Jumping Dimensions: Crop Circle PHI-losophy 101

PHI, the Golden Mean seen as the Divine fractal or self-generating spiral of beauty

Since there no longer exist in this four-dimensional structure [space-time] any sections which represent ‘now’ objectively, the concepts of happening and becoming are not completely suspended, but complicated. It appears, therefore, more natural to think of physical reality as a four-dimensional existence, rather than, as hitherto, the evolution of a three dimensional one.
Albert Einstein

We think we understand dimensions. One – two – three, the above quote notwithstanding, we know our world: a pencil drawing, line on paper, are one and two. The paper itself makes it three and we’re drawing it NOW in this moment, so that makes it four. Four — the dimension of time, Einstein’s E=mc2— is where our everyday understanding of physics of our real world brings us in line with today’s brightest minds. Beyond that, our braincells need a little boost, an injection of fantasy, imagination, a mental grasshopper leap. That’s where we’re fortunate, because we’re getting a ‘little help from our friends’.

A little honey at Honey Street: PHI fractal crop circle of 08/08 at Stanton Bridge, Wiltshire

When the crop circle community stood poised, balancing on ballet points for what might materialize from those higher dimensions on the eight-gate, 8/8, our friends in high places sent us four! One at Spilsby Lincolnshire, a magnificent 500-footer at Pewsey White Horse, and a little honey, a miniscule delight in the form of a fractal at Honey Street, Wiltshire.

Large yin-yang solar flare August 7th sent CME to earth, photo Wouter Verhesen

The miniature (150-foot diameter) Honey Street design seemed like another warning that the sun was playing up — its fractal lying in yin-yang position did look remarkably like a solar flare which sent a coronal mass ejection (CME) earthwards the previous day, (SpaceWeather). But, for good measure, in case we didn’t get the message, a second mini-circle appeared simultaneously at Stanton St Bernard #2 which looks remarkably like a flaring sun, complete with solar prominence burst. Meanwhile, the irate farm manager at Pewsey White Horse, having warned visitors previously in the season that ‘trespassing’ would be dealt with severely, cut the massive formation out by noon the same day (YouTube video below). But the honey at Honey Street (Stanton St. Bernard #1) remains; is gorgeous, and while expressing multiple ideas, is a delightful feast for the eye. Brain food? Nothing too taxing (unlike the M4 coded images, further below); just a whimsical fairytale fractal (couched in CME format with wave-bending crescent) in a golden harvest field.

While over the previous fortnight earth’s deepest thinkers were pondering math ratios, alien language code and making themselves sick thinking life had sent them lemons, the Universe made us lemonade!

I feel compassion for some of the serious ponderers in Croppiedom. This season has not been easy for them. 2010 not only manifested mysticism, mathematics and dimensional momentum; it brought masses of ‘plankers‘ out of the woodwork. In conjunction with and as substitutes for what they like to call ‘anomalous’ crop circles (those formed in intense heat with ultrasound and cereal nodes bent by light, leaving vestiges of ‘angel hair’ — a pure silicon-hydrogen hallmark of UFOs aka white powder gold), the summer fields have been invaded by human designers, albeit talented, but mixing up the metaphor for us naïve believers in Ascension as a theme and confusing visitors flocking to the fields to find nirvana.

It may be this confusion which affected the Pewsey farm manager. It’s understandable: if he thinks — to quote my funny friend Fitzy — that ‘last night 100 students, studying macrame, snuck into a field and wove …leaving no evidence of their presence…’ and that they were just messing up his life for kicks, or for an art project, it’s not difficult to see why he accosted visitors and sent threatening messages, describing the work as ‘vandalism‘.

Silicon-hydrogen compound 'angel hair' found in light-created crop circles

But if he were to see his cut crop as light-enhanced, with added silicon nutrients incorporated in the grain which have health-giving properties, growth-rate boosts (and might fetch more on the market), then he might change his tune. But that supposition for another year, now. The formation has been cut.

'Anomalous' formation on top of Whitefield Hill, Woodsend, Wiltshire August 3rd showed vestiges of 'angel hair'

Not before it was thoroughly documented, though, with superb aerial photography by Matthew Williams and Pierre Beake, and while only a few pedesterians got a close-up of this 500-foot spectacle, its dimensions and message will be studied in depth long after its vestigial imprint has gone. It’s interesting to speculate that its purity of design and impact on spectators may indicate that it, too, was an ‘anomalous’ creation similar to the ‘egg-slicer’ formation of August 3rd on top of Whitefield Hill, Woodsend next to the radio transmitter. Whitefield showed evidence of light-induced elongated stalk nodes on atypical straight stems in the flattened crop, along with a residue of angel hair or ‘white powder gold’. For more detail on this silicon-hydrogen compound and its qualities, see the p.p.s on my last blog.

Gerald Hawkins, great decoder of Stonehenge and subsequent devoté of sacred geometry and diatonic musical ratios (Egyptian ‘frozen music’), wrote before he died in 2003:

If crop circles are made by hoaxers, then they should stop doing it, because they are breaking the law and damaging the food supply. If they are made by UFO aliens, they shouldn’t give us the dates of our trips to Mars and names of men from the Titanic era – famous, clever, but now forgotten. If some are transcendental, the power behind it should realize that our culture is now willing to accept transcendental happenings. If they are indeed transcendental, then society will have to make a big adjustment in the years ahead.

Through a language that’s possible for most of us to understand the crop circles, with apparent ease, carry trains of thought over thousands of years that are both transformative and liberating. The Egyptian/Sumerian priesthood did it — spared no effort in using every available surface to proclaim the existence of another dimension (their ‘after’- or future- life), so the people might understand. Now, millennia later, we so-called evolved mortals are being given similar instruction — a picture language with recurring specific symbols — from our ‘priesthood of light’, our own consciousness from a higher dimension. It is no coincidence that the Horton Friday-the-13th finale of the 2010 Wiltshire season has blatant Egyptian symbolism.

We are being shown a series of objects which exist in a higher dimension, so that our vision and perception may become clearer. Each summer, via an ephemeral canvas of wheat, barley and maize, we’re being taught telepathically: and each year-end we’ve learned more than we knew before. Light orbs (clearly from a dimension we haven’t yet got the hang of) are now so frequently witnessed, documented, and (almost) accepted as a tool of the Circlemakers, that we are having to concede our prosaic 3/4-dimensional world is a little out of date. The sensation of bliss experienced by many within light-orb-inscribed formations is not imaginary. Human bonding, spontaneous group meditations and effortless harmony with others seem to occur naturally within these creations. The Circlemakers are professors not only of beauty and precision, but sacred geometry, history, mathematics, arcane tradition and philosophy, spiritual discipline, bliss and joy!

Dan Winter, author of Phi Physics in a Nutshell, says

DNA is the seed crystal of the higher dimensional Lightbody
DNA, a perfect Phi-structured crystal connecting long waves and short waves, is a three-dimensional pattern designed to transmit information, in the form of a living being, through time and space, the fourth dimension. Its goal seems to be to create a fifth-dimensional intelligence, one capable of phase-locking with the information of the Universe stored in its crystaline coding within its DNA geometry.

Geometry is the basic creation of symmetry, says Winter. This is where the Phi-wave or the perfect spiral, Golden Mean fractal, Nature’s perfect natural growth pattern, comes in. ‘Any symmetrical structure creates a place where meeting waves, those traveling in opposite directions, can stand, that is, can phase and phase-lock.’ Standing waves give the illusion of solidity, which is the ‘segregation of momentum that makes possible the birth of matter.’

He explains why the Golden Mean spiral is Nature’s ideal ‘nest’ for converging waves:

‘In the world of waves, only the donut, (the torus or vortex), and the golden mean spiral can become coherent — hold their shape — like a smoke ring. As more of these smoke rings are created and they want to relate to the first smoke ring, they must ‘nest’ in the right pattern so that they can remember their form and still share structure. The best pathway for doing this is the ratio we call the golden mean. Only in this shape can waves nest together without interfering with each other and cancelling out their memories.’

A Phi spiral can nest triangles, squares and five-sided figures (pentagons), creating a dodecahedron as it goes. The dodecahedron (12-sided shape) is the perfect Golden Mean nest for turning information/waves into coherent structure. ‘That’s why it’s also the pattern of the braided DNA molecule,’ Winter concludes.

Julia Set fractal at Stonehenge July 1996, beloved of mathematicians, marine biologists and musicians

So our DNA, constantly evolving and upgrading through an enhancing light spectrum — with the help of sunlight and electromagnetic energy from the higher dimension — is lifting our four-dimensional world bodily towards the fifth: dimension of our lightbody.

Countless crop circles over the years have depicted the fractal. Perhaps most famous of all was the ‘Julia Set’ Stonehenge formation of July 7, 1996 whose pristine curve appeared in broad daylight at teatime after torrential rain the previous night. Its ‘comforting’ shape to mathematicians represents a complex computer-generated fractal image; to musicians the bass clef, and to marine biologists the cross-section of a nautilus shell.

E = mc2
Matter is just a lot of energy moving so slowly that we can touch it and sit on it. Energy is just a little bit of matter moving so fast we have trouble finding it: simply put, they’re polarities of the same substance, which is flowing and moving at different rates constantly through the Universe.

But there’s an even bigger idea for this 101 dissertation in our Dimensional PHI-losophy class:

Perfect symmetrical geometric shapes contain, ‘nest’ or embody energy. So, by focusing our ‘intent’, (heightened with love, desire, feeling, emotion, belief and will) we can make things happen — ‘create matter’. That’s why New Age philosophy, esoteric disciplines and native American ancestral wisdom describe us as the ‘Creator’.

Where attention goes energy flows‘.

New Age and ancient teaching of the Mystery Schools,

There’s one aspect we still don’t quite understand, but it’s worth keeping all the balls in the air.

The connection to sound — ultrasound, music in any form as inspiration and its creative ability as a ‘wave-particle’ — cannot be overlooked. Gerald Hawkins was fascinated by the diatonic scale — another fractal, or ‘perfect’ progression of the familiar octave on the piano, bassoon, saxophone, guitar. Notably he and Paul Vigay corresponded on its unique function in crop circles before both died. They found not only that crop circle images converted into sound through special computer software produced meditation-inducing alpha waves; but that the reverse hypothesis was true — that ultrasound is a factor in producing images in the corn.

Solstitial Phi formula in Vale of Pewsey lies immediately below the Heart chakra - the (Sanskrit) wheel that directs life

Earlier this season we were gifted another stunning coded triangular motif in the Vale of Pewsey on Solstice, which turned out to be an ASCII rendition of 1.61803399, the golden ratio = ϕ Phi. It is clearly a formula close to ET’s heart! I still believe that it, like the coded canola musical box disc in the May 22nd Wilton formation, if played through Vigay’s software, would produce sound in the alpha range. We shall have to wait for Paul’s lightbody to arise and return.

Meanwhile a great deal of speculation surrounded the double appearance on either side of the M4 motorway at exit 14 to Hungerford on July 30th. Decoding the dual image has so far proved inconclusive, but when combined, the formations revealed a face overlaid on 16 lines or ‘strings’. Musicians, Lotus Ocean are overjoyed that their guitarist/avatar PT’s face appeared embedded in twin pixels flanking the M4, his daily route to play ritual music in crop circles. Their idea is not totally far-fetched. There are 16 petals in the divine lotus — a symbol of Ascension — and music, specifically ultrasound, has been found to produce waves of rapture in electromagnetic forms by Vigay, Hawkins and others (humans and wheatfields being similarly influenced by alpha waves). PT (Prashant Trivedi) is a string musician deeply entrenched in Vedic ritual and symbolism. Following his ritual AUM (OM) incantation within the ‘Druids cave’ near East Field, Alton Priors in 2007, the massive 2.25-acre OM crop circle of 7/7/7 appeared.

Sound is, after all, another form of energy in the electromagnetic stream that we all share in this amazing new world of heightened perception.

Are we willing to go for it: will we pass the exam, graduate from Dimensional PHI-losophy 101?

Our goal is fifth-dimensional awareness, a state already reached by many during meditation. It can be described as our ability to see all space and time, energy and matter, as components of one original wave form. This bliss state can, according to Winter, ‘bend light into a circle of self-awareness’. It creates a rich ultraviolet/blue explosion of energy that accompanies the Merkabah rise of Kundalini, Winter’s phase-lock of biological energies into the flow of the universal information energy stream. This enfolded love-state creates enlightenment, a state where the awareness of the universal mind meets itself at every wave junction.

The more we meditate, project from a state of love, feel gratitude, the closer we come to permanent nirvana.

Howzat for lateral thinking.

Explore posts in the same categories: Ascension, crop circles, culture, geometry, metaphysics, music, New Age consciousness, philosphy, quantum physics, spirituality

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10 Comments on “Jumping Dimensions: Crop Circle PHI-losophy 101”

  1. Mehal Darji-Rockefeller Says:

    Sound or vibration is the basis for all of reality as we know it. There are primordial sound frequencies which enable one to activate the dormant “junk” DNA. This can lead to a life of miracles. The following quote from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is fitting, “The whole universe is the expression of consciousness. The reality of the universe is one unbounded ocean of consciousness in motion.”

    One of the most useful and accessible tools they developed for concentrating the mind, meditating and achieving Samadhi, is the Shri Yantra Meditation. Pantanjali acknowledged this when he wrote, ‘Yoga, (which means union), is stilling the waves of the mind.’

    The word yantra comes from the Sanskrit root, yam which means to sustain or to support. And from the suffix -tra which means instrument. Its original meaning quickly expanded to mean, any sort of machine or instrument used in architecture, astronomy, alchemy, chemistry, warfare or recreation. It seems that the crop circle makers are making Yantras in the fields, if you will. Are these ‘yantras’ expressions of our collective consciousness at a certain expression of time? This is a possibility. A historical look shows a parallel in evolution of collective consciousness and that of an individual human mind.

    The use of Shri Yantra as a spiritual instrument goes back to the 10th century and continues today in South India. According to the Tantraraja Tantra there are 960 Yantras. The Shri Yantra is considered the most highly esteemed.

    The Shri Yantra is constructed of nine intersecting triangles, each representing various aspects of the goddess, Shakti and her consort Shiva. Four of the triangles are pointing upward and five downward. The four pointing upward are associated with Shiva, Universal Consciousness and the five pointing downward with Shakti, who represents dynamic energy and change. The interplay of these triangles creates an imbalance which makes this particular yantra, the most dynamic of all yantras and therefore the most powerful. Its power goes beyond its effect on the senses and/or the physical-material world and the brain. Its power manifests itself in the psychic centers, by focusing the mind, and allowing the chakras to function more efficiently which in turn enhances the flow of prana (subtle energy). With an increase in the flow of prana, the higher mind is able to emerge into conscious awareness, overcome the lower mind and ego, at least temporarily, and experience the truth of a thing by coming into union with its qualities.

    “Like the Shiva-Shakti images in Tantric iconography, the Shri Yantra symbolizes life, both universal life and individual, as an incessant interaction of cooperating opposites. The five female triangles expanding from above and the four male emerging from below, signify the continuous process of creation. Like an uninterrupted series of lightning flashes they delve into each other and mirror the eternal procreative moment — a dynamism nevertheless exhibited in a static pattern of geometrical repose. This is the archetypal Hieros Gamos, or ‘Mystical Marriage’, represented in an abstract diagram — a key to the secret of the phenomenal mirage of the world.” (Consciousness, by C.O. Evans & J. Fudjack p.72)

    In either case Shri Yantra will become a trusted and valuable tool enabling one to fix the mind and go to deeper and healthier levels of consciousness. Perhaps even the consciousness of the cosmos.

    Fiat Lux

    • siderealview Says:

      Fiat Lux, indeed Mehal. Thank you for your lovely 10-centuries-old mechanism and your in-depth knowledge of Vedic traditions which go back at least another two millennia before that. It is so wonderful that these varied strands are coming together NOW. Bless you for explaining.

  2. In your discussion of the Whitefield Hill formation in the UK (above) you include 2 photos with this caption: “Silicon-hydrogen compound ‘angel hair’ found in light-created crop circles.”

    I would very much like to see these photos much larger, if it is possible for you to send me copies….and wanted to let you know that, if you have samples of this material, we have access to multiple analytical techniques and would be very interested in analyzing the samples, after which we’d supply you with a copy of whatever we found.

    To see examples of our previous work see the analysis of a white powder that has been found repeatedly in crop circles in Holland–which in those instances turned out to be a very very pure magnesium carbonate–please check the BLT Research Team’s web-site: http://www.bltresearch.com.

    Nancy Talbott

  3. Fitzy Says:

    Ah me, it’s a novel time to be breathing.

    Thanks for the wonderful appraisal Sidereal. I can smell spring on the way, and not just a hemispheric kind.

    Hieros Gamos
    The Two into One
    Sacred Marriage

    Now that’s an invitation, and we Grooms and Brides, of subtle and playful energies, are turning up to the Altar. After all we have some golden rings, and they’re rather impressive: one size fits all.

    For the profane cults of the desert djinns, an altar is a place to mangle souls, but for the benevolent energies, it’s a place inside us and it’s where we go to ‘alter’ ourselves.

    Motion is life (Vibration / Music), stasis is death, we change ourselves or we are changed regardless, or we die. It seems this season has been instrumental, in tuning our mental instrument.

    Plankers notwithstanding, we were gifted many fabulous weddings, of a kind — this past European crop circle season. “I Do” was said every time someone visited a site, one way or another and, if only for a moment, we too became one.

    And when people get married, there’s usually a Honey Moon. Fields need Bees, and that ambiguous and sometimes ominous, nocturnal light, Luna. And it is sweet that much cereal graffiti turns up at night, sometimes under a full Moon. His and Her crop circles anyone?

    Since we’re talking 5th dimensional, cereal manifestations can serve more than one purpose and at some point a pattern may appear that ties in with the lunar cycle. And where there are patterns, rhythms may appear, periodically there is some rye with the rhythm.

    Its been a season of music. Methinks we’re starting to hear it, this monumental symphony.

    Epic Blessings Sidereal!

    • siderealview Says:

      Fitzy: your cosmic Spring and Symphony are certainly stirring us all up. As you say, those that don’t become betrothed miss the honeyMoon, which is going to BE the fun part. Like you, I’m grateful for our gifts; I do believe some kind of ‘critical mass’ happened this time — there are suddenly a lot of believers coming out of the closet. Thanks for your multi-dimensional backup. There’s more to come!

      Nancy: you do good work. I’ll send what I can to your website address.

  4. Boris Says:

    Some people believe that “Crop Circle” are made by extra-terrestrial visitors to Earth, while other people believe that “Crop Circle” may come from some other spacetime dimension, whether physical or spiritual, which overlaps with our own.
    This is not reality, it is fantastic …
    In reality a genuine “Crop Circle” are created by the forces nature of terrestrial origin, which usually escape the attention of researchers: http://www.nyos.lv/doc/translate__printpoprechnij__text_pru_press___28.03.2010.pdf

  5. davenycity Says:

    great blog thank you

  6. Thank you very much for the meditation. It was very powerful and touched a spot deep inside of me. I had a wave of emotion flood me with infinite amounts of knowledge when you made the switch to bring every thing back into the center.

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