The Pyramid Parallax: Light, Electricity & Music of the Spheres

Ra worship: following the sun on the Giza plateau

Any technology beyond our own would seem like magic to us Arthur C. Clarke

Recent discoveries emerging from Egypt suggest the existence in prehistory of a world-wide pyramid/sacred temple system, mounted like antennae on key earth energy meridians which were used by ancient priest-scientists as an electrical system; as a network to produce healing sound frequencies; or even in times of emergency, to stabilize the tectonic plates of the planet by means of harmonics.

Modern engineers are familiar with the properties of quartz (oscillating frequencies in electronics; timepieces all rely on quartz crystal) and that the flow of water through chalk (limestone, calcium carbonate) can replicate the flow of electricity like current from a battery.

Magnetometer reading inside Rollright Stones, Oxon, courtesy Don Robins, the Dragon Project

It is well known that the chalk aquifer of the Wiltshire basin and neighboring Oxfordshire acts as one of the world’s best conductors of electricity, and that megalithic sites like Stonehenge, Avebury, Rollright and Silbury Hill show detectable rises in electromagnetic radiation within their precincts, when compared with much lower ‘background’ radiation outside. Quartz inclusions in stone circles allowed them to act as energy storage devices.

Silbury Hill itself is a giant chalk pyramid, the highest manmade mound in Europe. Under certain conditions it acts as a huge quartz crystal radiating energy outwards from its core.

Both limestone and granite have electrical qualities. Granite is slightly radioactive and has the ability to ionize or electrify the air. It releases radon gas which has a radioactive charge. In Wiltshire the underlying limestone — holding water or allowing it to flow — floods during summer thunderstorms and then dwindles as it drains into rivers. Silbury Hill, which has a measureable charge, and stone circles like Rollright, Stonehenge and Avebury all produce radiation — particularly at sunrise — when sunlight acts on the electrical energy stored in the stones and converts it to ultrasound.

Midsummer 2010 at Savernake Forest

And over the last thirty years or so — more concentrated in the last twenty — we have noticed this unique electromagnetic landscape being used for some other remarkable transmissions through space and time, using a technology which is far beyond anything we have today in common usage, and it’s been happening approximately fifty times each summer across southern England, continental Europe and sporadically in other locations where there is proximity to a sacred ancestral place of ritual/worship: the crop circle phenomenon.

White Sleet Hill crop circle 25th June 2010

Physicists, engineers and other scientists agree that telluric energy is a natural consequence of certain combinations of geology and water flow. It seems our ancestors knew this and were much more advanced than we give them credit for — that perhaps we modern souls with access to almost limitless technological resources may have a few lessons to learn in order to catch up.

For instance between 1977-83 Dr Don Robins and the Dragon Project via London’s Institute of Archaeology, with support from the Getty Institute, measured electrical and ultrasound emissions at Rollright, Oxon. Robins’s results, compiled in a hasty publication, Circles of Silence (1985 )* were remarkable. The sun had a clear effect on electromagnetic stimulation and resonance within the circle.

John Burke, a biological engineer from Boston University has measured before and after thunderstorms in Wiltshire, at Silbury, at Tikal in Mexico and on the Giza plateau above the Nile whose annual inundation is legendary. According to him, this aqueous fluctuation process produces a measurable change in the magnetic field.

‘The rising and falling of the Nile at Giza each year produces a constant flowing of water through layers of limestone which generates an electrical charge which generates an electric current which generates a magnetic field. So if you wanted to boost a charge to a monument, it would make sense to have running water nearby.’

At Tikal, the great stone terraces under the pyramid were constructed to allow water to flow down giant steps in two separate streams around the pyramid. Because water flowing in neighboring parallel streams sets up a current, it is likely the Maya used the resulting electrical charge for purposes of ritual celebration.

Current thinking in the archaeo-engineering field suggests that the megalith builders were aware of such electromagnetic currents; how the strength or weakness of solar radiation affected them; and that they built their sacred sites to amplify them.

Burke believes these structures were placed in areas where unusual geology naturally concentrates electromagnetic energy – that EM energy is amplified by geological surroundings. Sometimes — where these lines of energy cross — they generate electrical currents in the land.

When the megalithic builders designed these great structures & then built them, in such a way as to further concentrate those earth energies, it suggests they understood what they were doing and it looks as if they were attempting to control and use this energy for their own purposes. John Burke, Biological Engineer, BU

‘Certain types of geology will magnify that earth energy several-fold. In a
place where one area of ground which has a good ability to conduct electricity meets another area which has a lesser ablity to conduct these currents, it creates a charge — it’s called conductivity discontinuity. Also most dramatic change in magnetic strength per hour happens in the pre-dawn hours and wherever you get a change in magnetic field occurring, it generates electricity. It’s a basic/universal physics principle called induction. In the Egyptian desert temples were often built where these lines intersect. It opens up a whole new area of sacred science. Sacred sites were chosen carefully, and precisely where pyramids were constructed the suspicion arises that they understood much more about this stuff than we do. And they were using it for their engineering.’

Earth’s geomagnetic field is strongest when receiving sunlight during the day, weakest at night, when it’s dark. The Sun’s rays constantly fall on some part of the planet as it spins and this motion itself creates an electromagnetic ‘dynamo’.

Burke explains key times to experience the phenomenon are pre-dawn because the fluctuation of energy originating in daily changes in the Earth’s geomagnetic field are then at their most dramatic. At this time the weaker field lines now come roaring back to close to full strength very quickly over a short period — as the sun rises and brings light/heat to the earth.

Dr Carmen Boulter of University of Calgary says looking through our own cultural eyes blinkers us from seeing the sophistication of megalithic and pyramid function.

‘We don’t have the technology to build a pyramid now – we’re not even close. We don’t move blocks of 300-ton stone. We’re not the most evolved we’ve ever been. That is one of the blinders that stops us from imagining what they (Egyptian technology) were capable of’
Dr Carmen Boulter, Egyptian Archetypes professor, UCalgary

‘Because we’ve been taught the ancient Egyptians had only copper tools and simple pulley systems — that their technology was primitive — we’re not looking there (Giza and pyramid plateaux) for higher level technology.’

The existence of telluric/geomantic energy has long been supported by dowsers and others sensitive to its power. Sometimes known as ley lines, they are seen as bands of energy running between megalithic sites. Most famous in England is the St Michael Ley which runs from Land’s End, Cornwall through Glastonbury Tor, Avebury/Silbury and ends on the Norfolk/Suffolk county border on the east coast. It was traditionally used as a ‘pilgrim’s way’ for Christian devotion, superimposed on a far older sacred pilgrimage route.

John Michell, renowned telluric energy guru, mystic and author of 40 books including New View over Atlantis (Thames and Hudson 1983) died last year. In his busy life (Eton and Trinity, Cambridge, linguist and Russian translator, inspiration for Fortean Times), he was seen as the founding father of the Earth Mysteries movement in England. A recurring theme in Michell’s work, from City of Revelation to The Measure of Albion, is of universal truths codified in nature and continually being rediscovered from ancient times up to the present day.

‘At Glastonbury in the same alignment the pilgrims’ path still runs right along the edge of the tor, and at Avebury the line exactly coincides for over three miles with what is now the main road to Devizes from the southern entrance of the stone circle…’ John Michell

The other (south-north) line intersecting at Glastonbury starts at Carnac in Brittany, cuts through Derbyshire’s all-quartz stone circle Arbor Low in the White Peak District (carboniferous limestone), and continues to Aberdeenshire’s 20-foot high (granite) Memsie Cairn at Fraserburgh and on to Orkney’s famous 26-ft high Maes Howe mound.

Singing Stones

After 27BC earthquake, Luxor's northern Colossus of Memnon sang again at sunrise until AD199 when Roman Emperor Septimius Severus had broken torso replaced. Roman limestone silenced the moan

Greek geographer Strabo, writing in the early years of the 1st century, tells of the 27 BC earthquake that shattered the northern quartz Colossus of Memnon at Thebes, collapsing it from the waist up. Following its rupture, this statue was able to ‘sing’ again as it had every morning at dawn since its original construction by Amenhotep III in 14th centuryBC. The dual colossi were originally created in 1350 BC by this powerful pharaoh to flank the eastern entrance to his devotional temple at ancient Thebes on the west bank of the Nile opposite modern Luxor. In historic times, Roman engineers, thinking to rescue the images from flooding which threatened the ground on which the temple stood, transported the two 60ft statues to their present site and in so doing silenced the singing effigies of the pharaoh. They also tried to patch the broken torso but their engineering attempts failed. The statues now stand out of alignment. They no longer face directly into the sun at dawn, which was Amenhotep’s original intention. At his Theban temple — open to his people to serve their daily devotion to him as a living god, his priestly calculations had the temple portals with these flanking Colossi face due East to capture the moment of sunrise. The Rising of sun-god Ra triggered a devotional sound in the stone, its ringing amplified through the temple which would have caused the whole foundation to vibrate. This would be seen as the Pharaoh’s own superhuman magic, his god-like ability (as Ba-Ra, son of the Sun) to harness the power of the sun.

Colossi of Memnon at Dawn by David Roberts, 1840

Little remains of Amenhotep III‘s temple in Thebes and the quartz torso replaced by substandard sandstone during Roman engineering rescue attempts was never found. Strabo heard it sing when he visited in 20BC. Both Greeks and Romans were drawn to its supposed oracular ability to voice and believed that good fortune attended anyone hearing the tone. The Greeks fondly dubbed them Colossi of Memnon, after their hero of the Trojan war and referred to the entire Theban Necropolis as the Memnonium. It was 14thC BC Egyptian technology, however, that produced the whistling moaning sound from hewn quartzite sandstone quarried at Cairo and transported 420 miles upstream to Thebes to face the sun at the temple entrance, due east, knowing of the sun’s ability to transmute quartzite crystals so that they emit sound as the sun’s disk rose at dawn. Not only did Amenhotep create a portal for the first light of day to penetrate his temple, but in its rising the Sun triggered a sacred hum of healing sound.

The legend of the voicing Memnon’s oracular powers spread through Aegean, Mediterranean and Roman culture — the length of the then known world — bringing a stream of visitors, followers, Roman Emperors, generals and Greek historians, who came to marvel and hear the statue ‘speak’. But mysterious vocalizations of the broken colossus ceased in AD199, when Roman Emperor Septimius Severus, in an attempt to curry favour with the Oracle, reassembled the two shattered halves, using stone from a different limestone quarry to replace the broken torso. It never spoke again.

Giza pyramids built as a scale model of Orion's belt

It is now scientific probability that similar sonic and electrical qualities were harnessed by earlier pharaohs in deliberate siting of Old Kingdom pyramids: the Giza plateau in particular is singled out for resonance and its dramatic ability to capture solar fluctuations. It is no coincidence that those three quartzite pyramids set on their limestone plateau are built on an exact scale representation of three stars in Orion’s belt, Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka. Other pyramid complexes in the riverine Band of Peace mirror star positions: on a celestial ‘landscape’ with Orion’s belt at Giza, Heliopolis (in the south) reflects the constellation Leo (sphinx god) and Abusir in the north represents the Pleiades star cluster over Orion’s head. Scale was calculated with remarkable accuracy. This earthly triangle of energy mirroring three celestial clusters in a heavenly triangle helped keep track of Sothis/Sirius, the Dog Star in the middle and brightest star in the night sky, whose reappearance after 70 days of invisibility below the Egyptian horizon was cause for celebration — coinciding with the annual inundation of the Nile, return of fertility, plentiful water, abundant food supply.

Today's technology outshone by the Ancients'

Indigenous wisdom-keeper and Egyptian Elder Abd’El Hakim Awyan, who died in 2009, firmly believed in his ancestors’ powers to manipulate electromagnetic currents and conduit solar forces to produce technology greater than we have today.

At Saqqara, in Old Kingdom capital Memphis, the House of the Spirit at the base of the Step Pyramid of Djozer (2667-2648 BC) was a place of healing sound. Chambers in this temple were harmonically tuned to different frequencies, creating huge fields of harmonic resonance, just as later Gothic cathedrals filled sacred geometry with sound.

The Giza plateau is solid chalk and all three pyramids, ’15 million tons of quarried stone’ (built by 4th Dynasty rulers Khufu, 2589-2566BC, his son Khefren, 2520-2494, and his grandson Menkhare, 2490-2472) were constructed of limestone, two with a granite casing and pink Aswan granite interior, while the largest/earliest, the Great Pyramid, most significantly consisted of dolomite: carboniferous limestone with a high magnesium content. It also has interior galleries lined with granite. Its final outer layer was coated with limestone dust so smooth that it glistened and gleamed white in the sun. All were sited to witness sunrise at both summer and winter solstices.

John Burke’s electrical analogy expands. He suggests that perhaps the Great Pyramid –maybe all three pyramids on the plateau — were deliberately built for a light show, a demonstration of the work of the gods in action.

The Great Pyramid was constructed of magnesium-rich dolomite with a core of granite-lined galleries or tubes which ran from underground aquifers up through the pyramid to its highest gallery at the peak. Its final outer coating was a thick membrane of calcium carbonate, essentially an insulator. ‘This combination gives you a highly electrical conductive core wrapped in a perfect insulator. I asked myself why granite should be used for the tunnels.

‘Granite is slightly radioactive and it will ionize or electrify the air. So was their purpose to keep the tunnels electrically charged?

‘If you ran a copper wire from limestone layers in the aquifer up through the tunnels in the pyramid to the opening at the top, it would become electrically charged. You could light a lightbulb by it today. So did they use the same mechanism to make the pyramid into a light source?’ he wonders.

‘You get a concentration of negative charge below ground, a concentration of positive charge above it and if they become strong enough you begin to get what’s called a flush discharge – A GLOW’

That’s John Burke’s theory. So, did the Great Pyramid glow in the dark?

He suggests their technology went further. In times of drought or when less water moved through the aquifer, the granite-lined chambers would have acted as conduits to keep the energy flowing — ‘like a car battery at a stop light’, he says.

Sunspot 1117 causing havoc on earth-facing side of the Sun

We clearly have more to learn on the subject. But as it happens we may have help. Our own star is beginning a new cycle of solar activity.

Under ‘normal’ solar conditions, the earth is surrounded by a fluctuating ‘coil’ of energy –an electromagnetic blanket holding all planetary systems stable– with geomagnetism humming like a top. But activity on the sun’s surface also fluctuates, sunspots come and ago and solar flares can interrupt this peaceful flow. The sun has just completed an 11-year ‘minimum’ cycle of fewer-than-normal sunspots. We have entered the runup to solar maximum expected in 2012, during which increased, even dramatic solar activity can occur.

Aurora borealis over Tromsø, Norway last week, photo courtesy Thilo Bubek

An analogy that’s easy to comprehend is our Arctic and Antarctic geomagnetic activity that manifests as Aurora Borealis or Australis. These magnificent spectacles make themselves visible whenever solar flares –coronal mass ejections (CMEs) borne on the solar wind– penetrate the Earth’s geomagnetic shield. The journey from Sun to Earth usually takes 3-4 days and when they reach the poles their interaction with the geomagnetic field creates glorious nighttime light shows.

Aurorae are only some of the side effects of solar activity. Some CMEs are strong enough to disrupt communications systems and close down electronic and electromagnetic operations, traffic lights, power generators and the like. We may have to get used to them, as their frequency is increasing.

Crop Circles

Ephemeral Pewsey Vortex (cut within hours of its appearance):interdimensional tunnel to perception

In crop circle parlance it’s no longer unusual to hear of anomalous ultrasound, hovering light orbs or to find crop stems sculpted by a massive heat source. Visitors use them as spontaneous temples, lighting candles and whispering prayers. We are beginning to see technology greater than our own at work, manifesting in beautiful form in the corn, to capture our imagination, captivate our senses, alter our perception. And crop formations are, without exception, manifesting around nodes of earth’s magnetic energy, just as ancient sacred sites did.

Sound and light were used by the Ancients to generate awe, devotion and bring healing; to transport followers into a state of acceptance, belief and oneness with a higher power. Are we too entrenched in our fossil-fuel mentality, our agenda of skepticism, to see doors opening to reveal another world? a world where higher dimensional reality beckons and offers us a helping hand?
©2010 Marian Youngblood

*The Dragon Project
Don Robins was a solid state chemist and his book Circles of Silence (1985) is one of a few rare accounts of the Dragon Project. It is now out of print.

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21 Comments on “The Pyramid Parallax: Light, Electricity & Music of the Spheres”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Mehal J Rockefeller, Robert P Reibold. Robert P Reibold said: The Pyramid Parallax: Light, Electricity & Music of the Spheres …: It was 14thC BC Egyptian technology, however,… […]

  2. deirdre cruickshank Says:

    Excellent piece of writing Marian! Thank you.

    The empirical scientists among us may be interested in Robert Becker MD’s book ‘The Body Electric’.

    Dr Becker describes how all living beings communicate through a web of natural electro-magnetic fields and how artificial emfs can cause interference.

    The poetry of radiance / the dark side of the force.

  3. Boris Says:

    Thank you “… doors opening to reveal another world …” – it is the tempting task.
    How in this case to distinguish illusion from the real object?
    Typically, science helps to distinguish illusion from the real object.
    In article one of John Burke’s object – “… the crop circle phenomenon …”.
    “… the crop circle phenomenon …” academic (official) science does not want and not able explain.
    “… the crop circle phenomenon …” – is main object of searching in the physical models: ; ;
    We can hope to see “… doors opening to reveal another world …”, if we find property of ” … the crop circle phenomenon …”, which none of the indicated physical models can’t able explain.
    However, such property is not found.
    Article primarily distracts the reader away from reality by using implicit correlation of the phenomena instead of logic evidence. Interesting.

  4. siderealview Says:

    Thank you Deirdre and Boris – both scientists! It is indeed sad that some scientific data (BLT Research) is ignored while others ‘do not want to’ explain. There is also considerable Media influence here. Some people don’t want to look beyond the empirical, the reality they ‘know.

    That was my point.

    Thank you both for participating in the ongoing dialogue.

  5. Wotiewotwot Says:

    Fantastic work, it’s especially interesting to me because I live fairly near Silbury Hill. Have you looked at these…

    Chalk piles to cut CO2

    I’m currently thinking that chalk White Horses were based on the Wind Horse. Even though they are said to be Pagan.

    I would love to know your thoughts.

  6. Janet Says:

    There was a mild earthquake in nj yesterday which set off a lot of thought and the possible correlation of upcoming events of 2012. I searched the web and I went from geothermal magnetic energy, to Tesla, to the pyramids, to granite to quartz to underground lightning and then to your site. The day before the quake I was in my car ( thank God) during an amazing electrical thunderstorm when lightning hit it with such power that I was stunned. Anyhow I gathered from your site the possible correlation of a charged fault line and the quake. thanx for a great revelation of info!

  7. Eric Peterson Says:

    I had a dream that the great pyramid was a pressure vessel used to induce extreme nitrogen narcosis which potentiates the human body to produce coherent laser emission when attention and intension are properly focused. The human laser was used to pump/modulate the pyramids optical cavity within, producing a beam used to communicate with extraterrestrials.

    Pressure could have been applied by well fitted stone pistons and/or water filling the lower passages.

    It would be nice to get samples of what may have stuck to the granite walls and particularly the “sarcophagus” which probably served as container for some material that would infuse the atmosphere within with some ancient laser gain medium that was sensitive to the fields generated by the structure.

    Please check my human laser story by googling “Kundalini and the Human Laser”.

    • siderealview Says:

      Thanks for sharing this, Eric. I wish I knew John Burke personally to put you in touch. You could try him at Boston U. Gerald Hawkins, RIP, bless his soul, was my other connection to such superhuman works. His theories have gained stature since his death. I read your RealitySandwich blog on laser focus and you have clearly got something. How to get the investors in on that is another matter… btw I live surrounded by granite. Farming practices for hundreds of years made use of granite’s self-cleaning properties, underground drains were granite tubes, houses and wells lined with granite. It’s almost unclingable to, unless neglected or left out in the rain for fifty years… just saying… good luck with your search

  8. Eric Peterson Says:

    Searched BU site with no success and found that a little confusing but when searching via his book link I just discovered he had passed recently.

    Thanks for the granite update. I figured either stuff had worn off by now or been scrubbed for some unknown reason. I am surprised no one has come up with the pressure vessel concept, it seems so obvious in hindsight; or course w/out the nitrogen saturation goal it would not have made much sense.

  9. bigstick1 Says:

    Just how advanced were the ancient cultures and just how much will this change our understanding of our own history?
    I Reblogged this on Critical Thinking – A World View:

  10. bigstick1 Says:

    This was an excellent article. I think if this type of study and concepts were open to our children; science and math would definitely become far more exciting.

    I am always amazed by what I don’t know. I am more amazed by what we apparently knew but somehow lost.

    • siderealview Says:

      thanks BS-1: I believe you hit it with the ‘not-knowing’—isn’t it always what draws one in? and I also believe those of us who ‘feed our children on our dreams’ are passing on that delight. I have a near-nine-year-old g.babe who understands Schrödinger’s cat better than most q.physicists and she’s enthralled by number; so way to go. Tesla, eat your heart out. Thanks for your support

  11. good information – many thanks

  12. Paul Young Says:

    it was all based on people surrendering their egos and allowing a single ruler to exist, in order for the people to focus on spirituality and harnessing energy Today, in the USA we are all empowered as though we are our own rulers, so we are all too busy keeping order to harness energy like the ancients did.

  13. Mr Williams Says:

    I hope you can enjoy the following video and website explaining the true hieroglyphs based on an Electric Universe.

  14. Vanda Burns Says:

    Crop circles are human made, and beautiful.

  15. Michael seabrook Says:

    There’s been a report of stone hendge glowing after being hit with lightning

  16. Right here is the right webpage for anyone who really wants to find out about this topic. You understand so much its almost hard to argue with you (not that I personally would want to…HaHa). You certainly put a brand new spin on a subject that has been written about for many years. Great stuff, just wonderful!

    • siderealview Says:

      Thank you CbL—in 8yrs since I wrote that, new discoveries back in the Old World are coming up all the time now corroborating that time period’s mastery of energy on both continents—the enlightened elite who could manifest/harness power from geometric shapes

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