Archive for August 2011

Dimensional Shift: Take the 5D Elevator

August 28, 2011

Archaic hieroglyph inscribed on circumference of newest dimensional crop circle at Cherhill, Wiltshire

“Miracles start to happen when another unseen world intersects with our own.”
—C. S. Lewis, 1947

The Fabric of Space
Ever since Einstein, mathematicians, sacred geometers, astrophysicists and scientists of all disciplines have struggled to explain the fabric of space.

Lisi's Theory of Everything (ToE)--note similarity to Jubilee Plantation form

“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”
— Albert Einstein

One of the latest in a long line of contenders (including charismatic Nassim Haramein, whose theory of ‘Resonance’ is constantly expanding) is the E8 Group. Garrett Lisi‘s E8 ‘Theory of Everything’ (subatomic) strives to explain –on the back of Einstein’s relativity, and assuming gravity as the dominant force — how all things fit together. It is a nice idea. But many quantum physicists and mathematicians disagree. “…[E8]’s biggest flaw is probably its starting point, because gravity is not a fundamental force, but an emergent one, as postulated by Dutch theoretical physicist Erik Verlinde.” David Deutsch, author of The Fabric of Reality: towards a Theory of Everything (1998) and The Beginning of Infinity (2011) says ‘one of the most valuable, significant and useful attributes of human thought is its ability to reveal and explain the fabric of reality.’

Cherhill 5D cube --'penteract'-- at Jubilee Plantation: connections made by physicists to E8 theory; or is it Max Planck's 'Divine Matrix'?

Milo Wolff’s Wave Structure of Matter, describes how waves in quantum space form all the matter of the Universe. His simple, elegant explanation of how matter forms at a point/node, answers some of the basic questions in physics, e.g. WHY gravity exists. Previously physics taught that particles were the “stuff,” and the rest is empty space. It seems the opposite may be true. Space now looks like a multidimensional fabric with nodes where particles of reality form and reform where waves cross, as they move through this fabric. Wave patterns, vibration and sound play a huge role in the illusion we call matter.

Deutsch disagrees with Stephen Hawking that the human race is ‘typical’ in the Universe, merely ‘chemical scum’ on the surface of a ‘typical’ planet. He thinks we are an exceptional species, our knowledge accelerating at a phenomenal rate. He agrees with Nobel prizewinning physicist Richard Feynmann that the ‘Multiverse’ is our quantum medium and we sentient beings are the most important entities in it. His work in the field of quantum computers makes him an optimist. Like Terence McKenna, he believes, all (human) knowledge is without boundaries, constantly evolving. McKenna said in 2000 before he died that humanity is headed for a world made out of Mind:

‘Mind instead of “stuff”…a hologrammatic disk, part bio, part machine, part think tank, part Mind’
Terence McKenna

Deutsch, working in 2011 to create the ultimate quantum computer environment, is making McKenna’s prophecy a reality.

Other physicists, Quantum or otherwise, converse in terms of the Multiverse. Sabine Hossenfelder and Rob Bryanton, author of Imagining the Tenth Dimension say we have only scratched the surface. In this realm of multiple dimensions and parallel universes, gravity seems to have taken a back seat to a simpler field of energy where waves interlock and form ‘nodes’ of matter. Just like crop circles do!

Sabine (Bee) is, like fellow physicist Bryanton, besotted with additional dimensions. They are true disciples of Max Planck, known as the ‘father of quantum physics’. He believed all reality was contained within a Matrix, which he called divine because it displayed a field of energy which appears intelligent. Planck shocked contemporaries in 1947 by confirming what the Ancients believed — on all continents — that the Universe is being run by a Divine Being with our interests at heart. He also said ‘Mind is the Matrix of all Matter.’

“All matter (from the birth of stars, to human DNA and everything in between) originates and exists by virtue of a Force. We must assume behind this force a conscious, intelligent Matrix.” Max Planck, 1947

Gregg Braden, a former aerospace computer systems designer, transitioned into his life’s work of trying to understand this matrix. He sees this ‘container of the Universe’ as the bridge between our imagination and reality, as well as being the mirror in our world for what we believe: a reciprocal process. ‘To unleash the power of this matrix in our lives we must understand how it works and speak the language that it recognizes.’

Perhaps the Jubilee crop circle is saying just that: getting us to read the code; opening our minds to interpreting symbols other than words on a page.

So, if Space has the underlying predetermined form of the ‘golden decagon’ which the Jubilee Plantation crop circle portrays — with specific lines absent so that it looks like a 5D cube (penteract) — its internal structure seems based on the Golden Mean/Ratio, Phi (Greek letter uppercase Φ, lowercase φ, or written mathematically ϕ); that magical balance of beauty, harmony and form that gives us shivers to contemplate.

Just as previous crop circles have given us clues, little coincidences, double entendre allusions to inside knowledge, names, nearby features, and particularly sacred form and meaning, this season’s finale seems filled with meaning. It is simultaneously seen in the physics community as ToE (above), to sacred geometers it is a 5D hypercube, and a spider web. (Native American mother arachnid warns us to be mindful of the web we weave in our lives; to focus on our choices). The crop circle’s perimeter webbing is indeed masterful — a tapestry of careful precision, photo below. Looks as if we’re being given some good advice.

A tesseract looks simple when conceived from fifth dimensional perspective, courtesy Rob Bryanton

Once again ET/our human-Oversoul reminds us we are part of something divine and, even more exciting, communally about to transition into — the Fifth Dimension.

Carl Sagan, in describing a Tesseract (4D cube), carefully talked us through an understanding of seeing the fourth dimension as ‘another form of measure at right angles to the ones we are familiar with’ or, more simply, to look at its shadow. Many of last year’s (2010) crop circles presented hypercubes and allusions to the fourth dimension. Now we are being presented with a progression into the fifth.

How does our imagination picture a further dimension at right angles to time?

In the fields of Wiltshire, harvest is almost over. Only a few acres remain to be cut and stored. Another season has come and gone.

Cherhill Pentaract, a hypercube in 5D, resolves into form once your eyes accustom you to the illusion of movement,
image courtesy Steve Alexander

But our dimensional brothers from another time-space-reality have been sending us messages nonetheless. They continue contact with our subliminal consciousness so that, if we allow the communication to root, it will add another notch to that strand of human DNA that is consistently expanding, upgrading, enlightening us to understand a newer, all-encompassing reality — one we’ve never encountered before.

The crop circle at Jubilee Plantation may be the last of the season. It is ostensibly a simple decagon surrounded by woven grain and etched in the center with slim lines of apparent intricacy — only one footprint wide on the ground — and probably the most important crop circle which has been imprinted this year. Like last season’s finale, when seen from above *as with all designs inspired by our Oversoul [*see Nazca lines], it serves to click an unbidden trigger in our synapses and unleash our dimensional observer: the one who sees multiple cubes rising and descending in the elevator of our mind.

The Pentaract is, in animation, a constantly imploding and exploding hypercube extruding itself from its own cone of squares like a rectangular telescope. In shadow in the field, its 2D shape is merely a mass of thin lines. But this field imprint is a masterpiece of dimensionality that only our human consciousness [in its expanded version] could devise to send back to us through time/space and via the elevator of understanding which we croppies hope we project in our willingness to receive, before the season is out.

Deutsch, an innovator like his gurus, Richard Feynmann and quantum cosmologist Leonard Susskind, likes to simplify. The beauty of a formation (in the field or in mathematical formulae) betrays for him a simple truth. Susskind believes we are having an intelligent conversation with the Universe. Physicist Deutsch, an Oxford don, appears to be honing that into sharp focus, by bringing ecology, natural selection, physics, mathematics and evolution into the conversation via computer technology. He points out the shocking fact that the earth’s natural ecosystem is almost incapable now of supporting human beings, certainly in any numbers. We have created our own life-support system of food, energy, transport, shelter and communications. He is fond of using his own territory of Oxfordshire as an example. Take away the farms and modern infrastructure and, in the woods and downs, little of the vegetation that is left now is edible. He, like Stephen Hawking (but for different reasons) advocates upgrading our planetary exploration capability and getting ‘out there’. His Beginning of Infinity is a great treatise on Life, the Universe and Everything, a book for our time where the answer is not 42: it is infinity.

The Significance of Venus

Woven 'fabric' of Jubilee plantation, image Frank Laumen. The August 15th crop circle is a masterpiece of wordplay, timing, sacred geometry and cultural prompting. Its decagon (double pentagram) appeared on the day planet Venus (pentagonal orbit) reached superior conjunction

This season’s shapes have constantly encouraged us to leave our myopic cultural concerns and look to the heavens. Earlier in the season, crop designs focused on orbits of the solar system’s inner planets, cometary ‘intruders’, reminding us of knowledge known to our ancestors but apparently ‘lost’ to modern civilization. Few knew, for instance, that the day of the Jubilee plantation appearance was astronomically significant (particularly to ancient skywatchers) as the moment Venus reached its farthest elongation from Earth in direct line on the other side of the sun from us — known as superior conjunction — when all three bodies line up, but when Venus becomes ‘invisible’. As the ancient Babylonians described her, Ishtar/Venus the dual-phased (Sumerian double countenanced Inanna) morning star of war and wrath now enters the Underworld, where she transitions from being goddess of war in the Eastern sky and emerges 60 days later as evening star in the West: Ishtar/Aphrodite, goddess of love. What a great pity our modern prosaic preoccupations with money and status no longer allow us to look at love and war with that cosmic perspective.

‘When beggars die there are no comets seen
The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes’
Calphurnia, Julius Caesar II ii 30 Wm Shakespeare

Hurricane Irene making landfall on the East coast of the USA, August 28th, 2011

Much of the eastern United States is at present having to contemplate the power of the planet, in a frightening double dose of earthquake and hurricane. This electromagnetically-sealed planetary body is suddenly seen, not merely as the mothership that guides us through those remote reaches of interstellar space, but as herself a biosphere of living, moving, reacting interplay of elements: fire, water, air, earth. Suddenly what the Ancients believed takes on meaning few in formerly powerful Wall Street or choppy Chesapeake could have imagined.

Our place in the Universe is constantly changing and ancestral societies DID know more about this reality than we, shadow people of 21stC society, do. We wake up one morning and everything has changed. Power is for a moment seen, not in the symbolic dollar or in terrestrial exploitation to squeeze every last ounce of energy out of an exhausted source; but in a living, breathing rotating body in the heavens responding to electromagnetic pressures being thrust upon her.

To the Ancients (Maya, Sumerian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Chinese, Hindu, Aztec and Inca) Venus’s elongation was symbolic of (sacred) periodicity — an amazing calculable phenomenon which ties the two planets forever locked in celestial embrace as they orbit their parent Sun. There is no more potent symbolism seen in the heavens than the exact cyclical rhythm that Venus dances with Earth: Venus travels faster than Earth, orbiting the sun 2.6 times to Earth’s 1.6 orbits. This means that five Venus cycles of 548 days exactly equal eight Earth cycles of 365 days. Five Venus years equal eight Earth years. Exactly. The beauty of that synchronicity was not lost on formative societies. It was the stuff of which their gods were made. The Venus rotational cycle formed a perfect sacred pentagram. This is also contained in the Jubilee crop design.

Ninth Wave of Calendar of Consciousness for 2011: split into seven 'days' and six 'nights'. We entered the fifth 'night' August 18th

Currently the Long Count calendar of the Maya is gaining popularity, thanks to the willingness of Maya Elders to share sacred handed-down knowledge, to scholars who have gone before, like Ian Xel Lungold, José Argüelles, and to current teachers of the 5124-year calendar cycles like Carl Johan Calleman.

What is gradually surfacing — not through television or newspaper reportage, but through that McKenna/Deutsch miracle of quantum computing, the Internet — is that the Ancients knew a thing or two and we would be well-served to pay attention. The Thunderbolts Project, mentioned earlier in our Siderealview blog, a consortium of physicists, mythologists, astronomers, authors and plasma technicians, has now published intriguing proof that ancient mythology, cave and rock art and petroglyphs from Mesopotamia to Russia and Tibet, from North and South America to Northern Europe all described Earth’s volatile beginnings as a planet surrounded by other heavenly bodies — a little too close for comfort. That, before the Age of Reason and the vision of heavenly stability we see in our skies now — nine impeccable planets circling an orderly star — there was an Age of Chaos. And that these unruly planets gave their names to archaic deities: that the gods WERE planets; fiery dragons and thunderbolts were comets, the stuff of the stars.

Saturn/Kronos as Creator
Saturn appears regularly as the oldest god: before the Sun, Saturn ruled [Saturnia Regna = Golden Age].

Ancient belief systems from both Old World and New have often featured in our Siderealview. And, while we continue to extol the virtues of that bible of myth by Giorgio de Santillana and Herta von Dechend, Hamlet’s Mill (1969-2002), an ‘Essay investigating Origins of Human Knowledge & its Transmission through Myth’, with its huge databank of archaeoastronomical research on which world myths are founded, the Inca pantheon — the Inca celestial myth has similarities to all world cultural branches — seems to have escaped their notice.

The mythology and chronology of the Maya is currently in vogue and getting a lot of attention. But it helps to look at pre-Columbian belief generally — Inca peoples in particular — as the picture painted there is one of pure untainted primitivism: something lost in other cultures where transmission has been heavily edited, influenced or interpreted.

Chandra telescope image of Saturn's rings emitting X-rays; below 1913 Birkeland lab experiment on electrical 'sun-like' behavior of Saturn

Roman naturalist Gaius Plinius Secundus (Pliny, AD23-79) wrote erudite work based on scientific observation:
“Heavenly fire is spit forth by the planet as crackling charcoal flies from a burning log.” He was speaking of ‘comet-Venus’ but he recorded interplanetary ‘thunderbolts’, in his time and in Roman history thrown by each of the three ‘upper planets’, Mars, Mercury and Saturn. He actually died during the eruption of Vesuvius, poor man.

Rome may have had its master observers whose documentation is beyond question, but such references are scanty in the Americas.

“The natives of this country say that in the beginning, before the world was created, there was one whom they called Viracocha. And he created the world dark and without the Sun, nor Moon, nor stars.”
Inca (preColumbian) creation myth

Tawantisuyu stretched from Ecuador in the north through the Andean kingdoms of Peru, west and south-central Bolivia, through northwest Argentina, Chile and southern Pacific coast; the European equivalent of a huge kingdom lying between the coast of Portugal and inland Caucasus.

Altar tablet from Coricancha temple to Viracocha in Cuzco before it was destroyed: 'gods' Sun (l), Moon (r) flank Viracocha's central gold disk with Mars, Venus and thunderbolt below

The language of Quechua survives. It straddles this last millennium, offering insight into their elusive yet strong belief in heavenly deities, rather than –as seen in vestigial effigies dedicated by the Maya to their gods– a religion dominated by statues. The only exception in worship of a planetary pantheon was their use of gold to simulate LIGHT. The Maya, on the other hand, had a fully functional ‘alphabet’ of symbols inherent in their multi-functional Tzolkin calendar and an amazing history, Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel which retold their history (and that of their ancestors, the Olmec) going back at least to 4200BC. Maya culture, while not totally continuous, has survived. The Inca belief system has not.

However, both cultures, along with all the oldest mythologies in the Old World, shared the belief that the original sky god (before the sun) was the equivalent of Greek Kronos (Father Time), Mesopotamian Shamash/Ninurta, Babylonian Sakkuth, Sumerian Anu, Etruscan Satres (from whom the Romans borrowed Saturnus) — the first planet/god who created order out of primeval chaos. This was Saturnia Regna, (trans. rule of Saturn), the ‘Golden Age’.

In the Chilam Balam, Saturn is the nameless one — known only as Oxlahun-ti-ku, (trans. the ‘Thirteen’, perhaps referring to his moons; Cuzcoan Viracocha) — one of two gods ruling the heavens. Venus was ‘born’ in 3147BC, when Longcount began. In the Inca creation legend, Viracocha is the Great God (Saturn, temple disk above), worshipped by the sun, moon and planets.

One last teaser: before we return to our preoccupation with culture, conformity and crisis. Where thunderbolts and lightning struck terror into the hearts of primitive peoples — not unlike the terror being felt in the eastern US states right now as Earth tears her hair and sheds her shackles — the power of light, plasma discharge, electricity and magnetic storm had a hold over our ancestors. They viewed the heavens as a place from where gods came to wield instruments of light not known on Earth. Similarly, light orbs (balls of light, ultrasonic/electric crackling) have been witnessed in association with crop circle formation.

So many eye-witness accounts now attest to the creation of authentic crop circles — sometimes literally in minutes — by means of hovering plasma balls of light, that their elusive nature was this year one of the serious discussions at the annual CircleChasers gathering July 27th at Alton Barnes. Perhaps the most genuine, enduring — and authenticated — footage capturing the orbs is that of Steve Alexander’s Milk Hill video (1990).

Thunderbolts, light orbs, gods in the sky. The seasonal finale seems also to signal symbolic change (N. hemisphere) from summer (Leo full moon August 13) to fall (Virgo new moon August 29) — always a deep psychological shift. It also marked Maya 5th ‘night'(of world chaos) August 18th-September 4th.

That elusive ‘signature’, shown top, next to the Jubilee crop circle harks back to several ‘dragon’ designs of earlier years. It may even be the meteorologist’s symbol for a ‘weather-feather’. But it surely connects us through age-old wisdom to ancient beasts of prophecy — dragon, serpent and crow. It now appears with intriguing regularity each season.

Jubilee plantation’s choice location may also signal reason for jubilation: transition to higher, more noble principles, unbelievably even entry into the fifth dimension.

Suspending our disbelief, we are capable of creating new miracles, events which are not part of commonplace experience. We are becoming a one-world consciousness. Together we are beginning to resonate as OneMind. The Elevator doors are open. What are we waiting for?
©2011 Marian Youngblood

Vesica Piscis: Mother Earth and the Creative Force

August 7, 2011

Waylands Smithy Vesica Piscis crop circle, August 4th, 2011 -- sacred geometric co-radial circles where circumference of each shares the center of the other -- its central axis symbolizing the Cosmic Birth Canal to which, according to the Maya, all life returns in December 2012

The symbol of an ovoid –an egg– expresses the the primordial form of everything manifest, from atom to globe, from man to angel. The spheroid is with all nations the emblem of eternity and infinity —- a serpent swallowing its own tail. To realize the meaning, however, the sphere must be thought of as seen from its centre
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine

The Vesica Piscis in sacred tradition — from Kabbalist to Vedic to Zen — is considered to represent the female organ of creation. Its circular shape invokes an intertwining of feminine energies, Mother Earth’s womb, a mingling of Nature and primeval cultural reverence: it is a symbol seen in all ancient graphical traditions, from pagan Sun Wheel, Celtic cross, architectural ‘golden mean‘ to sacred windows in cathedrals, mosques, tabernacles and pagodas.

The Vesica Piscis also represented to the Maya the summer and winter solstices in any time cycle. To them the Vesica Piscis shape held the Cycle of the Ages — the Precession of the Equinoxes, less of a calculation of Time; more as a symbol of evolution of consciousness. We are experiencing this change now as we move from one World Age (Christian Age of Pisces, 0BC-AD2000) to another (‘New Age’ of Aquarius).

Its Latin meaning, lit. bladder of the fish, may seem to lessen its sacred quality to the prosaic, but it remains connected in a bodily way and in the geometric sense in all cultures — East and West.

Antediluvian Meaning
In earliest traditions, the supreme being was represented by a sphere, the symbol of a Creator with no beginning and no end, continually existing, perfectly formed and profoundly symmetrical. The addition of a second sphere represented the expansion of unity into the duality of female and male. By overlapping, both spheres — goddess and god — created a divine offspring. The Vesica Piscis with its derivatives, the Flower of Life, Tree of Life, and fundamentals of geometry, has a history of thousands of years, easily predating all major religions of the current era.

A theme running through several recent crop circle seasons — most striking from 2007 on — has been the suggestion by the ‘Circlemakers’ that we return to the wisdom of our roots: roots in our native Earth, roots of our tradition, our sacred beginnings. Since it is presently clear to almost anyone in the Western World that in pursuing our headlong drive for power, riches and exploitation over balance, human warmth and respect for the earth, we have gone seriously awry. It might seem that our combined consciousness — that deep level of awareness we share beneath the cultural façade; what Terence McKenna called Humanity’s Oversoul — has chosen to ‘wake us up’ by bringing us (those genuine electromagnetically-produced) crop circles each year, to educate us and lead us gently towards a more loving future.

Perhaps, therefore, we should not be surprised by the ingenuity and wry sense of humor of the Circlemakers.

West Kennet Crop circle central tuft with 'spiderweb' filaments. Sacred earth pyramid Silbury Hill in distance, largest manmade mound in Europe,
photo Mariusz Szymaszek

For instance, this year in May — while we were all looking forward rather than looking at the miracles of the season — a quiet little ring appeared in green barley at East Kennet. It lay within one field’s breadth (roughly 10 acres) of one of Wiltshire’s most ancient shrines — the Neolithic tomb (long barrow) of West Kennet. Several 5,000-year old monuments lie — inter-visible — in this densely-built Neolithic landscape within two miles of Avebury’s Great Stone Circles.

Stonehenge and its magical meridian (51ºN) aside, the modern British are not particularly drawn to ancient shrines for their sacred quality, but crop circles — appearing within the same landscape and overlying the same limestone aquifer that produces measurable electromagnetic resonance (likened to human meditational alpha waves) — have been drawing them in. Nobody who has spent time in a pristine formation can deny it holds an ‘atmosphere’, an energy which can be uplifting, almost surreal. There is a growing body of evidence that crop circles are indeed produced through the medium of light and sound.

When the East Kennet circle first appeared, Stuart Dike, one of the long-time stalwarts of CropCircleConnector, crop circle ‘bible’, said at the time:

East Kennet crop design, May 17th, was ringed by extra circles June 22. If seen as the 'negative', it acquired a mirror-image 'positive' at West Kennet, July 25th 2011,
photo Olivier Morel

It certainly takes me back to over twenty years ago, from the 1990 days in Wiltshire. This is what we were all used to seeing back then, very simple designs, with a sense of excitement of what they could become. It’s a great indication that the earlier designs are very much part of what’s occurring today: the precursor of what was to be an evolutionary road in geometry and complexity. Perhaps the phenomenon is telling us not to ignore the purity of what was occurring at the very beginning.

Little did we know that the Circlemakers had further plans for that small field. One month later, during excitement of solstice and a profusion of appearances (2 at Stonehenge + 4 more in the vicinity over a 2-day period), nobody seemed to notice that East Kennet had acquired three concentric rings (June 22).

West Kennet Longbarrow, July 25th 'mirror image' of East Kennet phases 1 & 2, photo courtesy Bert Janssen

Then exactly a month after that, on July 22, attention focused on the intricate and superb ‘spider-web’ headdress formation which appeared in an adjoining field (East Kennet-2). There followed in quick succession two exceptionally graphic ‘suggestive’ crop designs at Roundway (1 & 2, July 23 & 25) –appearing to advocate humanity’s opening its third eye, releasing the body’s natural happiness hormone, melatonin— so, once again a little mirror appearance the same day — at West Kennet Long Barrow itself this time, next to the passage grave — seemed less than significant.

Working behind the scenes are a multitude of local altruistic researchers (CCC, above, is one of many). Their common bond is that they believe that ‘genuine’ crop circles are phenomena somehow produced through an electromagnetic or dimensional medium, either by light, sound or other variants within that vast spectrum. Sometimes, when local conditions are just right, a substance colloquially known as ‘angel hair’ (documented as being found after UFO sightings) has been deposited and can be measured, if collected within the first few hours after a formation has been laid down. Researchers in this field include the Massachusetts-based BLT, the British Harmony Blue group, and the CircularSite in the Netherlands,. They are consequently disappointed and nonplussed by world media efforts to persevere in ‘replicating’ crop circles, as has been tried on several occasions. Research on the dimensional/spiritual nature of real crop circles continues. On the morning the West Kennet circle motif appeared, the HarmonyBlue team found angel hair in the West Kennet formation (‘spiderweb’ photo, above).

There is even the suggestion — by the much more charismatic ‘spider-web’ crop appearance at East Kennet on July 22 — that the Circlemakers were telling them where to look!

Two Cherhill crop circles in the same week: Cherhill Down, July 20th, left; Cherhill 'smoking alien' July 27th, right

Sacred geometry

The Vesica Piscis is the root principle in sacred geometry, interlocking circles which share radii, cosmically and intrinsically entwined. In precise mathematical measurement, where the circumference of each shares the center of the other, the ratio between the width of the vesica piscis to its height is the square root of 3, or approximately 1.7320508…

A mathematical sub-note: if straight lines are drawn between the centers of both circles with each other and with the two points where their circumferences intersect, two equilateral triangles can be formed, joining along an edge.

Eye of consciousness, complete with eyelashes! Crop circle at Silbury Hill, Avebury August 2, 2011

Archimedes of Syracuse, 287-212BC, Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor and astronomer, in his On the Measurement of the Circle, used these ratios:

In Christian tradition this sacred number –153– appears miraculously in the Gospel of John [21:11] as the number of fishes which Jesus of Nazareth caused to be manifested in the Feeding of the Multitude story. Since all Judaic written (Biblical) tradition centered on sacred number, numerological sequence and coded word combinations/number of letters used, this coincidence has a deeper meaning. The Fish — Lat. Piscis — is well-known as the secret symbol used by the Early Christians in Rome. By enumerating the total catch on the Sea of Gallilee, specific use of that sacred geometric ratio would have had meaning to early followers, aware of the significance of number.

Interlocking circles, Water & the Sacred Feminine: Vesica Piscis's sacred shape which seals the cover of the Sacred Chalice Well at Glastonbury, Somerset

Probably the best known example in England of the Vesica Piscis is the design on the wellcover of the Sacred Chalice Well at Glastonbury. While we are now culturally ignorant of number, this design resonates with us on a subliminal level (internal balance) and, seen there in a New Age context, represents the Universal symbol of the Feminine, Mother Earth, in contrast with the nearby masculine emblem of Glastonbury Tor. The Glastonbury example on the lid of the Chalice well — like the crop circle at Wayland’s Smithy (top) — contains the meridian line that runs through the centers of both circles.

Even though this archaic symbolism may not seem relevant to some after so many aeons of time, it is not unrealistic to suppose that our cultural unconscious, even blurred and insensitized by modern inconsequential minutiae in massive overdose, does at some deep level sense peace, harmony and beauty when we behold this sacred design.

Egyptian Celestial and Sacred Measure

We owe the Egyptians for the application of Sacred Geometry on the surface of the Earth.

Cosmic serpent-of-Life returning to its birth canal at the center of the Galaxy in 2012 -- West Woodhay Down, Inkpen crop circle July 29th, arrived as a prelude to the August 4th glyph (top), the Cosmic birth canal itself

Geo-metry means ‘measure of the earth’. In ancient Egypt, from which Greece and eventually the West inherited the study, the Nile would flood its banks each year, obliterating orderly demarcation of plot and farm areas. This annual inundation symbolized to the Egyptian the cyclic return of primal watery chaos, and when the waters receded the work began of redefining and re-establishing boundaries. The temple astronomer might announce that celestial configurations had changed so the orientation or location of a temple had to be adjusted. It was seen as regaining law and order, dominion over the earth. The laying of squares upon the earth had, for the Egyptian, a metaphysical as well as a physical and social dimension. This activity of measuring the earth – ‘geo-meter’- became the basis for a science of natural law embodied in the archetypal forms of circle, triangle and square.

Plato at his Academia required the study of mathematics as a prerequisite for philosophia, a term signifying “the love of wisdom” and “to lift the soul to truth.” To him, symbolic mathematics provided a map of our own inner psychological and sacred spiritual structure. Through the study of recurring harmonious patterns inherent in mathematics, music, and nature, ancient mathematical philosophers recognized that consistent correspondences occur inside the human mind and simultaneously throughout the universe.

Sacred geometric shapes: circle, triangle, square

This Zen calligraphic drawing shows Creation through the simple progression from the unity of the circle, through the triangle, to the manifest form of the square.

The circle –one– and the vesica piscis –two– were considered by ancient mathematical philosophers to be the parents of Number. Their firstborn, the triangle –three– was the ‘first’ and eldest number. Its geometric expression, the equilateral triangle, is the initial shape to emerge through the portal of the vesica piscis, the First of the Many. The square –four– was the second born.

Alpha and Omega
Mathematics and sacred geometry can take us beyond our ordinary limits to cosmic depths.

Furze or Morgan Hill, Bishops Cannings, August 6th dimensional progression on the Vesica Piscis: two cosmic parents produce a dimensional child

Man –from the Sanskrit root manas, meaning ‘Mind’, Consciousness, is a creature who can reflect upon himself. Man is not a mere constituent part –a cog– in this Universal Cycle, but he is both the final complete product of evolution and the original seed potential out of which the Universe germinated. The Alpha as well as the Omega. Both the seed and the tree: the tree of the universe is the actualization of the seed potential, which is Cosmic Man.

The World Tree of the Maya now begins to make sense. Mayan cosmology saw the Rift in the Milky Way as the the female birth canal (Yoni, Vesica Piscis) to which the Serpent of Life returns in December 2012.

Spiraling towards Source

CCC denizen Dike may have had a premonition when he said (above) that ‘the (CC) phenomenon is telling us not to ignore the purity of what was occurring at the very beginning’. Without realizing it, he may have been referring to the very beginning of Time. As we spiral onwards through the Galaxy towards our 2012 rendezvous with that primeval birth canal, we are indeed completing a cycle, coming to our ending, but also returning to our beginning.