerequisite for philosophia, a term signifying “the love of wisdom” and “to lift the soul to truth.” To him, symbolic mathematics provided a map of our own inner psychological and sacred spiritual structure. Through the study of recurring harmonious patterns inherent in mathematics, music, and nature, ancient mathematical philosophers recognized that consistent correspondences occur inside the human mind and simultaneously throughout the universe.

Sacred geometric shapes: circle, triangle, square

This Zen calligraphic drawing shows Creation through the simple progression from the unity of the circle, through the triangle, to the manifest form of the square.

The circle –one– and the vesica piscis –two– were considered by ancient mathematical philosophers to be the parents of Number. Their firstborn, the triangle –three– was the ‘first’ and eldest number. Its geometric expression, the equilateral triangle, is the initial shape to emerge through the portal of the vesica piscis, the First of the Many. The square –four– was the second born.

Alpha and Omega
Mathematics and sacred geometry can take us beyond our ordinary limits to cosmic depths.

Furze or Morgan Hill, Bishops Cannings, August 6th dimensional progression on the Vesica Piscis: two cosmic parents produce a dimensional child

Man –from the Sanskrit root manas, meaning ‘Mind’, Consciousness, is a creature who can reflect upon himself. Man is not a mere constituent part –a cog– in this Universal Cycle, but he is both the final complete product of evolution and the original seed potential out of which the Universe germinated. The Alpha as well as the Omega. Both the seed and the tree: the tree of the universe is the actualization of the seed potential, which is Cosmic Man.

The World Tree of the Maya now begins to make sense. Mayan cosmology saw the Rift in the Milky Way as the the female birth canal (Yoni, Vesica Piscis) to which the Serpent of Life returns in December 2012.

Spiraling towards Source

CCC denizen Dike may have had a premonition when he said (above) that ‘the (CC) phenomenon is telling us not to ignore the purity of what was occurring at the very beginning’. Without realizing it, he may have been referring to the very beginning of Time. As we spiral onwards through the Galaxy towards our 2012 rendezvous with that primeval birth canal, we are indeed completing a cycle, coming to our ending, but also returning to our beginning.

The Wesak Effect: Changing Human Consciousness

May 17, 2011

Mount Shasta & lenticular cloud: spiritual center for US Wesak festival; photo courtesy Living Shasta

Mind is the Matrix of all Matter
Max Planck

Wesak is the most important date in the Buddhist calendar — regardless of where it is held in Indian, Chinese, Zen, Tibetan, Indonesian, Nepalese, Mahayana or Western practices.

HH Dalai Lama participates in the Newark Peace Education Summit in New Jersey during Wesak week 2011

Celebrated by one-third of the world’s population during the week of the full moon in May, it marks the birth of the Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama, c. 563BC) and, for some Buddhists, his enlightenment (Nirvana) and his death. In Burma and Thailand, for instance, it is celebrated with special lanterns made of paper and wood; candles are burned continuously and houses are cleaned, decorated and made new with much joyful music and the sound of bells. In Laos it is known as the Feast of the Lanterns. In India, it is Vesak Day, or Buddha Purnima.

Caged birds released on Wesak: spiritual symbolism and vegetarian practice

There is a long tradition of releasing caged birds on Wesak, signifying the freeing of the soul from the body cage on reaching enlightenment — Nirvana. Many (strict) Buddhists are vegetarians, but those who are not, often pay butchers to release animals otherwise scheduled for human consumption. On this auspicious day, others forgo eating meat. Water ceremonies include bathing the Buddha’s shoulders to remind devotees to purify the mind from greed, hatred and ignorance.

Wesak is a festival we might all benefit from sharing — or at least understanding its roots. In contrast with many world religions, Buddhism is unique for its focus on personal spiritual development and striving for deep insight into the true nature of life, through the practice of morality, meditation and awareness of one’s own accessible inner wisdom.

Buddhists believe nothing is permanent: that change is always possible.

22,000ft axis mundi Mt.Kailash, Tibet, simultaneously the world's most venerated holy place (to 4 world religions) and the least visited, acts as the Earth's Crown Chakra

May we dedicate all positive words to the enlightenment of all sentient beings in six realms of cyclic existence
Buddhist prayer

Buddha literally means ‘one who is awake’ and has become enlightened. It is a term that denotes a person who has attained the supreme wisdom and compassion that Enlightenment brings.

The Wesak festival is unique in world religions in that it is a present-time cosmological event and not just one that commemorates a past spiritual happening–as do most holy days.

In Buddhist tradition, Wesak is a five-day festival: two days of preparation, both mental and physical; the day of the Wesak full moon itself, (this year, Tuesday 17th May) and two days after for meditation, direction of energy for good, for self-healing, and for planetary vision.

Ideally, one should approach Wesak week with discipline, clearing the mind beforehand, eliminating from our consciousness all negativity — including the influence of negative people — so that our mind and spirit are opened and ready to receive the forces of Light (love).

If someone negative tries to complicate your life, turn and walk away from them” Caroline Myss

In the western version of the tradition, the day of the Wesak full moon is known as the Day of Safeguarding.

On the full moon of May, with the rising of the morning star, Siddhartha Gautama became the Buddha, the enlightened one

While Siddhartha’s enlightenment happened over 2500 years ago, it is interesting to note that this year (2011) the ‘morning star’, Venus, is not only recapturing brilliance celebrated in that age-old Buddhist proclamation, but also — on May 11th — approached within one-half-degree of fellow morning planet Jupiter, alongside Mercury and Mars in the pre-dawn eastern sky. This Jupiter-Venus-conjunction is the same configuration as that heralded in 6BC as the brilliant ‘Star in the East’ which signaled the birth of Christ.

So Venus and Jupiter, among others, are presently contributing as planetary pointers to this year’s Wesak week. Other celestial phenomena are in store for the rest of 2011 and 2012.

“On the Day of Safeguarding (May 17th) itself, we the human race should try to receive, contain and hold as much of that great spiritual light, (energy, love) as we possibly can within our bodies as a kind of intelligent network of conscious ‘Mind’ for the planet — as her brain, so to speak.” Wesak Souled-Out Spiritual Hierarchy.

In the West, this year’s festival has primary focus on raising planetary awareness: a rising tide of human Unity Consciousness, which has been a consistent feature of this blog and is becoming the focus of much attention in the runup to 2012. The western hub of Wesak ceremonies, festivities and deep religious rededication is Mount Shasta, Siskyou County, California.

Earth's energy grid, portals and Chakras on the electromagnetic network

In the language of Earth-Gaia Medicine, the Earth, as a sentient being, has energy chakras, one on each continent, just as the human body has energy centers. Shasta is believed to hold the energetic focus for Mother Earth’s root or base chakra.

Her other chakra points are:
Island of the Sun, Lake Titicaca: Sacral second Chakra
Uluru, Ayer’s Rock, Australia: Solar plexus third Chakra
Glastonbury, Somerset: Heart fourth Chakra
Great Pyramid, Giza: Throat fifth Chakra
No fixed location for sixth, Third Eye Chakra
Mt. Kailash, Tibet: Crown 7th Chakra and axis mundi, peak of the world axis.

’Sixties Revolution
California is known for its leading-edge ethos begun in the 1960s and ’70s of multi-discipline spiritual thought, an EarthFirst lifestyle and as home to many New Age groups. Hermann Hesse’s ‘Siddhartha‘ was virtually ‘required reading’ during the spiritual revolution of the ’sixties in a State which became a honeypot for spiritual entrepreneurs, gurus and devout followers of a New Age way of life. While that ‘off-the-grid’ lifestyle continues a presence in the State, it has become — like other spiritual practices — subsumed by the great unwieldy machine of human progress, population growth, and the media/internet/communications revolution.

Among a plethora of New Age spiritual frontrunners from that era, however, one guru stands tall above the rest — Ram Dass. As (former) Dr Richard Alpert, b.1931, he was the renowned Harvard professor whose experimental psych lab –alongside Prof. Timothy Leary and his (then) graduate student Dr. Ralph Metzner, founder of the Green Earth Foundation— used mind-altering techniques in the study of the transformation of human consciousness. They co-authored the volume ‘The Psychedelic Experience‘: a Manual based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead and dedicated to Aldous Huxley. In his subsequent conversion and becoming a messenger for ‘American Buddhism’, Ram Dass was seen not only as a genuine seeker, practitioner and proponent of the simple spiritual lifestyle, but his consistency and practice of personal liberation have affected many lives.

My life is my message” Baba Ram Dass, 1992

Author of the seminal spiritual bible of the time, ‘Be Here Now‘, 1971, he practised the art of self-discipline in maintaining one’s own unique balance and wisdom, in allowing self-liberation, and the ‘voice of the Divine’ to come through into daily life.

Ram Dass suffered a cerebral hemorrhage in 1997 which paralyzed his right side. It has taken him over a decade to recover all function, but he is back on the lecture-appearance circuit, his message stronger than ever. Before the stroke, he finally met and was interviewed by contemporary and fellow research/occult scientist, Terence McKenna (video conversation above). While they had taken divergent life paths — McKenna researching the biological immediacy of shamanic experience and altered states of consciousness; Ram Dass eschewing mind experimentation for spiritual ritual and meditative practice — they discovered shared truth and remarkable similarities in their need to question accepted authority and discover ‘one’s own reality’: McKenna’s ‘felt presence of direct experience’. The video series is unprecedented in its honesty and their familiarity with each other, because while they shared a youthful background of the counter-culture, this was their first encounter as seniors in the consciousness field. In that sense, the video interviews (on YouTube) are unique, unrepeated. McKenna died in 2000 of brain cancer.

Terence McKenna, author of 'Food of the Gods,' before he died in 2000

McKenna believed human evolution and particularly language development were triggered by apes eating hallucinogenic plants after their descent from the trees; that either Man must return to Nature before she explodes, or tout de suite launch some rocket ships to the stars. Ram Dass approaches humanity as a concept seen from the transcendental realm of Godhead, as viewed through the Third Dimension. Both men of ideas have lived long enough to be able to dissolve ego in an unprecedented open exchange. But while the duo (in their video conversation) approach the subject from apparently opposite sides, they both bring light to their shared belief in autonomous, intuitive ‘knowing’, as opposed to acceptance of concepts fostered by fear-mongered dogma of state and government attitudes.

They both believe in ‘Mind’, as the engineer of reality, consciousness.

“The Net,” says McKenna, “is an ‘oracle’ fostering an unprecedented dialogue between human beings and the sum total of human knowledge.” He believes that out of computer graphics will emerge a new form of human communication. “We are heading for a world made out of Mind.”

“Go beyond the ‘isms’ and tell me what you really think we’ll find,” says Ram Dass. While he believes in intuitive links, he concedes the need for virtual/real communication.

Dass believes in the transcendental awareness brought about by communion with one’s higher self, the Divine. It hinges on the presently-growing impetus of global consciousness. McKenna had first-hand knowledge of South American Indians who experienced the Collective Unconscious as an immediate, shamanic, reality; not just as an intellectual construct.

As our society weaves itself ever-more deeply into this colossal thinking machine, McKenna believes it may somehow be able to replicate those shaman Indians’ collective knowing. He answers:

“We’re finding a world made out of Mind instead of ‘stuff’. Mind itself is being pulled taut. We are being given that transcendental object at the End of Time”.

“So what is this transcendental object at the End of Time?” asks Dass.

“A material made from hologramatic disk: part bio, part machine, part think tank, part Mind.”

Over one million Buddhists are meditating right now, pooling consciousness. Critical mass requires only one half of one percent of the population to be ‘vibrating’ at a higher frequency for cohesion/enlightenment/ascension to occur.

This Wesak festival might be the very one which decides the fate of the Earth: the one which changes global consciousness and takes it one step farther up the ladder to the stars.
©2011 Marian Youngblood