Archive for September 2010

Equinox Ascension Button:Depress to Activate

September 18, 2010

Ascension button, Whitefield Hill. Like most cropcircles, the Mandala invites us in with its energy. In focusing on the beauty, we transform ourselves

Equinox is only days away. The leaves are turning. A storm is brewing. The Earth prepares as the hinges on the door of another season swing shut. This doorway to autumn in the northern hemisphere is heralded by a whole slew of heavenly bodies lined up and waiting to shepherd us through. After all, as one door swings shut, another opens and we have little more than 800 days to go before the Calendar of the Ancients — embodied in the Tzolkin Long Count of the Maya — says we reach Transfiguration.

Is it possible, we ask, to create our own Apotheosis? are we capable of reaching out from the depths of the mire in which we have entrenched ourselves on Earth to hold hands with the Divine? become gods ourselves? All the prophesies say yes. We are told to watch the heavens for signs. So, watchers we have become.

There have been warnings: a couple of planetary tight corners — 2010’s T-squares and Full Moon in June’s Grand Cross — squeezing our world and our communal psyche into a place of no retreat.

But if you thought you were just going to puddle along over the next couple of months, couple of years, and it would all fall into place? That ‘somebody else’ had it in hand and we’d muddle through somehow? Then, there’s more thinking to be done.

Some people still question why we should even listen at all to the voice of the Ancestors: those revered traditions handed down over millennia on all continents through civilization’s records and archives and oral tradition. What did they know of 21st century life? How could they possibly help us rise from a world of racial, religious, financial and nutritional inequality — not to mention bombardment by media-manipulated fears — and become one tight-knit community, one homogeneous being? These are high concepts; tough hurdles for humankind to leap.

It’s probably for that reason that the ancestors have been hanging around lately, giving us a little more immediate help and encouragement, sending us little signs… like those in summer fields of shining corn.

All ancient wisdom declares we are not alone; that we have only to ask for help and it will come. There must have been a lot of people asking lately, because the messages have been coming in thicker and faster! 2010 season’s crop circles have proved to be our most challenging yet.

They brought us dimensions beyond those we’re accustomed to thinking in, sacred geometry and energy vortices and power places known to all previous civilizations, but somehow ‘lost’ to our own; magical light orbs and mysterious high-pitched sound accompanying the formation of a circle or even group meditative ‘requests’ for such a crop appearance. 2010 has consolidated and convinced a far-reaching cult of believers who now no longer care to look back at the world we left only yesterday.

2010 has also created — outside the crop circle sphere — a coming-together of Earth-loving communities all round the world. No longer do the meek hover unheard while business corporations haggle over responsibility for destruction. The Gulf of Mexico event took care of that. Depleting earth’s precious species and resources is neither politically correct nor tolerated. Even the Rich List themselves have taken to the waters to redress the balance.

There is indeed an awakening of the world mind — a tangible creative move to choose life over death, kindness over greed, healing over repression, and compassion over power. We just have to look carefully to find it: not on smog-ridden highways or in high-rise metal offices perhaps, but in the miraculous and ever-evolving daily life of small villages, volunteer children’s creches and around organic farmers’ market stalls.

Ric O'Barry's EarthIsland has done much to highlight humanity's vital connection with the dolphin world

Huge pressure is now being put on so-called ‘fish’ marketing interests in Japan and the Solomon Islands by dolphin and whale support groups like GreenPeace and EarthIsland, to bring to world awareness the crucial connection between Man and the Cetacean. They believe not only should the barbaric slaughter of such mammalians stop, but that this highly intelligent species might have something in their great communicative awareness to teach us humans.

American Gray Wolf returned to protected status in the Northern Rockies

In San Luis Valley in Colorado the whole community participates in an energy collective derived from solar generators which make the commuity self sufficient. It’s also home to Shaman and Sioux-Salish Elder Kiesha Crowther who founded its SRV Wildlife & Endangered Species Rescue Center which now has a strong voice within the USA on the protection of animals on the endangered list.

A flawed piece of legislation initiated during the Bush administration allowing Northern Rockies (endangered) wolves to be slaughtered wholesale, has recently been revoked, restoring the American Gray Wolf to protected status. Mother Earth is starting to smile again.

Longcount dates in 2011 and 2012

Like Kiesha Crowther, Barbara Hand Clow is a shaman, gifted teacher of the intuitive arts, an Elder of the Maya, Cherokee Record Keeper, and she shares wisdom from a wide range of researchers and Medicine People. Like one of her mentors, Swedish biologist Carl Johan Calleman, she sees the Great Underworlds of the Tzolkin calculus as a means to understanding human evolution — towards our ultimate reconnection through our intuitive senses with the Divine. Evolution rapidly nears its zenith: ascension/transcendance at our final gate. As each Age is ten times briefer than its predecessor, time appears to speed up, learning accelerates, human beings evolve at an unprecedented rate. Both she and Calleman place enormous importance on the August 1987 Harmonic Convergence whose spectacular planetary alignments presaged the final 25 years of the Tzolkin Count. We entered the Sixth Night of the Galactic Wave Cycle on 09/09/09 and will emerge from it on November 2nd this year.

Extreme pressure for deep change came to the surface during the cardinal T-squares of the major planets in June and August and a final flurry of this configuration commands human attention now, as we near Autumn Equinox. While the pressure may be easing, it’s not over yet. We are about to experience the final throes of the technological age of the Galactic Underworld when Day Seven opens November 2nd 2010 —Yellow Galactic Seed — and it becomes apparent that nothing will stop the rollercoaster of change now spinning ordinary life out of control. Fall Equinox requires our trust and belief that there is cosmic Design behind such change.

Clow borrows Calleman’s elaborate reconstruction of the intricate Mayan calendar to discern an interweaving of patterns, frequencies, tones that build upon themselves like a fractal symphonic chord which reaches crescendo in 2011/2012.

She suggests that time acceleration is occurring and that we have already begun to feel a quickening of the energy around us.

‘You’ve been recreating yourself since 1999 when the Galactic Underworld opened,’ she says, ‘and now you are ready to become a Cosmic Being on Earth.’

Both believe we shall reach this ultimate goal in consciousness a year early — on October 28th 2011, to be exact. That’s only 405 days from now.

Heavenly bodies are appearing in our skies which seem to confirm the ancient prediction of nine ‘appearances’ or energies which accompany the End Times. The first of these — the dramatic return of sacred serpent god Quetzalcoatl — happened at the final moment of ceremony as 40,000 people welcomed spring equinox 1989 at Chichen Itza. At the exact instant of sunset and full moonrise, asteroid 1989-A zoomed over the crowd and plunged into the ocean off the Yucatan peninsula. Astronomers were unprepared for the happening, but the Maya were not!

Now we begin to see further signs — the light spiral over Tromsø, Norway last December during the Obama Nobel Peace Prize presentation may be another. The heavens have their own way of sigaling changes in energy, influence and human events.

Immanuel Velikovsky, in his posthumously published (1982) book Mankind in Amnesia, wrote that mankind has suppressed memories of cosmic catastrophes, Noah’s flood, possibly even the extinction of the dinosaurs: essentially we were wounded in our separation from Source. And until we clear our ‘injury’ and heal ourselves, we are doomed to play out with wars, genocides and mass murders much like a mental patient plays out suppressed rape or abuse trauma with anti-social behavior.

Calleman believes western concept of time cannot accommodate the phenomenon of evolution or creation. That our linear (Gregorian) view sees time as an endless repetition of cycles with no beginning and no end. With such limited perspective, humanity seems not to be going anywhere, life has little purpose. He sees the consequences of such an attitude in the environmental rape of our planet. The Tzolkin itself is a pattern for the unfolding of creative energy rather than a numerical calendar.

‘I believe through study and use of the Tun-based calendrical system [of the Maya] we may develop an awareness of consciousness, a meta-consciousness, which will allow us to understand factors underlying the evolution of our spiritual process and evolution of the universe.’

Kiesha Crowther believes Enlightenment comes as we express love in word and deed; rejoin in oneness with Nature. And to evolve to the next level, our species must reach enlightenment. Calleman, Clow and Crowther all agree it is time to end our separation from Nature.

Chart for Equinox

This is the chart for NOW. In five days, at midnight on equinox (September 22/23, 2010), the Sun will stand at the top of the chart at cusp Virgo/0ºLibra with the full Moon moving to stand directly opposite at 0ºAries: Grand Cross elements resurface

The fall equinox chart is potent with symbolism. First, and most powerful, the 0º00 Libra Sun squares Pluto in Capricorn at 0º41. A Sun-Pluto square packs punch. The full moon phase at this dying of the year — our climaxes and harvest — with Pluto in the mix — gives potential for destruction, disintegration, elimination on the world stage. While Pluto’s destructive power is for good — symbolic death leading to rebirth — this destruction opens the door to regeneration and transformation. Power play between patriarchal rule (Pluto in Capricorn) and the people, and between masculine and feminine archetypes everywhere will be noticeable.

This is powerful stuff. We reap what we sow, so anything sown that smells of corruption, power/over, power/under dynamics can and will come to light in this cycle!

A significant aspect in the chart is Mercury conjunct Saturn in Virgo — only 33 minutes apart. Actual conjunction occurs earlier that day at 2:08am, so at equinoctial point it is very potent. Mercury symbolizes the conscious mind and has just moved from retrograde (where action is internal, introverted and intuitive) to direct. In Virgo, one of the two signs Mercury rules, his review process covers the territory of self-mastery, service, and mind/body connection.

Saturn's stunning south pole aurora; the giant planet itself glows red, while the rings reflect blue sunlight, courtesy NASA's Cassini orbiter

And because Saturn and Mercury are conjunct, Father Time, Lord of Karma and the celestial messenger act to bring into our consciousness all the tools we need to solidify, restructure, ground us and birth this new awareness into reality. Pluto also turned direct on September 13th. Its influence now has great strength.

This Full Moon in Aries with Sun in last degree of Virgo signals the beginning of the final phase of our emergence into Nature. With Neptune holding us in divine embrace in Aquarius, this lunation is the seed that plants us as vessels of cosmic light, in a spiritual alchemy.

This alchemical seed bears wild fruit during the Aries Full Moon on September 23, a few hours after the moment of Equinox, when the Full Moon stands conjunct Jupiter and Uranus in Aries opposite the Sun and Saturn in Libra, while T-squaring Pluto in Capricorn! The Full Moon actually detonates the T-square. These aspects will germinate our species into the Cosmos. Pluto is powerful and the god of the Underworld will, in the words of astrologer Robert Wilkinson show us how to use the polarities of Will and Love, Mind and Heart, in an alternating manner to achieve a form of mastery.

‘If we can confront what needs to be uncaged, we can find an enormous power and wisdom which our inner Elder can teach our inner Child.’

Shaman Kiesha Crowther in her own beautiful Nature-connected way — while accepting that the end of the Mayan Calendar looms — agrees that it’s more about each person moving back into proportional relationship with Nature and our role as EarthKeepers.

‘Specifically, how do the people of Mother Earth join together their hearts and minds to create a change?

‘The answer lies with each and every one of us doing our part, with our own hearts, moving forward as individuals in our own abilities — to grow our hearts larger and love and live with kindness and consciousness.

‘When we live from our hearts our consciousness grows and we become the true loving beings we are meant to be.

‘We all have an ability to share our love with others and to gather our friends and family together to meditate, to pray, to learn how to run energy, how to listen and feel what Mother Earth is saying and feeling.

‘The council is asking us to share what we know from our hearts and be the best we can be as loving human beings — this is what will change our realities.

‘Go inside yourself and live and love and remember what a great being you really are and that Mother Earth is alive and loves you, and that whatever you do to her you do to yourselves.’

Little Grandmother‘s message is one of love and enlightenment and a belief that we can all do this together. There are no structures to set up, no teachers guiding others, no hierarchy. The Tribe of Many Colors is not an organization. Rather it embodies a group of people with a single goal: to live from the heart and to love our Mother Earth and each other. Her Tribe of Many Colors can change the world.

In the summer of 2010 Kiesha Crowther visited Scandinavia where she embedded a special crystal to anchor earth’s electromagnetic grid. She and the Elders have been re-energizing the Earth Grid by placing crystals at strategic Power points where Earth’s electromagnetic energy focuses.

‘The Tribe of Many Colors has been prophesied to come for a very long time and now the time is upon us. All we need to do is to go to Nature, to the Source, and fill ourselves up with that tremendous love that is out there for us, just as we are. It does not matter if you are ever recognized by the world for what you are doing—you are a divine spark, the Great I AM, here to kindle your light, recognize the brilliance that you are, just as you are.’

Inkeeping with this sentiment, but within a complex array of symbolism that unites light, sound, the Golden Mean spiral and quantum physics, Clow explains in her Alchemy of the Nine Dimensions (2004) the phenomenon we call crop circles is advancing in complexity as we as a species advance. She calls the energy — ‘great tubes of light’ — which creates formations ‘benign’, but one which keeps us on our toes, keeps us learning, stays always just one step ahead of us.

‘Since the same geometry can easily be seen in shells and in skeletons, no one should be surprised. The visibility of these tubes of light and the numerous spirals in crop circles are analogs to the visibility of spirals in nature. Materialization occurs by the spin or motion of spirals, and the crop circles are material things. Once the great force is drawn down to Earth, tubes of light imprint a crop circle where it enters a plane — the field crop — where 2D interfaces with the curvature of the surface. The actual circle is made in seconds. Scientists are penetrating the deeper mysteries of the Golden Mean these days, as the Circlemakers are constructing ever-more complex expressions of it.’

At its simplest level of perception, this crop circle says: 'communication'

The story of our awakening to Galactic Mind is complex and is perhaps best understood by studying crop circles b

but it may be a warning that communications we take for granted are about to be disrupted by the Sun

ecause the symbols appear to integrate many worlds, many Ages of Man, many cultures.

One might ask, since so much emphasis is placed on End Times fixed by the Tzolkin calendar, why are crop circles not appearing in Mexico?

Clow answers that, too. Shockingly, she says ‘the central vortex of patriarchal ignorance is located in England, while the Mexican people already know what is coming.’

On a geomantic level, Wessex — that great chalk aquifer of Salisbury Plain — is one of the largest on earth. It has a very low magnetic field and is therefore the world’s best conductor of electricity. In an electromagnetic dimension, it was ideal for constructing stone circles (whose great neolithic rock-crystals still stand embedded in the earth) and it is therefore perfect for weaving electrical current in waves of grain.

We are being fine-tuned for our return to Source. And the Ancestors are shouting encouragement from the grandstand. Perhaps it’s time to speed up the activation process ourselves: to tune ourselves in to the Great Spirit with conscious intent. For this, Blossom Goodchild, who channels instruction from the Federation of Light, has this to say:

Royal Throne and coronation chair in the Palace of Westminster, London

Imagine yourself sitting in a large ornate chair with armrests. Visualise yourself firmly within this ‘throne’. Feel comfortable. Any anxiety you may experience is simply the heart’s preparation for what’s to come.

Imagine that on the armrests where your hands are placed are metallic finger plates for each digit of each hand. Lay your fingertips gently on the activation plates.

Resume position. You feel these plates are magnetised to energy points within your fingers and at the back of your neck. You can feel the tingling. As you watch, you see we are adding plates down through the back of the chair, aligning with your chakras. Yet you only see four, evenly spaced. This is correct.

You are being activated. You are tuning into the power of the Cosmos.

Blossom Goodchild’s Instruction from the Lightbeings

Equinox can be used as a trigger, but however you want to do it, now would be a good time to start. Rather than pressing the channel button on your television set, how about activating the ascension button instead?