Posted tagged ‘light’

Stairway to Heaven: Quickening with Andromeda

January 3, 2014

Hyperspace-bound: Humanity at the Gate

Grasshopper-eye-view of 2012 ultimate in cropcircle design: the ‘Neocube’ August 2012 Hackpen, Wiltshire
groundshot courtesy Steve Alexander

Four hundred days after 12/12/12, an eerie chill in the January 2014 evening air may send shivers up our spine, telling those of us Galactic pagans who stand at the open door to soul-consciousness that it is only a breath away.

This is no false media-promised ‘stairway to the stars’; more an energetic doorway offering itself now to propel us—aware or unaware—through the next steps—together—in evolution. To some of us who have been through the mill, the Siderealview is

Archaic Units of Time and Measure
Classically, winter solstice—northern-hemisphere style—was what Greco-Roman male-dominant culture understood. While they borrowed Arabic constellations (gleaned from antediluvian astronomical study of both celestial spheres), leaving Islamic trails in the heavens around Al Nath, Mirfak, Rigel and Betelgeuse, they superimposed Latin names on important calendrical stars like the Pleiades, Sirius, Antares (in Scorpio, ‘rival’ of Ares-Mars for its red brilliance), and on a few favored constellations like Canopus and Carina in southern skies. Otherwise they concentrated heavily on renaming the northern zodiac.

Egyptian Cubit: measure of forearm, used interchangeably with Roman foot 'pedes'

Egyptian Cubit: measure of forearm, used interchangeably with Roman foot ‘pedes’

Along with other Mediterranean cultures, they used the archaic cubit—length of the human forearm from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger—the short cubit ranging from 17-18 inches.

Cubit Culture Inches (centimeters)
Hebrew (short) 17.5 (44.5)
Egyptian 17.6 (44.7)
Common (short) 18 (45.7)
Babylonian (long) 19.8 (50.3)
Hebrew (long) 20.4 (51.8)
Egyptian (long) 20.6 (52.3)

Hackpen Metatron Cube, Cubit & NeoCube made up of spherical neodymium magnets may suggest Humanity start working seriously to produce energy from maglev technology
image courtesy CMM Research

‘The Universe is not thirteen billion light years across and self-made, as believed in the Illusion. Creation is over nine hundred trillion light years across and is still just beginning.

‘To inaugurate Creation, the Holy Trinity projected the Cube and Sphere one dimension down to the thirteenth dimension as a circle, hexagon outline—also called a cube—and flattened Y factor lines. The 13th-dimensional projection is known throughout all of Creation as that called a Cubit.

‘The Cubit is also expandable according to rule into multiferous combinations called Cubist matrices. The number of possible Cubist matrices is without limit. They are the genomes of Creation.’
Revelatorium Transmission through Archangel Melchizedek

Etchilhampton Wiltshire,  summer 2013: reminder of past seasons?

Etchilhampton Wiltshire, summer 2013: reminder of past seasons?

From 7/7/7, 8/8/8 LionsG8 through 12/12/12

Before he died on February 29th, 2009, John Burke, of BLT gave years of his life to study, along with his colleagues W.C. Levengood and Nancy P. Talbott, Dynastic Egyptians’ harnessing of energetic power in pyramid technology. See our treatise dedicated to John Burke in 2010, for an in-depth look at how his research crossed over into crop circle manifestation with similar results, more below.

“This energy force is capable of incising pictograms containing over a thousand elements with surgical precision, covering areas of up to 150,000 square feet, and with such unerring accuracy that ‘curtains’ of wheat one stalk wide are sometimes all that separate one circle from another. The perimeter walls resemble the seamless curve of a drum, and where inward-curving walls meet inside a design, the central point can be defined down to a single stalk”
John Burke, BLT


“This force has been put into crop circles through thought processes to initiate a new source of energy now being created. Certain beings are receiving preparation to understand messages projected at this time. Power is being created through intellect of the scientist, knowledge is awakened in others; some are very close to the answer: an energy machine. This energy is only partially linked to magnetism.

“Rather, it is linked to the illusion of time.

“Similar to thought-transference, wo/man will be able to change the molecular structure of things, including herself. Within the energy-pattern of the circles we are giving you this information.”
The Watchers

7/7/7 and 8/8/8 crop circles, images courtesy Steve Alexander, TemporaryTemples

7/7/7 and 8/8/8 crop circles,
images courtesy Steve Alexander, TemporaryTemples

In retrospect, Croppies were being prepared from around 2007—7/7/7 double CCs yin-yang + OM, 8/8/8 Eight crop circle images above, startling even the most stalwart unbelievers in their transcendant art—for what now appears regularly in our consciousness: the appearance of the miraculous in everyday life.

Biblical, Dark Age, Mediaeval and Pagan pre-Celtic consciousness was constantly prepared by belief, sacred ceremony and ritual, for revelation of the Divine within the prosaic. It is our misgotten cultural overlay which now clouds our vision of such appearances in our modern world.

But not for long.

Chualar Vineyard Year-End Crop Circle Surprise
Meanwhile, while nobody in particular was watching—all eyes in the Western World being directed to that gay commercial entity called euphemistically, the ‘festive season’—an energetic vortex surfaced in a Salinas county vineyard, twenty miles due east of Monterey Bay, California.

Rancho Chualar cropcircle December 30th, 2013, highlights the 1. 9. 2. and π 3.14159265359 ad infinitum

Rancho Chualar cropcircle December 30th, 2013, highlights the 1. 9. 2. and π 3.14159265359 ad infinitum

CCD microchip crop circle appeared within five miles of Highway-101 artery, which funnels northern traffic out of LA-LA-land towards the Redwoods. It lies close to where retired screen stars have their ‘country’ homes. This microclimate enclave where a full winter barley crop was available in late December to be etched in multiple decodable dots and numbers—to the delight of CC-geeks everywhere—is coincidentally the oldest artist colony in California; where the San Francisco Arts movement (art nouveau, art-deco, original ‘bohemians’) fled after the earthquake of 1906. Arts, music, dance theaters and open-air stages abound within twee throwback architecture of the Edwardian era. Its hinterland still has pioneer attitude, coupled with rich agricultural valleys, which John Steinbeck breathed into life.

Seasonal Swansong
Not being on the normal CC circuit, Monterey received rather scant attention from US media and local press at first, relegating the last appearance of 2013 Crop Circle season to the loony pile, Brit. equivalent of a ‘hoax circle’ (ladders + human stomping). To add to that unfortunate attitude, current landowners Scott and Debbie Anthony were suffering personal illness, ordering the formation erased without their seeing it, so all barley within its one-acre circumference has been flattened. Nevertheless its intricacies are too precise, with on-site inspection of field lay described pointedly by knowledgeable (but undercover) botanists as multi-layered in the best authentic CC tradition—so it is hard not to want to examine, dissect, reveal all it may proffer for 2014.

Full-Well Capacity
Relatively easily identifiable first off in the design is an integrated circuit etched on to a charge coupled device, CCD, pixel-latest techno-geniuses’ creation in film chip technology, usually made of silicon, forming light-sensitive elements called pixels. Each pixel can hold a maximum number of electrons, called its ‘Full Well Capacity’! This number can vary widely (10ke- to 500ke-), depending currently on pixel’s physical dimensions—bigger the pixel, more electrons it can hold. So, while capable of holding zillions of pixels, current film chips are set at 192×165 pixels. On a quantum level, camera chips holding excess electrons begin to ‘bleed’ them into neighboring chips, causing ‘blooming’.

Parable/fable for humans?: if you stimulate/feel joy, move into being in joy, you will spread it around! Are we, humans on the brink of a New Beginning, being guided through our own blooming? In our blinkered state, are we capable of flowering? And is traditional chip size no longer a parameter in electronic circuitry? Aha!

Future Speak: Techno-Talk in the Barley
Central button panel code in three precise rows of braille-type dots folded through interwoven barley was quickly identified by local symphony orchestra conductor Carl Christensen as depicting the number 192. Braille dot system enables his blind students to read and write through touch. In his opinion, the dots are in very specific order, “so perfect it’s almost like a machine did it. They are not off in any way, shape, or form.”
Three lines in braille read:

Iridium's atomic weight is 192, half-life 73 days

Iridium’s atomic weight is 192, half-life 73 days

192 192

B 192 1

192 192″

Simple message to the blind: awake, open eyes and see…
There are other implications, nuances in the design.
Seen as a simple clock face, aligned on 12-axis, numbers 1, 9 and 2 are repeated in descending size.

Chualar is a term from an American Indian language meaning ‘pigweed’, goosefoot, Amaranthus palmeri, a healing herb. It still grows in the canyon.

The glyph appeared overnight in barley in the strong December Quarantid meteor shower and during first onset of a solar storm which is still giving NASA, NOAA experts and several amateur CME-X-flare-watchers heart attacks. Ongoing since mid-December 2013, in the runup to our rendezvous with the center of the Galaxy, tomorrow January 4th, 2014, it has become a major storm—red panel sidebar right. Solar storms, as we know, tend to have major influence in terrestrial weather; but add the recent extraterrestrial bombardment of comet-ISON dust, near-earth asteroid impact and now the current evening showering of our planet by the Quanantids, what more is there to see?

Chualar township is a remnant region of California’s frontier that still produces food crops commercially, but along traditional lines. Salinas Valley agriculture, known worldwide as the breadbasket of California, supplies daily fresh produce to the nation. Also famous for its Pulitzer-Prize-winning native son, John Steinbeck, author of Of Mice and Men (1937), Grapes of Wrath (1939), Cannery Row (1945), Monterey now celebrates him at the National Steinbeck Center, a $5.2 million agriculture museum featuring Salinas Valley farming and Chualar history.

The small, unincorporated Chualar canyon community was given as part of Spanish Grant legislation to Juan Malarin, but acquired by David Jack, a canny Scots émigré from Crieff, Perthshire who exploited land grant liberality in frontier times in the transfer of rancho holdings to Americans during the 1860s. Not only was he considered the wealthiest individual in the county by 1880—accruing 30,000 acres in Carmel, Pebble Beach, Pacific Grove, Del Rey Oaks, Del Monte Forest, Fort Ord, and the spectacular coastline 17-Mile Drive, but his family had become famous for an American staple: Monterey Jack cheese. Much of the original Jack settlement is now natural reserve administered by Carmel, but the Anthonys’ 2000-acre grape-production farm was Rancho Chualar in Jack’s domain.

Cerebrally connecting sacred number, cheese, fresh natural produce, a township out of time, with iridium, hardest and most indestructible of the metals, probably meteoritic? a vineyard where the Grapes of Wrath may rise in reply? and the suggestion that Wo/Mankind is set to blossom? New technology, new fabrics, concepts confronting us boldly in the maw of the Ouroboros? What a plethora of choice.

Not just braille code, but also computer programming code, the -Jb switch

Not just braille code, but esoteric-geek computer programming code, the -Jb switch

Chualar Mexican land grant: two square leagues—50million square varas = 8,856-acres

One-Acre Chualar CC: 0.4047 hectare = 4047 square metres
One acre is defined as a strip of land 1 × 1/10 furlong, or 40 × 4 rods (660 × 66 feet) long

Back to the staples of life: cubits and feet; and a reliable food supply.

And, as many past crop circles have indicated, number and sacred geometry tend to play a central role in appearances like Chualar, c.f. Mexican crop circles in water-parched hinterland of Tlapanaloya, March 2011.

Barbury Castle 2008 Pi crop circle remained uninterpreted until 2011, image courtesy Bert Janssen

Barbury Castle 2008 Pi crop circle remained uninterpreted until 2011, image courtesy Bert Janssen

Before the foundations of the Great Pyramid were laid, men tried to ‘square the circle’, i.e. construct a square and a circle equal in area, using compass and ruler. Some of the greatest minds in history—architects, politicians, artists, musicians, philosophers, astronomers and theologians—have tried to solve this ancient riddle. Mathematicians come closest. It was termed ‘impossible’ in 1882 when Carl Lindemann showed that π is a transcendental number, cannot be calculated or written as a ratio of two other numbers. Decimal values of π are infinite, and it is not possible to construct the square root of an infinite number, therefore ‘impossible’ to square the circle with exact precision. That, however, has changed. See crop circle site of Bert Janssen who persevered in his interpretation; also work of dream expert and numerologist Joseph Mason. For in-depth look at 192×165=31680, several hours’ reading John Michell‘s amazing ‘Dimensions of Paradise’ (2001) is recommended. Simply put, numbers like 31680 resonate, resound, ring bells in our psyche.

With several alarm bells presently ringing from the Japanese side of the Pacific, the fresh natural quality of California’s breadbasket may indeed be at risk.

Synchronicities and Coincidences

It may help to look closely at some clear clues wrapped up in sacred number.
Iridium, atomic weight 192-with isotopes still being discovered—Ir-element-77 in the Periodic Table, between Osmium Os-76 and Platinum Pt-78, is currently darling of specialist computer and other software developers, for its durability in extreme conditions of temperature and stress. With its near-limitless computer chip capacity, its applications are endless—e.g. space exploration, in subsea platforms, within volcanic or tectonic environments where humans cannot go.

Iridium, rarer than platinum, probably caused extinction of the dinosaurs

Iridium, rarer than platinum, probably caused extinction of the dinosaurs

Iridium is the hardest known (workable) metal; marginally harder and rarer than platinum, to whose group of ‘white metals’ it belongs; element-77 on the periodic table, above. At molecular level, Iridium is a ‘paramagnetic’ mesh of tetrahedra*, and sacred octahedral-combinatory shapes, whose radioactive isotopes are still being discovered. Iridium metal, while phenomenally expensive to produce, is employed when high corrosion resistance at extreme temperatures is needed, as in high performance spark plugs, crucibles for recrystallization of semiconductors at high temperatures, and electrodes for the production of chlorine in the chloralkali process. Iridium radio-isotopes are used in some radio-isotope thermoelectric generators. Using X-ray spectroscopy, the jury is still out on whether Iridium, or its neighbor Osmium in the Table, is the densest metal known.

*explanation insert for followers of star tetrahedron, merkabah, octahedral geometry in crop design:

Star Tetrahedra: octahedron over stellated octahedron, the only full facetting of the cube, allowing upflow and downflow. Created from our original eight cells, the Star Tetrahedron is both our potential and a record of our experiences; balance of male and female, heaven and earth: all that is in a 3D world.
In accepting both polarities, embracing both, understanding we have those polarities within ourselves— knowing that without both we are out of balance—are first teachings of ‘Star Tetrahedron Consciousness’. It teaches balance of yin/yang through embracing both, inside and outside ourselves.
This does not mean giving up identity or silently condoning inhumane action. We are asked to embrace ourselves even more because we understand we are made up of masculine and feminine energies, creative and destructive.
We all have left and right hemispheres. In balance we use both. When we embrace both, we are one with the third dimension, capable of awareness, and embodiment that leads us into oneness or unity consciousness, and into the fifth (and higher) dimension(s). It is a balance of all without forgoing the uniqueness of each.
Star Tetrahedron Consciousness, courtesy Drunvalo Melchizedek

Back to Iridium: Given its rare molecular structure, its meteoritic state, applications in computer technology, previously the realm of the silicon chip, may be about to change.

From an extra-terrestrial point of view—with humanity’s oversoul—or the combined consciousness of the CC-community clearly demanding closure for the 2013 season, this may be seen as us giving ourselves a technological memory-jog. Industry has known, despite prohibitive cost, and apparent scarcity of Iridium deposits, that the metal’s near-imperishable mechanical and tensile strength makes it a miracle material in extreme conditions of modern human technology. On a camera chip, it flows and blooms according to capacity requirements, acting like the solid state equivalent of a wave, bringing new technology to screen environments and lightning-fast applications.

Yucatan peninsula's  subaquamarine Chicxulub crater, made by largest meteorite to hit Earth, may conceal Iridium-192

Yucatan peninsula’s subaquamarine Chicxulub crater, made by largest meteorite to hit Earth, may conceal Iridium-192

Its scarcity on Earth is almost certainly due to the fact that it is an alien: arriving here on the back of the behemoth meteorite which crashed into Yucatan and the Gulf of Mexico 66 million years ago, causing the extinction of the dinosaurs. The metal has been found nowhere else on earth, except within meteoritic crash sites. Geologists suggest, however, that given its high melting point, residual Iridium may exist in deeper seams beneath the Chicxulub crater, or elsewhere in places of high seismic activity, where volcanic heat may have melted the metal (heat-resistant to 2246ºC). So all is not yet lost!

It is therefore no coincidence that remaining member of the BLT team, Nancy Talbott, whose groundbreaking research of the 1993 Cherhill crop circle laced with an iron glaze of fused particles of apparent meteoritic origin will speak in symposium in June 2014 on meteorite elements in crop circle design. She gives the subject credibility.

… And for the True Geeks among us
Yet another interpretation of the central box of code is that it is pure computer programming: the -Jb switch, -R switch, beloved of html-creators, surrounding the number 192. As a dilettante, Siderealview continues to maintain supreme ignorance over such supergeekness, but it is safe to say the youth of the planet will understand the message loud and clear.

Musically, it is worth noting that 192hz is G on piano keyboard, and its toning resonance used in subliminal cure of stress, meditational facilitation and—apparently—in increasing functionality of sound systems, below.
Recent research relates ancient geometry, astronomy and sacred sites to musical ratio. The international standard of tuning is currently 440Hz = A [J.S. Bach/Nazi influence]. When corrected, the other octaves display ancient Gematrian sacred numbers relative to astronomy, sacred geometry, the Bible and the Bhagavad-gita along with exact longitude and latitude connections to pyramids and other sacred sites, see compassionate use of music in detailed but accurate historical context, Brendan Bombaci’s erudite Cymatics:Dash-of-music-an-inch-of-Sun, sidebar right.

Pure Sound is an area dear to our heart, and how we absorb extreme poles of light spectra continue to puzzle our greatest minds. Carl Sagan, before he died, was mystified how light could become a noise. Our generation has learned that the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum–from radio waves through microwaves, infra-red, visible light, ultra-violet light, to x-rays and gamma rays–are all massless particles (photons) of the universal energy known as electromagnetic radiation, or simply Light. Light waves are fluctuations of electric and magnetic energy through space, usually expressed (by humans) in wavelength or frequency.

Electromagnetic spectrum from radio to light

Electromagnetic spectrum from radio to light

In my years of experience in voicing systems, I’ve found that a system must have a flat-to-slightly-elevated response curve in the critical region from approximately 192Hz to 384Hz. It could be slightly elevated. This range is from one-half octave below middle-C (256 Hz) to one-half octave above; between approximately 192Hz and 384Hz is one musical octave in width.

When a speaker (or electronic component or cable) seems to be lean in this area, the sound will usually prove to be boring musically. Amazingly, components thatare lean in this area are often admiringly described as highly resolved, precise, articulate, etc. My description? BORING…
When this region is flattened, or elevated by a very slight amount, the music is infinitely more involving. Strings have more body. Brass has more weight, and a more burnished tone.

Orchestral music will have a balance (and subjective power response) more akin to live sound in a concert hall. Vocals will have much more palpable presence. The sound will be lusher. Guitars will ring out with a beauty that touches your soul.
Jim Smith, self-professed Woofer-tweaker

There is one more cosmic trigger.

Braille, Morse Code and π-Pixie-pixel Dust

Chualar conundrum: Braille-192+hieroglyphic-17+Morse-ISON+isotope divided by infinite π = July 2014?

Chualar conundrum: Braille-192+hieroglyphic-17+Morse-ISON+isotope divided by infinite π = July 2014?

Much controversy, anguish and tromping/denial of access has weighed down the 2013 crop season; Britain’s most heroic formations were ploughed under—within hours; no specific paranoia cited, but large operations worldwide are no longer as open to human traffic as they were in the 1990s.
For this reason, Rancho Chualar’s owners’ unfortunate malady resulted in sudden reversal of opinion: maybe it’s “genuine”, after all. Perhaps those believers out there aren’t so loony. Ooo, Cosmic Math Class in the Human Oversoul department: now, everyone gets to decode the message. Media circus arrived late to the party.

Remember Crabwood, 2002?

Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts and their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. (damaged word). There is GOOD out there. We OPpose DECEPTION. conduit closing (bell sound)

Again, that deeply resonant bell—

Messages coming thick and fast
Just in time for our meeting with Source.

Dark Rift: Return to the Cosmic Birth Canal
Each year, by Cosmic design, northern nights grow longer in prelude to our annual rendezvous with Galactic Center—that dark patch in the Milky Way—when the Sun, including us microscopic specks of energy clinging on to the plane of the ecliptic, all nine planets of our system as one, align one more time with our Motherboard-birth canal, the Creator-energy-vortex. The middle of our Milky Way Galaxy is wide open this year on January 4th. The portal remains open—our consciousness being assisted by the ‘blooming’ of its closest neighbor, the Andromeda Galaxy crashing into us at imperceptible speed— before the sun spirals away one more time; in the past we should all probably have headed off for another year of peripatetic searching through infinite realms of (imaginary) space.

But this year we are being held momentarily, prompted—our consciousness feels it. Our bodies are more aware, our psyche primed. We are being reminded.

Our own Galaxy merging with Andromeda; note 'blooming' along our edges :)

Our own Galaxy merging with Andromeda; note ‘blooming’ along our edges 🙂

Which brings us full circle to the gentle message from above that alpha, beta and theta waves increase human capacity to expand, imagine, transform; and that our DNA is waiting patiently while we decide whether to join in the parade or not.

One more time, we are being prompted, asked to join the dance; getting a message from our own (inner) Sense to wake up, appreciate the phenomenal gifts provided by our Earth, along with exponentially more potential in our intellect, when used in true alignment: mind, body, spirit. Shall we join minds and bloom? Even that would start us on the road to Ascension: body would only follow.

Perihelion at Galaxy Junction tomorrow: let the Quickening with Andromeda begin.
Sounds like a catchy title for a tune.
©2014 Siderealview

Facing One’s Power in the Age of Light

January 25, 2012

The Electric Universe

Helix nebula in Aquarius: a new infra-red high-resolution image, courtesy Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit

Electromagnetism invades all walks of life. It permeates inventions, discoveries in electronics; and revolutionary use of crystalline and silicone technology has brought it into the mainstream where it now affects all strata of world culture.

Yet behind the scenes, we know that its ephemeral nature — its very essence as a ‘force’ on Earth — makes it fragile and open to disruption by an even greater electromagnetic source — that powering our Sun.

The Superstorm of September 1859 known as the Carrington Event is often quoted as earth’s worst magnetic storm, when the planet passed through a solar particle storm (coronal mass ejection, CME) lasting a week. Most of middle N.America was without rudimentary communication; telegraph systems worldwide were disrupted; spontaneous fires broke out. If such an Event were to happen now, there would be complete electronic blackout: hitting communications satellites, GPS; knocking out high-frequency radio communications which airplanes use to fly polar routes; overload electrical grids and blow out transformers, i.e. geo-collapse.

Much recent work by the Thunderbolts Project, glowing from their January 6-8, 2012 Conference, has shed light on electromagnetic powering of stars and galaxies. Key points of their theory give weight to an Electric Universe over one dominated by gravity and black holes:

Electricity now seen to play a more significant role in the Universe than previously accepted;

Sun and stars electrically powered by drift currents (Electric Connection)

Planetary surface features like craters, dendritic structures and rilles caused by super-lightning (electrical scarring)

Certain cosmic phenomena are electrical in nature, including:
Comet tails (electric comets)
The plumes of Enceladus
Martian dust devils
Galaxy formation and dynamics — circumventing the need for black holes and dark matter

Electricity and Magnetism as Waves of Light

B1509 pulsar called The Hand of God

In 1860 a 30-year old Scot at Cambridge, James Clerk Maxwell, discovered that the interplay between vibrating magnetic and electric fields created a wave.

He found that electric or magnetic fields alone could not create a wavelike motion; only the delicate interplay between electric and magnetic fields could produce this special wave.

At the time the universe as Man knew it consisted of Newtonian gravity, the four elements of alchemy and the metaphysical belief in ethers surrounding Earth. Space was the unknown frontier, a vast unexplored vacuum. Yet Maxwell proposed these waves operated in that void.

“To most physicists Maxwell’s idea seemed preposterous because there was no ‘ether’ to conduct these waves. Maxwell’s fields were ‘disembodied’ and moved by themselves, without a conducting medium.” Michio Kaku ‘Beyond Einstein: Cosmic Quest for A Theory of the Universe’, 1995.

Maxwell discovered light was made up of electric fields (E) and magnetic fields (B) which oscillate in unison --electric fields vibrate vertically, magnetic fields horizontally

Maxwell was undaunted. Using his equations to calculate, he found he was able to derive a specific number for the speed of this wave. He was astonished to find it was the speed of light. Light was revealed as a series of electric fields chained and interconnected with — and turning into — magnetic fields. Maxwell had accidentally discovered that his equations unraveled the nature of light as an electromagnetic wave.

Theory of Everything
His revelation was the first unified field theory — affectionately called the TOE: Theory of Everything.

Braided current sheets glow softly in visible and infrared light along the Cygnus loop of the Veil Nebula,
photo Johns HopkinsU/ NASA

Ever since Maxwell’s ground-breaking work, Light has been seen as the electro-magnetic force, created by vibration of electric and magnetic fields rapidly turning into each other;


are intertwined and speed-linked forms taken by the electromagnetic wave.

Electric Universe theory supported by the inter-disciplinary Thunderbolts Project has built on the work begun by Maxwell; expanded and expounded by Albert Einstein’s phenomenal mind; triggered by quantum theory. Like its sister, Stanford prof. Leonard Susskind’s Holographic Universe Theory, which also defies the old ‘black-hole model’, EU’s proponents are excited by unprecendented confirmations of their original predictions.

Recent EU predictions are confirmed by mainstream astrophysicists using ever-complex telescope technology not available in Maxwell’s time, but now able to detect electrical activity throughout the Universe.

Supernova 1987A in the Magellanic Cloud, closest supernova event (169,000 light years distant) since the invention of the telescope, exhibits massive electrical discharges from its central star

“The EU model has brought vastly more success than those from the mainstream. For instance, no one can argue that the ‘astonishing’ outburst of Comet Holmes 17P was ‘predictable’ nor even understandable by mainstream scientists. There are many other recent data and discoveries: from the validation of the electric Sun/Earth connection, to the observation of ‘impossibly’ huge cosmic ‘voids’, to the ongoing ‘mystery’ of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays… to anomalous (i.e. electrical) space weather. We are seeing precisely what one should expect if the predominant force in the heavens is electricity, not gravity”
Michael Goodspeed, Electric Universe Predictions

Supernova 1987A depicted in crop designs in Italy and Czech Republic, June-July 2011

A massive and graphic example of classic electrical discharge and stranding from a star is Supernova 1987A, above and left — the closest supernova event to happen in our skies since the invention of the telescope. First seen in February 1987 in the Magellanic Cloud, our dwarf companion galaxy to the Milky Way 169,000 light years from Earth, its discharges have increased and brightened since its discovery.

“Close observation since its appearance in 1987 provides proof that supernovae are catastrophic electrical discharges focused on a star.” Thunderbolts Project

GEO600 gravitational wave detector, Sarstedt, Germany picks up strange sounds

Meanwhile German scientists have been trying to understand why their equipment measuring gravitational waves is picking up strange sounds.

Craig Hogan, professor of astronomy and physics, U.Chicago and director of Fermilab’s Center for Particle Astrophysics in Batavia, Illinois feels GEO600 has stumbled upon the fundamental limit of space-time –- the point where space-time stops behaving like the smooth continuum Einstein described and instead dissolves into ‘grains’, just as a newspaper photograph dissolves into dots as you zoom in.

Prof. Craig Hogan, UChicago and Director of FermiLab

“It looks like GEO600 is being buffeted by the microscopic quantum convulsions of space-time.

“If the GEO600 result is what I suspect it is, then we are all living in a giant cosmic hologram.

“The idea that we live in a hologram probably sounds absurd, but it is a natural extension of our best understanding of black holes, and something with a pretty firm theoretical footing. It has also been surprisingly helpful for physicists wrestling with theories of how the universe works at its most fundamental level.” Craig Hogan, Director FermiLab.

These holograms can be imagined like those on credit cards and banknotes etched on two-dimensional plastic film. When light bounces off them, it recreates the appearance of a 3D image. In the 1990s physicists Leonard Susskind and Nobel prizewinner Gerard ‘t Hooft suggested that the same principle might apply to the universe as a whole, see above and here. These physicists explain that our everyday experience might itself be a holographic projection of physical processes taking place on a distant, 2D surface.

Controversy still surrounds electrical activity powered by our own Sun. Aurora (borealis and australis) are accepted as electromagnetic phenomena occurring at the poles following a solar flare; electrically-charged plasma can knock out power lines and wreak havoc in city distribution grids; but still the person-in-the-street does not look upon the sun as an electromagnetic engine capable of causing seismic disturbance (potentially on a vast scale) on our little terrestrial globe.

All this week Earth inhabitants are being rocked within a huge radiation storm of M-class and X-class flares — an electromagnetically-charged curtain of particles which left the Sun last Friday. Spectacular auorae confirmed NOAA’s Solar and Geomagnetic Field Indicator (right sidebar bottom) flashing Flare/Orange Storm/Red.

SpaceWeather and NASA upgraded their warning to M-9 class flare (threshold X-flare, the largest), since a further CME erupted from the Sun yesterday. Its leading edge hit Earth one hour later and, as it continues through the solar system, it will strike Mars January 25th. This radiation storm comes with a punch. It shot earthwards at 4million mph, much faster than the usual CME, catching up with its predecessor in one day. Some southern US states have suffered electronic failure.

Angel of the North- weekend aurora Tromsø, Norway, photo Bjørn Jørgensen

NASA’s Goddard Space Center is monitoring this particular solar storm carefully as it has a triple payload: electromagnetic radiation is followed by radiation in the form of protons. Then the CME —- plasma from the sun itself — provides the backlash. This makes the geomagnetic field wobble and shake and scatters electromagnetic currents everywhere. It is plasma which can cause electrical grid malfunction. Goddard helio-physicists are following closely as increasing activity confirms the sun’s move from an 11-year solar minimum towards solar maximum expected 2013.

According to Goddard analysts, Friday’s CME strongly compressed Earth’s magnetic field and briefly exposed satellites in geosynchronous orbit to solar wind plasma. Earth’s magnetic field continues to reverberate from the impact, with further buffeting expected. Arctic aurorae have been spectacular.


Central 'squeeze' of energy is typical of electromagnetic filament formation in a nebula

You know you are a powerful creator if you choose to use your power: power based in your heart — the power of healing emotion Gregg Braden, The Divine Matrix

In the electronic revolution internet sites have sprung up all over declaring that 2012 brings about the end of the world.

Others that, through our inner looking glass, we will rebirth whatever we conceive heaven to be — and make it manifest.

Still others rebel against the Old Guard, denouncing corrupt rulers. Like the Roman Decline, their Empire is tottering, crashing, while the people feast and fest: bread and circuses; football and Olympic Games.

‘Now that no one buys our votes, the public has long since cast off its cares; the people that once bestowed commands, consulships, legions, and all else, now meddle no more and long eagerly for just two things — bread and circuses’
Juvenal — Decimus Junius Juvenalis AD55-127

Just as Nero (AD37-68) was chastised for fiddling while Rome burned, the RichList are now being questioned for their jetset behaviour.


Esther Hicks continues to bring the Law of Attraction to a mass audience

Among the plethora of New Age guidance and self-help gurus suggesting we listen to our inner voice is Esther Hicks, 64, recently widowed, life-partner of Jerry, soul-partner of ‘Abraham’ — her off-planet/oversoul voice that she shares with millions. Described by some as a ‘channeler’ for Abraham, a group of clearly evolved teachers, speaking their broader non-physical perspective through her physical body, she continues to write, broadcast, and offer workshops on practising the Law of Attraction.

“Contrast helps you identify desire. Desire is summoning. It’s always flowing through you. You have the opportunity to open to the harmony of the vibration of your desire or not. As the desires are being summoned through you, and you go with the flow, you thrive, but if you use things to be your excuse for not going with the flow, you are arguing for your limitations. We want to show you how to go with the flow, which means nothing more than finding vibrational harmony with your own desire, and letting the Universal Energy that your desire is summoning to flow through you. It is optimum creative experience”
— Abraham

She chose to continue her work after her husband Jerry’s death in November 2011, and has a workshop schedule planned — albeit brief — for the winter months touring the southern United States until April. Her bestselling book — The Vortex, 2009 — provides focus for these forays into the human psyche and her hands-on — or spirit-speaking — approach has helped thousands to find their own positive role in life.

“Nothing needs to be fixed. Everything is unfolding perfectly. So when you stand in your now accepting that all is well, then from that vibration, you become surrounded by more and more evidence that all is well. But when you’re convinced that things are broken, that there is pollution, or that things have gone wrong, or that the government is doing conspiracies… then what happens is you get caught up in that vibration, and you begin to manifest that kind of stuff, and then you say, ‘See, I told you that things were going wrong.'” — Abraham

The Law of Attraction says ‘that which is Like unto itself is drawn’ Abraham-Hicks

“When you play the What-If? game, look for things that make you feel better. There is never a situation in which there is not a way out but, out of habit, most people continue to choose the ‘lack’ perspective until they eventually find themselves where it seems that there are no more choices. But as you hold your intention to look for evidence of Wellbeing and thriving and success and happiness, you will tune yourself to the vibrations of those things and so those kinds of good-feeling experiences will dominate your life” — Abraham

The Law of Attraction, a term coined in the first decade of the 20th Century, is a belief which has outlived its proponents in the New Thought and Theosophist movements of the metaphysical community to become a 21st Century byword. The human mind seems incapable of encompassing the totality of the universe in its complexity, so it filters the reality to let in only a miniscule fragment.

What the mind understands becomes one’s fact or reality, and what it doesn’t, does not even exist in one’s world/universe. Forays by the mind out into that infinite source of knowledge-comprehension-belief bring understanding back into the individual’s sphere of experience, i.e. what we think becomes real.

DMT molecule in accurate detail at Roundway, July 23, 2011. 2 days later its companion CC showed human pineal gland

Genuine crop circles — particularly to the cropcircle community who await the 2012 season with bated breath — are extreme examples of this belief system, where during summer months in Britain, and now in several European and American countries, crop formations transmit code for information accessible only by the subconscious mind. Particularly relevant to our train of thought are two crop circles which appeared in succession at Roundway, Wiltshire in July 2011 showing the human ‘feel-good’ centre — the pineal gland which generates melatonin — two days after the same DMT molecule manifested in accurate detail nearby (above). It is common knowledge that spontaneous healings, human warmth and friendship and synchronistic meetings have occurred in crop circles. Roundway, near Devizes is — in electromagnetic terms — seething with cross currents accessible by dowsers and magnetometer readings. Many believe that in addition to their embedded code, designs connect at a subliminal level with our DNA.

Inspirationally, crop circles have had a hold over a large world audience because of the electronic miracle of aerial photography, mostly courtesy CCC and the Silent Circle, with instant rebroadcast over the internet. Within mainstream media (television and radio), the jury is still out.

The crop circle following is comparable with devotees of The Secret (2006), and What the Bleep do we Know (2004) which built on the New Thought Movement theme and brought many new names into the spiritual self-mastery movement, including quantum physicist Gregg Braden and Doctors Joe Vitale, Joe Dispenza, and Deepak Chopra. While Oprah was soaking up television audiencies, these MDs/PhDs were the first cultural phenomenon to bounce off the burgeoning internet. Six years on, within social media — Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google+ — such spiritual discussion is commonplace; crop circle excitement quick to spread.

2 pendulums control a pen over a writing surface: Edison's harmonograph drew spirals, ellipses & figures of eight

After the Superstorm of 1859, New England’s ‘tech industry’ at the formative MIT (19thC equivalent of today’s Silicon Valley in California) fostered youthful Thomas Edison’s interest in telegraph technology (with A.Graham Bell’s help) to produce the first ‘harmonic telegraph’.

His ‘harmonograph’ and ‘multiplex transmitter’ were the embryo internet of his day, scratchily etching sounds and rudimentary pictures from an electric signal: a path which changed communications in the western world.

It is tempting to speculate that one of the superstorms of the sun’s impending solar maximum might similarly create (temporarily adverse) conditions which could foster even wilder leaps of imagination in inventors using the medium of light-waves to create previously uncontemplated splendours.

Crop circle messages and the Large Hadron Collider: Pewsey CC solstice 2010 calculated Phi --'golden mean'-- but looked suspiciously like the CERN accelerator

Maxwell, Nikola Tesla, Edison and Einstein would have loved to live now — in the world we take for granted — to flip keys instead of switches to bring rainbow reality into the drabness of their black-and-white world: Maxwell and Einstein to see the Higgs-Boson particle cast doubt on a fixed speed for light; Tesla to discover his rotating electromagnetic field could drive ships to the stars; and for Edison to see that Wall Street still uses a version of his stock-ticker! One wonders how they would view the latest iPod or the ability to speak on Skype.

“The purpose of our journey on this precious Earth is now to align our souls with our personalities: to create harmony, cooperation, sharing, and reverence for Life; to grow spiritually. This is our new evolutionary pathway. The old pathway — pursuing the ability to manipulate and control — no longer works. It now produces only violence and destruction.” Gary Zukav

Worldwide prophecies, from ‘Heaven-on-Earth’, to Messianic revelation, to the ‘Second Coming’ suggest the signs will appear in the skies. The classical Maya religiously kept watch to document and measure the paths of heavenly bodies as a means of calculating when this New Age would dawn.

This week should give us an inkling whether the signs in the skies are fulfilling prophecy or merely telling us to buckle up for the ride into the Light. Either way, it should be the ride of our lives.
©2012 Siderealview

Nuntius dixit: Consciousness Shift, new Belief in Self-Unity ~ & a Solstitial Meditation

December 22, 2011

Aurora Borealis at its height during Earth's buffeting in early December solar storm

We are already well into the Trans-itional Process. Conditions have changed, but we must tell people, as I was told. Few notice this on their own.
Ken Carey, December 2011

This year has spanned twelve months of profound and disorienting changes. Very few of us have escaped.

Now as the year winds down, light hours come to their briefest ebb, the sun comes to a ‘standstill’(sol-stice), everyone is getting those days of feeling ‘not-quite-there’ or half way through and already feeling like a limp rag. It’s called hibernation.

I do believe that solstice week of 2011 is bringing home to so many of us—through emotional experience—a culmination of a yearful of calamaties; a supercluster of supersonic speed changes and a rollercoaster ride into the last days of the December 2011 spiral, as we head into January 2012.

As that Big Number crawls ever closer and we become so focused on its magic aura, perhaps we have not been looking around. We are headed helter-skelter for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Hanukkah…and many proclaim the EndTimes predicted in the Longcount Calendar of the ancient Maya.

But it’s all about LIGHT!

…and just for TODAY (and tomorrow) we are experiencing the shortest days (least light) in the Northern Hemisphere.

After tonight—the longest night—the hours of daylight will once again begin to lengthen; our spirits to strengthen.

It may not feel like it (mid-solitude-meditation or last mad-rush), but it all turns on today’s hinge.

If you are a meditator, if you like to set time aside to contemplate our communal progress, now is a good time. A special meditation is given here by meditator-par-excellence, author of Return of the Bird Tribes, Ken Carey.

It is our strength of spirit which is hovering now—reflected in the horoscope chart below—Great Spirit is checking out the last of our faltering steps, so close on the threshold of thrusting ourselves into that new time.

Riding the evolutionary wave this week—and into the whole first quarter of 2012—consists of feeling—not suppressing—all our deepest darkest fears to the fullest; hanging in there through the tsunami; and then regaining our equilibrium in triumphant glory! We just don’t know how strong we are, until we use a little solar muscle.

The Winter Solstice and Galactic Center

Coincidentally at this time of year, the Sun, Moon, Earth and all planets of the solar system come into closest proximity and alignment with our nearest parent galaxy—the Milky Way—whose motherly arm extends out to us from the ‘kink’ in the middle of her trailing gown of starfields. The kink at Galactic Center has been beckoning us in cycles since 1983 and we have one more cycle in this great Cosmic Calculation to go…till December solstice 2012 rendezvous with that great energy point, see Cosmic Birth Canal.

Crab Nebula, image courtesy of Hubble Telescope

Winter Solstice occurs when the Sun is at its most southerly declination of -23.5º in the Northern hemisphere during the shortest day of the year. The sun is directly overhead on the Tropic of Capricorn in the Southern hemisphere at that solstice, and is the longest day of the year for those living south of the Tropic of Capricorn.

This solstice week four major planets are also visible together in the evening (south-to-western) sky in the Northern hemisphere: from left to right: Jupiter (high in South), Uranus, Neptune and Venus (low in West),

And if you get up early tomorrow morning you will see the rest of the planets lined up in spectacular array in the pre-dawn sky: Mercury, the Moon, Saturn and Mars.

In the background are three of the brightest stars in the night sky: Arcturus, Regulus (Leo), and Spica (Virgo).

“Predicted long ago by civilizations such as the Yucatan Peninsular Maya, the winter solstice of the year AD 2011 is to see the culmination of many smaller cycles in the evolution of consciousness.” Ken Carey December 2011

The special days and nights right before the Winter Solstice and immediately afterward, are the most mystical time of the year, an opportunity for human hibernation of sorts: time available for us to meditate for hours during this time. It is good for us.

Solstice is a time to enter into deep contemplation—to imagine how our personal creations assist others and the planet—a time to divest and release old burdens.

“Powerful cosmic currents of transformational forces are engulfing our planet, our solar system, and in fact our entire galactic arm as we are about to initiate a new Great Cycle of Evolution. Predicted long ago by civilizations such as the Yucatan Peninsular Maya, the winter solstice of the year AD2011 is to see the culmination of many smaller cycles in the evolution of consciousness.” Ken Carey December 2011

Ken Carey's Return of the Bird Tribes, 1991

Ken Carey, long-dormant author of the Starseed Trilogy, Vision, and Return of the Bird Tribes has resurfaced during 2011 after near-seclusion since publishing his seminal works (1979-91).

He has come out of a twenty-year period of hiberation to make some revelationary announcements: he takes this new time by the shoulders and shakes it: Unlike others who have been worried that an earth-pole reversal is possible, he suggests that the ‘reversal’ is a “shift in ourselves”.

“Simply put, the polarity reversal has started consciously moving us toward a mental state where we think about God more than ourselves, a state where we find ourselves looking around the natural world, wondering who the heck thought all this stuff up, who created it, and why. Even now, if we meditate and refuse to let fear automatically make our decisions, we soon find ourselves caught up in a sort of treasure hunt so intriguing and fascinating that it actually becomes hard not to think about it!”
Read more:link

Winter solstice chart for December 21st, 2011 6pm in Northern hemisphere

Ms Clow is also a believer that at culmination of the Mayan Calendar (Calleman version October 28), this is the first Winter Solstice since completion of our long evolutionary journey into Oneness; surely, she thinks, this tipping point is significant.

Barbara Hand Clow is, as always, outspoken:
“The Winter Solstice is the time to be brutally honest and evaluate whether our ideas enhance others or whether they may actually be detrimental for evolution. A sweet elixir of knowing comes the day of the Winter Solstice when the light begins to return, and each one of us can put greater realities above our personal desires. Chart detail below*.

Ken Carey provides us with a guided meditation for this especial time—a time which is beneficial for us all to slip out of our ‘cultural’ role and reconnect with our “five-minute path to God“.

He also believes we are due to meet our Maker in the truest sense of all indigenous belief in becoming absorbed by the One, the Divine, the Nagual. Many have already made the connection, but now there are opportunities for the new initiates, the newbie-wannabe-souls to join together too. He calls it our “moment of non-time” when we experience this oneness with Spirit for the first time.

For many of us, that experience is long overdue.

He calls it in his ‘spoof alert’—a preparation for meeting in that nanosecond of non-time:

The Kink in the Milky Way --galactic center where we rendezvous each year at winter solstice

It has become clear to me that we all live in the middle of the Galaxy. I noticed that we had chosen to exist in a moderately populated arm of our spiraling galaxy, and that our galaxy was right there in a moderately populated part of the universe. There’s nobody out there on the rim of Zero, and, as much as we hate to admit it, we get lonely, so we all huddle in the middle. I translated what I felt, intuited, perceived, heard, into the all-encompassing visual word, “saw.” 
And I saw that the pinhead in the middle of the our sacred circle wasn’t just us humans, but was, in fact, all the stars, galaxies—electrons, subatomic particles right up alongside the reddest of the largest giant stars. The restlessness of the pioneer spirited particle/waves had chosen to settle and explore the outskirts, the Unnamed Lands of which nothing was known. But the little ones, not knowing they were leaders, grew uncomfortable. They wanted some names, even just a few, but the further out they went, there was nothing there, even the ether was as sparse as a desert’s watering holes. 
They wanted to turn back, the very smallest of the smallest, which we haven’t detected yet, made the decision. They all came to a full stop. Utterly STILL they were, utterly still. And the outermost rim of The Circle quivered, all 360 degrees simultaneously. For a nanosecond—I’ve certainly come at a good TIME, I thought—the whole thing blinked off and on, everything: the hypothetical circle and its creative contents, everything that is named, and everything that has no name.”

His full meditation is linked here.

CAREY Handholds along the precipice

His final words give inspiration, consistently encouraging:
Do you want to know a secret?  “Bringing you here, into this awareness, was the goal of all the words that flowed since this meditation began.  Hopefully you have heard few of these words, hopefully you’ll remember fewer still, the mantra of their drone drew you through your own passages, tunnels, alleyways, skyways and caves.  You can always read these words later.  But heard spoken aloud, as I now think they should be the first time, these words were given you to remind you only of the general direction by which you will one day soon easily drift home. 

“Yes,  you have only climbed a spiritual ladder of which the words were but steps to a higher frequency.  When others have drawn you back into the dominant cultural mythology, they may come in handy.  But you no longer need them now.  Now you are centred in God, in your deepest and truest level of being.  Now you have become wholly yourself

Once you reach the stratosphere, there's no need to pull the ladder up after yourself...

“Once you are on the roof, you don’t need to haul the ladder up behind you.  It has served God’s purpose, so you move on. 

Your growing number of friends with whom you can discuss this, and meditate together again and again into this awareness will so increase your joy.

You find it much easier than you have in the past to practice staying in this consciousness.  Others will follow, and the flow will continue. 

M31 Andromeda spiral Galaxy, nearest galaxy to our own Milky Way at 2.5million light years distant

“Today could be the arrival, yes, the arrival of God, but also the arrival of spirit beings and angels far more numerous than the human race.  They have been training too for these past 5,125 years.  Many have been assigned to you and guiding you since birth.  That is why you have found these words, these steps of a ladder you will soon leave behind.” ©KenCarey, December 2011

… and the astrological small print
Because solstice sun is followed by Capricorn New Moon on December 24th (Christmas Eve) chart aspects are given below.

*Clow Chart detail
The reading for the Sagittarius (Sag) New Moon noted that the wild December 10 Gemini lunar eclipse (the fulfillment of the Sag New Moon) would be intense because Uranus went direct at 0 Aries. This combination seems to have shredded patriarchal financial resistance to supporting fairness with money because the Euro nations were forced to come to an agreement based on greater sharing. In the reading for the New Moon in Sag, which featured a wonderful grand trine in the earth element-Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus-we noted “(the grand trine) suggests the world financial structures will not collapse totally because unexpected levels of support arrive that ease the transition into more fairness and equality.” B H Clow, November 2011

This year’s Winter Solstice chart has almost all the planets situated in deep resonance with each other, and intriguingly, the god of war, Mars, is not part of this harmonic dance. Mars has no aspects to the other luminaries, so he looms like a Watcher in the sky hoping the shift can liberate him to be mostly a god of personal power instead of merely the god of war. We are witnessing a sign of the coming times. At the Solstice, the Sun moves into Capricorn, close to the Galactic Center and also conjuncts Pluto; trines Jupiter in Taurus; squares newly direct Uranus in Aries; sextiles Chiron/Neptune; and sextiles Saturn.

This aspect will continue throughout the winter months.

The sextiles to the Sun from Chiron, Neptune, and Saturn encourage us to adopt deep ways of wisdom and healing, instead of frittering away our resources and creativity. These aspects are all very close, so their intermingling patterns tell a story of remarkable change that is opening space for new patterns throughout humanity.

“Our world is like a re-tooled factory that is ready to spit out new models”
BClow: Aspects of December solstice 2011

She believes these aspects to the Solstice Sun are game changers that allow each one of us to look at the world in entirely new ways.

Carey is holding out open arms to all who would step with him into the new reality of ‘God-centering‘. Both with his shared meditation and in his new blog where he welcomes readers old and new to his wisdom.

With grateful thanks to Ken Carey, whose contributions are ©
©2011 Siderealview

The Pyramid Parallax: Light, Electricity & Music of the Spheres

October 31, 2010

Ra worship: following the sun on the Giza plateau

Any technology beyond our own would seem like magic to us Arthur C. Clarke

Recent discoveries emerging from Egypt suggest the existence in prehistory of a world-wide pyramid/sacred temple system, mounted like antennae on key earth energy meridians which were used by ancient priest-scientists as an electrical system; as a network to produce healing sound frequencies; or even in times of emergency, to stabilize the tectonic plates of the planet by means of harmonics.

Modern engineers are familiar with the properties of quartz (oscillating frequencies in electronics; timepieces all rely on quartz crystal) and that the flow of water through chalk (limestone, calcium carbonate) can replicate the flow of electricity like current from a battery.

Magnetometer reading inside Rollright Stones, Oxon, courtesy Don Robins, the Dragon Project

It is well known that the chalk aquifer of the Wiltshire basin and neighboring Oxfordshire acts as one of the world’s best conductors of electricity, and that megalithic sites like Stonehenge, Avebury, Rollright and Silbury Hill show detectable rises in electromagnetic radiation within their precincts, when compared with much lower ‘background’ radiation outside. Quartz inclusions in stone circles allowed them to act as energy storage devices.

Silbury Hill itself is a giant chalk pyramid, the highest manmade mound in Europe. Under certain conditions it acts as a huge quartz crystal radiating energy outwards from its core.

Both limestone and granite have electrical qualities. Granite is slightly radioactive and has the ability to ionize or electrify the air. It releases radon gas which has a radioactive charge. In Wiltshire the underlying limestone — holding water or allowing it to flow — floods during summer thunderstorms and then dwindles as it drains into rivers. Silbury Hill, which has a measureable charge, and stone circles like Rollright, Stonehenge and Avebury all produce radiation — particularly at sunrise — when sunlight acts on the electrical energy stored in the stones and converts it to ultrasound.

Midsummer 2010 at Savernake Forest

And over the last thirty years or so — more concentrated in the last twenty — we have noticed this unique electromagnetic landscape being used for some other remarkable transmissions through space and time, using a technology which is far beyond anything we have today in common usage, and it’s been happening approximately fifty times each summer across southern England, continental Europe and sporadically in other locations where there is proximity to a sacred ancestral place of ritual/worship: the crop circle phenomenon.

White Sleet Hill crop circle 25th June 2010

Physicists, engineers and other scientists agree that telluric energy is a natural consequence of certain combinations of geology and water flow. It seems our ancestors knew this and were much more advanced than we give them credit for — that perhaps we modern souls with access to almost limitless technological resources may have a few lessons to learn in order to catch up.

For instance between 1977-83 Dr Don Robins and the Dragon Project via London’s Institute of Archaeology, with support from the Getty Institute, measured electrical and ultrasound emissions at Rollright, Oxon. Robins’s results, compiled in a hasty publication, Circles of Silence (1985 )* were remarkable. The sun had a clear effect on electromagnetic stimulation and resonance within the circle.

John Burke, a biological engineer from Boston University has measured before and after thunderstorms in Wiltshire, at Silbury, at Tikal in Mexico and on the Giza plateau above the Nile whose annual inundation is legendary. According to him, this aqueous fluctuation process produces a measurable change in the magnetic field.

‘The rising and falling of the Nile at Giza each year produces a constant flowing of water through layers of limestone which generates an electrical charge which generates an electric current which generates a magnetic field. So if you wanted to boost a charge to a monument, it would make sense to have running water nearby.’

At Tikal, the great stone terraces under the pyramid were constructed to allow water to flow down giant steps in two separate streams around the pyramid. Because water flowing in neighboring parallel streams sets up a current, it is likely the Maya used the resulting electrical charge for purposes of ritual celebration.

Current thinking in the archaeo-engineering field suggests that the megalith builders were aware of such electromagnetic currents; how the strength or weakness of solar radiation affected them; and that they built their sacred sites to amplify them.

Burke believes these structures were placed in areas where unusual geology naturally concentrates electromagnetic energy – that EM energy is amplified by geological surroundings. Sometimes — where these lines of energy cross — they generate electrical currents in the land.

When the megalithic builders designed these great structures & then built them, in such a way as to further concentrate those earth energies, it suggests they understood what they were doing and it looks as if they were attempting to control and use this energy for their own purposes. John Burke, Biological Engineer, BU

‘Certain types of geology will magnify that earth energy several-fold. In a
place where one area of ground which has a good ability to conduct electricity meets another area which has a lesser ablity to conduct these currents, it creates a charge — it’s called conductivity discontinuity. Also most dramatic change in magnetic strength per hour happens in the pre-dawn hours and wherever you get a change in magnetic field occurring, it generates electricity. It’s a basic/universal physics principle called induction. In the Egyptian desert temples were often built where these lines intersect. It opens up a whole new area of sacred science. Sacred sites were chosen carefully, and precisely where pyramids were constructed the suspicion arises that they understood much more about this stuff than we do. And they were using it for their engineering.’

Earth’s geomagnetic field is strongest when receiving sunlight during the day, weakest at night, when it’s dark. The Sun’s rays constantly fall on some part of the planet as it spins and this motion itself creates an electromagnetic ‘dynamo’.

Burke explains key times to experience the phenomenon are pre-dawn because the fluctuation of energy originating in daily changes in the Earth’s geomagnetic field are then at their most dramatic. At this time the weaker field lines now come roaring back to close to full strength very quickly over a short period — as the sun rises and brings light/heat to the earth.

Dr Carmen Boulter of University of Calgary says looking through our own cultural eyes blinkers us from seeing the sophistication of megalithic and pyramid function.

‘We don’t have the technology to build a pyramid now – we’re not even close. We don’t move blocks of 300-ton stone. We’re not the most evolved we’ve ever been. That is one of the blinders that stops us from imagining what they (Egyptian technology) were capable of’
Dr Carmen Boulter, Egyptian Archetypes professor, UCalgary

‘Because we’ve been taught the ancient Egyptians had only copper tools and simple pulley systems — that their technology was primitive — we’re not looking there (Giza and pyramid plateaux) for higher level technology.’

The existence of telluric/geomantic energy has long been supported by dowsers and others sensitive to its power. Sometimes known as ley lines, they are seen as bands of energy running between megalithic sites. Most famous in England is the St Michael Ley which runs from Land’s End, Cornwall through Glastonbury Tor, Avebury/Silbury and ends on the Norfolk/Suffolk county border on the east coast. It was traditionally used as a ‘pilgrim’s way’ for Christian devotion, superimposed on a far older sacred pilgrimage route.

John Michell, renowned telluric energy guru, mystic and author of 40 books including New View over Atlantis (Thames and Hudson 1983) died last year. In his busy life (Eton and Trinity, Cambridge, linguist and Russian translator, inspiration for Fortean Times), he was seen as the founding father of the Earth Mysteries movement in England. A recurring theme in Michell’s work, from City of Revelation to The Measure of Albion, is of universal truths codified in nature and continually being rediscovered from ancient times up to the present day.

‘At Glastonbury in the same alignment the pilgrims’ path still runs right along the edge of the tor, and at Avebury the line exactly coincides for over three miles with what is now the main road to Devizes from the southern entrance of the stone circle…’ John Michell

The other (south-north) line intersecting at Glastonbury starts at Carnac in Brittany, cuts through Derbyshire’s all-quartz stone circle Arbor Low in the White Peak District (carboniferous limestone), and continues to Aberdeenshire’s 20-foot high (granite) Memsie Cairn at Fraserburgh and on to Orkney’s famous 26-ft high Maes Howe mound.

Singing Stones

After 27BC earthquake, Luxor's northern Colossus of Memnon sang again at sunrise until AD199 when Roman Emperor Septimius Severus had broken torso replaced. Roman limestone silenced the moan

Greek geographer Strabo, writing in the early years of the 1st century, tells of the 27 BC earthquake that shattered the northern quartz Colossus of Memnon at Thebes, collapsing it from the waist up. Following its rupture, this statue was able to ‘sing’ again as it had every morning at dawn since its original construction by Amenhotep III in 14th centuryBC. The dual colossi were originally created in 1350 BC by this powerful pharaoh to flank the eastern entrance to his devotional temple at ancient Thebes on the west bank of the Nile opposite modern Luxor. In historic times, Roman engineers, thinking to rescue the images from flooding which threatened the ground on which the temple stood, transported the two 60ft statues to their present site and in so doing silenced the singing effigies of the pharaoh. They also tried to patch the broken torso but their engineering attempts failed. The statues now stand out of alignment. They no longer face directly into the sun at dawn, which was Amenhotep’s original intention. At his Theban temple — open to his people to serve their daily devotion to him as a living god, his priestly calculations had the temple portals with these flanking Colossi face due East to capture the moment of sunrise. The Rising of sun-god Ra triggered a devotional sound in the stone, its ringing amplified through the temple which would have caused the whole foundation to vibrate. This would be seen as the Pharaoh’s own superhuman magic, his god-like ability (as Ba-Ra, son of the Sun) to harness the power of the sun.

Colossi of Memnon at Dawn by David Roberts, 1840

Little remains of Amenhotep III‘s temple in Thebes and the quartz torso replaced by substandard sandstone during Roman engineering rescue attempts was never found. Strabo heard it sing when he visited in 20BC. Both Greeks and Romans were drawn to its supposed oracular ability to voice and believed that good fortune attended anyone hearing the tone. The Greeks fondly dubbed them Colossi of Memnon, after their hero of the Trojan war and referred to the entire Theban Necropolis as the Memnonium. It was 14thC BC Egyptian technology, however, that produced the whistling moaning sound from hewn quartzite sandstone quarried at Cairo and transported 420 miles upstream to Thebes to face the sun at the temple entrance, due east, knowing of the sun’s ability to transmute quartzite crystals so that they emit sound as the sun’s disk rose at dawn. Not only did Amenhotep create a portal for the first light of day to penetrate his temple, but in its rising the Sun triggered a sacred hum of healing sound.

The legend of the voicing Memnon’s oracular powers spread through Aegean, Mediterranean and Roman culture — the length of the then known world — bringing a stream of visitors, followers, Roman Emperors, generals and Greek historians, who came to marvel and hear the statue ‘speak’. But mysterious vocalizations of the broken colossus ceased in AD199, when Roman Emperor Septimius Severus, in an attempt to curry favour with the Oracle, reassembled the two shattered halves, using stone from a different limestone quarry to replace the broken torso. It never spoke again.

Giza pyramids built as a scale model of Orion's belt

It is now scientific probability that similar sonic and electrical qualities were harnessed by earlier pharaohs in deliberate siting of Old Kingdom pyramids: the Giza plateau in particular is singled out for resonance and its dramatic ability to capture solar fluctuations. It is no coincidence that those three quartzite pyramids set on their limestone plateau are built on an exact scale representation of three stars in Orion’s belt, Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka. Other pyramid complexes in the riverine Band of Peace mirror star positions: on a celestial ‘landscape’ with Orion’s belt at Giza, Heliopolis (in the south) reflects the constellation Leo (sphinx god) and Abusir in the north represents the Pleiades star cluster over Orion’s head. Scale was calculated with remarkable accuracy. This earthly triangle of energy mirroring three celestial clusters in a heavenly triangle helped keep track of Sothis/Sirius, the Dog Star in the middle and brightest star in the night sky, whose reappearance after 70 days of invisibility below the Egyptian horizon was cause for celebration — coinciding with the annual inundation of the Nile, return of fertility, plentiful water, abundant food supply.

Today's technology outshone by the Ancients'

Indigenous wisdom-keeper and Egyptian Elder Abd’El Hakim Awyan, who died in 2009, firmly believed in his ancestors’ powers to manipulate electromagnetic currents and conduit solar forces to produce technology greater than we have today.

At Saqqara, in Old Kingdom capital Memphis, the House of the Spirit at the base of the Step Pyramid of Djozer (2667-2648 BC) was a place of healing sound. Chambers in this temple were harmonically tuned to different frequencies, creating huge fields of harmonic resonance, just as later Gothic cathedrals filled sacred geometry with sound.

The Giza plateau is solid chalk and all three pyramids, ’15 million tons of quarried stone’ (built by 4th Dynasty rulers Khufu, 2589-2566BC, his son Khefren, 2520-2494, and his grandson Menkhare, 2490-2472) were constructed of limestone, two with a granite casing and pink Aswan granite interior, while the largest/earliest, the Great Pyramid, most significantly consisted of dolomite: carboniferous limestone with a high magnesium content. It also has interior galleries lined with granite. Its final outer layer was coated with limestone dust so smooth that it glistened and gleamed white in the sun. All were sited to witness sunrise at both summer and winter solstices.

John Burke’s electrical analogy expands. He suggests that perhaps the Great Pyramid –maybe all three pyramids on the plateau — were deliberately built for a light show, a demonstration of the work of the gods in action.

The Great Pyramid was constructed of magnesium-rich dolomite with a core of granite-lined galleries or tubes which ran from underground aquifers up through the pyramid to its highest gallery at the peak. Its final outer coating was a thick membrane of calcium carbonate, essentially an insulator. ‘This combination gives you a highly electrical conductive core wrapped in a perfect insulator. I asked myself why granite should be used for the tunnels.

‘Granite is slightly radioactive and it will ionize or electrify the air. So was their purpose to keep the tunnels electrically charged?

‘If you ran a copper wire from limestone layers in the aquifer up through the tunnels in the pyramid to the opening at the top, it would become electrically charged. You could light a lightbulb by it today. So did they use the same mechanism to make the pyramid into a light source?’ he wonders.

‘You get a concentration of negative charge below ground, a concentration of positive charge above it and if they become strong enough you begin to get what’s called a flush discharge – A GLOW’

That’s John Burke’s theory. So, did the Great Pyramid glow in the dark?

He suggests their technology went further. In times of drought or when less water moved through the aquifer, the granite-lined chambers would have acted as conduits to keep the energy flowing — ‘like a car battery at a stop light’, he says.

Sunspot 1117 causing havoc on earth-facing side of the Sun

We clearly have more to learn on the subject. But as it happens we may have help. Our own star is beginning a new cycle of solar activity.

Under ‘normal’ solar conditions, the earth is surrounded by a fluctuating ‘coil’ of energy –an electromagnetic blanket holding all planetary systems stable– with geomagnetism humming like a top. But activity on the sun’s surface also fluctuates, sunspots come and ago and solar flares can interrupt this peaceful flow. The sun has just completed an 11-year ‘minimum’ cycle of fewer-than-normal sunspots. We have entered the runup to solar maximum expected in 2012, during which increased, even dramatic solar activity can occur.

Aurora borealis over Tromsø, Norway last week, photo courtesy Thilo Bubek

An analogy that’s easy to comprehend is our Arctic and Antarctic geomagnetic activity that manifests as Aurora Borealis or Australis. These magnificent spectacles make themselves visible whenever solar flares –coronal mass ejections (CMEs) borne on the solar wind– penetrate the Earth’s geomagnetic shield. The journey from Sun to Earth usually takes 3-4 days and when they reach the poles their interaction with the geomagnetic field creates glorious nighttime light shows.

Aurorae are only some of the side effects of solar activity. Some CMEs are strong enough to disrupt communications systems and close down electronic and electromagnetic operations, traffic lights, power generators and the like. We may have to get used to them, as their frequency is increasing.

Crop Circles

Ephemeral Pewsey Vortex (cut within hours of its appearance):interdimensional tunnel to perception

In crop circle parlance it’s no longer unusual to hear of anomalous ultrasound, hovering light orbs or to find crop stems sculpted by a massive heat source. Visitors use them as spontaneous temples, lighting candles and whispering prayers. We are beginning to see technology greater than our own at work, manifesting in beautiful form in the corn, to capture our imagination, captivate our senses, alter our perception. And crop formations are, without exception, manifesting around nodes of earth’s magnetic energy, just as ancient sacred sites did.

Sound and light were used by the Ancients to generate awe, devotion and bring healing; to transport followers into a state of acceptance, belief and oneness with a higher power. Are we too entrenched in our fossil-fuel mentality, our agenda of skepticism, to see doors opening to reveal another world? a world where higher dimensional reality beckons and offers us a helping hand?
©2010 Marian Youngblood

*The Dragon Project
Don Robins was a solid state chemist and his book Circles of Silence (1985) is one of a few rare accounts of the Dragon Project. It is now out of print.

Galactic Stillpoint: Longest Night on Earth

December 21, 2009

‘Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known’
Carl Sagan In Memoriam

Stone circle and midwinter sunset light

It is Solstice. Tonight is the longest night of the year for planet Earth’s northern hemisphere dwellers. It is at midwinter when all animals (except the human creature) go within, curl up and meditate in their own fashion; and wait for the light to return.

Neolithic farming communities in Scotland between the 56th and 57th parallel dragged massive 50-ton blocks of stone over the snow to form windows on the sky.

Recumbent stone circle at winter solstice

They took time out from their hard agricultural working life to create ‘recumbent’ stone circles which would mark forever that point on the horizon where the sun set at winter solstice. Five thousand years ago solstice was celebrated with fire. They’d learned that fire embodied in the Sun seemed to disappear forever; then was miraculously rekindled, reawakened and with it their land, their precious earth on which all depended, would respond; it began anew to nurture seed into growth, to produce fruit and harvest all over again.

Fire festivals reenacted fire of the dying sun in stone circles

Flames from solstitial fires reached for the heavens all through that cold winter night.

It must have seemed like a miracle at solar standstill when, after disappearing for seventeen hours, the sunlight returned and days began to lengthen once more. Seventeen hours of darkness is a long time if you live in a cave, an earth dugout or a stone mound.

The human subconscious appears to retain partial memory of this primordial condition which animals have, because in northern latitudes midwinter is often celebrated to an irrational degree. It is as if at a cellular level we remember that after galactic stillpoint is reached, the Earth starts to awaken once more and we realize that the Universe is going to keep on turning. What a blessing. What a miracle. What better reason to rejoice?

It is said our biological form is quintessentially-adapted for language: that the Word has created in our brain’s motor centers a highly developed auditory discrimination, with rapid muscular response in tongue, lips and palate; but we were not its makers. It was a gift from Creation which we have evolved to a remarkable sophistry. Fire, on the other hand was Man’s ultimate discovery.

At the forty-fifth parallel of latitude, in the cave vaults of Choukoutien near Beijing, a heavy-browed paleoanthropic form of Man with a cranial capacity as low as 860cc gnawed marrow bones and chipped stone implements. His time lies 500,000 years remote from this and yet in those years of the second Ice Age, this Man, with scarcely two-thirds of our modern cranial capacity, used fire.

Is it any wonder, then, that world mythology is filled with tales of sorcerer-priests who conjure light, the hero-giant stealer of fire from the gods? In discovering fire, were we not amazed at our ability to do as the gods themselves, to create Light?

In that dark cave half a million years ago ‘Peking Man’ created a spark which dispelled the darkness. His was the crucible which contained our entire human future. Have we not ever since – at a cellular level – been searching to return to that same realm of Light?

Round Zodiac of Dendera, from 50BC during Roman rule of Upper Egypt

In our reaching for the stars we have for generations been guided by mythology, world religions, the ancient astrological zodiac calendar and by our own deep need for an otherworldly force which is both strong and loving. In myth, the goddess Ishtar/Isis is the celestial mother/lover (Roman Venus); in a crossover with astronomy she is seen as the stella maris, the heavenly guide to mariners, the star of the (celestial) sea, Sirius, Canis Major, the brightest of the fixed stars, whose heliacal rising marked the beginning of the Ancient Egyptian calendar on July 19-20: end of zodiacal Cancer, beginning of astrological Leo.

In Babylonian legend, the redeemer of the world, Celestial Man, is expected to rise from the heart of the (cosmic) Ocean.

Ancient Man looked to the heavens for inspiration. Medieval Man was convinced heaven was right out there among the stars. It is only we, modern homo (so-called) sapiens who forgets to do that kind of communing with the Universe.

On the other hand select niches in our society still seek: within the scientific establishment the search for extra-terrestrial life (SETI) continues apace. Carl Sagan, exobiologist, astronomer and visionary, along with his colleagues at Cornell, created a fashion in the early ’70s for that kind of exploration.

He said:

‘We are starfolk, but we live in the galactic boondocks where the action isn’t’

and took steps, aided by NASA, to communicate with any advanced civilizations out there which might deign to reply. In sending the Pioneer 10’s message plaque of gold-plated aluminum to a star region in the vicinity of Taurus/Orion, they hoped to trigger a response from any listening/receiving civilization.

Pioneer 10 gold-plated plaque continues to travel for 80,000 years

His argument was that any evolved star-beings who were less advanced than us (and in his day, we earthlings were only ten years into being categorized as ‘advanced’ ourselves), would be incapable of responding. Only civilizations more advanced than us would understand the message and have the capability to reply. He also rationalized the graphics of the message sent: reasoning that other galactic residents might not understand English, German, Swahili, Urdu; but they would understand mathematics, astronomy, physics.

Shortly after launching interstellar spacecraft Pioneer in March 1972, SETI directed efforts to beaming radio telescope transmissions to the stars. The latest of these was sent from Arecibo, Puerto Rico towards the Vega-Altair-Deneb triangle in 1999. By that time radio frequency was a speedier means of transmission than the fuel-propelled Pioneer space vehicle where a destination of even the nearest star (four light years distant) would not be reached for 80,000 years.

Besides they reasoned that if any civilizations were listening in/eavesdropping on us the Arecibo message was joining a century of transmissions from our planet, starting with Marconi’s first wireless communication in 1897.

It is thirteen years since Carl Sagan’s premature death on winter solstice 1996. He would be intrigued to learn of the massing body of evidence in favour of extra-terrestrial communication. The crop circle archive alone is superb. Not only does it communicate in the languages of science he advocated (mathematics, physics, astronomy), but, based on his premise that a more advanced civilization would find a more sophisticated means of communicating with us than we had with them, their graphics succeed in touching us at a cellular and emotional level, as well as pointing us to the stars.

Ancient World religions like the Judaic, Arabic, Egyptian, Babylonian, Greek and Vedic faiths have frequent admonitions to look to the stars, to ‘observe in the east’, to watch the heavens for signs.

Our society is on the cusp of the year 2010. We have a Space Station partially operational; Hubble and SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) are in orbit; CERN has just collided atoms at an unprecedented rate in the tunnels below Geneva in Switzerland. We are technically advanced.

What about our spirit?

Neale Donald Walsch says:

Individuals — if their thought (prayer, hope, wish, dream, fear) is amazingly strong — can, in and of themselves, produce such results. Jesus did this regularly. He understood how to manipulate energy and matter, how to rearrange it, how to redistribute it, how to utterly control it. Many Masters have known this. Many know it now.
Neale Donald Walsch Conversations with God

If our heads were not so clouded by traffic jams and mind jams and living in a race for security and success, we might pause for this moment of solstice – the last in a single digit year for a century – and look to the heavens with awe. Two of our neighbours in the solar system, the crescent moon and Jupiter, shine brilliantly together shortly after sunset in the night sky. We have just experienced a multi-colour array of Geminid meteors emanating from the constellation which follows Orion through the night, with our brightest star, Sirius, stella maris, hovering below. It is the season for aurora borealis, which has already peaked over the Canadian Arctic. These are ‘commonplace’ wonders. However, we have also been treated to some unusual cosmic ‘signs’.

Spiral of light over Tromsö, Norway on eve of Obama's Nobel Peace Prize acceptance

On the day that President Barack Obama was travelling to Oslo, Norway to accept his Nobel Peace Prize, a spiral of light appeared in the skies over Tromsö and reflected light down to earth for twelve minutes ending in a circular hole of light. The spiral is an archetypal symbol representing cosmic force. It was used by all formative cultures in their art: civilizations from the Neolithic North Britons to Celtic Gaul, Egyptians, Japanese, Hopi, Nazca, Arabic, African and Hindu all use this representation of Cosmic Energy. Its appearance added to world spiritual expectation of a sign in the heavens to herald the birth of a New Age.

Great Eye of Sauron in Fomalhaut

Surrounded by these new signs, we may not have noticed that there have been a number of transmissions from Sirius; not beamed, like the crop circles, via light or laser technology, but in a method which travels equally as fast. Using a transference common in the realm of mind messages or ‘channeling’, an entity calling itself SaLuSa speaks from the Galactic Federation through Mike Quinsey, using the most comforting and inspiring words of encouragement to those of us experiencing difficulty adjusting to effects of the long predicted ‘end-times’.

‘We ask you once again to keep your eyes on the skies. These are the days when the signs have become talking points, that will awaken people’s awareness, not just to our presence but our methods of contact with you. For many years we have made crop circles as one means of getting your attention. As you will have noticed in more recent times, they have become more sophisticated. The messages they send have been interpreted, and their symbolism correctly understood. They have carried energy with them, and even although everyone has not understood them, it has connected with them sub-consciously.’

If Carl Sagan were still with us, I think he might consider this form of transmission equally valid from an advanced stellar civilization. After all his criteria suggested that those who had survived a post-nuclear age without exterminating either themselves or their habitat would be in a better frame of consciousness to extend the vibration of ascension and assistance to help another up the ladder of evolution.

If you’re listening, Carl. We miss you. Happy Solstice.

Crop Circles: Hitchhiker’s Guide in Sound and Light

December 3, 2009

‘Where observation is concerned, chance favors only the prepared mind”
Louis Pasteur 1854

Crop circle codes of light

Last weekend, as I joined in giving thanks for our earthly blessings, an autumnal appreciation of Crop Circles, themselves the epitome of high summer warmth and abundance, seemed right. If, like me, you are adjusting to the onset of winter, shortening days, dwindling light, you might be tempted to regret that, at the height of summer, we didn’t feel more appreciation for the phenomenon. Once more I allowed the beauty of their designs to imprint on my subconscious and, as many others have done, asked myself why here, why now? So this is my second blog at a time of entering into hibernation, because we occasionally need a double dose of joy to get us through hard times.

As a catalyst for change, their imprint on harvest field and human consciousness is gaining ground and their messages of joy, beauty, grace (as well as mathematics, geometry, astronomy, enough science to boggle the most ardent geek) have been hitting us squarely between the eyes: 10,000 messages in 29 countries in the last decade. Along with spiritual feelings generated in visitors within the circles themselves, those messages are having an impact on us, the human race: feelings appropriate to this particular season: like peace and goodwill to our fellow man. How clever of them to be able to combine both physical and spiritual. And to do it in such a miraculously short time.

Helicopter and microlite pilots have attested to crop circles appearing in the Wiltshire countryside in a 15-minute timespan between one flyover and the next. Overnight campers trying their best to stay awake to ‘catch them at it’ have either dozed off at the crucial moment or seen the tail end of a luminous glow disappear over the horizon, leaving a trail of beauty blazed in the corn.

Crop scientists agree, stalks of barley and wheat show effects of intense heat similar to microwave or laser energy which can make a stem node pop or a stalk bend and lie flat without breaking, all the while being manipulated into a stunning swirling pattern akin to weaving or cosmic basketry. Monitored examples so far have registered minute alterations in cellular structure, fluctuating background radiation and depletion of the local water table, but crops continue to grow to maturity and harvest with no negative impact. In fact recent research is beginning to believe a quick dose of light radiation and an altered energy field actually improve crop yield.

Known side-effects, seen by the scientific establishment as an increase in electromagnetic energy and altered soil chemisry, produce on-the-ground human biological emotions such as brotherly love, increased camaraderie, and an inclination to share with others; add to that the agricultural bonus of stronger wheat, more robust barley, increased yield, and the fact that these crops are increasingly being consumed by us in our bread, malt, beer and pastries, would it not follow that we too are being affected? To take the concept even farther; might we find through the gifts left in these complex manifested forms a way to feed the world’s starving masses?

In recent years the beauty of crop circle art, alone, has succeeded in affecting us as a collective. That in itself is remarkable. Through the immediacy of the internet and with huge advances in video technology, visitor numbers have escalated beyond local belief, air traffic and ‘sky tours’ have doubled and website ‘hits’ on the phenomenon number over one million.

There are few left unaware or untouched by them. People in all countries – even the most inured city-dweller – and followers on all continents, whether or not they have experienced them first hand, are writing and blogging about them. I for one have visited only one, but that’s the beauty of their effect: the photographic record has nearly as much impact on us as the creations themselves.

While some communications media continue to postulate their formation by humans, most of us who’ve been following their process of revelation are aware now that something else is going on.
They are making us look to the stars. Our place of origin, according to all major world religions, astrophysicists, philosophers, a multitude of alternate faiths, and a huge body of ancient knowledge.

‘He made his Progeny of an extract of Water held in Light estimation’
Q’uran The Koran

Why, if not to guide our fumbling consciousness in a new direction, would we be given a steadily increasing stream of tantalizing coded information, created in seconds, coming from what appears to be the Realm of Light?

Sextant Crop Circle at Alton Barnes Phase I June 21, 2009

It’s not just a physical reaction; it’s emotional, psychic, spiritual and other-dimensional as well. We are being drawn out of our three-to-four dimensional planes and becoming familiar with concepts, taught by all the great spiritual doctrines, that there are several other realities than the one we see.
Suddenly our Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy becomes an open door to the Universe and is teaching us to think out of the box, to look beyond.

Take the Sextant Crop Circle for instance: After its preliminary formation on midsummer night 2009 in a field at Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, it took two successive nights to complete. And it brought reaction from three different schools of thought:

Coronal mass ejection predicted in 'jellyfish' crop circle

The Astronomical community suggested its initial phase mirrored the inner solar system, predicting (like the ‘jellyfish’ crop circle) a solar coronal mass ejection (CME) for a date three weeks in the future. Phase two appeared to give universal values and positions for the inner planets confirming that date and time; and phase three, although a trickier concept, as it appeared to be in ‘code’, a mixture of ASCII and hieroglyphs which were yet to be revealed!

The Mathematics community, including our dear-departed gurus Sagan and Hawkins (my last blog) are insistent that much crop circle symmetry and form resembles the perfection of number and the exquisite harmony of music:

‘As the expression of number in space, geometry is inextricably linked to music since the laws of the former govern the mathematical intervals that make up the notes in the western music scale – the diatonic ratios – hence the reason ancient Egyptians referred to geometry as frozen music.’

There is a physical connection, too, between matter and sound, as sound waves will create geometric patterns in sand, iron filings, any flexible medium. Navajo and Hopi traditions relate how shamans in ancient times would utter words on to sand to create sacred patterns. Music soothes the fevered mind; it coaxes plants into growth (Secret Life of Plants, Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird).

Sextant crop circle phase 2 appeared June 23 2009

Echoed in all the world’s faiths and traditions is the concept that Universal matter was created by sound: Hindu Mandalas are created in the vibration of God; Islam expresses God as a sacred geometric image; in the Christian tradition, medieval geometry produced miraculous structures like the Gothic cathedral whose hallowed arches resonated with song and chant. And

‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God St. John

Phase 3 Sextant crop circle Alton Barnes June 30, 2009 with coded tail

The third response is from an individual, but is, I believe, the most revealing of the three: Judy Beebe has been a medical scientist for 35 years, and on her spiritual path since she was nine years old. Through a series of life-changing experiences, some of them OBEs, she has created what she calls a Language of Light, which she itemizes and demonstrates lucidly to be a Univesal code which is embedded in the crop circles.

She fervently believes Mankind has reached a point where we are now listening:
– to our own ‘Spirit within’,
– to messages sent from our Universal Matrix to remind us of our sacred potential, and
– to our own forgotten memories of who we were before we incarnated on this planet. She is convinced that water carries the matrix of our future.

Her information is carefully and lovingly documented and her website is a work of art in itself. She also – like the crop scientists measuring growth rates and changing cell structure – thinks we are being directed towards new simpler technologies which we have only to use our God-given intelligence to figure out and implement. In her view, the 2008 Crop Circle season was about ‘energy’; the 2009 season about ‘water’. Man’s way forward is to develop our next source of energy from the water molecule: what she calls Omega Cell or GEM energy.

Judy Beebe's concept of phase 3 Alton Barnes 'sextant' crop circle with tail

For her, the ‘Sextant’ crop circle phase one clearly gives the GEM energy formula, along with instruction in how to activate the energy matrix which we need as a species to develop our ‘understanding heart’ and to ascend in consciousness. Phase two shows the matrix opened up and the activation of ‘watery fire’ or power from the constituent elements of water – oxygen and hydrogen. Phase three shows energy at our fingertips to power the world; she says energy from water is our destiny. To her, the phase three tail of code, like the swallow crop circle with coded tail which appeared the same week at Stanton St. Bernard (June 27, 2009) is a flow of rippling water energy.

Her work has matured over several years and her evidence is clear and beguiling. It is a masterpiece, with directions to reach the Master Key, and well worth taking time to study.

Gradually, as we work our chilly way moment by moment towards winter solstice, the time of earthly endings and solar standstill, we are being shown miracles in nature along with human ideas which have sparked from them. In contemplating designs devised by laser consciousness, we are also being given a razor-sharp view of an alternate reality. I believe we are being drawn closer to our destiny, and. like the return of the light after solstice, our new beginnings are around the corner.