Archive for May 2010

Cracking 2010 Crop Circle Triangle Code

May 24, 2010

Sails of Wilton windmill have a companion: interlocking canola sails of cosmic code

The 2010 season is building. Last weekend – just before the 2010 May full Moon, as the Sun moved from the earth sign of Taurus into the dualistic but communicative air sign of Gemini – a fourth crop circle manifested in a field of oil seed rape near the windmill at Wilton, Wiltshire. It lies approximately twenty-five miles northeast of the Stonehenge line which attracted three early season glyphs. These three previous imprints in canola formed a triangle on the Stonehenge energy vortex on May 5th, 9th and 16th. The ‘keyhole’ formation which stands at the triangle’s NE corner, itself a glorified triangle with radiating isoceles sides, points directly

Wiltshire satellite map of the Stonehenge 'triangle' and Wilton windmill formations

towards last weekend’s latest showing. The Wilton Windmill ‘sails’ in the crop circle form twelve interlocking isoceles triangles circling a central point, each triangle containing something that looks like ASCII – binary – computer code. Within the sails there are two sets of repeating code sections but the other ten are different. It measures 300 feet across. Another triangle meantime manifested on May 14th in an oil seed rape field in Zierenberg, Hessen, Germany.

Zierenberg Hessen triangle appeared May 14th, 2010

Triangle symbolism denotes many ideas simultaneously:

In astrology an upright triangle represents the most positive of the aspects, a trine, or the angle of 120 degrees between planets, but it is also used to represent the astrological element of Fire, and as astrological signs are arranged in four triplicities — fire, air, earth, water — it represents the Fire signs. [Conversely, in astrological symbology, a triangle with a lower line drawn through horizontally, denotes the Air signs].

While the triangle does not appear much in prehistoric symbolism (when the circle, feminine womb symbol, predominated), it does feature in biblical history and in Judaeo-Christian symbolic word-construction where it became associated with the Divine number THREE. It is an older symbol than the medieval swastika or pentagram (based themselves on numbers four and five. Xenocrate, who died in 324 BC, stated that the (three-sided) equilateral triangle was a symbol for God. In Christian symbolism it stands for the Holy Trinity.

Wilton windmill in background, wind 'sails' of code in foreground May 2010

In modern thought, it is a symbol of dualism: a ‘caution’ triangle on a road sign may simultaneously denote (for the motorist) an upcoming pedestrian crossing — therefore a warning; while for the approaching pedestrian the triangle signifies it is ‘safe’ to cross. In road etiquette, a single red triangle (either in wooden painted joinery form or as a red-colored sign) placed on a road verge or a blind corner will slow the auto driver down because he doesn’t know what is ahead.

It has an amazing repertoire of significance in more recent history: from botany to air traffic control.

In cartography a clear triangle stands for natural gas while a darkened triangle means oil well. Mapmakers at this very moment have a lot of dark triangles scattered across maps of the Gulf of Mexico.

Twelve sails in triangular segments filled with ASCII code

In plant and horticultural terms an upright (apex at top) triangle denotes an evergreen perennial. In meteorology it means hail is forecast. Physicists use the triangle symbol to mean ‘lowering freezing point’ or ‘lowering temperature’, while chemists (and alchemists) use it for the opposite: a triangle suggests that temperature is rising. As a convention among flyers, in ground-to-air emergency code it implies ‘safe to land here‘.

To help understand the phenomenon, we make a gentle nod of appreciation to turn-of-the-century ‘traveling people’. Europeans call them Gypsies, using a perfectly politically-correct description of an eastern European people who made their home on the Road.

Dandelion magic used to avert bad luck or attract a desired outcome is also a symbol of transfiguration

Gypsy symbology was for hundreds of years a carefully-guarded secret. Where a host had been hospitable, offered food or sustenance and kindly directions, a Gypsy symbol would be affixed to a gatepost or tree in the lane outside the property as a signal to a fellow traveler that here lived a friend. It worked both ways. In hard times a Gypsy would repay kindness with kindness and a generous host would receive unexpected gifts from the next visitor: a 19th/20th century version of ‘pay-it-forward’. The Wilton 12-segmented circle might be seen as a dandelion ‘clock’, in the world of Gypsy symbolism a sign of ascendance and transformation (yellow petals going inward and reemerging as powder-puff seeds). Human transfiguration from earth to heaven.

Alien Face crop formation with message, Crabwood Farm Winchester 15 August 2002

Messages are not new in the Kornkreise. One of the first to be deciphered was the Chilbolton radio telescope formation which appeared in the summer of 2001. Its message was clearly an answer to the radio telescope transmission sent in 1974 by Dr. Carl Sagan and his team of astronomers based at Cornell, New York, Cambridge, Mass, but transmitted from Puerto Rico’s telescope at Arecibo. The ‘reply’ caused a stir. Carl Sagan was sadly no longer around to appreciate it. His team were interested in the similarities expressed in the crop message and their original transmission. It was the differences, however, which fascinated: it was a clear attempt to express a communication from an entity which does not have human proportions. Messages then followed thick and fast. In the next year, only eight miles south of Chilbolton at Crabwood Farm near Winchester, the ‘Alien face’ appeared accompanied by its ASCII (binary) message: interpreters used a similar method to the Chilbolton design: seeing the crop folds and standing tufts as ‘pixels’. Substitute a 1 for standing crop, 0 for flattened sections; dividers between words were smaller tufts. An anonymous crop circle computer wiz volunteered a binary translation shortly after its appearance. His work was doublechecked by Paul Vigay – then still alive and at the time working on cymatics – sonic and musical form expressed as a visual. He agreed with the decoding: The message said:

Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts and their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. (damaged word). There is GOOD out there. We OPpose DECEPTION. conduit closing (bell sound)

There are still a lot of messages out there we haven’t yet succeeded in interpreting. The great tail of the swallow of Alton Barnes formed in June 2009 comes to mind. As does the magnificent third phase of code added to its neighboring triple-formed ‘astrolabe’ below Milk Hill Alton Barnes over solstice week 2009 — astrolabe ‘pendulum’ forming first, then orbiting planets, then 1000-foot trailing code.

Astrolabe phase 3 Alton Barnes below Milk Hill White Horse Wiltshire

Do you think we are being treated to signage from the stars for mere entertainment? Or is this season working on our DNA in cumulative fashion?

In the absence of Carl Sagan, Paul Vigay and Gerald Hawkins, we are floundering in ASCII code but in muddied waters, unable to decipher either musical notation, sacred geometry or intervals in a sonic scale in crop circle symbology (on which Vigay and Hawkins corresponded before their deaths). However, Joseph Mason who works with dream analogy, linking sacred geometry, symbolism and intuitive messages, may be able to help. He says:

In a dream I was told “The experiment that would transform your world would operate upon the basic idea that you create your own reality according to the nature of your beliefs, and that all existence is blessed, and that evil does not exist in it. If these ideas were followed individually and collectively, then the evidence of your physical senses would find no contradiction. They would perceive the world and existence as good.”

Within the last week, molecular biologist Dr Craig Venter and his team of US scientists in Maryland and California developed synthetic ‘genetic software’ (DNA) for a bacterium and transplanted it into a host cell. The DNA responded exactly as it had been ‘programmed’ to do.

Russian molecular biologists have found it possible to communicate with DNA through voice-modulated laser light. With voice-modulated laser light it is possible to transpose genetic information from one genome to another without the need for transplanting and splicing chemical genes. The Russian researchers spoke to DNA finding their voice modulation and tone achieved the effect of a frequency which resonated with the DNA. They discovered that at a fundamental level the DNA follows the modulated voice tones of mankind, or, put spiritually: DNA is capable of responding to the WORD.

Joy will return and in a way which will fill the hearts of all mankind. You will come through a tremendous struggle into the age of conscious awareness of the oneness of the ALL.

This groundbreaking thought is reminiscent of a protolanguage which Robert Boerman used to interpret the Milk Hill inscription in 1991. Using voice modulated laser light it is possible to change DNA, and as it is known that DNA of the plant (rape, barley, wheat) is modified when crop circles are created, it appears that the energy that forms crop circles is in the nature of this voice-modulated laser light (crop circle formation is sometimes corroborated by eyewitness accounts of anomalous luminous phenomena).

Judy Beebe says:

“There is a language which is used to communicate intergalactically and from spirit to spirit. This is the Language of Light, a language of symbols. Symbols are played through our bodies and the understanding then delivers a dialogue. This is what the crop circles have been trying to convey to an awakening world. The reason these symbols must be played through our bodies is that we have within us the truth of the macrocosm.”

Native American shaman Nippawanock of the Arapahoe says:

‘Prophecy is underway — as earth changes unfold, the Sacred Symbols will be newly understood.’

In the last week the Sun, long past its forecast trough of an 11-year minimum sunspot cycle, started to stir again. As we know, when sunspots start happening once more, the electromagnetic field reenergizes and we feel the effects on Earth. This latest surge comes from a huge coronal hole in the sun’s earth-facing disk.

Ultraviolet sun: the Sun seen through three lenses

Ultraviolet sun: the Sun seen through three lenses shows a massive coronal hole

The image is a composite of three extreme ultraviolet wavelengths: 211 Å (false-color red) 193 Å (green) and 171 Å (blue), each tracing a different gas temperature ranging from 1 to more than 2 million degrees K. Highlights of today’s sun include an enormous magnetic filament, a coronal hole.

In our past experience, a coronal mass ejection (CME) precipitates a flurry of electromagnetic activity on earth, including increased crop circle appearances.

The code in the Wilton windmill ‘sails’ looks a little like binary code but it reminds me more of either a computer disk image or, even older, the workings of a Swiss music box. I remember listening to a Victorian pianola in a resort hotel as a child. Its workings fascinated me. By inserting a large metal disk precision cut with a specific series of holes, slurs, slits and bumps, it operated like the miniature musical box but on ‘carnie’ carnival scale. The pianola took up a whole corner of the room. Like a jukebox it blared out its music hall rhythm the minute the ‘reading’ needle hit the disk. I seem to remember the music played a lot longer than current pop three-minute renditions… but memory sometimes tricks. The Wilton windmill formation looks a lot like a pianola disk, 300 feet across!

So, is cymatics once more being suggested to us? the interchangeability of sound played as a visual? I shall be the first to congratulate the decipherer of the Wilton windmill ‘disk’. It is begging to tell us its message.

One pleasant thought to keep us thinking positively through what lies ahead: by the time the main bulk of crop circles appears in June and July, we shall have amassed a superb body of new designs, coded messages and even be in a position to interpret some of them. We may by then have grasped a lot more of the symbolism being presented to us and will be better prepared for creative and constructive action. We are, after all, creating our own reality.

Another thought: when we are happy, we sing, we hum, we make a happy sound. Perhaps the formation wants us to do that. What miracles might we create if we collectively sang in harmony?

When it is within our imagination to conceive the impossible, everything becomes possible.

Keyhole Crop Formation: third on Stonehenge ‘line’

May 19, 2010

Yarnbury keyhole formation appeared May 16th in yellow rape

Crop Circle Update: brief blog to update crop formations since the May 5th appearance: more as they come in.

A third crop formation has appeared near the Stonehenge energy line: this one (Masonic undertones) looks like a keyhole – an allusion perhaps meant to suggest we find the ‘key’. It appeared May 16th in canola, a bendy crop, tall stalks prone to damage, but this crop is once again undamaged, stalks ‘bent with heat nodes visible’, according to eye-witnesses shortly after dawn.

I will add the following information on the number nine, as the formation seems to allude to numbers three, seven and nine (three times three, the Cosmic number, Trinity).

In Hebrew – The number 9 is the symbol of immutable truth.

The 9-pointed star symbolizes the fruits of the spirit.

The number 9 is the number of the mythic Lords of Time.

There are 99 Islamic Holy Names of God.

In Arabic the number 9 represents secret knowledge.

The number 9 is an incorruptible number. 

To the Buddhist, the number 9 is the supreme spiritual power and a celestial number.

It is stated that the time in between heartbeats in a day represents 9 hours.
In Numerology, the average number of breaths a person takes in an hour is 1080 = 9. 

Esoterically, the number 9 signifies heavenly power and is represented by the angelic realm.

Our two stalwart sacred geometry addicts, Michael Glickman & Gary King have set up a blog for themselves on WordPress where you may see a video of their most recent air hop round the ‘crop circle circuit’. It gives a geometrician’s eye view of the predominant circular ‘belt’ where formations seem to occur. Be prepared for some distinctly mathematical theorizing! They are **stars**.

Stonehenge formation on the N-S energy line, 9th May 2010

The Yarnbury castle design is an interesting new formation. It lies just off the A303 between Stonehenge and Winterbourne Stoke, Wiltshire. Its siting forms the third point in a triangle with the other two formations (Old Sarum May 5th and Stonehenge May 9th), both on the Old Sarum-Stonehenge ‘ley’ or energy line. All three are in yellow flowering oil seed rape, but other crops are not yet at full mature height. Rape is a favorite for May circles. This appearance is in exactly the same field as the early formation of 1991 (‘dumbell’).

Perhaps we are being asked to find the key to this phenomenon; to elevate our consciousness in a new season to accept and allow new information into our human circuitry and new vision into our lives.

All comments and suggestions welcome. More as they appear. Enjoy.

Fledgling Crop Circle: 2010:05:05

May 9, 2010

Sideways view: fledgling crop circle close to Old Sarum sacred precinct, Wiltshire

It’s not surprising the 2010 crop circle season started late – in spite of huge excitement and anticipation in croppiedom: England had a tough winter. Frosts and snow through March, freezing temperatures in April. This little beauty appeared on May 5th. Not quite as late as the season of 2006 when nothing happened until June 9th, but with so much expectancy, it will gladden a lot of hearts.

Crops like oil seed rape (canola), although planted last autumn, wait for the ground to warm up before starting into growth. Farmers suffered delays because of a late spring. But canola is a speedy plant once it gets going. It’s one of the brassica family (cabbage, radish) and when the sun shines, it responds. Yellow flowers now litter the patchwork plains and downs of Wiltshire and our first crop circle – a little avian fledgling by the looks of it – appeared late evening on 05/05.

It chose to manifest in a field adjacent to Old Sarum, one of the most well-known Iron age fortresses in this ancient sacred landscape. Sarum is the old Anglo-Saxon name for Salisbury, a fortified mound with huge surrounding bank and ditch like the Avebury stone circle; it stands on a busy intersection of a three-way prehistoric trade route between Stonehenge and the south coast, close to the barge access of the Water of Avon. This 1st Century BC fortification was a strategic ancestral stronghold of the powerful first Britons, venerated and preserved through successive cultures until the first cathedral of Old Sarum was built inside the circular structure in 1069. Before AD420 it housed a Roman garrison (as Sorviodunum = Sorvio’s fort or mound), became a Saxon fortress and finally the site of a Norman castle in the AD11th century. The present cathedral in nearby Salisbury was the second Norman cathedral of that name; and building began there in 1075 on the structure which stands today. The outline of its Old Sarum predecessor still appears in the grass within the great ditch (illustration).

Ghosts of last year's crop circle past shine through canola in East Field Alton Barnes

Much speculation preceded this little vanguard’s arrival, many expecting the first design to bend crop stalks in more popular precincts like Avebury, Milk Hill and the multi-decked fields of Alton Barnes. There, through strengthening canola stems, the shadows of last season’s pictograms show like ghost signs to a lost past.

Wiltshire Ley running through Stonehenge and Old Sarum

The location of this year’s first design does have great energetic significance, however. Old Sarum stands on one of the great electromagnetic Earth-energy lines – Wiltshire’s Leys – that run along relatively straight tracks between and among ancient sacred sites: the Sarum ley runs from a prehistoric earthmound north of Stonehenge, through Stonehenge itself to Old Sarum, to the cathedral in the present city of Salisbury and south through Clearbury Ring and Frankenbury Camp – all ancient sacred sites. The little crop circle with its bird-like design (or sacred geometric pattern of sevens and fives) hugs this energy line, choosing to appear in a crop of canola where the flowers were not yet quite open (to hover within the energy forcefield) rather than siting itself in the neighboring field where the crop is well advanced but standing outside the lines of force.

Electromagnetism may have a lot more to do with what’s going on than we realize. But it’s a difficult area to explain. Like particle and quantum theory, sacred geometry and musical tone ratios, or string theory: a little out of one’s normal range of conversation. Unless we take it one step at a time.

A little background might help. While string theory is usually the realm of quantum physicists, it is elaborated on most elegantly and simply by crop circle researcher Bert Janssen to explain some of the late ‘nineties and ‘noughties complex crop circles.

Put simply, lines of force act on other lines of force – waves in the bath, tones produced by strings of different length on a guitar or piano, light beams or an interaction of one electromagnetic field on another electromagnetic field. They all act similarly. When they do, they cause tiny nodes to appear where the waves/frequencies overlap to disturb or ‘interfere’ with each other. These interferences allow energy (‘particles’) to gather in the nodes, with subsequent result that they form patterns. While ‘superstring theory’ was developed by John Schwartz, Michael Green and Edward Witten for the subatomic world where (below atomic level everything is energy and) exotic, imaginary and invisible particles are found, we can relate it to the formation of crop circles where waves induced by electromagnetism are like musical sound waves or waves rippling on a beach: different locations, same theory.

Harmonic Convergence and Harmonic Concordance brought planets and galaxies into alignment

Earlier crop circles – before the watershed summer of 1987 – were fairly simple in manifestation and quantity. In August that year a cosmic moment of alignment occurred known as Harmonic Convergence, when the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury and Venus stood in exact conjunction in early degrees of Virgo/cusp Leo while, according to astrologers and New Age pundits, they formed a Grand Trine with the other large planets: Jupiter in the last (anaretic) degree of Aries/cusp Taurus, Saturn and Uranus in Sagittarius/cusp Capricorn. This Grand Trine is seen by some as one of Fire, by others as an Earth Trine. To the 144,000 lightworkers and spiritual supporters who gathered to meditate at earth’s power centers in Mount Shasta, CA, Sedona, AZ, Glastonbury, Somerset, Findhorn, Scotland and Mount Fuji, Japan, this was seen as a combined Grand Trine of fire and earth, as a metaphysical turning point for the human race.

Another astrological event happened 16 years later, a cosmic moment called Harmonic Concordance in November 2003 when a Total Lunar Eclipse completed an astrologically-beneficial configuration of sun, moon and all the large planets known as a Grand Sextile or Star Tetrahedron.

The Solar System, with us in tow, and our home Galaxy became one

Between these two astrological dates a momentous happening in astrophysics brought the two sides of the coin together. During the summer of 1998, the plane of the solar system, with us on earth in its third orbit, moved into alignment with the plane of our own Milky Way Galaxy: the two planes – solar system of nine planets and the unimaginably huge spiral of stars that is our Galactic home – became one.

Since the first Galactic synchronization in the summer of 1987, with boosts in 1998, 2003 (and, some say, with the transit of Venus across the sun in 2004) the energy being beamed to earth has increased exponentially with each of the 25 years (since 1987 and) until 2012, one quarter of a century down the line. Harmonic Convergence was a watershed for crop circles, too. They started to resonate with us with increasing frequency and sophisticated design until in the final years of the ‘nineties we experienced ‘a shift’. They became our means of communication, even communion with Galactic Source. Not only does the earth continue to receive increased Galactic ‘waves’, but as we approach the final years of this Great Cycle, crop circles are increasing our excitement, anticipation of what’s in store for us Galactic children in the last years of our evolution as a race.

Long-term crop circle enthusiast, metaphysician and speaker, Freddy Silva noticed that

‘During the 1998 and 1999 seasons there was a mood swing, as if a new type of energy had lodged itself within the Earth. This energy reflected in crop circles seemed more agitated, some more disruptive to the body than usual. The veil between the the seen and the unseen felt thinner than ever. The new wave of crop circle designs fit neither the recognized hand of humans nor the will of the watchers.’

Many indigenous peoples – not just the Maya whose calendar now predominates in End Times thinking, but others like the Hopi, Inca, Apache and Modoc – work with calendars in order to predict moments of revelation, times of increased Galactic resonance, a coming together of Group Mind in us, the Gaia-earth-keepers. We are, after all, custodians of planet Earth. Those people tuned into earth changes are the first to note when such shifts occur. The Maya say God – – Hunab K’u – – is Movement and Measure which the crop circles appear to demonstrate.

Barbara and Gerry Clow in their 2004 book ‘Alchemy of Nine Dimensions’ liken the energy they feel within crop circles to ‘receiving the light’.

Barbara Clow is convinced we planetary inhabitants, either by visiting circles or seeing the signs, symbols, consciousness-triggers of their graphics, are affected in some way by them. She continues:

‘I know that many of us have been receiving these exquisite crop circle transmissions in our consciousness. When new symbols are transmitted from 8D Light, all the people on Earth are transmuted by them as Gaia herself rejuvenates.’

Crop circles designed by light tubes from upper dimensions

Her illustration shows how crop circles are made by tubes of light that are generated on fields of grain, most commonly in England. The eighth dimension (8D) is a form in the mind of God. The seventh dimension (7D) is sacred sound that can manifest form. The sixth dimension (6D) is the geometrical field that creates forms. The fifth dimension (5D) is unconditional love, an energy that comes when creation happens. The fourth dimension (4D) is where energy polarizes so that things can manifest. The third dimension (3D) is the field where the crop circle takes place.

Science fiction author and writer of the screenplay/movie ‘Day After Tomorrow’, Whitley Strieber describes Ms Clow’s book on crop circle transmissions as: ‘a message that matters tremendously to every single person on this earth. It is about nothing less than achieving relationship with a brilliant and spiritually-potent presence that has been offering itself to us for many years, and which has the capacity to transform us, starting with each one of us who is willing to open ourselves to it.’

We achieved Galactic synchronization in 1987, Galactic resonance in 1998, and Ms Clow believes we will be offered Galactic citizenship in 2012, provided we have proved by then that we are capable of reaching resonance with very high frequencies (light waves) and what she calls ‘multi-dimensional consciousness’.

Neale Donald Walsch has a final contribution to make to this new way of being: he says

‘The change goes deeper than the content of your mind, deeper than your thoughts. In fact, at the heart of the new consciousness lies the transcendence of thought, a newfound ability to rise above thought, to realize a dimension within yourself that is infinitely more vast than thought.’

As all is energy, in our own bodies, in our minds, in our combined consciousness – Galactic consciousness – we are preparing for an unprecedented change in the world we know. We are about to become part of a world we have only dreamed of.

To the new season of crop circles I say: ‘Let it begin.’