Planetary Convergence: Ascension Initiative

Young pulsar, only 12 miles across spawns this nebula spanning 150 light years, courtesy Smithsonian Chandra X-Ray Observatory

What do oil executives, vampires and NASA bureaucrats all have in common? They fear solar energy.’ Michio Kaku, Japanese American theoretical physicist

In spring next year there is to be an international conference in Miami (February 18-20th) followed by one in Dallas on March 11-13th. No, not oil. Not international political relations.

A Consciousness Convergence.

Today, November 19-21, the first Convergence Conference begins in Tempe, Arizona where world meditators, crystal healers and quantum physicists will get together with earth wisdomkeepers to create the first of a string of ‘convergences’ between now and next summer. In April 8th-10th there will be a convergence in San Francisco; May 13-15th in Seattle and June’s convergence will be held in Denver. If you are unable to attend a convergence, a seminar will be held simultaneously online, called ‘Convergence: Access your Higher Self.’

Throughout space there is energy. Is it static or kinetic? If static our hopes are in vain; if kinetic — and this we know it is, for certain — then it is a mere question of time before men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of Nature.
Nikola Tesla, Croatian-US physicist (1856-1943)

One of the keynote speakers at these Convergences will be David Wilcock, consciousness scientist, professional lecturer, and researcher of ancient civilizations, and how their wisdom relates to a new paradigm for matter and energy.

He believes when science and religion come together no longer do we need to analyze who we are, what makes us tick, but rather to know that our consciousness –and within it the ‘engine’ that is our DNA– comes from something vastly more intelligent and complex than we could ever imagine and that this (secret) knowledge has been kept and handed down for a very long time. David Wilcock spells it out in a video series on YouTube entitled
Prophecies of Science and a Golden Age‘.

There are many ways of seeing human Ascension: the scientific, the religious, the esoteric and the spiritual — all revealing information about soul growth and the evolution of consciousness.

The quantum idea:
‘All life on Earth is united in a field of consciousness, which interacts with our own.’ and
‘if you want to find higher dimensions, look in time…’

The esoteric/spiritual:
‘Interstellar space is filled with pure ether or ‘light essence.’ It is not dark or in chaos. This great Sea of Universal Light is infinite, exists everywhere, and is constantly being drawn into form by Will, passion and feeling of the individual. It is given qualities, according to the way electrons are held around a central nucleus, by the ‘force’ of Love’.

“At the core of Einstein’s belief was the idea that ‘force’ could be explained using pure geometry, like riding on a merry-go-round. Everyone knows that if we change horses on a merry-go-round, we feel a ‘force’ tugging at us as we walk across the platform. Because the outer rim of the merry-go-round moves faster than the center, the outer rim must shrink, according to special relativity. However, if the platform now has a shrunken rim or circumference, the platform as a whole must be curved. To someone on the platform, light no longer travels in a straight line, as though a ‘force’ were pulling it toward the rim. The usual theorems of geometry no longer hold. Thus the ‘force’ we feel while walking between horses on a merry-go-round can be explained as the curving of space itself.”
Michio Kaku, ‘Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey through Parallel Universes, Time Warps and the 10th Dimension.’

Kaku supports Riemann’s seminal idea of using geometry — what he calls ‘crumpled hyperspace’ — to explain the essence of a force.

Using an original guiding principle formulated by Bernhard Riemann (1826-1866) — that the laws of nature become simpler in higher dimensions — Kaku simplifies our view of life, the universe and all existence as seen through the eyes of a carp in a pool. The carp has food, can reproduce and continue its troublefree existence when the pool is undisturbed… knows nothing but the pool… but when a storm ripples through the waters, shakes the water-lilies, what does the carp believe is happening to its world? Even more traumatic, should a human hand (from a higher dimension) descend into the depths and lift one of the carp ‘elders’ out of the water and return it next moment, what does that do to the carp’s understanding of reality?

‘Our senses enable us to perceive only a minute portion of the outside world. Our hearing extends to a small distance. Our sight is impeded by intervening bodies and shadows. To know each other we must reach beyond the sphere of our sense perceptions. We must transmit our intelligence, travel, transport the materials and transfer the energies necessary for our existence.’

Woolaston, Gloucestershire crop circle on the banks of the Severn July 18, 2010

In string theory, energy itself is seen by physicists as made up of particles and waves. These waves give physical matter a fluid-like quality. It behaves as if it were a fluid and with that fluidity comes all the basic behavior you get in fluids: including funneling into a vortex where the flow runs fastest.

DNA is a hugely intelligent spiral. Light is made up of waves. Consciousness makes matter act like a wave. DNA acts in the same way. Our DNA is intelligently structured by a wave which we can influence by our consciousness and Light fuels that consciousness…

Nikolai Tesla said:
“Though free to think and act, we are held together, like the stars in the firmament, with ties inseparable. These ties cannot be seen, but we can feel them.”

Living in a time when the first telegraph was transmitted through space apparently instantaneouly to be received on another continent without the help of wires, machinery or a ship, Tesla was convinced of Man’s ability to harness electromagnetic energy stored in the earth’s core and our star, if not in his time, fairly soon thereafter. Limitless free energy now exists everywhere: it is clean, doesn’t burn fossils and doesn’t pollute. Industry and governments have possessed this technology for at least 50 years. It only takes the force of will to implement it.

Humanity has made quantum advances since Tesla’s time. It should theoretically be easy for others, slightly more advanced than ourselves, to use such technology.

Wilcock believes the divine intelligence of our Universe, capable of creating human DNA, did not create it to exist only on one planet. There are 67 million planets where human life is possible in this galaxy alone. And we have been receiving evidence of advanced concepts in crop circle imprints: light/energy/ultrasound impressed on growing crop which not only blows nodes and implants increased energy in the biological plant to grow at a higher measurable rate, but also imprints the ground with a visible shadow or ‘ghost’ that lingers in the land for another couple of seasons.

Torus or donut of energy: opens up our consciousness to a new awareness

To say nothing of designs themselves which have led us to expand our awareness, advance our thinking.

Space warps
Theme of Michio Kaku’s book is that the addition of higher dimensions helps to simplify and unify the laws of nature. Einstein believed that time, the fourth dimension, was linear. It is now no longer looked at by physicists in that way. But for a generation the search for a multi-dimensional theory of time and space consumed physicists, setting theorists at loggerheads. ‘Scientists willing to risk their reputations on higher dimensions soon found themselves ridiculed by the scientific community. Higher-dimensional space became the last refuge for mystics, cranks, and charlatans.’

Meantime string theory developed; then super-string theory. But like Euler’s Identity before it, defining the theorem mathematically was easy. Proving it would be the stumbling block. Nobody was able to come up with a proof.

Kaku says: ‘Sitting before us is a perfectly defined theory of strings, within it the possibility of settling all argument about higher-dimensional space. The problem is that no one is smart enough to solve the field theory of strings. The fault is not in the theory, but in our primitive mathematics. Hyperspace: a Scientific Odyssey.

‘I think that we are like the carp swimming contentedly in its pond. We live out our lives in our own ‘pond,’ confident that our universe consists of only the familiar and the visible. We smugly refuse to admit that parallel universes or dimensions can exist next to ours, just beyond our grasp. If our scientists invent concepts like forces, it is only because they cannot visualize the invisible vibrations that fill the empty space around us. Some scientists sneer at the mention of higher dimensions because they cannot be conveniently measured in the laboratory.’

Liddington Warren, Swindon June 2nd, 2010

We are only just beginning to understand dimensional reality. Yet these last few summers crop circles have shown multiple ways of interpreting and expanding our ‘primitive’ mathematics, using communications technology — laser, ultrasound frequency and electromagnetic manipulation — clearly beyond our present ability to replicate it. What makes us think this is the only planet where a human body will form? might the human body not be designed with purpose to express consciousness on other earth-like planets? what does that say about possible ET contact or humanity in other spheres other dimensions, other timelines?

Solstitial blast: Savernake Forest, Marlborough crop circle, June 23, 2010

The torus and inside-out sphere have appeared often in crop circles: two field designs in midsummer 2010 included a torus with double headed axe on a shield formed like an inside-out tennis ball at East Field Alton Barnes, July 26th. The funnel vortex design of Savernake Forest was especially evocative. In inverted sacred geometry (transition from one dimension to the next) the inside-out shape of a tetrahedron forms another tetrahedron upside down. A hypercube or 4D tesseract (see Fosbury below) scaled down becomes a cube in 3D. And a 20-sided figure, the icosahedron, which on a 2D flat surface looks like a hexagon, in a higher dimension actually has twenty triangular sides. Fosbury and several other 2010 crop circles showed higher dimensional concepts set within hexagons.

Beggar's Knoll 'higher dimensions' crop circle, Westbury July 27th, 2010

So in viewing our own dimension from one of a higher vibrating frequency, what would we see?

Icosahedron: 20-sided figure (20 triangles) that looks (in 2D) like a hexagon

Like the octohedron flipped inside out, its lesser dimension would become a cube: from an eight-sided world we would look down and see a figure in a box. Just as pencil-line man in flatworld can’t imagine a fuzzy pussycat undulating and purring; a human mind has difficuty imagining the inside of a Torus from inside a sphere; has even more difficulty imagining the flip through the wormhole into a more enlightened space.

Guatemala City (modern capital of former Mayan empire) sinkhole, June 2010

The signs are still manifesting and we should pay attention.

David Wilcock says if you go through the wormhole to invert the time-space continuum so it is space-time, the inside-out shape of a sphere becomes a torus; energy’s ability to act like a fluid flows through the inside-out funnel that turns space-time back on itself.

Michio Kaku on the fourth dimension:

“I am reminded that the 4th dimension simplifies the laws of nature whenever I think back to my first encounter with Maxwell’s field equations. Every undergrad learning theory of electricity and magnetism toils for several years to master these 8 abstract equations, which are exceptionally ugly and very opaque. Maxwell’s 8 equations are clumsy and difficult to memorize because time and space are treated separately. To this day I have to look them up in a book to make sure I get all the signs and symbols correct. I still remember the relief I felt when I learned that these equations collapse into one trival-looking equation when time is treated as the fourth dimension. In one masterful stroke, the 4th dimension simplifies these equations in a beautiful, transparent fashion.

“Written in this way these equations possess a higher symmetry; that is, space and time can turn into each other. Like a beautiful snowflake that remains the same when we rotate it around its axis, Maxwell’s field equations, written in relativistic form, remain the same when we rotate space into time.”

Every historical religion and culture has documented stories of angels and gods. ANGELS look like humans, but they glow, they can levitate, they can read your mind, they can teleport from one place to another, they have abilities we consider godlike, can manifest objects out of thin air, and they can create ‘manna from heaven’.

Like the boy who wanted to stick his fingers into the carp pool to imagine how the carp must feel when such an event intruded into their known universe, if higher dimensional beings stuck their ‘fingers’ into our universe, they would appear to us to be blobs of flesh which float above us and constantly merge and split apart. And lastly, if we are flung into hyperspace, we would see a collection of spheres, blobs, and polyhedra which suddenly appear, constantly change shape and color, and then mysteriously disappear. Higher dimensional people, therefore, would have powers similar to a god: they could walk through walls, disappear and reappear at will, reach into the strongest steel vaults, and see through buildings. They would be superbeings, omniscient and omnipotent.

Flipping through the vortex into hyperspace would require familiarity with a higher dimension

Kaku is explicit about Parallel worlds: In his 2006 book of that name, subtitled A journey through creation, higher dimensions, and the future of the cosmos, he writes, another universe may be floating, like the carp’s, just a millimeter away on a “brane” (membrane) parallel to our own. We can’t pop our heads in and have a look around because it exists in hyperspace, beyond our four dimensions. He says, however, scientists conjecture that branes — a creation of M theory, marketed as possibly the long-sought theory of everything — may eventually collide, annihilating each other. Such a collision may even have caused what we call the big bang. In his reader-friendly style, Kaku discusses the spooky objects conjured up from the equations of relativity and quantum physics: wormholes, black holes and the white holes on the other side; universes budding off from one another; and alternate quantum realities. All exist synchronously with our own universe, and, like the carp in the pond, just inches away from our lesser-dimensional noses.

We humans may be struggling to assimilate the symptoms of our own ascension: with bodies and minds advancing at an alarming rate, some of us question, may not be willing to accept the changes. Sleep disruption, patterns of restlessness, and a need for aloneness to ‘be’ (Garbo syndrome) are not uncommon. Carl Sagan said our loyalty and allegiance are to our species and our planet. It is good to know we are not alone. There are also innumerable channels transmitting messages from other realms. The Galactic Federation is one of many.

Fosbury Hypercube (cube within a tesseract), Vernham Dean, Wiltshire, July 17th, 2010

Mike Quinsey’s channeled communication from SaLuSa includes the message:
‘The Plan for the end times is called Ascension, but it is up to you as to whether you take advantage of it. You cannot just wish to be partof it and succeed, as it requires effort by you to lift up your vibrations. The Law of Attraction allows only for those souls who have reached a certain level to ascend. The process is one of living in the Light and Love, so that any ties you have had with the lower energies are cut. This enables you to focus on the task of further lifting up your vibrations, and as a result you will surely achieve success. There is considerable help around you, and you have only to ask and it will come to you. Use names if you desire such as your favorite Angel or Master, as you may be assured they will receive your request. Allow for the answer to freely manifest and do not insist it happens in any particular way. You may not necessarily know exactly what is best for you. If you cannot grasp or understand the need for Ascension, then you are most likely ill prepared or insufficiently illumined to accept it into your life. Have no fear about making such a decision as you are not abandoned or held in lower esteem. You will evolve exactly according to your own pace, and one day you too will take a great leap forward having finished your education in duality.’

Discussing ‘unity consciousness’ is no longer considered eccentric or esoteric. The world is awakening to its own spiritual consciousness. It will be interesting to watch how Ascension Convergences this winter and next spring affect world consciousness levels. We need, after all, only the square root of one percent of the population to believe, in order to reach critical mass and for humanity as a whole thereafter to attain that level of consciousness called enlightenment. I welcome the initiative with open arms.

Explore posts in the same categories: Ascension, astrophysics, Evolution of Consciousness, Inspiration, metaphysics, New Age consciousness, quantum physics, spirituality, world religions

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3 Comments on “Planetary Convergence: Ascension Initiative”

  1. deirdre cruickshank Says:

    Thank you Marian! You have presented the essence of quantum physics beautifully.

    Musicians have always known that the space between the notes is what makes the music.

    It’s encouraging to see scientists, artists and mystics all starting to speak the same language again.

    • siderealview Says:

      Love your analogy, Deirdre, that it’s the space between that frames the beauty of sound (and therefore light, life, thought, meditation, breathing…) 🙂 bless you for your visit. Hope you’re not snowed in. I am!

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