Archive for December 2012

New Beginnings: 2012 Hinges open Doorway to Consciousness

December 27, 2012

CONSCIOUSNESS: Great Gatherer toward Ascension

Princeton's Global Consciousness Project recorded 12/12/12

Princeton’s Global Consciousness Project recorded 12/12/12

The Great Cycle of the Maya has been sliding quietly shut. December 21st, 2012, foretold as long ago as 3114BC to be a cosmic door closing on ‘historic’ humanity, was said within the Maya themselves to herald the threshold of a new form of Man: the revealing of the knowledge of the Ancestors, or ‘return of ancient wisdom’, and the ‘gathering together of tribes’.

The Great Long Count Calendar of the Maya is not the only calendar to herald this moment, but it is certainly the most evocative and topical headline-hitter of all ancient calendars which come to a finale at this crucial crossroads in time. Similar sacred systems studied by early priesthoods [5000+BC] in both old and new world religions from the Assyrian ‘fertile crescent’ to the Siberian steppes, based their supreme knowledge and annual information of secret wisdom ‘given by’ the stars. It was common in all cultures, held sacred, and its ongoing calculation was handed down as sacrosanct.

Seen from the perspective of the NewAge self-awareness movement, many such ancient prophecies would appear to allude to man’s growth in spiritual knowledge, practice and frequency.

So when group meditations started happening worldwide on 12/12/12, the resulting reverberation, measured on the University of Princeton’s Global Consciousness Project, passed any previous measurement on their global consciousness scale which registers world consciousness fluctuations as a dot-graph chart.

This result has astounded Princeton Noosphere Project monitors; but contributing to this event has been a decade’s worth of mega-growth in world computer function/distribution, ensuring that more people now have access to a ‘network’ [television or computer] during December 2012 than ever before in human history.

This special solstice 12/21/12-end cycle event has had a larger [eastern] audience too, as the last full moon of the year occurs tomorrow, December 28th, see astro chart below for its potent Cancerian influences.

And this extended portal, related in consciousness to the thoughts we have continued throughout the year on this blog, comes now at a time when remarkably, the human race may just be ready for it. Certainly questions about human potential, personal growth, creating alternate realities are on many lips.

What has been surprising is the number of young people who had heard of the Maya Cycle Close, had listened to but not necessarily believed the associated doomsayer apocalypse scenario; because they themselves genuinely believed in the less-broadcast-more internet-wide alternative for hope-for-humanity.

We are saddened that our supposedly intelligent media should invade their youthful peripheral world, scoop up and serve vampires, blood-and-gore, fireballs at the end of a comet tail, in order to create a massive fear plot.

… and what a let-down to find no axis-reversal, no polar shift; but instead a wondersome star-show as spectacular as the December Geminid meteor shower and a stunning night sky full of anciently-grinding- and wheeling stars, galaxies, planets and satellites predicted by ancestral calculation and all draped in divine splendour of a black winter sky, for our delectation.

Hope for 2013 and the New Cycle
Instead of succumbing to a stupor of virtual/screen terror, or a mock-millennium-bug-rave-till-the-grave, many have found personal reason to use this season to go within. There has been in internet circles as well as sacred centers round the world an emphasis on attaining newfound knowledge, newdreamt dreams; remembering our connections instead of our separateness.

Much of the new consciousness is simple: a child could do it. That’s what all the ancient texts say ‘with the eyes of a child… you will but see…’ ‘…and a child shall lead them…’

The first hinge of the Great Doorway of Consciousness has opened. Mankind steps tentatively forward, knowing intuitively how to proceed but still not sure if it can really be true: that love is the answer; that we are all brothers and sisters. Then, seeing others do the same, our steps become bolder. By letting go fear of ‘others’, we find more ‘like’ minds/spirits gathering round, coming into our lives.

Astrological chart, courtesy Christina Adolphsson, full moon in Cancer December 28th, 2012

Astrological chart, courtesy Christina Adolphsson, full moon in Cancer December 28th, 2012

Several million people worldwide met together in consciousness during the twenty-four-hour standing-still of this particular solstice 2012, in order to pull in the stillness through meditation: and another estimated million will continue a Vedic tradition in celebrating the full moon tomorrow. These groups consist not only of Central and South American, indigenous North American, Inuit and Aleutian/Alaskan heritage; along with thousands of southern hemisphere celebrants in Vedic ceremonies of the Indian subcontinent alongside private sun- and moon-worship celebrations on Bondi Beach. More significantly, in the heavily-populated northern hemisphere, hundreds of thousands of non-denominational spiritual groups internationally combined their loving intent, pooling spiritual resources for world peace and loving brotherhood.

Flower of Life: at root of all growth from cell to consciousness

Flower of Life: at root of all growth from cell to consciousness

Meditation ceremonies for December solstice, Christmas, full moon and year-end [Hogmanay] will continue in many cases through New Year, according to private calendars-timing-invitation. These ceremonies include but are not limited to events associated with established spiritual communities worldwide [e.g. Esalen, CA, Scotland’s Findhorn Foundation, Jean Hudon’s (Canadian) Planetary Light Network; Drunvalo Melchizedek’s ongoing Hawaiian, New Mexican and Central American ‘flower-of-life’ mer-ka-ba visualization for Ascension [his advice on a possible “earth-shift” in an electromagnetic sense can be read here]; the Meeting of the Thirteen Grandmothers in Arizona; and even more prolific, thanks to the internet: another uncountable number of individual workshop/meditation initiatives continue to be conducted online, courtesy of Keisha Crowther, Gregg Braden, Caroline Myss, Baba Ram Dass, Humanity Healing Network, Eckhart Tolle, and David Wilcock; with other proactive media influences [like Daniel Pinchbeck, Evolver and Reality Sandwich continue to encourage from the sidelines…
with assistance from sacred L.A group events e.g. Dee Wallace, Sandra Bullock, Brad Pitt environmental foundations.

From the perspective of the great serpent-hole at the center of the [Milky Way] spiral arm, the Earth is a precious planet. Teeming with millions of intelligent lifeforms, all potential cells of its supreme guidance system holding the planet in orbit as it passes through the gate. Its species are equipped with every last form of technology, spiritual, dimensional, physical and material: all the tools and toys of the imagination to play with and a perfect planet to perform on. And Mother Universe stands back for a few billion years [remember, time and space are relative, so this is an arbitrary number] and allows the species to have free choice.

Well, the Universe has left us to our devices now for something like five thousand years, give or take a Maya-contrived Baktun or two. And our consciousness has begun to hone itself: Ascension is a word on more lips now in 2012 than in, say, the post-war Eisenhower-era (where more common words might have been ‘duplex’, ‘superhighway’ and ‘warloan’).

And if not Ascension, then almost everyone [reading this blog] has spoken of or contemplated raising their own consciousness.

Where there is a meeting of consciousness, particularly with a a communal intent, a goal in view, Group Mind creeps in, allowing right-hemisphere/female-related sensations which the body knows intimately, like intuition, emotions, feelings, to take over.

During 2012 throughout the world, with so many spiritual groups holding conferences, earth-festivals, sacred ceremonials, to celebrate this exceptional milestone of time in our combined earth culture, it has become bigger than merely marking year Twelve-Twelve Gregorian; Hebrew year-5773; Maya

“Where two or more are gathered in My Name”
New Testament, King James edition

If teenagers can feel it; it’s there, on the tip of our tongue, that indescribably elusive taste of freedom-creation-possibility; if the Occupy Movement was last year’s phenomenon in the ongoing cycle of change to bring human interaction back to the human level [rather than being ‘managed’ by its current soul-less bureaucratic one]; then Ascension is this year’s preoccupation, its golden meadow of opportunity.

If we don’t see it right off, does that mean that the consciousness-the meadow-isn’t there? or does our habit of expecting media-manipulated answers to be delivered on a screen overshadow our deep desire and conviction that the great cluster of global consciousness is finally on the move.

We are not the people who were born into this world six, five, four, three decades ago. Not only has our skin, muscle tone, brain function but every cell changed, regrouped and rebirthed. Our consciousness, too, however much we doubt, has altered.

Some of those early movers and shakers have entered another dimension, leaving a few of us to carry the torch. Others, among the early ‘believers/NewAgers have sadly lapsed into the retirement-relapse-ageshock-memorylane comfort zone of never again having to confront ideas of Ascension. Still powering on, though, there are the original NewAge believers, encouraged as each decade passed and another generation joined them to swell their numbers quietly.

Now the long-awaited and much-foretold EndDays are manifesting one by one, hour by hour, minute by minute, and we are being asked as each precious moment of it passes, or as each new thought, new emotion arises, if we are worthy; if we have done enough in this life to merit the honor of still being alive as this time of flowering for us humans begins.

Drunvalo Melchizedek
’s spent two years in a solitary cabin in isolated surroundings, attaining a personal state of peace, openness and belief. His description of a personal ‘shift’, a St-Paul on the Road to Damascus moment, Ascension-in-action have been likened to experiences documented by all indigenous shamanic practice. The Leary-Alpert-McKenna team’s 1990s research has never been outclassed as a source of information on the natural ‘alpha’ theta-wave condition. This enhanced state of awareness is one sought by all meditative practitioners from Zen to Tibetan to Sedona to Laos. Independent gurus give the same advice. Allowing the left hemisphere to relax and the right to come through; intuition, awareness of gratitude, feelings over logic, calming the voice of the ego into a submissive role.

Ken Carey was also drawn to spend several seasons in isolated conditions, growing his own food and opening himself to belief that what he needed would be provided for him.

Both emerged from their experiences professing the first step in wrapping oneself in this new blanket of love is silence, and faith that it will go on surrounding us.

As Mayan 21-December-2012 slips quietly to a close and the stars and planets of the firmament wheel once more out of the central axis of the Milky Way’s Dark Rift and begin again a whole new charting through unventured regions of the Galaxy, we raise our heads humbly to such a magnificent canopy and at the very least wonder how we came to be so blessed to be here at this time, at this change of consciousness.

Because, however tentative and faltering our baby-steps, they are indeed steps we are making, with unfathomably loving spiritual help [call them Angels, Archangels, guides, God, Great Spirit, Jah, JVH or Aunt Maud-channelled-in-heaven] to become our more-loving selves; and as we feel more proficient at our new openness, more brotherly can be felt towards each other and miracles can be projected and start to happen: in energetic and spiritual terms our imagination-creativity-self-field (a pure extension of our self), is made more ‘real’ every time we re-emphasize a loving solution over a non-caring one.

Perhaps no great revelation or white light appeared on solstice 2012; no fiercely threatening alien form of a ‘dark star’ in the Nibiru mold crashed through the heliosheath and stood breathing lethal gas into earth orbit.

But, as Carey said in his latest work
‘when all else are looking the other way, God’s work will be done’.

Shift of the Ages
It probably takes a prescient kind of mind to know just exactly when one went/goes through the shift, if such one does/did, or whether we are among those privileged to live in these times of unique growth for the experience of sensing human psyche-consciousnes-groupmind.

I believe we are indeed the ones chosen to be here for this shift in consciousness-dimension-level of understanding of a Greater Spirit to guide us unerringly through these uncharted waters… we have to let go of the oars, believe we are in good/godly hands, and allow the energies, the aegis of the new to direct and guide us. After all, in a brand new dimension, all directions are valid; and we have pointers to show us the way, if we only watch and listen.

It may be some months before we shall look back on these final moments of December 2012 and be able to say truly: ‘I was there then when the shift…’ or ‘I had a feeling in my bones…’ it may be February before we will feel a change in the air, new birdsong, but, let us believe our star-nurtured electromagnetically-magical circuitry is capable of more than we currently see; more like the gods the Ancients believed were directing our path.

I believe the Ancestors knew of which they spoke when they called this moment the Shift of the Ages. While we may be slower on the uptake than the Masters, I think we mortals made it through the portal and that great dreams are ahead for us, with help from our loved ones, new friends and old, virtual and in the flesh, and that those who continue to help “bring through” the “new reality” will grow in strength and numbers.
©2012 Siderealview