Posted tagged ‘Ascension’

11:11:11 Spark in the Park~ Collective Ascension

November 11, 2011

Kuwait's DNA spiral building; a little disconcerting if you're taking the elevator

The religion of the future will arise from the experience of all things natural and spiritual as “a meaningful unity” Albert Einstein, 1929 (14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955), named The Great Relative by the Hopi

Six months ago, in early May, Celtic Beltane, at the time of the Festival of Wesak, primary date in the Buddhist calendar, Zen meditation/self actualization week, pinnacle of spring in the Northern hemisphere, many non-Buddhist people around the world were also taking time out to focus their thoughts and direct energy in appreciation of a bountiful season, along with a wish to improve the lot of Planet Earth.

All the ones
Now as the hinge of the seasons swings open another door — the 11:11:11 gateway — Celts and neo-Celtic groups the world over celebrate Samhain, the beginning of ancient Celtic New Year. The West remembers the armistice days of two world wars. A week ago Pagans had their Hallowe’en and the Roman Catholics their All Saints. Guy Fawkes was heralded as the 16thC equivalent of Occupy Westminster. Tonight the Moon reaches Full orb in Taurus. Astrologers worldwide are harnessing the predictive power of the planets with the changing season. As astronomers study intruders into the moon/earth system, numerologists are fascinated by this unique date, All the ones, statistically rare in any calculation or calendar count.

The Maya Longcount calendar continues on the runup to which coincides with northern winter solstice. Many tuning into the Internet expect something awesome to reveal itself on the Day of all the Ones.

November 9th Asteroid YU55-2005's close encounter with the Earth-Moon orbit system

As if to emphasize the coming-together of celestial forces, the heavens also provided a marvel to delight all camps: an asteroid coming close enough to Earth to bruise the ionosphere. On Wednesday, November 9th, potentially hazardous object, (PHO), asteroid 2005 YU55 strayed beyond the Asteroid Belt (Mars-Jupiter region) and wandered into Earth orbit –flying through between us and the Moon. The Nibiru-Planet-X camp were appeased by a close flyby without having to concede defeat in calculation of size. Backyard telescopes had a picnic, all searching to outdo each other’s photographic documentation and video records of the nearest-Earth flyby in living memory. Not quite as spectacular as the December 2009 Norway Spiral as a Sign-in-the-Heavens, but a close second.

Mount Arunachala, 'throne of Brahma' near Tiruvannamalai, Chennai-Madras, SE India, where Karthigai Deepam Festival of Lights is held by Tamil Hindus during November full moon

Every year during Karthigai Deepam festival (November-December full moon, November 10th), Tamil Hindus in SE India walk in sacred procession around their sacred mountain (Arunachala, right) and, as each night of the nine-day cycle leads up to full Moon’s conjunction with the Pleiades constellation, more lights are added in all homes, every temple, and oil lamps (Deepam) are placed in front of houses, increasing rows of lamps in the streets, until darkness becomes as bright as day. When full moon arrives, a huge ghee-filled vat of flame is kindled on the summit itself, seen for miles around, and it is common for celebrants to experience spontaneous healing, witness lightning, light flares and other heavenly phenomena appear over their sacred mountain. The lighted lamp is considered throughout India to be an auspicious symbol, believed to ward off evil and usher in prosperity and joy. All told, half the Indian subcontinent are celebrating, praying, communing with their gods right now and joining in with the same Unity Consciousness that was prevalent at a counterbalancing world festival six months ago, during Wesak, see above.

Spark in the Park

A similar unity consciousness is quietly making itself felt by the OWS movement, now 50 days on. While establishment media broadcasting worldwide continues sparse reportage, it is becoming clear that the movement is not only not going away, but is, according to David Crosby (above video with Graham Nash in Manhattan) attracting the same energy he saw as a young musician at anti-VietNam peace marches in the 1960s. He states in the interview: “…(Zuccotti) Park is only the Spark. We’ve just returned from a (music) tour in Europe. There they think America’s finally waking up.”

View from the Wheatfields

A series of wheat crop circles imprinted in Santa Catarina state, Brazil, only kilometers from where November designs first appeared (2008, 2009, 2010)

Almost as an afterthought, the ‘intelligence‘ behind the Circlemakers, points out that celestial signs are on the cards for the forseeable future. Four crop circles have appeared in succession since Hallowe’en, concentrated in a specific area of Santa Catarina. Brazil has only recently joined the crop circle ‘hub’. These designs are placed in the same area of Ipuaçú, where Brazil’s first crop circles appeared three years ago — to great local acclaim — only a few kilometres from where these latest ones were found. The phenomenon repeated itself in 2009 and 2010, also in the same area and at the same time of year. Of the four, the crop glyph at Ipuaçú, above, seems to be a clear representation of the inner solar system — Mars with two moons, Deimos and Phobos, Earth with one moon; Venus, Mercury; and in central focus the sun blasting off another one of its now-common series of M- and X-class flares.

Midwest tornadoes, Eastern seaboard hurricanes, the earth drumming up weather changes

Such flares have increased in regularity in the last month, sparking speculation of their influence on Earth weather anomalies — an early (end October) New York City snowstorm, coming close on the heels of two hurricanes; anomalous tornadoes in the mid-West; summer rain in California instead of forest fires; unusually warm autumn temperatures in Scotland; and the current concern: the freak sub-zero storm expected this week to hit Alaska.

Freak storm bearing down on Alaska

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them… will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” Thomas Jefferson

It is no mere coincidence that the world’s youth have chosen this time to rise up as one voice.

Europeans have a long history of revolution, but suppression by guillotine, inquisition, execution and death by firing squad are assumed (by Europeans) to be a thing of the past. British and Continental representatives are — as an international bloc — quite shocked by the continuing dramatic methods still considered legal means to accomplish suppression in crowds, peace marches and street assembly by US law enforcement agencies. For international travelers, the concept of travel to the United States is no longer a pleasure because of the horrendous lack of respect and brusque treatment of ‘aliens’ experienced at the hands of U.S. air terminal immigration and customs agencies.

But times they are a-changin’ — as the ’sixties song went. Forty years on, the same suppression and domination by an unreasoning Establishment, accustomed to getting its own way, may not be tolerated any more. November is a difficult month to camp out and still feel the spark of belief in one’s cause. David Crosby may be right, that Europe feels America is finally waking up. He and Graham Nash were astounded by group support provided by passers-by, relief agencies, clothing donors and food manufacturers. As ‘baby boomers’ they were particularly drawn by the number of oldies camped out alongside young people a quarter their age. “The Park is just the spark” may indeed be a prescient description of what is to come. Their stance was cheered at all their European venues.

Candlelight vigil November 1st, 2011 on the beautiful single span Sundial pedestrian bridge, Redding, CA

11:11:11 has provided a trigger for many spiritual groups worldwide. There are major ‘alternative’ initiatives in the U.S. and in virtual chatrooms on the Internet, which speak of this special time as a time to renew commitment to ascending together as one (human) species.

One group in particular provides another opportunity to Fire the Grid, which fired a world initiative in 2007. Others feel that perhaps lightworkers with several years’ experience of consciousness-raising, will become more outspoken and help lead others to express their own desire for group evolution of consciousness. As might be expected, there have been multiple and varied channelings and medium-based pronouncements from the Ancestors of Indigenous tribes, Ascended Masters, Archangels and Star Elders.

Fire the Grid

Fire-the-Grid's Divinity Code: embedded memory sent to trigger human DNA into ascension

The following is the message brought by Fire-the-Grid. It is suggested as a gentle way of introducing one’s psyche to communion with All-that-Is, through group meditation and knowing that others are similarly focused; scheduled for 11 minutes past eleven on 11:11:11. (At 11:11GMT on 11:11:11, Britain holds one minute’s silence; time equivalent is 03:11 PST, but 11:11 local in all time zones will work). It should create a world wave.

The Meditation:

Bring to the experience an open heart and a willingness to remember who you are. This music and image are exactly what I saw in the directions when I was told to share it with humanity.

To engage fully with the experience please make yourself comfortable. Remove all the daily stress from your mind and open your heart to truth. Then in knowing that you are entitled, connect to your Divine Source in any manner you believe in, feel grounded and safe. Ensure you are connected to the Highest Light for the highest purpose and that it be the best for all. You must feel safe and comfortable in order to open human consciousness to the truth. Remember who you are for ten minutes and charge your day with the beauty of knowing it.
Fire the Grid 11:11:11

Fire the Grid has been encouraging human consciousness quietly along its ascension path since the first Fire-the-Grid world meditation in 2007. Musicians Bradfield, Anael and empath Shelley Yates have taken their roles seriously in transmitting instructions to those who wish to participate, to drive the 11:11:11 event with a supreme force. It is the plan that at least half the world will participate and feel the benefits of ten/eleven minutes of silence and communion with Spirit. Others may choose to meditate for one full hour.

Shelley Yates says:
“Who are these great Beings of Light? They wish for us to know them as just that, Beings of Light. They are the essence of all life in our universe, the essence of the great prophets, angels and other Beings that have come to earth with messages of hope for a better future. In fact they are the essence of you and me. For within us we are these great Beings of Light. We too are of the same energy as these beautiful Beings and we hold tremendous power, the power to change ourselves and our world. Collectively, we hold the power to manifest what we need and desire to create a world of joy and abundance for us all. We have been learning about this through various forms over the past ten years. Now is the time to unite ourselves to manifest with intention, not just for ourselves but for the collective whole of this planet.”

Humanity is entering a new time which it has not experienced in living memory. Transition has been happening and will continue to happen during the few years ahead. FTG’s great Beings of Light wish to assist with that transition. Not unlike a parent holding the hand of a child while it endeavors something new, these Beings wish to hold Humanity’s hand as we transition into what we have always known in our hearts to be true.

“They wish to hold our hands as we become our greatest selves.”

There will be other opportunities as we move into 2012, but the Eleven Eleven gateway is a gift both for first-time meditators and for old hands. Ten minutes out of your day will do you absolutely no harm.

And it could bring about a miraculous change in our collective spirit which will do us all a great deal of good.
©11-11-11 Siderealview

11:II:11 Navigating the Vortex: our Quantum Leap

February 12, 2011

Vortex, maelström, whirlpool: Nature's basic mechanism for transporting mass and energy effectively

“Nature seems to be a Book written in the Language of Mathematics” Galileo (1564-1642)

As communicators, we bloggers may sometimes feel we have been speaking but the words are not coming from inside our bodies. The words have been coming from somewhere else…

“For several months, we have been moving forward and are being released in small increments. We are in the birth canal –the tunnel– and in that space it is near impossible to ‘see’ anything. We feel we are not connected to anything. Alone in the tunnel, we have been traveling on a raft with no wind behind us, no oars and in still waters, with no-one to left or right. But now we are moving forward and this new movement is creating the strange feeling of being in two places at once.” Karen Bishop Emerging Earth Angels

Lightworker Karen Bishop suggests that the sensation of being lost, disconnected and alone will pass as humanity moves through this intermediary stage and into the great mass awakening to follow. This new sensation of bliss and purpose comes as soon as we “are enmeshed in our new spaces in a higher dimension.”

Schrödinger's Cat: quantum uncertainty principle (1935) reduced to the absurd

Higher dimensions, Alternate Reality, parallel Universes; the quantum paradox of ‘many worlds’: an unending conundrum of being in two places at the same time. Particle physicists pursuing the ‘God’ particle, Higgs-Boson, endlessly around circular underground tunnels on two continents. What do these concepts have in common?

Uncertainty principle: math simplifies quantum reality

Higher dimensions –or alternate ones– are presently the preoccupation of particle physicists, quantum cosmologists and proponents of the holographic universe in our search for the meaning of Reality. Physics, cosmology and mathematics are crossing the boundaries between science and philosophy.

New Age lightworkers are becoming more assured and vocal in their prediction of a mass awakening in human consciousness. And it looks as if science is beginning to agree.

Max Tegmark, astrophysicist, cosmologist and professor in the physics faculty at MIT in Cambridge, Mass likes the idea of parallel universes: the quantum mechanics (QM) paradox of a particle’s ability to be in two places at the same time. He sees mathematics as our ultimate connection to reality. “Math is not something we invented, but something we are continually rediscovering.”

“We now have equations that describe how light behaves, how gravity behaves, how atoms behave. We can express the speed of light in mathematical terms. It is beautiful. In math we capture the essence of a very complicated Universe out there.”

What if we were to see the Universe not as an entity that exists inside space and time, but that space and time exist inside it?Max Tegmark, Prof. of Physics, MIT

Anton Zeilinger, author of Dance of the Photons 2005, translated into German as Einsteins Spuk, ‘Einstein’s Spook’ or ‘Ghost’, has a different view. He currently heads a team at the University of Vienna who have ‘teleported’ light photons 600 meters under the river Danube. He and his Austrian team of photon-busters have proved (in their ‘double-slit’ particle experiment) a basic quantum theory that we change the nature of reality simply by observing it.

“(Quantum Theory of Reality) is exciting, it is extremely precise, it is mathematically beautiful; and it describes everything. It just doesn’t make sense.” Anton Zeilinger

Quantum cosmologist, Leonard Susskind, professor of theoretical physics at Stanford University since 1979, says the beauty of math’s connection to reality is its simplicity. It becomes easier to describe reality with mathematics. “As you probe deeper, mathematics becomes the ONLY reality.”

But in sounding the depths of the cosmos, he uncovered many unanswered questions, e.g., the popular assignment of black holes as the bad guys of the Universe. He and Stephen Hawking discussed the black hole theory in 1988 when Hawking first published his Brief History of Time. “It changed my life.”

” I believed he was wrong. I spent the next 20 years working through the evidence to prove lt.”

Hawking suggested black holes were places in the cosmos which swallowed everything. Nothing escapes after it has breached the rim — event horizon — of a black hole. All light, matter, energy, information is sucked in by its (theoretical) huge gravitational pull and is lost. Nothing comes back out.

“Hawking had to be wrong. I refused to believe everything could disappear. We can’t allow information to be ‘lost’. Instead, how about if the horizon of a back hole is 3D like a hologram capturing 3D reality of everything that falls into it?”

In 1993 he and his graduate students announced their holographic principle of the Universe: that if all reality were indeed a hologram — a 3D model of everything captured as an image of our reality — maybe black holes were images of events taking place very far away: back in time; that our reality is a projection of a holographic record stored at the outer reaches of the Universe. The team became bold. They called a consortium of the world’s top physicists to a conference at Stanford in November 2009 and Susskind invited Stephen Hawking to speak. By then, Hawking was talking about ‘sideways’ or lateral time. But he was interested in Susskind’s holographic theory. And Susskind’s team was about to put it to the test.

“He didn’t get it. You don’t get it. Nobody gets it. But we may be about to prove that the whole of creation is a hologram.”

If the Stanford team is right, their model brings quantum cosmology, the ‘Many Worlds’ interpretation and New Age spiritualism into the same arena: We are what we believe, what we think and how we see our own Reality.

Or even more spiritual in concept, that Susskind’s ‘something stored at the outer reaches of the Universe’ might be the Intelligent Being/Source from whom mystics and devotees seek enlightenment.

Does this mean that the Cosmos is coming full circle?

We are having an intelligent conversation with the Universe.

The Universe may be providing its own answer to the question.

The Sun and solar system gravitate each year to and from Galactic center (of the Milky Way), coming closest in mid-December. It is a point on the ecliptic roughly in the constellation of Sagittarius from which (in the view of many esoteric disciplines and world religions) we emerged in the dark recesses at the beginning of time. In the view of some (physicists, cosmologists) Galactic Center is a black hole. To others (esoteric/New Age science), it is the source of a massive emission of photons, beaming information towards us, a ‘photon belt’ affecting Earth and human DNA. And we are circling in an irrevocable spiral back towards the point where on December 21, 2012 Earth’s orbit in the Solar System, the Sun’s position on the ecliptic and the center of our Galaxy will line up as one.

We may reach this galactic vortex unscathed. In the mythology of the Maya, this is Hunab Ku, our galactic heart; a sign that the Mayan Long Count Calendar is complete and that Mankind will start a new Count of Time.

In world mythology, earth was ground out from the mill of the Vortex, the great Maelström, the cosmic whirlpool. And so, in the eyes of the Maya at least, we are returning to that vortex, that pool of creation.

According to some Mayan scholars, we entered the last Underworld (phase of human evolutionary Consciousness), the Universal Underworld yesterday.

In the eyes of Karen Bishop and other New Age lightworkers who have been working tirelessly to prepare for the ‘Shift’ (in human consciousness), the runup to our rendezvous with the heart of our Galaxy is a sign of our Ascension, ‘coming home’, maturing as a species. To the fearful, solstice 2012 could mean chaos, collapse of Earth systems, erratic solar and stellar behavior; even a physical shift in earth’s poles.

The Sun, our partner up there in the immediate galactic neighborhood, has indeed been leading us a dance lately. Solar activity is on the increase.

Tiny solar burst crop circle in rice at Magelang, Java January 29th, 2011

We are currently headed for solar maximum, but it’s not sunspots –traditionally seen as the barometer for solar minima and maxima— that have featured, but strong warnings of solar flares disturbing our geomagnetic field.

NOAA’s solar X-ray alert system [view sidebar at right] has been signaling ‘major storm’, ‘active’. Twin crop circles* in Java in late January were followed by a third small design reminiscent of last season’s Wiltshire solar flare warnings.

Spaceweather alert.

And last weekend the Sun itself joined the 3D holographic universe.

Last Sunday, dubbed Superbowl SUNday by NASA and the media, February 6th 2011 marked the day when the space agency’s twin STEREO satellites locked into orbit round the sun and started projecting 3D pictures of both sides of the sun back to Earth.

Affectionately known as STEREOAhead and STEREOBehind, the craft were launched in 2006 on a mission to study solar flares [coronal mass ejections, CMEs] to predict solar storms headed towards earth. The two craft reached their final position [in ‘opposition’ to each other, 180ºdegrees apart] so NASA, SOHO, and SDA are now combined to beam a wholistic continuous view of the sun back to earthbound systems.

“We expect great advances in theoretical solar physics and space weather forecasting.”

Heliophiles are jumping for joy. The 3D stereo images arrived just in time to document new coronal holes forming on the sun’s far side, which are heading to face towards us.

STEREO went into orbit round the SUN last Superbowl SUNday

STEREO is an acronym for Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory. The two satellites now join forces with SOHO [NASA’s Solar & Heliospheric Observatory] which has carried the load of solar projections to date.

“In the past an active sunspot could emerge on the far side of the sun completely hidden from Earth. Then, the sun’s rotation would turn that region towards our planet, spitting flares and clouds of plasma, with little warning.”

Now, in the runup to solar maximum, 2012, these first 3D stereo images bring into focus our need to prepare for possible solar disruption to the geomagnetic field and earth’s electromagnetically-powered systems.

Coronal Holes, imaged from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory

Coronal holes on the sun’s surface are the source of open magnetic field lines from which high-speed solar wind particles stream out into space. This fast solar wind travels at approximately 800 km/s [about 1.8 million mph].

When this surge reaches Earth’s magnetosphere, predictably three or four days later, some spectacular fireworks can occur. Usually the spaceweather team tries not to alarm earth populations more than they really have to. So electromagnetic disruptions to power supplies and weather systems are downplayed. Aurora borealis –northern lights– are emphasized instead.

UV image of same solar holes: coronal flares heading earthwards

“After traveling through space for a few days the particles will impact the Earth and may spark the formation of some auroral activity for lucky spectators” NASA

In NASA’s study ‘of the nature of coronal mass ejections’ the agency is not responsible for reporting on physical repercussions strong emissions [M-class flares] may have on communications, logistical and transportation systems. There are three categories of flares, X-class, M-class and C-class. C-class flares are small, with few noticeable consequences in the geomagnetic field. M-class flares are medium-sized, capable of causing brief radio blackouts, affecting Earth’s polar regions. Minor radiation storms sometimes follow an M-class flare. The largest, X-class, flares are ‘Superstorms’, major events that can trigger planet-wide radio blackouts and long-lasting radiation storms. Earth’s last major Superstorm blackout was the Carrington Event of 1859 when telegraph systems behaved erratically. But at the time the electric light had not yet been invented. **

150 years later our systems are massively dependent on NOT having magnetic surges play havoc with our electrical supply. Not to mention our telephone, television, cells, blackberries, macBooks, iPods, iPads… you get the picture.

So, is our Universe shaking its quantum hologram fist in our faces and saying ‘shape up or else…’? [In that context, we, reflections of the Intelligent Source, may be setting ourselves the test to see if we are ‘intelligent’/evolved enough to pass it].

Maelström, vortex of the Norwegian Sea

Or, is the vortex going to win? Is the black hole going to pull us in? Are we navigating the cosmic whirlpool alone with no-one to save us from drowning?

Mythology and spiritual belief predict Mankind has enough presence of mind to make a quantum leap in consciousness, to save itself. History says it’s never too late to start anew. Native American and Maya traditions say now is a good time.

I hope we’re listening.

©2011 Marian Youngblood

*more on the January Java crop circles here.
**Two days after this blog was posted, the Sun issued a “Valentine’s Day” X-class flare. There have been several large flares since then, along with some disturbing volcanic eruptions. Siderealview apologies for any suggestive content within this blog. No harm was intended.
MY 03/10/11

Planetary Convergence: Ascension Initiative

November 19, 2010

Young pulsar, only 12 miles across spawns this nebula spanning 150 light years, courtesy Smithsonian Chandra X-Ray Observatory

What do oil executives, vampires and NASA bureaucrats all have in common? They fear solar energy.’ Michio Kaku, Japanese American theoretical physicist

In spring next year there is to be an international conference in Miami (February 18-20th) followed by one in Dallas on March 11-13th. No, not oil. Not international political relations.

A Consciousness Convergence.

Today, November 19-21, the first Convergence Conference begins in Tempe, Arizona where world meditators, crystal healers and quantum physicists will get together with earth wisdomkeepers to create the first of a string of ‘convergences’ between now and next summer. In April 8th-10th there will be a convergence in San Francisco; May 13-15th in Seattle and June’s convergence will be held in Denver. If you are unable to attend a convergence, a seminar will be held simultaneously online, called ‘Convergence: Access your Higher Self.’

Throughout space there is energy. Is it static or kinetic? If static our hopes are in vain; if kinetic — and this we know it is, for certain — then it is a mere question of time before men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of Nature.
Nikola Tesla, Croatian-US physicist (1856-1943)

One of the keynote speakers at these Convergences will be David Wilcock, consciousness scientist, professional lecturer, and researcher of ancient civilizations, and how their wisdom relates to a new paradigm for matter and energy.

He believes when science and religion come together no longer do we need to analyze who we are, what makes us tick, but rather to know that our consciousness –and within it the ‘engine’ that is our DNA– comes from something vastly more intelligent and complex than we could ever imagine and that this (secret) knowledge has been kept and handed down for a very long time. David Wilcock spells it out in a video series on YouTube entitled
Prophecies of Science and a Golden Age‘.

There are many ways of seeing human Ascension: the scientific, the religious, the esoteric and the spiritual — all revealing information about soul growth and the evolution of consciousness.

The quantum idea:
‘All life on Earth is united in a field of consciousness, which interacts with our own.’ and
‘if you want to find higher dimensions, look in time…’

The esoteric/spiritual:
‘Interstellar space is filled with pure ether or ‘light essence.’ It is not dark or in chaos. This great Sea of Universal Light is infinite, exists everywhere, and is constantly being drawn into form by Will, passion and feeling of the individual. It is given qualities, according to the way electrons are held around a central nucleus, by the ‘force’ of Love’.

“At the core of Einstein’s belief was the idea that ‘force’ could be explained using pure geometry, like riding on a merry-go-round. Everyone knows that if we change horses on a merry-go-round, we feel a ‘force’ tugging at us as we walk across the platform. Because the outer rim of the merry-go-round moves faster than the center, the outer rim must shrink, according to special relativity. However, if the platform now has a shrunken rim or circumference, the platform as a whole must be curved. To someone on the platform, light no longer travels in a straight line, as though a ‘force’ were pulling it toward the rim. The usual theorems of geometry no longer hold. Thus the ‘force’ we feel while walking between horses on a merry-go-round can be explained as the curving of space itself.”
Michio Kaku, ‘Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey through Parallel Universes, Time Warps and the 10th Dimension.’

Kaku supports Riemann’s seminal idea of using geometry — what he calls ‘crumpled hyperspace’ — to explain the essence of a force.

Using an original guiding principle formulated by Bernhard Riemann (1826-1866) — that the laws of nature become simpler in higher dimensions — Kaku simplifies our view of life, the universe and all existence as seen through the eyes of a carp in a pool. The carp has food, can reproduce and continue its troublefree existence when the pool is undisturbed… knows nothing but the pool… but when a storm ripples through the waters, shakes the water-lilies, what does the carp believe is happening to its world? Even more traumatic, should a human hand (from a higher dimension) descend into the depths and lift one of the carp ‘elders’ out of the water and return it next moment, what does that do to the carp’s understanding of reality?

‘Our senses enable us to perceive only a minute portion of the outside world. Our hearing extends to a small distance. Our sight is impeded by intervening bodies and shadows. To know each other we must reach beyond the sphere of our sense perceptions. We must transmit our intelligence, travel, transport the materials and transfer the energies necessary for our existence.’

Woolaston, Gloucestershire crop circle on the banks of the Severn July 18, 2010

In string theory, energy itself is seen by physicists as made up of particles and waves. These waves give physical matter a fluid-like quality. It behaves as if it were a fluid and with that fluidity comes all the basic behavior you get in fluids: including funneling into a vortex where the flow runs fastest.

DNA is a hugely intelligent spiral. Light is made up of waves. Consciousness makes matter act like a wave. DNA acts in the same way. Our DNA is intelligently structured by a wave which we can influence by our consciousness and Light fuels that consciousness…

Nikolai Tesla said:
“Though free to think and act, we are held together, like the stars in the firmament, with ties inseparable. These ties cannot be seen, but we can feel them.”

Living in a time when the first telegraph was transmitted through space apparently instantaneouly to be received on another continent without the help of wires, machinery or a ship, Tesla was convinced of Man’s ability to harness electromagnetic energy stored in the earth’s core and our star, if not in his time, fairly soon thereafter. Limitless free energy now exists everywhere: it is clean, doesn’t burn fossils and doesn’t pollute. Industry and governments have possessed this technology for at least 50 years. It only takes the force of will to implement it.

Humanity has made quantum advances since Tesla’s time. It should theoretically be easy for others, slightly more advanced than ourselves, to use such technology.

Wilcock believes the divine intelligence of our Universe, capable of creating human DNA, did not create it to exist only on one planet. There are 67 million planets where human life is possible in this galaxy alone. And we have been receiving evidence of advanced concepts in crop circle imprints: light/energy/ultrasound impressed on growing crop which not only blows nodes and implants increased energy in the biological plant to grow at a higher measurable rate, but also imprints the ground with a visible shadow or ‘ghost’ that lingers in the land for another couple of seasons.

Torus or donut of energy: opens up our consciousness to a new awareness

To say nothing of designs themselves which have led us to expand our awareness, advance our thinking.

Space warps
Theme of Michio Kaku’s book is that the addition of higher dimensions helps to simplify and unify the laws of nature. Einstein believed that time, the fourth dimension, was linear. It is now no longer looked at by physicists in that way. But for a generation the search for a multi-dimensional theory of time and space consumed physicists, setting theorists at loggerheads. ‘Scientists willing to risk their reputations on higher dimensions soon found themselves ridiculed by the scientific community. Higher-dimensional space became the last refuge for mystics, cranks, and charlatans.’

Meantime string theory developed; then super-string theory. But like Euler’s Identity before it, defining the theorem mathematically was easy. Proving it would be the stumbling block. Nobody was able to come up with a proof.

Kaku says: ‘Sitting before us is a perfectly defined theory of strings, within it the possibility of settling all argument about higher-dimensional space. The problem is that no one is smart enough to solve the field theory of strings. The fault is not in the theory, but in our primitive mathematics. Hyperspace: a Scientific Odyssey.

‘I think that we are like the carp swimming contentedly in its pond. We live out our lives in our own ‘pond,’ confident that our universe consists of only the familiar and the visible. We smugly refuse to admit that parallel universes or dimensions can exist next to ours, just beyond our grasp. If our scientists invent concepts like forces, it is only because they cannot visualize the invisible vibrations that fill the empty space around us. Some scientists sneer at the mention of higher dimensions because they cannot be conveniently measured in the laboratory.’

Liddington Warren, Swindon June 2nd, 2010

We are only just beginning to understand dimensional reality. Yet these last few summers crop circles have shown multiple ways of interpreting and expanding our ‘primitive’ mathematics, using communications technology — laser, ultrasound frequency and electromagnetic manipulation — clearly beyond our present ability to replicate it. What makes us think this is the only planet where a human body will form? might the human body not be designed with purpose to express consciousness on other earth-like planets? what does that say about possible ET contact or humanity in other spheres other dimensions, other timelines?

Solstitial blast: Savernake Forest, Marlborough crop circle, June 23, 2010

The torus and inside-out sphere have appeared often in crop circles: two field designs in midsummer 2010 included a torus with double headed axe on a shield formed like an inside-out tennis ball at East Field Alton Barnes, July 26th. The funnel vortex design of Savernake Forest was especially evocative. In inverted sacred geometry (transition from one dimension to the next) the inside-out shape of a tetrahedron forms another tetrahedron upside down. A hypercube or 4D tesseract (see Fosbury below) scaled down becomes a cube in 3D. And a 20-sided figure, the icosahedron, which on a 2D flat surface looks like a hexagon, in a higher dimension actually has twenty triangular sides. Fosbury and several other 2010 crop circles showed higher dimensional concepts set within hexagons.

Beggar's Knoll 'higher dimensions' crop circle, Westbury July 27th, 2010

So in viewing our own dimension from one of a higher vibrating frequency, what would we see?

Icosahedron: 20-sided figure (20 triangles) that looks (in 2D) like a hexagon

Like the octohedron flipped inside out, its lesser dimension would become a cube: from an eight-sided world we would look down and see a figure in a box. Just as pencil-line man in flatworld can’t imagine a fuzzy pussycat undulating and purring; a human mind has difficuty imagining the inside of a Torus from inside a sphere; has even more difficulty imagining the flip through the wormhole into a more enlightened space.

Guatemala City (modern capital of former Mayan empire) sinkhole, June 2010

The signs are still manifesting and we should pay attention.

David Wilcock says if you go through the wormhole to invert the time-space continuum so it is space-time, the inside-out shape of a sphere becomes a torus; energy’s ability to act like a fluid flows through the inside-out funnel that turns space-time back on itself.

Michio Kaku on the fourth dimension:

“I am reminded that the 4th dimension simplifies the laws of nature whenever I think back to my first encounter with Maxwell’s field equations. Every undergrad learning theory of electricity and magnetism toils for several years to master these 8 abstract equations, which are exceptionally ugly and very opaque. Maxwell’s 8 equations are clumsy and difficult to memorize because time and space are treated separately. To this day I have to look them up in a book to make sure I get all the signs and symbols correct. I still remember the relief I felt when I learned that these equations collapse into one trival-looking equation when time is treated as the fourth dimension. In one masterful stroke, the 4th dimension simplifies these equations in a beautiful, transparent fashion.

“Written in this way these equations possess a higher symmetry; that is, space and time can turn into each other. Like a beautiful snowflake that remains the same when we rotate it around its axis, Maxwell’s field equations, written in relativistic form, remain the same when we rotate space into time.”

Every historical religion and culture has documented stories of angels and gods. ANGELS look like humans, but they glow, they can levitate, they can read your mind, they can teleport from one place to another, they have abilities we consider godlike, can manifest objects out of thin air, and they can create ‘manna from heaven’.

Like the boy who wanted to stick his fingers into the carp pool to imagine how the carp must feel when such an event intruded into their known universe, if higher dimensional beings stuck their ‘fingers’ into our universe, they would appear to us to be blobs of flesh which float above us and constantly merge and split apart. And lastly, if we are flung into hyperspace, we would see a collection of spheres, blobs, and polyhedra which suddenly appear, constantly change shape and color, and then mysteriously disappear. Higher dimensional people, therefore, would have powers similar to a god: they could walk through walls, disappear and reappear at will, reach into the strongest steel vaults, and see through buildings. They would be superbeings, omniscient and omnipotent.

Flipping through the vortex into hyperspace would require familiarity with a higher dimension

Kaku is explicit about Parallel worlds: In his 2006 book of that name, subtitled A journey through creation, higher dimensions, and the future of the cosmos, he writes, another universe may be floating, like the carp’s, just a millimeter away on a “brane” (membrane) parallel to our own. We can’t pop our heads in and have a look around because it exists in hyperspace, beyond our four dimensions. He says, however, scientists conjecture that branes — a creation of M theory, marketed as possibly the long-sought theory of everything — may eventually collide, annihilating each other. Such a collision may even have caused what we call the big bang. In his reader-friendly style, Kaku discusses the spooky objects conjured up from the equations of relativity and quantum physics: wormholes, black holes and the white holes on the other side; universes budding off from one another; and alternate quantum realities. All exist synchronously with our own universe, and, like the carp in the pond, just inches away from our lesser-dimensional noses.

We humans may be struggling to assimilate the symptoms of our own ascension: with bodies and minds advancing at an alarming rate, some of us question, may not be willing to accept the changes. Sleep disruption, patterns of restlessness, and a need for aloneness to ‘be’ (Garbo syndrome) are not uncommon. Carl Sagan said our loyalty and allegiance are to our species and our planet. It is good to know we are not alone. There are also innumerable channels transmitting messages from other realms. The Galactic Federation is one of many.

Fosbury Hypercube (cube within a tesseract), Vernham Dean, Wiltshire, July 17th, 2010

Mike Quinsey’s channeled communication from SaLuSa includes the message:
‘The Plan for the end times is called Ascension, but it is up to you as to whether you take advantage of it. You cannot just wish to be partof it and succeed, as it requires effort by you to lift up your vibrations. The Law of Attraction allows only for those souls who have reached a certain level to ascend. The process is one of living in the Light and Love, so that any ties you have had with the lower energies are cut. This enables you to focus on the task of further lifting up your vibrations, and as a result you will surely achieve success. There is considerable help around you, and you have only to ask and it will come to you. Use names if you desire such as your favorite Angel or Master, as you may be assured they will receive your request. Allow for the answer to freely manifest and do not insist it happens in any particular way. You may not necessarily know exactly what is best for you. If you cannot grasp or understand the need for Ascension, then you are most likely ill prepared or insufficiently illumined to accept it into your life. Have no fear about making such a decision as you are not abandoned or held in lower esteem. You will evolve exactly according to your own pace, and one day you too will take a great leap forward having finished your education in duality.’

Discussing ‘unity consciousness’ is no longer considered eccentric or esoteric. The world is awakening to its own spiritual consciousness. It will be interesting to watch how Ascension Convergences this winter and next spring affect world consciousness levels. We need, after all, only the square root of one percent of the population to believe, in order to reach critical mass and for humanity as a whole thereafter to attain that level of consciousness called enlightenment. I welcome the initiative with open arms.

Jumping Dimensions: Crop Circle PHI-losophy 101

August 22, 2010

PHI, the Golden Mean seen as the Divine fractal or self-generating spiral of beauty

Since there no longer exist in this four-dimensional structure [space-time] any sections which represent ‘now’ objectively, the concepts of happening and becoming are not completely suspended, but complicated. It appears, therefore, more natural to think of physical reality as a four-dimensional existence, rather than, as hitherto, the evolution of a three dimensional one.
Albert Einstein

We think we understand dimensions. One – two – three, the above quote notwithstanding, we know our world: a pencil drawing, line on paper, are one and two. The paper itself makes it three and we’re drawing it NOW in this moment, so that makes it four. Four — the dimension of time, Einstein’s E=mc2— is where our everyday understanding of physics of our real world brings us in line with today’s brightest minds. Beyond that, our braincells need a little boost, an injection of fantasy, imagination, a mental grasshopper leap. That’s where we’re fortunate, because we’re getting a ‘little help from our friends’.

A little honey at Honey Street: PHI fractal crop circle of 08/08 at Stanton Bridge, Wiltshire

When the crop circle community stood poised, balancing on ballet points for what might materialize from those higher dimensions on the eight-gate, 8/8, our friends in high places sent us four! One at Spilsby Lincolnshire, a magnificent 500-footer at Pewsey White Horse, and a little honey, a miniscule delight in the form of a fractal at Honey Street, Wiltshire.

Large yin-yang solar flare August 7th sent CME to earth, photo Wouter Verhesen

The miniature (150-foot diameter) Honey Street design seemed like another warning that the sun was playing up — its fractal lying in yin-yang position did look remarkably like a solar flare which sent a coronal mass ejection (CME) earthwards the previous day, (SpaceWeather). But, for good measure, in case we didn’t get the message, a second mini-circle appeared simultaneously at Stanton St Bernard #2 which looks remarkably like a flaring sun, complete with solar prominence burst. Meanwhile, the irate farm manager at Pewsey White Horse, having warned visitors previously in the season that ‘trespassing’ would be dealt with severely, cut the massive formation out by noon the same day (YouTube video below). But the honey at Honey Street (Stanton St. Bernard #1) remains; is gorgeous, and while expressing multiple ideas, is a delightful feast for the eye. Brain food? Nothing too taxing (unlike the M4 coded images, further below); just a whimsical fairytale fractal (couched in CME format with wave-bending crescent) in a golden harvest field.

While over the previous fortnight earth’s deepest thinkers were pondering math ratios, alien language code and making themselves sick thinking life had sent them lemons, the Universe made us lemonade!

I feel compassion for some of the serious ponderers in Croppiedom. This season has not been easy for them. 2010 not only manifested mysticism, mathematics and dimensional momentum; it brought masses of ‘plankers‘ out of the woodwork. In conjunction with and as substitutes for what they like to call ‘anomalous’ crop circles (those formed in intense heat with ultrasound and cereal nodes bent by light, leaving vestiges of ‘angel hair’ — a pure silicon-hydrogen hallmark of UFOs aka white powder gold), the summer fields have been invaded by human designers, albeit talented, but mixing up the metaphor for us naïve believers in Ascension as a theme and confusing visitors flocking to the fields to find nirvana.

It may be this confusion which affected the Pewsey farm manager. It’s understandable: if he thinks — to quote my funny friend Fitzy — that ‘last night 100 students, studying macrame, snuck into a field and wove …leaving no evidence of their presence…’ and that they were just messing up his life for kicks, or for an art project, it’s not difficult to see why he accosted visitors and sent threatening messages, describing the work as ‘vandalism‘.

Silicon-hydrogen compound 'angel hair' found in light-created crop circles

But if he were to see his cut crop as light-enhanced, with added silicon nutrients incorporated in the grain which have health-giving properties, growth-rate boosts (and might fetch more on the market), then he might change his tune. But that supposition for another year, now. The formation has been cut.

'Anomalous' formation on top of Whitefield Hill, Woodsend, Wiltshire August 3rd showed vestiges of 'angel hair'

Not before it was thoroughly documented, though, with superb aerial photography by Matthew Williams and Pierre Beake, and while only a few pedesterians got a close-up of this 500-foot spectacle, its dimensions and message will be studied in depth long after its vestigial imprint has gone. It’s interesting to speculate that its purity of design and impact on spectators may indicate that it, too, was an ‘anomalous’ creation similar to the ‘egg-slicer’ formation of August 3rd on top of Whitefield Hill, Woodsend next to the radio transmitter. Whitefield showed evidence of light-induced elongated stalk nodes on atypical straight stems in the flattened crop, along with a residue of angel hair or ‘white powder gold’. For more detail on this silicon-hydrogen compound and its qualities, see the p.p.s on my last blog.

Gerald Hawkins, great decoder of Stonehenge and subsequent devoté of sacred geometry and diatonic musical ratios (Egyptian ‘frozen music’), wrote before he died in 2003:

If crop circles are made by hoaxers, then they should stop doing it, because they are breaking the law and damaging the food supply. If they are made by UFO aliens, they shouldn’t give us the dates of our trips to Mars and names of men from the Titanic era – famous, clever, but now forgotten. If some are transcendental, the power behind it should realize that our culture is now willing to accept transcendental happenings. If they are indeed transcendental, then society will have to make a big adjustment in the years ahead.

Through a language that’s possible for most of us to understand the crop circles, with apparent ease, carry trains of thought over thousands of years that are both transformative and liberating. The Egyptian/Sumerian priesthood did it — spared no effort in using every available surface to proclaim the existence of another dimension (their ‘after’- or future- life), so the people might understand. Now, millennia later, we so-called evolved mortals are being given similar instruction — a picture language with recurring specific symbols — from our ‘priesthood of light’, our own consciousness from a higher dimension. It is no coincidence that the Horton Friday-the-13th finale of the 2010 Wiltshire season has blatant Egyptian symbolism.

We are being shown a series of objects which exist in a higher dimension, so that our vision and perception may become clearer. Each summer, via an ephemeral canvas of wheat, barley and maize, we’re being taught telepathically: and each year-end we’ve learned more than we knew before. Light orbs (clearly from a dimension we haven’t yet got the hang of) are now so frequently witnessed, documented, and (almost) accepted as a tool of the Circlemakers, that we are having to concede our prosaic 3/4-dimensional world is a little out of date. The sensation of bliss experienced by many within light-orb-inscribed formations is not imaginary. Human bonding, spontaneous group meditations and effortless harmony with others seem to occur naturally within these creations. The Circlemakers are professors not only of beauty and precision, but sacred geometry, history, mathematics, arcane tradition and philosophy, spiritual discipline, bliss and joy!

Dan Winter, author of Phi Physics in a Nutshell, says

DNA is the seed crystal of the higher dimensional Lightbody
DNA, a perfect Phi-structured crystal connecting long waves and short waves, is a three-dimensional pattern designed to transmit information, in the form of a living being, through time and space, the fourth dimension. Its goal seems to be to create a fifth-dimensional intelligence, one capable of phase-locking with the information of the Universe stored in its crystaline coding within its DNA geometry.

Geometry is the basic creation of symmetry, says Winter. This is where the Phi-wave or the perfect spiral, Golden Mean fractal, Nature’s perfect natural growth pattern, comes in. ‘Any symmetrical structure creates a place where meeting waves, those traveling in opposite directions, can stand, that is, can phase and phase-lock.’ Standing waves give the illusion of solidity, which is the ‘segregation of momentum that makes possible the birth of matter.’

He explains why the Golden Mean spiral is Nature’s ideal ‘nest’ for converging waves:

‘In the world of waves, only the donut, (the torus or vortex), and the golden mean spiral can become coherent — hold their shape — like a smoke ring. As more of these smoke rings are created and they want to relate to the first smoke ring, they must ‘nest’ in the right pattern so that they can remember their form and still share structure. The best pathway for doing this is the ratio we call the golden mean. Only in this shape can waves nest together without interfering with each other and cancelling out their memories.’

A Phi spiral can nest triangles, squares and five-sided figures (pentagons), creating a dodecahedron as it goes. The dodecahedron (12-sided shape) is the perfect Golden Mean nest for turning information/waves into coherent structure. ‘That’s why it’s also the pattern of the braided DNA molecule,’ Winter concludes.

Julia Set fractal at Stonehenge July 1996, beloved of mathematicians, marine biologists and musicians

So our DNA, constantly evolving and upgrading through an enhancing light spectrum — with the help of sunlight and electromagnetic energy from the higher dimension — is lifting our four-dimensional world bodily towards the fifth: dimension of our lightbody.

Countless crop circles over the years have depicted the fractal. Perhaps most famous of all was the ‘Julia Set’ Stonehenge formation of July 7, 1996 whose pristine curve appeared in broad daylight at teatime after torrential rain the previous night. Its ‘comforting’ shape to mathematicians represents a complex computer-generated fractal image; to musicians the bass clef, and to marine biologists the cross-section of a nautilus shell.

E = mc2
Matter is just a lot of energy moving so slowly that we can touch it and sit on it. Energy is just a little bit of matter moving so fast we have trouble finding it: simply put, they’re polarities of the same substance, which is flowing and moving at different rates constantly through the Universe.

But there’s an even bigger idea for this 101 dissertation in our Dimensional PHI-losophy class:

Perfect symmetrical geometric shapes contain, ‘nest’ or embody energy. So, by focusing our ‘intent’, (heightened with love, desire, feeling, emotion, belief and will) we can make things happen — ‘create matter’. That’s why New Age philosophy, esoteric disciplines and native American ancestral wisdom describe us as the ‘Creator’.

Where attention goes energy flows‘.

New Age and ancient teaching of the Mystery Schools,

There’s one aspect we still don’t quite understand, but it’s worth keeping all the balls in the air.

The connection to sound — ultrasound, music in any form as inspiration and its creative ability as a ‘wave-particle’ — cannot be overlooked. Gerald Hawkins was fascinated by the diatonic scale — another fractal, or ‘perfect’ progression of the familiar octave on the piano, bassoon, saxophone, guitar. Notably he and Paul Vigay corresponded on its unique function in crop circles before both died. They found not only that crop circle images converted into sound through special computer software produced meditation-inducing alpha waves; but that the reverse hypothesis was true — that ultrasound is a factor in producing images in the corn.

Solstitial Phi formula in Vale of Pewsey lies immediately below the Heart chakra - the (Sanskrit) wheel that directs life

Earlier this season we were gifted another stunning coded triangular motif in the Vale of Pewsey on Solstice, which turned out to be an ASCII rendition of 1.61803399, the golden ratio = ϕ Phi. It is clearly a formula close to ET’s heart! I still believe that it, like the coded canola musical box disc in the May 22nd Wilton formation, if played through Vigay’s software, would produce sound in the alpha range. We shall have to wait for Paul’s lightbody to arise and return.

Meanwhile a great deal of speculation surrounded the double appearance on either side of the M4 motorway at exit 14 to Hungerford on July 30th. Decoding the dual image has so far proved inconclusive, but when combined, the formations revealed a face overlaid on 16 lines or ‘strings’. Musicians, Lotus Ocean are overjoyed that their guitarist/avatar PT’s face appeared embedded in twin pixels flanking the M4, his daily route to play ritual music in crop circles. Their idea is not totally far-fetched. There are 16 petals in the divine lotus — a symbol of Ascension — and music, specifically ultrasound, has been found to produce waves of rapture in electromagnetic forms by Vigay, Hawkins and others (humans and wheatfields being similarly influenced by alpha waves). PT (Prashant Trivedi) is a string musician deeply entrenched in Vedic ritual and symbolism. Following his ritual AUM (OM) incantation within the ‘Druids cave’ near East Field, Alton Priors in 2007, the massive 2.25-acre OM crop circle of 7/7/7 appeared.

Sound is, after all, another form of energy in the electromagnetic stream that we all share in this amazing new world of heightened perception.

Are we willing to go for it: will we pass the exam, graduate from Dimensional PHI-losophy 101?

Our goal is fifth-dimensional awareness, a state already reached by many during meditation. It can be described as our ability to see all space and time, energy and matter, as components of one original wave form. This bliss state can, according to Winter, ‘bend light into a circle of self-awareness’. It creates a rich ultraviolet/blue explosion of energy that accompanies the Merkabah rise of Kundalini, Winter’s phase-lock of biological energies into the flow of the universal information energy stream. This enfolded love-state creates enlightenment, a state where the awareness of the universal mind meets itself at every wave junction.

The more we meditate, project from a state of love, feel gratitude, the closer we come to permanent nirvana.

Howzat for lateral thinking.

Hole in the Galaxy: Touching Source

January 8, 2010

Milky Way Galaxy: Galactic HQ

We’ve done it again. We touched base with Galactic Center on January 3rd and now we in our orbit round the sun are spiraling away, at a daily rate of four light minutes, off in the opposite direction. It is the ultimate cosmic paradox. As our days get longer, as the sun gives us four minutes more light each day until June, we are retreating from the point in the Milky Way Galaxy from which [in the view of many esoteric disciplines/world religions] we emerged. And to which, in an every-decreasing spiral, we are returning.

It takes eight minutes for light from the sun to reach us, and our solar life-giver, our connection to the stars from which we as stardust emerged, does this little wobble towards Galactic Center, the (w)hole in the middle of the Universe, every year at this time.

Look at it this way: Three days into our New Year, we came within eight light minutes of touching Source.

Our orbit does not come into such close proximity every year – this year is special – as were 1987, 1998 – and we will be back to reconnect with the Hole in the Cosmos at noon UTC on December 21st, 2012 when our orbit, the Sun’s position on the ecliptic and the Galactic Hole will line up exactly. That’s what we’re really aiming for.

It is for this reason that a lot of attention is focused right now on the prophecies foretold by the Elders of the Maya; their calendar which began in 3113BC comes full cycle on that date.

The Maya were like the Sumerians, the ancient Egyptians, and Judaic, Norse and Hindu traditions in their view of time. Their calendars were less a method of calculating days, moons and years, more a way of watching the movement of Creation. It was the Gregorian calendar of Roman Catholicism’s Pope Gregory XIII which in 1582 set us calculating by the sun, and which ultimately fixed our view of the Cosmos as a giant timepiece.

There is another view.

Albert Einstein and his lesser-known (younger) contemporary, Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kozirev, had similar but diverging ideas. Dr Einstein’s general theory of relativity gave birth to modern quantum physics, seeing time-space as a spiraling continuum; Prof. Kozirev proved the existence of a tangible energy source within the Universe which he called ‘ether’ that surrounds us, affects us and with which we merge. Quantum physics talks about this ether as ‘dark energy’, zero-point energy, ‘virtual particles’.

Ether, from Greek aether, means ‘shining’. Its presence in the Cosmos has long been the subject of Mystery Schools whose teaching of self-mastery disciplines or the secret way to become an Ascended Master finally reveals itself as a key to understanding what we – the only ones of the human species to live through the actual experience of planetary awakening – are going through right now in these End Times.

Enough ether in a lightbulb to boil the oceans

Ether – aka Chi, prana, akasha, or if you prefer the scientific, ‘vacuum flux’, ‘quantum medium’ – is all around.

According to mainstream Physics, there is enough ‘ether‘ or zero point energy (ZPE) contained within the vacuum of a single lightbulb to bring all the world’s oceans to boiling point. And it is free… If we only knew how to harness and use it!

In the Quantum Physics world, all four of the basic force fields known to current thinkers: gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force are in fact different forms of ether/ZPE. We are swimming in it. And, according to newest thinking, its point of emergence into our cosmic Universe is that hole at Galactic Center which we just flew past.

We are experiencing a meeting of minds: the belief systems of ancestral myth, religious thought and ancient calculation, are coming together with the current scientific take on our position in the Cosmos.

Science fiction meets science fact.

Now that we have narrowed down the parameters, we even have a date for Ascension.

Lightworkers around the globe smile and say the process has been going on for some time; aging ‘baby boomers’, last representatives of the ‘sixties hippie generation, have been lying in wait for just this moment to unfold; but what is exciting about the new ‘energy’ is that everybody is beginning to feel it.

Back to the Maya and their concept of the Time spiral.

By measuring the flow of evolution through a series of nine Ages, the Maya predicted Man’s quantum leaps through Great Cycles of ever-decreasing size until he reaches the moment of rebirth, reunion with Galactic Center, or Ascension. That moment of planetary enlightenment is a culmination of the present ongoing process of evolution in consciousness. In the view of an ever-increasing number of spiritual and New Age groups (I like to call it the Group Mind or Superconsciousness, because we are seeing its influence all around) this spiritual evolution is scheduled to be complete by winter solstice 2012. Each day now brings new evidence of its happening all around us. Spiritual consciousness, a change in personal attitudes, is happening so fast now it could all be over long before then!

Ages of Man: we enter the Age of Aquarius

Astrologically the 25,860-year ‘Platonic cycle’, through which Earth and all Creation moves from the moment of birth, is split into twelve Ages marked by the zodiacal signs. Each age traditionally shifts with our transition from volcanic rock, through creation of oceans, through embryo life, simple mammals. We, the human species, have already evolved through and transcended the last four of these Ages, each approximately 2200 years in length, catalogued in Earth’s great chronicles: the Bible, Egyptian Book of the Dead, Sanskrit Akashic Records. They flow with the precession of the equinoxes through that eon’s zodiac sign: Gemini (Man’s twin birth, the cloning of Eve from Adam’s rib), Taurus (Judaic Age of Golden Calf, Moses), Aries (Age of warlike expansion of Assyrian, Greek, Roman empires) Pisces (Age of Christianity). On February 14th last year we entered the Age of Aquarius, long heralded as the New Age.

In the Maya Long Count calendar, each successive age in human evolution is 20 times briefer than the one immediately preceding. I have written more fully about this in Hologram of Time and Sacred Endings. In essence, we are now in the last ‘Underworld’ or world spiral of time which began in 1999 and will end in 2012. As at November 8th, 2009, we entered the Sixth Night of the Galactic Wave Movement – the eighth of the nine Mayan levels – predicted to bring about the most significant transformation of consciousness ever in the history of mankind. These are exciting times to be alive. The spiral is contagious.

Elegant natural Phi spiral of the Nautilus shell

Kozirev saw all energy as part of this spiral: a spiral of time, space, creation, energy. The cells of all organisms grow in an asymmetrical spiral, from miniscule plankton to the Blue Whale; from the smallest ‘inert’ asteroid to the largest spiral galaxy. He knew that growth expands according to the proportions of sacred geometry, the ‘Golden Mean’, at a predetermined ratio of Fibonacci numbers – the Phi-spiral, called by the Greeks the golden ratio.

His theory is now accepted that all space surrounding the earth and within the entire Galaxy spirals clockwise (has right-hand spin). This means that all energy is influenced to spin clockwise as it travels through the physical vacuum. A spinning source emits energy; and a spinning source with more than one form of movement, such as a star, a black hole (or wormhole) rotating while also orbiting within a galaxy, produces a dynamic form of energy called torsion. This phenomenon allows torsion waves to propel through space instead of simply staying in one place. Kozirev suggested that torsion fields like gravity and electromagnetism are capable of moving from one place to another through the universe at ‘superluminal velocity’, that is, at speeds greater than light.

In his field of Exotic Physics, it is said that an impulse moving directly through the fabric of space-time at superluminal velocity (and separate from gravity or electromagnetism) – like the photon energy source emanating from the Hole at Galactic Center which is transmitting a pulsating energy beam towards Earth in increasing strength as we spiral closer – has direct influence on our cell growth, our spiraling DNA.

Our DNA is in fact being updated.

Kozirev’s ether, the clockwise torsion of Galactic Center, is not only creating a beckoning Stargate, but it is altering our physical bodies to absorb energy from this photon source, while the combined forces of ancient mythical, spiritual and New Age disciplines alter our minds. We are being prepared, whether we like it or not, for our move from the mundane to the celestial.

Unlike James Cameron’s Avatar, we are not human minds in an alien body searching for truth; rather we are becoming our own embodiment of Avatar, in the Sanskrit meaning, ‘one who descends from the heavens’ to lift ourselves aloft.

Just as we are uniting in the physical as an evolved (human) race populating the third planet from our orbiting sun, we are uniting in consciousness to become a single (Group Mind) unit which in the few days remaining of the last Great Cycle is preparing itself to ascend, to become Superconsciousness or Overmind as we return to Source.