Posted tagged ‘astrology’

Tree Consciousness: Last Nail in the Human Coffin or Resurrection for our Species?

April 20, 2014
One century on—John Muir's Redwood darlings—stripped for cash, hemmed in by hiking trails

One century on—John Muir’s Redwood darlings—stripped for cash, hemmed in by hiking trails

“Only by going alone in silence, without baggage, can one truly get into the heart of the wilderness. All other travel is mere dust and hotels and luggage and chatter.” –John Muir, letter to his wife Louie from Yosemite, July 1888

Arbor Day weekend—sadly for the trees—falls on Easter this year: exactly one century after their truest lover, arboreal-sequoia-spirit, John Muir, born April 21, 1838 Dunbar, Scotland, died (December 24, 1914) of a broken heart in a Los Angeles hospital—a terminal scenario he most feared.

Earth Week for Arborists

NoCal 2014: free, enticing, available, but very managed & very non-Redwood-friendly

NoCal 2014: free, enticing, available, but very managed & very non-Redwood-friendly

Arborophiles will gather this week for an unusual tree-planting ceremony. One of many initiatives in the U.S. capital during Earth Week to give credence to the memory of Sierra Club Founder John Muir, the tree-planting ceremony April 25th by Archangel Ancient Trees’ David Milarch at the National Institute for Health, Bethesda, MD will embed in the earth two clones of the ‘Hippocrates sycamore’, a gift from Greece to the U.S. in 1960. At that time, a cutting was taken from the original plane tree on Cos, as an intercultural exchange from the Father of Western Medicine who taught his acolytes there, 330B.C., to D.C.’s Institute of Health—whose whole-medical ethos is based on the Hippocratic Oath. Milarch’s work to clone the rootstock has succeeded. The Institute celebrates Earth Week with an annual tree planting in the capital.
Teetering off the continental tectonic plate: coastline driving along Humboldt's Scenic Drive is a constant surprise

Teetering off the continental tectonic plate: coastline driving along Humboldt’s Scenic Drive is a constant surprise

Two hundred forty miles north of Dunbar, Trees for Life, a charitable group on a mission to restore Caledonian pine forest in sheep-torn northern Scotland, celebrates its twenty-fifth year of planting this summer. The Scots Government (RCAHMS & Forestry Commission) have been supporting individuals to plant small landholdings of remnant forest-cum-ancient monuments with indigenous trees, since 1988. They also celebrate twenty-five this year.

Blue Findhorn caravan where Dorothy Maclean, Eileen and Peter Caddy meditated, lived and grew cabbages

Blue Findhorn caravan where Dorothy Maclean, Eileen and Peter Caddy meditated, lived and grew cabbages

Dorothy Maclean, 94—surviving co-founder of the Findhorn Garden of miracle growth in Moray, Scotland—continues to speak daily to her Muses, her sweet pea Deva, and the Great Spirit. “If we hadn’t tuned into the Nature Devas and listened to their coaxing, we would just have been another meditation group,” she says of the fifty-two-year old Foundation, Center for Intentional Living and Eco-Village, which grew out of the caravan park where she planted her sweet peas. Her quiet stillness continues to inspire her friends and neighbors. The Findhorn Garden thrives.

Findhorn was fertile ground for many Earth-spiritual ideas. David Spangler, Co-Director 1970-1973, founded the Lorian Association, Issaquah, WA where he is Director of Education-Research. His Center for Incarnational Spirituality
focuses on exploring, understanding, and teaching Lorian’s understanding of the emerging spiritual impulse.

Long-time Findhorn trustee and believer in the angelic realms, author William Bloom regularly speaks on self-realization, and encourages living within nature and within one’s own spirit.

Fup, Jim Dodge's exceptional mallard, has wisdom of the still life

Fup, Jim Dodge’s exceptional mallard, has wisdom of the still life

Our radiant energy pervades and gives rise to all life. While it may speak to us through plants, Nature spirits or the human beings with whom we share life on this planet, all are reflections of the deeper reality behind and within them. Myth has become reality in the Findhorn Garden, not to present us with a new form of spiritualism, but to offer us a new vision of life, a vision of unity.
Essentially, the Devas and Nature Spirits are aspects of our own selves, guiding us toward our true identity, the Divine Reality within.
The Findhorn Garden: Pioneering a New vision of Man and nature in Cooperation, by the Findhorn Community; introduction by Sir George Trevelyan, Bt. Turnstone/Wildwood, ©1975

Jim Dodge has been director of creative writing in the English department at Humboldt State University Arcata since 1995. Author of Fup, above, and Stone Junction, he believes like Maclean, Spangler and Bloom, that by surrounding oneself in nature, making it our friend, Nature has ways of teaching us to flow more intuitively, more naturally, as the waves of energy themselves. It is what is taught in all Native American wisdom.

Earth First or Earth Whenever

Naturalist John Muir took US President Teddy Roosevelt camping overnight in Yosemite, 1906

Naturalist John Muir took US President Teddy Roosevelt camping overnight in Yosemite, 1906

He thought on it, mulling it with that slow, voluptuous thoroughness that comes with the still life. He paused. ‘Have you not found that hunger becomes most intense near the moment of satisfaction?’
Johnny Seven Moons to Granddaddy Jake in Jim Dodge’s Fup

John Muir would have been happy to see his trees—albeit several foreign imports—receive all this attention. But his first love—wilderness—and our 21st-Century attitude to it, would have him totally confused.

Because this weekend also heralds Spring Break—Brit, Easter Hols—and a sudden switch of fortune for spaceweather-worry-warts from Arctic deepfreeze to Caribbean breathless balmy (courtesy current incoming M-class solar flare, below sidebar right); American teenage tin-soldiers are on the march.

Spring Break: mass exodus of youth, determined to tame Nature in the Wild

Spring Break: mass exodus of youth, determined to tame Nature in the Wild

Parents in tow, willingly or otherwise, the great Easter adventure is to pit one’s child against Nature, and hope the family comes back in one piece, if not in one tent. Media classes in kayaking and backpacking abound, boyscout-girl-guide firemaking is ‘awesome possum’; endless catalogs touting latest designer all-weather gear, space-age freeze-dried GMO-mush in non-recyclable plastic bombs serve to make vacation roughing it more smooth… or maybe it’s to give Mom relief and a catalog to read, when wet wood spits out the camp fire.

Highway-299, No.Humboldt County's E-W artery, daily connects Redding, Central Valley via Redwoods to the Coast

Highway-299, No.Humboldt County’s E-W artery, daily connects Redding, Central Valley via Redwoods to the Coast

School vacations occur, regardless of solar maxima, X-class and M-class flares incoming, internet interruptions, and Chaos Theory.

What currently cool school kids may fail to grasp, in their quest for astral Tesla solar panels, ear-to-ear-sound, and instant palm-top X-box hacking, is that there is no internet on a mountain top; arborophiles and tree sitters hug trees, not cut them down. What their parents may fail to notice is increasing wear and tear on the planet brought on by human indifference.

Homeguard, Humboldt style

Homeguard, Humboldt style

According to Forbes Magazine, ‘Gallup poll reports more than sixty percent Americans believe effect of global warming is happening during their lifetimes, yet only 25% worry about it.’

Local tolerance during full moon madness, combined with Easter, the new growing season and runup to Beltane and Cinco de Mayo, is just too much for some local redwoods residents. They close their gates, get out the shotgun, ask stray campers, their single-parent wildchild wannabes—and their litter—to leave.

Big Tree, like her sister Corkscrew Tree, both 350-ft+ sequoia sempervirens, hold Prairie Creek State Park microsystem in balance

Big Tree, like her sister Corkscrew Tree, both 350-ft+ sequoia sempervirens, hold Prairie Creek State Park microsystem in balance

Meanwhile, Milarch and his research team have been scouring Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park along infamous Tsunami Alley in Northern Humboldt, in search for the last undiscovered sequoia sempervirens.

It will not have helped matters in the ‘real world’ that Wilderness has not been cared for at Muir’s level for several decades, much less in the one hundred twenty years since he and President Roosevelt founded the Sierra Club in 1892—to take care of Mother N where John M left off. Teddy Roosevelt, at Muir’s insistence, brought 430 million acres of land under federal protection during his presidency.

At the end of his life, Muir and Sierra Club fought a bitter battle on construction of the O’Shaughnessy Dam over Hetch Hetchy Valley in his beloved Yosemite National Park.

1890s Chute harvested redwood logs, wooden trains, flumes called Miracles of the Age hauled lumber to sawmill yards

1890s Chute harvested redwood logs, wooden trains, flumes called Miracles of the Age hauled lumber to sawmill yards

Muir used his solitary voice in the wilderness; Sierra Club used lawyers.

Seen as the first major battle of the environmental movement, it pales by comparison with present treesit, earth-aware group initiatives, and corporate legal wrangling. But for Muir, who had seen his work put an end to ruthless tree-felling, an exploitative timber trade, this betrayal bruised his spirit. On Christmas Eve, 1914—just over a year after Congress authorized the dam’s construction against his wishes—Muir died of pneumonia in southern California.

Redwood moorings from Trinidad, CA whaling days were replaced 2012 by smart steel dock

Redwood moorings from Trinidad, CA whaling days were replaced 2012 by smart steel dock

His work was seminal. He inspired generations of naturalists, and brought pioneer spirit, raw enthusiasm and innocence to an American system which has only calcified since his time.

National Parks hit by recent budget cuts made wilderness vacations less fun than fatiguing, more stressful than stretching. So, some public opinion has made inroads, in California, Colorado and Washington at least.

David Milarch admits his search for the ultimate sequoia is a hunt for a trigger to activate his own DNA. He believes the trees have more to teach us than we presently have capacity to learn, but thinks, like Dodge’s immortal Granddaddy, that time is on our side.

There is No Planet B
US Congress antics and current Mercurial media circus make chameleons of all politicians, and so 21stC legislation cannot be depended on for preservation of our Pale Blue Dot, as Carl Sagan affectionately calls home.

Full Lunar Eclipse chalice chart 4/15/14 inside a Cardinal Grand Cross: cornucopia of Earth Week abundance: we can lose it all

Full Lunar Eclipse chalice chart 4/15/14 inside a Cardinal Grand Cross: cornucopia of Earth Week abundance: we can lose it all

In 1982, a shy genius marine bacteriological USC professor Milo Appleman, Ph.D., published his Epitaph for Planet Earth: How to Survive the approaching End of the Human Species, (Frederick Fell, New York). His predictions of the North Pacific Garbage Gyre and (projected) effect of human pollution on world oceans fell on deaf ears. Now, trillions of dollars worldwide are spent annually on so-called cleanup operations.

Media moguls, bored with political stalemate, seem to have brightened viewers’ choices by reaching for the heavens: coverage of April 15th’s first blood moon total lunar eclipse of 2014, along with juxtaposition of Mars, Jupiter and Mercury in the northern night sky, broke Nielsen ratings for a decade. This means more people may be—unconsciously—influenced by the stars!

Cardinal Grand Cross:  Uranus Jupiter Pluto Mars at 13º square  change~change~change

Cardinal Grand Cross:
Uranus Jupiter Pluto Mars at 13º square

When beggars die,
There are no comets seen,
The heavens themselves
Blaze forth the death of princes
Calphurnia to Julius Caesar
Act II Scene 2 William Shakespeare

What they didn’t say—management order not to frighten viewers—is that, energetically, planet earth is still laboring under the aegis of Saturn and Uranus, planets of change, lined up in a Cardinal Grand Cross, which began March 2010 and will not leave us alone until June 2016. This means massive change for society, but also inner change for the individual. Spaceweather and glory of the stars? this is only the beginning.

So-called primitive Man has always looked to the heavens for guidance. He derived comfort in infinite Divine balance of number. Gematria, Judaic name-number of God, reflects supreme balance in Fibonacci Phi spiral that permeates the Universe. In known civilizations of antiquity—China, Babylon, Egypt—arithmetic-number was sacred, as source of all knowledge, a guide to rightful conduct in art, music, affairs of state.

Minimum 'safe' height: 146feet;  most of Tsunami Alley: sea-level :(

Minimum ‘safe’ height: 146feet;
most of Tsunami Alley: sea-level 😦

Ancient Science was based like today on number, but whereas it is now used quantitatively in a secular sense, the Ancients saw numbers as symbols of the Universe. They inhabited a living creature of divine fabrication, designed in accordance with reason, and thus, to some extent, comprehensible by the human mind.
John Michell, Dimensions of Paradise, 1988

Comet ISON whet public appetite, current planetary alignments, plus total lunar and annular solar (visible only in Antarctica 4/29) eclipses and Lyrid meteor shower all in one week are a heady mix. Within the vise of a six-year Grand Cross, daily change is beginning to look scary. The streetwise kid knows at gut level what the Ancients knew by precise calculation: Fireworks in the sky means group change—maybe even all change.

Petrolia Shear Zone, Humboldt County, where 3 volcanic faults meet, courtesy HSU Geology

Petrolia Shear Zone, Humboldt County, where 3 volcanic faults meet, courtesy HSU Geology

When solar storms and volcanic activity start to make EarthMama shake, even the masses look to the skies. There are three more total lunar eclipses to complete a tetrad over the next year—encouraging ingénue stargazing—10/8/14; 4/4/15, 9/28/15. Even New Age television seems to be getting stardust in its teeth.

Humans—through Nature—have always thrilled to the presence of the Divine—Muse—in dance, music, water, sound and light. Losing our way in the 21st Century, like those tree people of the past, may not be an option. So, please, would all ’Sixties’ Back-to-the-Land BabyBoomer survivors—or any who sold out to the system and regret—please stand. Along with treesitters in the mold of Julia Butterly Hill, and activists of the ’Noughties, now our flower-power really counts.

This time, it will take all the love we can generate together,
to heal and help each other through.

There is no Planet B.
Now is the time to love our little comfort zone.
WYSIWYG. What you see is what you get.
@2014 Siderealview

Dragon in the Ground: Cropcircles and the Scalar Wave

September 22, 2011

Gemini Observatory (Hawaii) image of elegant Nebula Kronberger 61 in N.constellation Cygnus, Swan: 'football' is ionized shell of expelled plasma & oxygen-III

“Electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world’s machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels”
Nikola Tesla 1856-1943

Within the earth’s magnetosphere — the electrical shield which functions as a smaller planetary dynamo equivalent to the sun’s huge electromagnetic field — there is a spinning scalar vortex running through the earth which is apparently kept in place by the moon’s position and rotation around the earth.

It is precisely held.

We always see only the single face of the moon, in all her phases, inclined towards Earth in permanent gaze — a geomagnetic/lunar arrangement which is scientifically impossible according to simple gravitational theory — only one of the moon’s many anomalies which few except plasma scientists will touch.

West Woodhay Down Inkpen crop circle July 29, 2011: serpent-dragon represents scalar wave technology seen in our double-helix DNA and the farthest spiral galaxy

However, the moon seems to perpetuate this axial configuration on a scalar electromagnetic level, pulling earth’s tides and in turn being pulled closer and repelled by earth herself. These motions are embedded within the ancient characteristics of astrology, surrounding the Moon’s North and South Nodes, imaginary locations which have been known from time immemorial as the Dragon’s head and Dragon’s tail.

Both legend and astrology connect the Nodes with the ascendant, a point representing the rose-colored glasses we constantly look through (both directions) as we occupy an avatar, in this plane on the surface of the globe.

Iapetus, 7th of Saturn's 33 moons, like our Moon, always shows one face to its ringed parent. Named for Uranus' Titan son, Iapetus fathered Prometheus and Atlas

The serpent, ‘Lucifer’, ‘angel-of-the-dawn’, the light-bearer all signal the astrological ‘ascendant’, calculated as the point where the light of dawn shines on that part of the world when the subject of the astro-chart is born. It gives the chart its orientation and reveals the functional level where unseen forces manipulate development and motion or flow of life within the incarnate who inhabits the avatar.

In Hinduism, an avatar, Hindi: [ˈəvət̪ɑːr], English: /ˈæv.ə.tɑːr/, (avatāra: Devanagari अवतार, Sanskrit for “descent” [viz., from Heaven to Earth]) is a deliberate descent of a deity from heaven to earth, or a descent of the Supreme Being (i.e., Vishnu for Vaishnavites) and is mostly translated into English as “incarnation”, but more accurately as “appearance” or “manifestation”.

Earth's 'Becker-Hagens' energetic grid concentrated into nodes where tetrahedra meet

From this constant flow and vibration, electromagnetic resonance of the earth can be calculated. That results in a shape (wave, graph, grid) for the resonance, which allowed Berthe Hagens and Bill Becker to devise the Becker-Hagens vortex grid. This earth grid is based on known energy focal points (Wiltshire-speak’s ley lines) with its nodes spaced in configurations exactly matching the Platonic solids: the cube, tetrahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron,and icosahedron.

The 5 Platonic solids (Tetrahedron, Cube or Hexahedron-6, Octahedron-8, Dodecahedron-12 and Icosahedron-20) are ideal, primal models of crystal patterns which occur throughout the world of minerals in countless variation. Because of their intrinsic use by Mother Nature, they are known as forms of Sacred Geometry.

Earthstar vortex map: grid for western North America showing energy vortices at Sedona, AZ, Mt.Whitney, Lake Tahoe, Mt.Shasta and Three Sisters, OR

The earth’s own neutral center is a dimensional window that vibrates at frequencies resonant with the earth’s own spherical harmonics. I’m not certain whether these spherical harmonics correlate to mechanical, electromagnetic, or gravitational vibrations. Whatever the case, standing waves are set up that create equally-spaced node and antinodal points on earth’s surface.
David R Cowan, author of Ley Lines and Earth Energies and Safe as Houses

The Becker-Hagens Grid incorporates the Platonic solids and the 20-sided icosahedron to create a grid of 62 points. It is worth reading their work, as they delve deeply into the historical background for such an earth grid.

This dual vortex (in opposing directions) has a continuous flow that rings the earth like a large horn or bell. Their research seems to indicate that the moon exerts influence via interference with the earth’s original energies.

Interestingly, the same grid was well-known to the ancients who built megalithic structures at nodal points on land and knew to navigate around such energy vortices (as Great Abaco-Bermuda Triangle, Corryvreckan and the Maelstrøm) in the oceans.

Old Bewick, Northumberland Neolithic cupmarked rock -- reminiscent of crop circle design -- carved to capture and store earth energy from sunlight

The Dragon Project of Dr G.V. (Don) Robins was one of the first to document measureable energy fluxes at such Neolithic sites as Rollright Stones in the 1980s. The eponymous Dragon was that magical energy stored in the ground which ancient myth likened to a sleeping dragon: the same beast which early Christian saints — Michael and George — slew in their efforts to wean country people (pagans, fr. Latin, paganus, country person) away from such ‘nonsensical’ belief in earth magick and superstition in an earth energy rivaling God.

Robins’s Geiger counter and ultrasound readings were anomalously absent inside the stone circle precinct at Rollright, Oxfordshire, compared with background radiation outside the stone periphery. He measured the nearby King Stone, a huge outlier, over a period of five years, finding that it pulsed regularly each day at 30 minutes and 10 minutes before dawn, with pulsations strongest at the equinoxes and less marked at the solstices.
Don Robins, “The Dragon Project and the Talking Stones,” New Scientist, 96: 166, 1982.

Easter Aquhorthies recumbent stone circle, Aberdeenshire with its huge quartzite window to capture the sun at winter solstice, photo Marian Youngblood

Guy Underwood, author of Patterns of the Past, and Tom Graves Needles of Stone recorded anomalies at Arbor Low in Derbyshire and Long Meg, Cumbria. Locally, it was common knowledge that larks and swallows seemed drawn to the ultrasound emanating at both stone circles. Gerald Hawkins’ team found high-energy readings emitted from a cupmarked circle stone at Temple Wood, Kilmartin, Argyll in 1973.

Neolithic stone circles in Aberdeenshire have documented high-energy, thought to be ‘stored’ in the quartz inclusions present in many granite ‘recumbent’ stones chosen specifically for placement in the southwest of the circle to ‘capture’ the dying sun in midwinter, major standstill moonset and the setting sun in the north at summer solstice. As with stone circles in Northern England and Wiltshire, most are placed over underground aquifers where it is thought the stones acted as ‘radio masts’ to collect the subterranean energy and transmit it above ground along the planetary grid.

Aberdeenshire also has its ‘ringing’ stones which sounded like a bell when dawn sunlight hit. A similar phenomenon was recorded by Strabo at Thebes when the northern quartz Colossus of Memnon sang at dawn.

E = Δtc2

Nikola Tesla discovered 'radiant energy' in scalar waveforms

Nikola Tesla discovered in 1901 that when a metal was illuminated by high-frequency light (e.g. ultraviolet light), electrons were ejected from the metal at high energy. This work was based on the previous knowledge that light acting on metals produces a current, but Tesla was the first to describe it as a particle phenomenon. Further, it was discovered within the year that energy emitted by these ejecting electrons did not depend on its intensity but its frequency (wave-form): in order to produce high energy electrons, one must illuminate the metal with high-frequency light. The more light there is, the more electrons are ejected, but intensity depended on frequency alone. This very interesting discovery was intrinsic in the Manhattan Project‘s production of the first ‘atom’ bomb.

However, more recent — and ongoing — research into e.g. CERN’s Higgs-Boson particle and OPERA at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), has much wider (and potentially more hazardous) implications for mankind, should present work on electromagnetic scalar wave technology be controlled and used for destructive, rather than constructive purposes, in leading humanity through its present crisis.

The Photon Phantasm and Time Travel
When Einstein received his Nobel Prize in 1921, it was not for his more difficult and mathematically-laborious special and general relativity, but for the simple, yet totally revolutionary, suggestion of quantized light.

Einstein’s “light quanta” are what we now call photons. They are a quintessential example of light’s wave–particle duality.

Electromagnetic radiation propagates following linear wave equations, but can only be emitted or absorbed as discrete elements — thus acting simultaneously as both a particle and a wave.

Milk Hill, Alton Barnes figure of eight crop circle of 08:08:08 -- ideal representation of a scalar wave

“Scalar waves are produced when two electromagnetic waves of the same frequency are exactly out of phase (opposite to each other) and the amplitudes subtract and cancel each other. The result is not exactly an annihilation of magnetic fields but a transformation of energy back into a scalar wave. This scalar field has reverted back to a vacuum state of potentiality. Scalar waves can be created by wrapping electrical wires around a figure eight in the shape of a Möbius coil. When an electric current flows through the wires in opposite directions, the opposing electromagnetic fields from the two wires cancel each other and create a scalar wave.”

“The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them — into the impossible.”

Clarke’s Second Law

Möbius coil within our DNA: scalar wave technology at the micro level

“The DNA antenna in our cells’ energy production centers (mitochondria) assumes the shape of what is called a supercoil. Supercoil DNA looks like a series of Möbius coils. These Möbius DNA supercoils are hypothetically able to generate scalar waves. Most cells in the body contain thousands of these Möbius supercoils, which are generating scalar waves throughout the cell and throughout the body.”
Dr. Stephen Linsteadt, Holographic Repatterning Practitioner

“There is enough energy inside the space of an empty tea-cup to boil all the oceans of the world”
Richard Feynman

Despite ongoing demands on world nations’ already overstretched budgets for potentially-hazardous nuclear power and coal-generation plants, little focus falls on the fact that during the 1930s, the US Navy, Stanford University and General Electric exploited Tesla’s free energy system. While some of the patented equipment they used is too complex for the lay person to understand, Bill Morgan simplifies in his ‘beginner’s guide’ what he calls the ‘Scalar Wars’ of the free-energy movement begun by Tom Bearden.

One of the first scalar wave crop circles of 2011 appeared 13th July at Windmill Hill, along with two sameday Wiltshire companions -- at Chaddenwick Hill, Mere and Stonehenge

The layman will need to understand that there is a new kind of energy that is altogether different from what he knows, e.g. radio, TV, cell phones, etc. This is electromagnetic energy. Ordinary EM waves that we have known about are called transverse EM waves, to distinguish them from the new longitudinal EM waves. These scalar waves do not actually exist in our ‘material’ world, but exist only in the space dimension, or the time domain. And we must keep in mind that this space exists all through everything. Our bodies are mostly empty space between atoms and molecules. So the gateway to this ocean of energy can be there at every point in the universe. This seething ocean of energy is all around us and all through us.
Bill Morgan, Brave New World of Scalar Electromagnetics

Needless to say, Bearden stresses the destructive potential of military and power-driven use of such technology.

Two scalar-wave crop spirals on same day in Wiltshire: left, Windmill Hill spirals clockwise; rt. Chaddenwick Hill counterclockwise. Photos courtesy CCC

“If Bearden is correct in his Scalar EM theory, then we can build devices which would enable us to alter gravity, time, inertia, and the apparent mass of an object. This of course has enormous implications for military applications, space-vehicle drives, time-travel, teleportation, paranormal phenomena, and just about every other area one can think of.”
Rick Andersen ‘What is Scalar Electromagnetics?’

It is important to remember that (in astrophysics and hydrodynamics) scalar wave fields exist in a fifth-dimensional, non-linear, context. Third-dimensional laws of nature do not operate here. Scalar wave fields exist out of our relative time (4th) and space (3rd) dimensions and as such, do not decay over time or distance. As we explore higher dimensions, we begin to encounter new parameters, new ways of thinking.

ET timetravel sequence
There is another, benevolent, aspect to what Einstein called zero-point energy — Tesla’s ‘radiant energy’ — which few may have read about.

The planets as renditions of perfect sacred geometry, image John Martineau

Jesse Errol Stewart describes in vivid (and technical) detail his introduction through a family member to a group who had mastered the use of ‘zero-point’ nodes — specific locations on the earth, like Great Abaco, Transvaal and Giza — where not only was energy neutralized, but the time spectrum opened up as well: a situation akin to using a locus to move at will between dimensions; a time portal. We take the Siderealview that it is appropriate to include his observations here because they are so truthfully and lucidly presented, and because world consciousness is becoming aware of the imminent electromagnetic interface encountered when one moves from one level of ‘reality’ to another. See previous Siderealview posts on quantum and dimensional awareness. It is not as if we are not already blessed with several decades’ worth of Star Trek, Back to the Future and the writings of Arthur C. Clarke, Robert Heinlein and H.G. Wells. It seems somehow natural now to open ourselves to the possibility of moving at will through the time dimension. For this is what Jesse Stewart’s group did, using scalar wave technology:

“Our initial research had indicated that the tetrahedron was the most effective geometric form to use in conjunction with the tensor coil, which is an exceptionally strong scalar wave generator. In the Qabala, a tensor coil is mounted on each of the vertices of the tetrahedron configuration and each of these scalar wave generators is aimed towards the exact center (Scalar rendezvous point) of the tetrahedron. The effects of the pulsed scalar wave generation are incredible in that within the rendezvous point the concentrated scalar activity generates intense electromagnetic fields that cut across multiple dimensions. Once these electromagnetic fields become defined they will begin to expand outward at an exponential rate if the scalar wave generation is not tightly controlled.”
Jesse Errol Stewart Time Vector Field Chronicles

Bill Morgan simplifies Bearden, describing Longitudinal EM energy which fills the ‘vacuum’ of space, the time domain of spacetime, and expresses time as compressed energy, with the equation E = Δtc2, above, as waves of time, or Energy equals (delta=change) in Time accelerated to the speed of light, squared.

We can travel to the distant stars. And now the wormhole of time — compressed energy — is opening up before our eyes.

What synchronicity. Just when we had all mastered Einstein’s other equation: E = MC2.

In typical positive style, Morgan suggests solutions to the energy crisis and the “oil problem” are in hand. That oil wars are unnecessary because there is endless energy freely available from the domain of time. Also that future cure of all disease is within our grasp. This ability was also suggested by Jesse Stewart’s time travel group, who used the mechanism of returning to NOW from the past as a means towards youthening and restoring health. They called it Regenesis.

We have obstacles to overcome, however:

Saturn's dark side: distant Sun illuminates dust, debris, fabulous rings; NASA Cassini orbiter photo

Unbelievably powerful weapons are not only possible, but are already operating in several nations. The many powers of these weapons are unprecedented and mind-boggling.

Mind control on a mass scale (via electromagnetic tweaking of our human circuitry) has now become possible, and machines to do it are already in place in certain nations. It has become possible mentally to enslave whole populations with the twist of a few dials.

With these warnings, there is much work ahead for us, the human family, to accomplish; with only a window of opportunity of a couple of years.

Jesse Stewart’s travelers also gave an account of a crisis facing Humanity in the 2013-2015 time window: that other dimensional civilizations share consciousness that helps them rely on a centralized benevolent Intelligence which guides actions and words, subdues conflict and spreads a loving and compassionate feeling within all interaction. He suggests Humanity is learning how to think as Group Consciousness, but that we shall have to speed up our ability to use this intuitive capacity — this inner loving guidance system — very rapidly, if we are to weather the storm and defuse the threat posed by such massive weaponry as some less-disciplined nations possess.

They see this as our current dilemma: the human crisis. None of the future scenarios envisaged by either time-frame dimension is able to penetrate the 2013-2015 window: the glass is dark. Our Human future is in our hands.

We must write that chapter ourselves.

Now that we can travel to the stars, it’s time to take care of business at home. And it is crucial that we take our own collective consciousness concept seriously.

We are creators. More than ever before, our future depends on us.

2010: Year of the Metal Tiger

February 12, 2010

Victor Kahn's magical tiger in female clothing

2010 is predicted to be a tumultuous year on many fronts. And, as of Valentine’s Day, it becomes the Year of the Metal Tiger. The Tiger in oriental astrology returns – along with the planet Jupiter – every twelve years. So we are about to have our Jupiter Return. The Tiger is the symbol of courage, inviting bold actions and risk taking. The Metal element will provide steely resolve, fortitude and determination to accomplish goals.

That’s a bold combination for a year which begins, in this era of multi-cultural clashes, with a day of cultural harmony. In terms of celebration at least, half the world will be out making whoopee on Sunday.

Preparations for Sunday's parade in Rio

It is the day of the New Moon (in refined and forward-looking Aquarius, alongside Sun and Mercury); at the center of the Inca world, a solemn dedication to light and Pachamama is held in the Temple of the Priestesses on Titicaca’s Island of the Moon; it is the beginning of Creole and Latin Carnival and Roman Catholic German ‘Fasching’, which lasts until Ash Wednesday next week.

The Tiger ushers in a year of inscrutable Chinese philosophy (possibly even an upsurge in Tai Chi classes); it signals the first day of Tibetan Buddhist Losar and, almost forgotten in the melée and rush to grab a bargain, to feast before the fast of Lent, it is the celebration of the Roman Valentinus who was persecuted for his belief in Christian love: St. Valentine, a politically-incorrect Christian in the last years of pre-Christian emperor Claudius II’s reign, was executed outside Rome’s Flaminian Gate on February 14th AD270. He was brought to trial for aiding Christians who were being persecuted in Claudian Rome; and when he attempted to convert the emperor himself to Christianity, his execution was ordered. The lovers whom he had joined in Christian wedded bliss in earlier illegal ceremonies brought him gifts of flowers while he awaited his fate.

Valentine’s Day floral gifts are today given with little or no knowledge of their original place in the legend of Valentinus. It is not surprising. While Pope Gelasius in AD496 recognized his martyrdom and designated February 14th to honor him, he was never officially canonized by the Roman Catholic Church.

Once more, the act of celebrating on the first day of the first New Moon in February is much more heavily laced with pre-Christian countryman (‘pagan’) belief than with any superimposed Church festival. At this time of year, along with the return of the Light – longer hours of sunlight and the movement of the sun’s disk rising higher daily in northern skies, it was a time to celebrate the rising of sap in trees, the first signs of birds pairing and beginning to mate; the appearance of first growth in the Earth. Snowdrops and aconites open; first shoots of daffodil and bluebell leaves appear; the Earth awakens.

This year the Sun appears to be awakening again, too.

THEMIS Satellite group measures auroral activity from orbit

Until December we Earth residents were affected by a trickle of solar wind: the last vestiges of a solar minimum – an eleven-year cycle of minimal solar activity. Apart from a coronal mass ejection (CME) predicted in a couple of Wiltshire crop circles in June last year for the early part of July 2009, we were blessed with no power outages caused by magnetic storms, our annual display of aurora borealis has been relatively undramatic and NASA has had plenty time to observe activity of their THEMIS satellite group (there are five), launched from Cape Canaveral in February 2007 to orbit the earth and study aurora and the planet’s magnetosphere.

Solar magnetic field drapes against Earth's magnetosphere as it drifts by

THEMIS stands for Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms: the study of Aurora, for short.

They’ve had a few surprises.

The magnetosphere is a bubble of magnetism that surrounds the Earth and protects us from the Solar Wind.

Earth’s magnetic field carves out a cavity in the sun’s onrushing field. The Earth’s magnetosphere is thus ‘buffeted like a wind sock in gale force winds, fluttering back and forth in the solar wind,’ according to David Sibeck of the THEMIS project at Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.

Solar particles by themselves don’t cause severe space weather, but they get energized when the solar magnetic field becomes oppositely-directed to Earth’s own field and reconnects, rather like a load of iron filings in the proximity of a magnet.

These energized sun particles have a combined force equal in some cases to a CME. They can cause magnetic storms of such magnitude that they overload power lines with excess current, and cause widespread blackouts. One of these events happened in September 1859 when a solar flare lasted nearly a week. Most of Middle America was without power for that period. It is remembered in astronomical and meteorological circles as the Superstorm or the Carrington Event.

Charged solar particles can also cause radiation storms that present hazards to spacecraft in high orbits or to the Space Shuttle with its crew of astronauts passing through a storm on its way to the moon, the ISS or other destinations in the solar system.

But, like Met. Office warnings of bad weather, these Space Weather forecasts can be predicted.

‘The more particles, the more severe the storm,’ says Joachim (Jimmy) Raeder of the University of New Hampshire, who collaborates with NASA. ‘If the solar (magnetic) field has been aligned with the Earth’s for a while, we know Earth’s field is heavily loaded with solar particles and primed for a strong storm. This discovery gives us a basic predictive capability for the severity of solar storms, similar to a hurricane forecaster’s realization that warmer oceans set the stage for more intense hurricanes.’

So far, so good. But Jimmy has a prognostication: He says calmly:

‘In fact, we expect stronger storms in the upcoming solar cycle.’

The solar magnetic field changes direction every cycle, that is, every eleven years, and we have had eleven years of a minimum: relatively calm Space Weather. Not a lot happening in the magnetosphere. Also, with the Sun’s non-alignment with Earth’s magnetic field, the shield is up; fewer particles can get in.

Streams of plasma jet out from the Sun in a recent CME

However, we just entered the doorway to a new cycle. Two new sunspots appeared on the sun’s disk last week, one (1045) described by SOHO as ‘awesome’ and ‘complex’ and the other (1046) – which just appeared around the edge – seems set to outdo its neighbor. Because of the Sun’s altered magnetic orientation in the new cycle, SOHO and THEMIS are expecting fireworks.

Not immediately at first, perhaps. These sunspot occlusions take time to build. Yet, when a sustained CME of plasma bursts from the solar prominences, we should expect something a little different to hit our placid earth shores. The expected clouds of particles ejected from the sun will have a magnetic field which is at first not aligned with Earth’s, but by the time the CME hits, (it takes about three days to travel 93,000,000 miles to us) the solar magnetic field is programmed to react and turn the other cheek. Its magnetic polarity switches to its opposite as the cloud passes by. And our magnetosphere opens its doors to welcome it.

It’s rather like sending a solar invitation to dinner: the earth is at first the reluctant host, but when the package is delivered, the host welcomes the new guest with open arms.

Coronal Mass Ejection crop circle which predicted July 2009 CME

THEMIS is currently pondering a new series of data which suggests that when the two magnetic fields line up, together they create a ‘huge breach, and there’s lots and lots of particles coming in’- David Sibeck’s words.

As they orbited Earth, THEMIS’s five spacecraft were able to estimate the thickness of the band of solar particles getting in through the breach when the fields were aligned — it turned out to be about 20 times the number that got in when the fields were counter-aligned. They measured meticulously as they orbited through the band.

Like one of Saturn’s rings, the band turns out to be one Earth radius thick, or about 4,000 miles (6,437 kilometers).

So, when the barriers are down, Earth is vulnerable. In 1859, at the time of the Carrington Event, nobody on Earth had a computer, banking systems and air traffic control were a figment in a futurist’s imagination; weather was something you ‘got through’.

If the data which THEMIS and SOHO are now contemplating becomes crystallized – if the beauty seen in a crop circle last summer becomes a reality: if we have a CME or a particle storm equal to or more powerful than that single event of last July 7th, Earth is in for a rocky ride.

We’ll need all our Tiger and Metal attributes to get us through.

In the meantime, happy Fat Tuesday (pancakes & syrup). Happy Mardi Gras.

Galactic Center calling Earth: Blue Moon signal; pick up please

December 31, 2009

December Full Moon rises exactly at sunset on the opposite (NNE) horizon - latitude 57ºN

New Year’s Eve – the last day of 2009 or Hogmanay, as the Scots call it – will be triply auspicious. Not only is it the eve of a new year, a new decade no less, but it will be graced by a full moon, a partial lunar eclipse, and the Moon will be Blue. In celestial spheres you might say we are being given the royal treatment; or at least being sent a signal.

When a month is graced with two full moons, the second one is called a blue moon. You know, the ‘once in a blue moon’ blue moon? Because our modern calendar calculates by the sun (annual orbit of the Earth round the sun takes 365.25 days), its 30- and 31-day months take us out of synch with our nearest neighbour, whose cycle is 29.53 days. Only the female menstrual cycle and the oceans remain in touch with our lunar companion. The rest of humanity seems to have forgotten what cosmic rhythm is.

Blue moon of May 2007 seen at 40ºN latitude USA

Because of the lunar/solar anomaly, only 41 months in every century can be called true blue moon months, hence a fairly rare occasion. The blue moon cycle of 2.72 years, therefore, makes it something special. December 2009 already had a full moon on the night of December 1st/2nd. The last blue moon month was May 2007 and the next will occur in August 2012.

This New Year’s Eve, because the full moon always rises at the moment of sunset on the opposite horizon and because the moon will not be full this December 31st until 7:13pm GMT, those of us in the Old World will be able to witness the full orb of Luna rise at sunset in the Northeastern skies on Hogmanay night. That’s 4pm GMT in London, home counties, Midlands and Birmingham and about half an hour earlier (3:20pm) in Edinburgh where Hogmanayers will only just be starting their all-night revelry. Four hours later, as Jupiter prepares to set in the southwestern sky, the moon’s disc reaches its fullest and the Earth moves between her and the sun to cast a shadow over her in partial eclipse. This moment of maximum partiality occurs at 19:23 UTC, 7:23pmGMT or 11:23am PST. In astronomical terms it is not a full (total) eclipse because earth’s shadow (eclipse magnitude) will only reach 0.0763, but for us earthlings in the eastern hemisphere it will still be a singular sight.

Solar system planets from outer orbits looking in

At midnight when Hogmanay reaches crisis point in Scotland’s capital, when they shoot off fireworks from the battlements of Edinburgh castle to welcome the new year to the screech of bagpipes, very few, I suspect, will note that the ‘New Year star’, Sirius, reaches its zenith in our northern skies. Sirius will stand behind Orion in the south with the Moon, in Cancer, followed in close proximity by our secondmost close neighbour Mars, the ‘red’ planet, retracing its steps through Leo as we enter 2010. The ringed giant does not arrive on the scene until late when the revellers are wending their weary way home: Saturn is a ‘morning’ planet right now, best seen in the east in the hours before dawn, with its spectacular rings just starting to ‘open’ to our view.

That’s the astronomical picture.

The astrological one is a little different. It reflects a vastly complex array of planetary influences to which our ancestors paid heed, but which Technological Man tends to ignore. However, like the menstrual cycle affecting the female population, it is well, occasionally, to pay attention to heavenly bodies and the way they appear to sway our passage through the cosmos.

At winter solstice the Sun enters the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn, having played and filled us with optimism in late November while in fiery Sagittarius, encouraging us to look to the future, fulfill our dreams. Capricorn Sun and Cancer full Moon bring those dreams and our grasp on reality into sharp focus: both make us examine our ‘outer’ career, capabilities, achievement potential and ‘inner’ love of family, home, need for a peaceful centre: their polarity challenges us to fix our relationships. Cancer may be content to be dependent, Capricorn urges us to be grown-up and responsible. Cancer represents the origin, Capricorn looks to the goal. In this mix stands the astrological giant Saturn in Libra, exerting discipline, demanding that we find balance. Mars, because of retrograde motion in Leo, is teasing us, telling us ego fantasies, diverting our attention from the path of loving acceptance. Our usual mental messenger, our Mercurial helper is currently useless; he is doing a backwards dance through Capricorn and being uncommunicative. It is up to us to review how well we’re using our own natural-financial-mental resources. However, on January 5th, Mercury is joined by loving Venus, so all is not lost. There is hope in the days ahead. The loving, healing solution may show us a way through our planetary difficulties.

Fortunately, we may still call on the largest of the planets: Jupiter, which presently consorts with another friendly giant, Neptune, the bringer of change. Together they stand in forward-looking Aquarius and are guaranteed to bring abundance into our lives, fresh ideas, a new focus, perhaps even a totally unexpected way of solving our problems. Both reflect the potential for the spiritual, the mystical, even a miracle, to bring about the change we cannot perceive ourselves.

This brings us to the spiritual view.

At the time of the December solstice each year the sun approaches the heart of the Milky Way, our Home Galaxy, and conjoins with Galactic Center in the constellation Sagittarius. At this time of year the Earth also gets closest to our own star, Sol. Closest point in our orbit, perihelion, happens annually on January 2nd/3rd.

Through the ages, after solstice when the sun moves northward along the horizon again, each month setting farther and farther north, the period from winter solstice to summer solstice was festival season. In several ancient civilizations winter solstice was associated with the return of a Sun-God to save the world, the bringer of light and fruitfulness to the earth, and hope to humanity.

Spiritual communities too, mindful of ritual handed down from ancestral hierarchies, hold winter solstice sacred, meditating and communing with the silence of winter in a kind of mental hibernation which itself opens up communication with Source. It is at midwinter that many begin preparations for the three major festivals of spring and summer: in the Celtic calendar they are known as Imbolc (February 2nd), spring equinox (Ostara, Easter) and Beltainn (May 1st).

Other indigenous cultures celebrate on these dates, the Hopi, Maya, Chinese, Arab, Vedic and Zulu, but one which has gained world-wide recognition is the May full moon celebration of Wesak, the greatest festival in the Buddhist calendar. All surviving cultures which perpetuate these ancient forms begin with a meditation at winter solstice which culminates in the May celebration.

It is fascinating, then, to discover that in using an ancient technique of knowing when the planet is at its closest to Galactic Center, by aligning with cosmic energy emanating from the black hole at the center of the Milky Way, at the crossing of Galactic Center with celestial ecliptic, at a time when the Earth is herself at her perihelion, closest to her own star, and when the stella maris, the ‘spiritual sun’ Sirius is at her zenith, ancient civilizations and their modern devotees discovered a means to tuning into the cosmic Source of all energy, knowing, and guidance.

In the sacred Long Count calendar of the Maya, one of the most accessible of ancient calculations to modern man, within a period called a Great World Age, an eon, an unimaginably-huge 26,000-year timespan, there are only a few moments when we Earth people come closest to the center of this cosmic cross, the point where the ecliptic crosses the Milky Way, at precise center of our Galaxy.

Galactic Center where stars are born

This nebulous area of the Universe, where stars are born, is our own cosmic womb, from which we, as stardust emerged. It is from this hole in the Cosmos that many spiritual masters and followers believe emanates a divine energy; that the centre of the galaxy is constantly emitting and transmitting a pure energy source which may be utilized in our conscious co-creative process to amplify and transmit new programmes of operation to us, to amplify our awareness and to broadcast light energy directly to enhance human DNA.

Winged serpent sun god Quetzalcoatl of the Maya from Codex Borgia

In the mythology of the Maya, it is to this great birth canal or womb aperture that Creator-sun-god Quetzalcoatl, mythical feathered serpent, one who crawls on Mother Earth but also flies in the heavens will return on winter solstice 2012. This cosmic re-union symbolizes the joining of spirit with matter, in order to be reborn: the Shift of the Ages.

Our alignment with Galactic Center occurs only once in every 25,800 years. We have come close to it several times in the last three decades. During the so-called ‘Galactic alignment period’, or ‘era-2012’ between 1980 and 2016, the closest the Earth came to Galactic Center was on December 21st, 1998.

Galactic center is exactly where the December solstitial sun will stand at noon Universal Time on December 21st, 2012.

Is it any wonder then that we as a species are being given a few reminders of this cosmic date only a couple of years up the stellar turnpike?

If Galactic Center is transmitting messages, is it not logical for us, a technologically advanced civilization, to pick up the spiritual phone?

Galactic Stillpoint: Longest Night on Earth

December 21, 2009

‘Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known’
Carl Sagan In Memoriam

Stone circle and midwinter sunset light

It is Solstice. Tonight is the longest night of the year for planet Earth’s northern hemisphere dwellers. It is at midwinter when all animals (except the human creature) go within, curl up and meditate in their own fashion; and wait for the light to return.

Neolithic farming communities in Scotland between the 56th and 57th parallel dragged massive 50-ton blocks of stone over the snow to form windows on the sky.

Recumbent stone circle at winter solstice

They took time out from their hard agricultural working life to create ‘recumbent’ stone circles which would mark forever that point on the horizon where the sun set at winter solstice. Five thousand years ago solstice was celebrated with fire. They’d learned that fire embodied in the Sun seemed to disappear forever; then was miraculously rekindled, reawakened and with it their land, their precious earth on which all depended, would respond; it began anew to nurture seed into growth, to produce fruit and harvest all over again.

Fire festivals reenacted fire of the dying sun in stone circles

Flames from solstitial fires reached for the heavens all through that cold winter night.

It must have seemed like a miracle at solar standstill when, after disappearing for seventeen hours, the sunlight returned and days began to lengthen once more. Seventeen hours of darkness is a long time if you live in a cave, an earth dugout or a stone mound.

The human subconscious appears to retain partial memory of this primordial condition which animals have, because in northern latitudes midwinter is often celebrated to an irrational degree. It is as if at a cellular level we remember that after galactic stillpoint is reached, the Earth starts to awaken once more and we realize that the Universe is going to keep on turning. What a blessing. What a miracle. What better reason to rejoice?

It is said our biological form is quintessentially-adapted for language: that the Word has created in our brain’s motor centers a highly developed auditory discrimination, with rapid muscular response in tongue, lips and palate; but we were not its makers. It was a gift from Creation which we have evolved to a remarkable sophistry. Fire, on the other hand was Man’s ultimate discovery.

At the forty-fifth parallel of latitude, in the cave vaults of Choukoutien near Beijing, a heavy-browed paleoanthropic form of Man with a cranial capacity as low as 860cc gnawed marrow bones and chipped stone implements. His time lies 500,000 years remote from this and yet in those years of the second Ice Age, this Man, with scarcely two-thirds of our modern cranial capacity, used fire.

Is it any wonder, then, that world mythology is filled with tales of sorcerer-priests who conjure light, the hero-giant stealer of fire from the gods? In discovering fire, were we not amazed at our ability to do as the gods themselves, to create Light?

In that dark cave half a million years ago ‘Peking Man’ created a spark which dispelled the darkness. His was the crucible which contained our entire human future. Have we not ever since – at a cellular level – been searching to return to that same realm of Light?

Round Zodiac of Dendera, from 50BC during Roman rule of Upper Egypt

In our reaching for the stars we have for generations been guided by mythology, world religions, the ancient astrological zodiac calendar and by our own deep need for an otherworldly force which is both strong and loving. In myth, the goddess Ishtar/Isis is the celestial mother/lover (Roman Venus); in a crossover with astronomy she is seen as the stella maris, the heavenly guide to mariners, the star of the (celestial) sea, Sirius, Canis Major, the brightest of the fixed stars, whose heliacal rising marked the beginning of the Ancient Egyptian calendar on July 19-20: end of zodiacal Cancer, beginning of astrological Leo.

In Babylonian legend, the redeemer of the world, Celestial Man, is expected to rise from the heart of the (cosmic) Ocean.

Ancient Man looked to the heavens for inspiration. Medieval Man was convinced heaven was right out there among the stars. It is only we, modern homo (so-called) sapiens who forgets to do that kind of communing with the Universe.

On the other hand select niches in our society still seek: within the scientific establishment the search for extra-terrestrial life (SETI) continues apace. Carl Sagan, exobiologist, astronomer and visionary, along with his colleagues at Cornell, created a fashion in the early ’70s for that kind of exploration.

He said:

‘We are starfolk, but we live in the galactic boondocks where the action isn’t’

and took steps, aided by NASA, to communicate with any advanced civilizations out there which might deign to reply. In sending the Pioneer 10’s message plaque of gold-plated aluminum to a star region in the vicinity of Taurus/Orion, they hoped to trigger a response from any listening/receiving civilization.

Pioneer 10 gold-plated plaque continues to travel for 80,000 years

His argument was that any evolved star-beings who were less advanced than us (and in his day, we earthlings were only ten years into being categorized as ‘advanced’ ourselves), would be incapable of responding. Only civilizations more advanced than us would understand the message and have the capability to reply. He also rationalized the graphics of the message sent: reasoning that other galactic residents might not understand English, German, Swahili, Urdu; but they would understand mathematics, astronomy, physics.

Shortly after launching interstellar spacecraft Pioneer in March 1972, SETI directed efforts to beaming radio telescope transmissions to the stars. The latest of these was sent from Arecibo, Puerto Rico towards the Vega-Altair-Deneb triangle in 1999. By that time radio frequency was a speedier means of transmission than the fuel-propelled Pioneer space vehicle where a destination of even the nearest star (four light years distant) would not be reached for 80,000 years.

Besides they reasoned that if any civilizations were listening in/eavesdropping on us the Arecibo message was joining a century of transmissions from our planet, starting with Marconi’s first wireless communication in 1897.

It is thirteen years since Carl Sagan’s premature death on winter solstice 1996. He would be intrigued to learn of the massing body of evidence in favour of extra-terrestrial communication. The crop circle archive alone is superb. Not only does it communicate in the languages of science he advocated (mathematics, physics, astronomy), but, based on his premise that a more advanced civilization would find a more sophisticated means of communicating with us than we had with them, their graphics succeed in touching us at a cellular and emotional level, as well as pointing us to the stars.

Ancient World religions like the Judaic, Arabic, Egyptian, Babylonian, Greek and Vedic faiths have frequent admonitions to look to the stars, to ‘observe in the east’, to watch the heavens for signs.

Our society is on the cusp of the year 2010. We have a Space Station partially operational; Hubble and SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) are in orbit; CERN has just collided atoms at an unprecedented rate in the tunnels below Geneva in Switzerland. We are technically advanced.

What about our spirit?

Neale Donald Walsch says:

Individuals — if their thought (prayer, hope, wish, dream, fear) is amazingly strong — can, in and of themselves, produce such results. Jesus did this regularly. He understood how to manipulate energy and matter, how to rearrange it, how to redistribute it, how to utterly control it. Many Masters have known this. Many know it now.
Neale Donald Walsch Conversations with God

If our heads were not so clouded by traffic jams and mind jams and living in a race for security and success, we might pause for this moment of solstice – the last in a single digit year for a century – and look to the heavens with awe. Two of our neighbours in the solar system, the crescent moon and Jupiter, shine brilliantly together shortly after sunset in the night sky. We have just experienced a multi-colour array of Geminid meteors emanating from the constellation which follows Orion through the night, with our brightest star, Sirius, stella maris, hovering below. It is the season for aurora borealis, which has already peaked over the Canadian Arctic. These are ‘commonplace’ wonders. However, we have also been treated to some unusual cosmic ‘signs’.

Spiral of light over Tromsö, Norway on eve of Obama's Nobel Peace Prize acceptance

On the day that President Barack Obama was travelling to Oslo, Norway to accept his Nobel Peace Prize, a spiral of light appeared in the skies over Tromsö and reflected light down to earth for twelve minutes ending in a circular hole of light. The spiral is an archetypal symbol representing cosmic force. It was used by all formative cultures in their art: civilizations from the Neolithic North Britons to Celtic Gaul, Egyptians, Japanese, Hopi, Nazca, Arabic, African and Hindu all use this representation of Cosmic Energy. Its appearance added to world spiritual expectation of a sign in the heavens to herald the birth of a New Age.

Great Eye of Sauron in Fomalhaut

Surrounded by these new signs, we may not have noticed that there have been a number of transmissions from Sirius; not beamed, like the crop circles, via light or laser technology, but in a method which travels equally as fast. Using a transference common in the realm of mind messages or ‘channeling’, an entity calling itself SaLuSa speaks from the Galactic Federation through Mike Quinsey, using the most comforting and inspiring words of encouragement to those of us experiencing difficulty adjusting to effects of the long predicted ‘end-times’.

‘We ask you once again to keep your eyes on the skies. These are the days when the signs have become talking points, that will awaken people’s awareness, not just to our presence but our methods of contact with you. For many years we have made crop circles as one means of getting your attention. As you will have noticed in more recent times, they have become more sophisticated. The messages they send have been interpreted, and their symbolism correctly understood. They have carried energy with them, and even although everyone has not understood them, it has connected with them sub-consciously.’

If Carl Sagan were still with us, I think he might consider this form of transmission equally valid from an advanced stellar civilization. After all his criteria suggested that those who had survived a post-nuclear age without exterminating either themselves or their habitat would be in a better frame of consciousness to extend the vibration of ascension and assistance to help another up the ladder of evolution.

If you’re listening, Carl. We miss you. Happy Solstice.

The Spiritual Route: we used to call it the Road less Travelled

July 28, 2009

In the ‘sixties, there were a lot of us about.  We called ourselves seekers, but others had less complimentary – yea, derogatory –  names for us: hippie was one of them; living on the land was another.  We didn’t care: we were poets, musicians, philosophers and we were catalysts for Earth Shift.  At the beginning of the ‘seventies, we thought everybody in the Universe was a believer; the world was going to flip overnight, heaven-on-earth was imminent.  We could and would create the World We Chose.

I lived in Northern California at the time and the world was my oyster.  Communes were two a penny; Buckminster Fuller domes proliferated, tree houses, goat shed shacks converted for summer living, tipis abounded, everyone had an organic garden and all kinds of people drifted through, joined and disjoined, contributed (sometimes) and accepted free food, board and lodging.  It was light-hearted, fun and nobody thought it was going to end.  We had come full circle: the Great Spirit was on our side and We Were Invincible.  

In my particular neck of the woods – I kid you not – Cat Mother (& his All-Night News Boys) were neighbors with Gene Clark of The Byrds. The Fifth Dimension sang the song ‘Age of Aquarius’. Fulleresque geniuses came from the Bay Area for an overnight stay and helped  build hyperbolic paraboloid structures in two days.  Fuller’s other shape, the Dome – sixteen plywood boards bent and bolted together – were like the Amish equivalent on the East Coast: erected in a day.  Small villages of these instant creations appeared on The Ridge, the known hangout of the Alternative Lifestyle.  Redwoods nodded wisely as humans found summer shelter in their root boles, bluejays didn’t object to sharing nest sites.  Gray whales waved huge arms in passing as if signaling approval of the human race. 

We all promised to hold the vision forever and as silently as the movement started, it faded into individual dreams as we each followed separate paths and drifted away.

Some, I know for a fact, became convinced on their return to the ‘real world’ that their dream was a fantasy and that they should follow the rest of the human race in amassing great fortunes or becoming famous for their contribution to the corporate world.  In the intervening forty years I often wondered if I should write and remind them of our Pact.  I didn’t, of course.  Others stood firm in their belief in themselves and their dream, but found the 9-to-5 a killer and succumbed to heart disease, self-doubt or disappointment in relationships and love.  It was a difficult time for believers: the age of Thatcherite Britain and Reaganite America.  I retreated to an organic garden of my own making, lost myself in writing about my dreams, having a family and getting on with life: the act of watching one’s genes grow into another being is hard to resist.  The Path (and the Pact) were still there, but tucked away in a subliminal stratum.  Life moved in circles of parenthood, overdrafts, insurance, schooling and subsequently into computers, cell phones and the internet.  Imperceptibly we grew old, let some things go, held on to others and became different people.  They say the body changes all its cells completely every seven years.  In six times that number, it isn’t surprising that the bodies and minds of those dreamers forgot everything they promised themselves in a few brief years at the dawning of the Aquarian Age.

Astrological progressed chart for Valentine's Day 2009 Until February 14th this year.  Then, according to respected and accurate ‘progressed’ chart astrology analysts, Planet Earth did in fact enter the Age of Aquarius.  On that day, lyrics of the song from the Broadway musical ‘Hair’,  made popular by the Fifth Dimension  in 1969, came true:

When the moon is in the Seventh House,  And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets,    And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
The age of Aquarius  Aquarius!    Aquarius!

Harmony and understanding     Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions    Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation       And the mind’s true liberation
Aquarius!   Aquarius!

 It is ironic that those visionaries in 1969 had to wait half a lifetime to watch the rest of the human race reach epiphany:   it took scientific and engineering and electronic miracles like the internet, satellite communications, jet travel and cell phones to bring about an electromagnetic shift in planetary consciousness.  Now, with the miracle of virtual friendships, instant messaging,  spiritual .ning sites – even blogs – the world has begun again on the Road Less Travelled.  

Tomorrow (July 28th, 2009) there will be a planet-wide meditation and spiritual convocation of believers in our common destiny: for one hour we may all, if we wish, visualize, contemplate, dance, sing or ‘Om’ together in celebrating our shared ability to create the World We Choose.

This one-hour appointment with our Higher Self is the initiative of Fire+The+Grid, a group of young people (about the same age as we were in 1969) led by Shelley, musician and lyricist Bradfield and singer-songwriter Anael.  They fired the planetary grid in July 2007 and were surprised that 800,000 other people joined them in a wave of world meditation.  Tomorrow – at 1919 Rio de Janeiro time (conveniently, at 11:19p.m. in your time zone wherever you are) – we shall do it again: fire the planetary grid of light, dream dreams and send beams of potential round the world – another chance for all of us to create the World We Choose.  This time it is expected we will be joined by upwards of one million souls.  Don’t take my word for it – you can check the truth of this at and, if your inner child (or cosmic dreamer) is still active, you too can be part of creating the New Heaven and the New Earth.

In 1969 a seed was planted in human consciousness.  Without the internet and instant sharing worldwide, there was only intuition, channeling, a medium frowned on by middle-of-the-road humanity.  In 2009 we’re all in the middle of the road: the Road Less Travelled, and we’re in it together.