Archive for the ‘quantum physics’ category

Event Horizon for the Human Race—Moving Beyond Our Own Boundaries

April 11, 2019

The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) on Hawai’i’s Mauna Kea and Atacama’s Large Submillimeter Array (SMA) answered some cosmic prayers this week.

Event Horizon Discovery by Global AstroSci Team

Summit of Mauna Kea at 13,000ft has ideal microclimate for Harvard-Smithsonian Event Horizon 8-telescope array

The Submillimeter Array of eight radio telescopes alongside the James Clerk Maxwell Observatory on the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawai’i have sent earthling skywatchers skyrocketing with delight, as they released their first picture of Messier-87—a super-dense neutron region or ‘black hole’ in Virgo galaxy this week.

Hawai’i is crucial to Event Horizon (EHT)’s world network. Its high volcanic setting provides cloud-free receiving/bending of its own multiple signal—from three points in an array of eight new [radio]telescopes, top, with Mauna Kea Observatory’s James Clerk Maxwell 49-foot dish telescope, and reusing CalTech’s nearby CSO ‘redundant’ observatory.

Previously co-funded by Great Britain, Canada and Netherlands, EHT is presently co-sponsored by Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, Massachusetts with the Academia Sinica, and a consortium of astrophysics interests from Taiwan, China, Japan, South Korea and Chile. EHT is in international partnership with the European Southern Observatory (ESO), the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS) of Japan, together with NRC (Canada), NSC and ASIAA (Taiwan), and KASI (Republic of Korea). Vital cooperation is the link with the Republic of Chile—where ALMA‘s 66 high-precision antennae are located on the Chajnantor plateau, at 5000 meters altitude/one mile high in northern Chile.
(ALMA)=Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array

Event Horizon Telescope —EHT— world’s 1st super-array captures its first picture of ultra-dense neutron region M-57 in constellation Virgo

The Event Horizon Telescope—EHT—is a global array of radio telescopes involving dozens of institutions and astrophysicists round the world. Breakthrough discovery by the EHT is an image of Messier 87 (M-87)’s supermassive neutron black hole at the center of the Virgo galaxy cluster, 55 million light years away. This neutron-dense region contains 6.5 billion times the mass of our Sun.

Affectionately named ‘black holes’ are extremely compressed cosmic objects, containing extraordinary amounts of mass packed densely into a tiny region of space. This mass is shrouded by an event horizon—a boundary beyond which nothing—not even light—can escape its electromagnetic/gravitational pull.

They affect their surroundings in extreme ways, including warping spacetime and heating surrounding material to hundreds of billions of degrees. Albert Einstin in his 1915 Theory of General Relativity predicted that a black hole would cast a circular shadow on its bright, glowing material. The newly-released image of M87 from EHT reveals this shadow.

Light emitted from inside the event horizon can never reach the outside observer. Likewise, any object approaching the horizon from the observer’s side appears to slow down and never quite pass through the horizon—its image becoming more and more redshifted as time elapses. This means that the wavelength of the light emitted from the object is getting longer as the object moves away from the observer. The traveling object, however, experiences no strange effects and does, in fact, pass through the horizon in a finite amount of ‘proper’ time.

As high as the Swiss Alps, Mauna Kea hosts climate-immune radiotelescope array for worldwide science cooperative

Black hole event horizons are widely misunderstood. Common, although erroneous, is the notion that black holes vacuum up material in their neighborhood, where in fact they are no more capable of seeking to consume than any other gravitational attractor. As with any mass in the universe, matter must come within its gravitational scope for the possibility to exist of capture or consolidation with any other mass. Equally common is the idea that matter can be observed falling into a black hole. This is not possible either.

Astronomers can detect only accretion disks around black holes, where material moves with such speed that friction creates detectable high-energy radiation. Matter from these accretion disks is forced out along the axis of spin of the black hole, creating visible jets where the streams interact with matter—such as interstellar gas—or if they happen to be aimed directly at Earth.
J.A.Peacock Cosmological Physics, 1999

A distant observer—or world-class telescope array—will never actually see something reach the horizon. Instead, while approaching its edge, the object will seem to go ever more slowly, while any light it emits will be further and further redshifted.

Earth-size Telescope Dish
In order to see a black hole for the first time, the Event Horizon Telescope team hooked up an array of radio telescopes in Hawai’i, Central and South America (Atacama), Europe, Greenland and Antarctica, with the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) dish in Cambridge, MA.

EHT signals from global telescope network create earth-size dish receiver, beamed Mauna Kea HI to Cambridge MA for image resolution by the EHT team

Using a technique known as very long baseline (vLBI) interferometry, the CfA-MIT team took precisely-timed data from each radio telescope, combining them to produce images comparable with what an Earth-hemisphere-sized dish would capture. The resulting virtual telescope has the highest resolution of any instrument ever built on earth, in orbit within the Solar System—or even beyond the Heliopause where Voyagers I & II entered Interstellar Space.

We’re a melting pot of astronomers, physicists, mathematicians and engineers. That’s what it took to achieve something once thought impossible.
Katie Bouman, PhD CfA sci
Co-author six papers in Astrophysical Journal Letters

EHT’s image reveals that this enormous black hole—large enough to engulf the solar system—anchors a jet that extends outwards for tens of thousands of light years.

Hawai’i’s Mauna a Wakea—white mountain—multiple telescope array at 13,803feet on the dormant volcano played crucial role in Event Horizon success

There are already plans to expand the EHT: to enable the team to make time-lapse movies of the dynamics of this (newly-discovered) living system, and to discover how the jet draws its energy from this negative source.

Creating the EHT was a formidable challenge which required upgrading and connecting a worldwide network of thirteen pre-existing telescopes deployed at a variety of challenging high-altitude sites. These locations included volcanoes in Hawai`i and Mexico, mountains in Arizona and the Spanish Sierra Nevada, the Chilean Atacama Desert, and Antarctica.

All Very Baseline Interferometry
Event Horizon observations use a technique called very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) which synchronizes 13 telescopes around the world, using earth’s rotation to form one huge, Earth-size telescope observing at a wavelength of 1.3 mm. This lets EHT achieve an angular resolution of 20 micro-arc-seconds—enough to read a newspaper in New York from a sidewalk café in Paris.

From Chile’s Atacama high desert to Spain’s Sierra Nevada to Mauna Kea’s multiple array, telescopes worldwide combined to bring new images beyond human expectation and belief

Resolution of the EHT image depends on separation distance between the telescopes—the baseline—and the short-millimeter radio wavelengths captured around the world. EHT’s finest resolution is achieved by the longest baseline, which for M87 stretches from Hawai’i to Spain and Greenland to Antarctica. To optimize long baseline sensitivity—or make detection possible—the team developed a specialized system which combines all signals from Mauna Kea’s SMA dishes, letting Hawai’i act as a single EHT station.

Beaming-coordinating signals from night-time (western) half of the globe employs optimum use of precious telescope time when the other—Asian—hemisphere is in daylight.

After separately recording signals at all thirteen telescopes, data are flown to a single location and combined by computer to create an image by a virtual Earth-size telescope—first of its kind.

Petabytes, Raw Data and Red Shift
Lindy Blackburn, EHT data processing team leader and coauthor explains that EHT holds millions of gigabytes of data from many telescopes that weren’t originally designed to work together. ‘We developed multiple pathways to process and calibrate data, using new algorithms to stabilize the Earth’s atmosphere and to align the signals from all sites within trillionths of a second precisely.’

Rapidly spinning supermassive hole surrounded by its accretion disc of rotating leftovers from Sun-like star ripped apart by the hole’s tidal force, courtesy ALMA Large Array, Atacama

Telescopes contributing to this result were ALMA*, APEX, the Spanish IRAM 30-meter telescope, the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, the Large Millimeter Telescope Alfonso Serrano, the Submillimeter Array, the Greenland Submillimeter Telescope, and the South Pole Telescope. Petabytes of raw data from all telescopes were combined by highly specialized supercomputers hosted by the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Munich, and MIT Haystack Observatory, Cambridge, MA.
*Atacama Large Millimeter-Submillimeter Array in Andes high desert, Chile

Global teamwork meant a close collaboration by astrophysicists, technicians and researchers around the world—and a first for science.

Construction of the EHT and this week’s observations represent the culmination of decades of close technical theoretical work. Thirteen partner institutions worked together to create the EHT, using both pre-existing infrastructure and support from a variety of world agencies. Key funding was provided by the US National Science Foundation (NSF), EU’s European Research Council (ERC), and funding agencies in East Asia, above.

On a planetary level, we sci-fi addicts thank the team for rising above national barriers and creating something previously only dreamed of.

On a Cosmic level—look out—unlimited data incoming.
©2019 Siderealview

Stairway to Heaven: Quickening with Andromeda

January 3, 2014

Hyperspace-bound: Humanity at the Gate

Grasshopper-eye-view of 2012 ultimate in cropcircle design: the ‘Neocube’ August 2012 Hackpen, Wiltshire
groundshot courtesy Steve Alexander

Four hundred days after 12/12/12, an eerie chill in the January 2014 evening air may send shivers up our spine, telling those of us Galactic pagans who stand at the open door to soul-consciousness that it is only a breath away.

This is no false media-promised ‘stairway to the stars’; more an energetic doorway offering itself now to propel us—aware or unaware—through the next steps—together—in evolution. To some of us who have been through the mill, the Siderealview is

Archaic Units of Time and Measure
Classically, winter solstice—northern-hemisphere style—was what Greco-Roman male-dominant culture understood. While they borrowed Arabic constellations (gleaned from antediluvian astronomical study of both celestial spheres), leaving Islamic trails in the heavens around Al Nath, Mirfak, Rigel and Betelgeuse, they superimposed Latin names on important calendrical stars like the Pleiades, Sirius, Antares (in Scorpio, ‘rival’ of Ares-Mars for its red brilliance), and on a few favored constellations like Canopus and Carina in southern skies. Otherwise they concentrated heavily on renaming the northern zodiac.

Egyptian Cubit: measure of forearm, used interchangeably with Roman foot 'pedes'

Egyptian Cubit: measure of forearm, used interchangeably with Roman foot ‘pedes’

Along with other Mediterranean cultures, they used the archaic cubit—length of the human forearm from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger—the short cubit ranging from 17-18 inches.

Cubit Culture Inches (centimeters)
Hebrew (short) 17.5 (44.5)
Egyptian 17.6 (44.7)
Common (short) 18 (45.7)
Babylonian (long) 19.8 (50.3)
Hebrew (long) 20.4 (51.8)
Egyptian (long) 20.6 (52.3)

Hackpen Metatron Cube, Cubit & NeoCube made up of spherical neodymium magnets may suggest Humanity start working seriously to produce energy from maglev technology
image courtesy CMM Research

‘The Universe is not thirteen billion light years across and self-made, as believed in the Illusion. Creation is over nine hundred trillion light years across and is still just beginning.

‘To inaugurate Creation, the Holy Trinity projected the Cube and Sphere one dimension down to the thirteenth dimension as a circle, hexagon outline—also called a cube—and flattened Y factor lines. The 13th-dimensional projection is known throughout all of Creation as that called a Cubit.

‘The Cubit is also expandable according to rule into multiferous combinations called Cubist matrices. The number of possible Cubist matrices is without limit. They are the genomes of Creation.’
Revelatorium Transmission through Archangel Melchizedek

Etchilhampton Wiltshire,  summer 2013: reminder of past seasons?

Etchilhampton Wiltshire, summer 2013: reminder of past seasons?

From 7/7/7, 8/8/8 LionsG8 through 12/12/12

Before he died on February 29th, 2009, John Burke, of BLT gave years of his life to study, along with his colleagues W.C. Levengood and Nancy P. Talbott, Dynastic Egyptians’ harnessing of energetic power in pyramid technology. See our treatise dedicated to John Burke in 2010, for an in-depth look at how his research crossed over into crop circle manifestation with similar results, more below.

“This energy force is capable of incising pictograms containing over a thousand elements with surgical precision, covering areas of up to 150,000 square feet, and with such unerring accuracy that ‘curtains’ of wheat one stalk wide are sometimes all that separate one circle from another. The perimeter walls resemble the seamless curve of a drum, and where inward-curving walls meet inside a design, the central point can be defined down to a single stalk”
John Burke, BLT


“This force has been put into crop circles through thought processes to initiate a new source of energy now being created. Certain beings are receiving preparation to understand messages projected at this time. Power is being created through intellect of the scientist, knowledge is awakened in others; some are very close to the answer: an energy machine. This energy is only partially linked to magnetism.

“Rather, it is linked to the illusion of time.

“Similar to thought-transference, wo/man will be able to change the molecular structure of things, including herself. Within the energy-pattern of the circles we are giving you this information.”
The Watchers

7/7/7 and 8/8/8 crop circles, images courtesy Steve Alexander, TemporaryTemples

7/7/7 and 8/8/8 crop circles,
images courtesy Steve Alexander, TemporaryTemples

In retrospect, Croppies were being prepared from around 2007—7/7/7 double CCs yin-yang + OM, 8/8/8 Eight crop circle images above, startling even the most stalwart unbelievers in their transcendant art—for what now appears regularly in our consciousness: the appearance of the miraculous in everyday life.

Biblical, Dark Age, Mediaeval and Pagan pre-Celtic consciousness was constantly prepared by belief, sacred ceremony and ritual, for revelation of the Divine within the prosaic. It is our misgotten cultural overlay which now clouds our vision of such appearances in our modern world.

But not for long.

Chualar Vineyard Year-End Crop Circle Surprise
Meanwhile, while nobody in particular was watching—all eyes in the Western World being directed to that gay commercial entity called euphemistically, the ‘festive season’—an energetic vortex surfaced in a Salinas county vineyard, twenty miles due east of Monterey Bay, California.

Rancho Chualar cropcircle December 30th, 2013, highlights the 1. 9. 2. and π 3.14159265359 ad infinitum

Rancho Chualar cropcircle December 30th, 2013, highlights the 1. 9. 2. and π 3.14159265359 ad infinitum

CCD microchip crop circle appeared within five miles of Highway-101 artery, which funnels northern traffic out of LA-LA-land towards the Redwoods. It lies close to where retired screen stars have their ‘country’ homes. This microclimate enclave where a full winter barley crop was available in late December to be etched in multiple decodable dots and numbers—to the delight of CC-geeks everywhere—is coincidentally the oldest artist colony in California; where the San Francisco Arts movement (art nouveau, art-deco, original ‘bohemians’) fled after the earthquake of 1906. Arts, music, dance theaters and open-air stages abound within twee throwback architecture of the Edwardian era. Its hinterland still has pioneer attitude, coupled with rich agricultural valleys, which John Steinbeck breathed into life.

Seasonal Swansong
Not being on the normal CC circuit, Monterey received rather scant attention from US media and local press at first, relegating the last appearance of 2013 Crop Circle season to the loony pile, Brit. equivalent of a ‘hoax circle’ (ladders + human stomping). To add to that unfortunate attitude, current landowners Scott and Debbie Anthony were suffering personal illness, ordering the formation erased without their seeing it, so all barley within its one-acre circumference has been flattened. Nevertheless its intricacies are too precise, with on-site inspection of field lay described pointedly by knowledgeable (but undercover) botanists as multi-layered in the best authentic CC tradition—so it is hard not to want to examine, dissect, reveal all it may proffer for 2014.

Full-Well Capacity
Relatively easily identifiable first off in the design is an integrated circuit etched on to a charge coupled device, CCD, pixel-latest techno-geniuses’ creation in film chip technology, usually made of silicon, forming light-sensitive elements called pixels. Each pixel can hold a maximum number of electrons, called its ‘Full Well Capacity’! This number can vary widely (10ke- to 500ke-), depending currently on pixel’s physical dimensions—bigger the pixel, more electrons it can hold. So, while capable of holding zillions of pixels, current film chips are set at 192×165 pixels. On a quantum level, camera chips holding excess electrons begin to ‘bleed’ them into neighboring chips, causing ‘blooming’.

Parable/fable for humans?: if you stimulate/feel joy, move into being in joy, you will spread it around! Are we, humans on the brink of a New Beginning, being guided through our own blooming? In our blinkered state, are we capable of flowering? And is traditional chip size no longer a parameter in electronic circuitry? Aha!

Future Speak: Techno-Talk in the Barley
Central button panel code in three precise rows of braille-type dots folded through interwoven barley was quickly identified by local symphony orchestra conductor Carl Christensen as depicting the number 192. Braille dot system enables his blind students to read and write through touch. In his opinion, the dots are in very specific order, “so perfect it’s almost like a machine did it. They are not off in any way, shape, or form.”
Three lines in braille read:

Iridium's atomic weight is 192, half-life 73 days

Iridium’s atomic weight is 192, half-life 73 days

192 192

B 192 1

192 192″

Simple message to the blind: awake, open eyes and see…
There are other implications, nuances in the design.
Seen as a simple clock face, aligned on 12-axis, numbers 1, 9 and 2 are repeated in descending size.

Chualar is a term from an American Indian language meaning ‘pigweed’, goosefoot, Amaranthus palmeri, a healing herb. It still grows in the canyon.

The glyph appeared overnight in barley in the strong December Quarantid meteor shower and during first onset of a solar storm which is still giving NASA, NOAA experts and several amateur CME-X-flare-watchers heart attacks. Ongoing since mid-December 2013, in the runup to our rendezvous with the center of the Galaxy, tomorrow January 4th, 2014, it has become a major storm—red panel sidebar right. Solar storms, as we know, tend to have major influence in terrestrial weather; but add the recent extraterrestrial bombardment of comet-ISON dust, near-earth asteroid impact and now the current evening showering of our planet by the Quanantids, what more is there to see?

Chualar township is a remnant region of California’s frontier that still produces food crops commercially, but along traditional lines. Salinas Valley agriculture, known worldwide as the breadbasket of California, supplies daily fresh produce to the nation. Also famous for its Pulitzer-Prize-winning native son, John Steinbeck, author of Of Mice and Men (1937), Grapes of Wrath (1939), Cannery Row (1945), Monterey now celebrates him at the National Steinbeck Center, a $5.2 million agriculture museum featuring Salinas Valley farming and Chualar history.

The small, unincorporated Chualar canyon community was given as part of Spanish Grant legislation to Juan Malarin, but acquired by David Jack, a canny Scots émigré from Crieff, Perthshire who exploited land grant liberality in frontier times in the transfer of rancho holdings to Americans during the 1860s. Not only was he considered the wealthiest individual in the county by 1880—accruing 30,000 acres in Carmel, Pebble Beach, Pacific Grove, Del Rey Oaks, Del Monte Forest, Fort Ord, and the spectacular coastline 17-Mile Drive, but his family had become famous for an American staple: Monterey Jack cheese. Much of the original Jack settlement is now natural reserve administered by Carmel, but the Anthonys’ 2000-acre grape-production farm was Rancho Chualar in Jack’s domain.

Cerebrally connecting sacred number, cheese, fresh natural produce, a township out of time, with iridium, hardest and most indestructible of the metals, probably meteoritic? a vineyard where the Grapes of Wrath may rise in reply? and the suggestion that Wo/Mankind is set to blossom? New technology, new fabrics, concepts confronting us boldly in the maw of the Ouroboros? What a plethora of choice.

Not just braille code, but also computer programming code, the -Jb switch

Not just braille code, but esoteric-geek computer programming code, the -Jb switch

Chualar Mexican land grant: two square leagues—50million square varas = 8,856-acres

One-Acre Chualar CC: 0.4047 hectare = 4047 square metres
One acre is defined as a strip of land 1 × 1/10 furlong, or 40 × 4 rods (660 × 66 feet) long

Back to the staples of life: cubits and feet; and a reliable food supply.

And, as many past crop circles have indicated, number and sacred geometry tend to play a central role in appearances like Chualar, c.f. Mexican crop circles in water-parched hinterland of Tlapanaloya, March 2011.

Barbury Castle 2008 Pi crop circle remained uninterpreted until 2011, image courtesy Bert Janssen

Barbury Castle 2008 Pi crop circle remained uninterpreted until 2011, image courtesy Bert Janssen

Before the foundations of the Great Pyramid were laid, men tried to ‘square the circle’, i.e. construct a square and a circle equal in area, using compass and ruler. Some of the greatest minds in history—architects, politicians, artists, musicians, philosophers, astronomers and theologians—have tried to solve this ancient riddle. Mathematicians come closest. It was termed ‘impossible’ in 1882 when Carl Lindemann showed that π is a transcendental number, cannot be calculated or written as a ratio of two other numbers. Decimal values of π are infinite, and it is not possible to construct the square root of an infinite number, therefore ‘impossible’ to square the circle with exact precision. That, however, has changed. See crop circle site of Bert Janssen who persevered in his interpretation; also work of dream expert and numerologist Joseph Mason. For in-depth look at 192×165=31680, several hours’ reading John Michell‘s amazing ‘Dimensions of Paradise’ (2001) is recommended. Simply put, numbers like 31680 resonate, resound, ring bells in our psyche.

With several alarm bells presently ringing from the Japanese side of the Pacific, the fresh natural quality of California’s breadbasket may indeed be at risk.

Synchronicities and Coincidences

It may help to look closely at some clear clues wrapped up in sacred number.
Iridium, atomic weight 192-with isotopes still being discovered—Ir-element-77 in the Periodic Table, between Osmium Os-76 and Platinum Pt-78, is currently darling of specialist computer and other software developers, for its durability in extreme conditions of temperature and stress. With its near-limitless computer chip capacity, its applications are endless—e.g. space exploration, in subsea platforms, within volcanic or tectonic environments where humans cannot go.

Iridium, rarer than platinum, probably caused extinction of the dinosaurs

Iridium, rarer than platinum, probably caused extinction of the dinosaurs

Iridium is the hardest known (workable) metal; marginally harder and rarer than platinum, to whose group of ‘white metals’ it belongs; element-77 on the periodic table, above. At molecular level, Iridium is a ‘paramagnetic’ mesh of tetrahedra*, and sacred octahedral-combinatory shapes, whose radioactive isotopes are still being discovered. Iridium metal, while phenomenally expensive to produce, is employed when high corrosion resistance at extreme temperatures is needed, as in high performance spark plugs, crucibles for recrystallization of semiconductors at high temperatures, and electrodes for the production of chlorine in the chloralkali process. Iridium radio-isotopes are used in some radio-isotope thermoelectric generators. Using X-ray spectroscopy, the jury is still out on whether Iridium, or its neighbor Osmium in the Table, is the densest metal known.

*explanation insert for followers of star tetrahedron, merkabah, octahedral geometry in crop design:

Star Tetrahedra: octahedron over stellated octahedron, the only full facetting of the cube, allowing upflow and downflow. Created from our original eight cells, the Star Tetrahedron is both our potential and a record of our experiences; balance of male and female, heaven and earth: all that is in a 3D world.
In accepting both polarities, embracing both, understanding we have those polarities within ourselves— knowing that without both we are out of balance—are first teachings of ‘Star Tetrahedron Consciousness’. It teaches balance of yin/yang through embracing both, inside and outside ourselves.
This does not mean giving up identity or silently condoning inhumane action. We are asked to embrace ourselves even more because we understand we are made up of masculine and feminine energies, creative and destructive.
We all have left and right hemispheres. In balance we use both. When we embrace both, we are one with the third dimension, capable of awareness, and embodiment that leads us into oneness or unity consciousness, and into the fifth (and higher) dimension(s). It is a balance of all without forgoing the uniqueness of each.
Star Tetrahedron Consciousness, courtesy Drunvalo Melchizedek

Back to Iridium: Given its rare molecular structure, its meteoritic state, applications in computer technology, previously the realm of the silicon chip, may be about to change.

From an extra-terrestrial point of view—with humanity’s oversoul—or the combined consciousness of the CC-community clearly demanding closure for the 2013 season, this may be seen as us giving ourselves a technological memory-jog. Industry has known, despite prohibitive cost, and apparent scarcity of Iridium deposits, that the metal’s near-imperishable mechanical and tensile strength makes it a miracle material in extreme conditions of modern human technology. On a camera chip, it flows and blooms according to capacity requirements, acting like the solid state equivalent of a wave, bringing new technology to screen environments and lightning-fast applications.

Yucatan peninsula's  subaquamarine Chicxulub crater, made by largest meteorite to hit Earth, may conceal Iridium-192

Yucatan peninsula’s subaquamarine Chicxulub crater, made by largest meteorite to hit Earth, may conceal Iridium-192

Its scarcity on Earth is almost certainly due to the fact that it is an alien: arriving here on the back of the behemoth meteorite which crashed into Yucatan and the Gulf of Mexico 66 million years ago, causing the extinction of the dinosaurs. The metal has been found nowhere else on earth, except within meteoritic crash sites. Geologists suggest, however, that given its high melting point, residual Iridium may exist in deeper seams beneath the Chicxulub crater, or elsewhere in places of high seismic activity, where volcanic heat may have melted the metal (heat-resistant to 2246ºC). So all is not yet lost!

It is therefore no coincidence that remaining member of the BLT team, Nancy Talbott, whose groundbreaking research of the 1993 Cherhill crop circle laced with an iron glaze of fused particles of apparent meteoritic origin will speak in symposium in June 2014 on meteorite elements in crop circle design. She gives the subject credibility.

… And for the True Geeks among us
Yet another interpretation of the central box of code is that it is pure computer programming: the -Jb switch, -R switch, beloved of html-creators, surrounding the number 192. As a dilettante, Siderealview continues to maintain supreme ignorance over such supergeekness, but it is safe to say the youth of the planet will understand the message loud and clear.

Musically, it is worth noting that 192hz is G on piano keyboard, and its toning resonance used in subliminal cure of stress, meditational facilitation and—apparently—in increasing functionality of sound systems, below.
Recent research relates ancient geometry, astronomy and sacred sites to musical ratio. The international standard of tuning is currently 440Hz = A [J.S. Bach/Nazi influence]. When corrected, the other octaves display ancient Gematrian sacred numbers relative to astronomy, sacred geometry, the Bible and the Bhagavad-gita along with exact longitude and latitude connections to pyramids and other sacred sites, see compassionate use of music in detailed but accurate historical context, Brendan Bombaci’s erudite Cymatics:Dash-of-music-an-inch-of-Sun, sidebar right.

Pure Sound is an area dear to our heart, and how we absorb extreme poles of light spectra continue to puzzle our greatest minds. Carl Sagan, before he died, was mystified how light could become a noise. Our generation has learned that the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum–from radio waves through microwaves, infra-red, visible light, ultra-violet light, to x-rays and gamma rays–are all massless particles (photons) of the universal energy known as electromagnetic radiation, or simply Light. Light waves are fluctuations of electric and magnetic energy through space, usually expressed (by humans) in wavelength or frequency.

Electromagnetic spectrum from radio to light

Electromagnetic spectrum from radio to light

In my years of experience in voicing systems, I’ve found that a system must have a flat-to-slightly-elevated response curve in the critical region from approximately 192Hz to 384Hz. It could be slightly elevated. This range is from one-half octave below middle-C (256 Hz) to one-half octave above; between approximately 192Hz and 384Hz is one musical octave in width.

When a speaker (or electronic component or cable) seems to be lean in this area, the sound will usually prove to be boring musically. Amazingly, components thatare lean in this area are often admiringly described as highly resolved, precise, articulate, etc. My description? BORING…
When this region is flattened, or elevated by a very slight amount, the music is infinitely more involving. Strings have more body. Brass has more weight, and a more burnished tone.

Orchestral music will have a balance (and subjective power response) more akin to live sound in a concert hall. Vocals will have much more palpable presence. The sound will be lusher. Guitars will ring out with a beauty that touches your soul.
Jim Smith, self-professed Woofer-tweaker

There is one more cosmic trigger.

Braille, Morse Code and π-Pixie-pixel Dust

Chualar conundrum: Braille-192+hieroglyphic-17+Morse-ISON+isotope divided by infinite π = July 2014?

Chualar conundrum: Braille-192+hieroglyphic-17+Morse-ISON+isotope divided by infinite π = July 2014?

Much controversy, anguish and tromping/denial of access has weighed down the 2013 crop season; Britain’s most heroic formations were ploughed under—within hours; no specific paranoia cited, but large operations worldwide are no longer as open to human traffic as they were in the 1990s.
For this reason, Rancho Chualar’s owners’ unfortunate malady resulted in sudden reversal of opinion: maybe it’s “genuine”, after all. Perhaps those believers out there aren’t so loony. Ooo, Cosmic Math Class in the Human Oversoul department: now, everyone gets to decode the message. Media circus arrived late to the party.

Remember Crabwood, 2002?

Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts and their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. (damaged word). There is GOOD out there. We OPpose DECEPTION. conduit closing (bell sound)

Again, that deeply resonant bell—

Messages coming thick and fast
Just in time for our meeting with Source.

Dark Rift: Return to the Cosmic Birth Canal
Each year, by Cosmic design, northern nights grow longer in prelude to our annual rendezvous with Galactic Center—that dark patch in the Milky Way—when the Sun, including us microscopic specks of energy clinging on to the plane of the ecliptic, all nine planets of our system as one, align one more time with our Motherboard-birth canal, the Creator-energy-vortex. The middle of our Milky Way Galaxy is wide open this year on January 4th. The portal remains open—our consciousness being assisted by the ‘blooming’ of its closest neighbor, the Andromeda Galaxy crashing into us at imperceptible speed— before the sun spirals away one more time; in the past we should all probably have headed off for another year of peripatetic searching through infinite realms of (imaginary) space.

But this year we are being held momentarily, prompted—our consciousness feels it. Our bodies are more aware, our psyche primed. We are being reminded.

Our own Galaxy merging with Andromeda; note 'blooming' along our edges :)

Our own Galaxy merging with Andromeda; note ‘blooming’ along our edges 🙂

Which brings us full circle to the gentle message from above that alpha, beta and theta waves increase human capacity to expand, imagine, transform; and that our DNA is waiting patiently while we decide whether to join in the parade or not.

One more time, we are being prompted, asked to join the dance; getting a message from our own (inner) Sense to wake up, appreciate the phenomenal gifts provided by our Earth, along with exponentially more potential in our intellect, when used in true alignment: mind, body, spirit. Shall we join minds and bloom? Even that would start us on the road to Ascension: body would only follow.

Perihelion at Galaxy Junction tomorrow: let the Quickening with Andromeda begin.
Sounds like a catchy title for a tune.
©2014 Siderealview

Equinox: Stargate Portal to 2012 Final Quarter

September 26, 2012

Inca portal of Amaru Muru at Hayu Marca, which is believed to give access to the world of serpent wisdom and interdimensional travel

Last weekend the sun stood, as it does on both equinoxes—March 21st, September 22nd—directly overhead on earth’s equator, before making its (apparent) journey southward towards the tropic of Capricorn, where it will stand on winter solstice—S.hemisphere midsummer—on December 21st, 2012. For one day and night, everyone on planet earth experienced a twelve-hour day* and twelve-hour night, with sunrise due east and sunset due west. From now on, days in the northern hemisphere will appear dramatically shorter. If that were not enough to make the most avid outdoorsman turn inwards for consolation, the end of the British crop circle season would appear to be a done deal.

*allowance is made for sunrays appearing before ‘dawn’, giving longer daylight at some latitudes.

Sacred Tzolkin, ritual calendar of the ancient Maya, predicted within its Harmonic Matrix a unique succession of Galactic Activation Portals (GAPs)—13 tones of Creation in sequence—between September 11-21, 2012
image & interpretation courtesy Miguel Etchepare

The sacred ritual Tzolkin calendar of the Maya, often used for divination, predicted long ago that, during these ten days/ten consecutive portals which came in succession between September 11th and equinox eve, September 21st, 2012, our planet would stand in a space unencountered before in our time on earth: a space some would call interdimensional: a time to communicate with our higher selves; elevating each other, strengthening ourselves within the vibrational window.

Because there were portal parameters within which to work, perhaps it encouraged more people to try: the crop circle community certainly went at it, alongside others, which in turn augmented the surrounding energy.

Ten days ago, before Equinox, a lot of people were feeling it; writing about it in blogs. And the New Age section of Twitter seemed to pick up on it, spiritual tweets flowing daily with advice on personal development and support. For a period of ten days the internet seemed to take on a positive, enhancing shield: allowing input/expression and growth. What fun.

Language of Light embedded in crop circle code? Light on Hackpen Hill formation August 26th, 2012, now considered the “conduit closing” message of the season: full of cross-cultural clues, hints, pointers

Even more exciting is that several traditions are colliding at this time, each with its own calendrical calculation, meaning, and mantra. The Judaic calendar counted entry into the year 5773 on Monday September 17th, Rosh Hashanah, followed by even more sacred Yom Kippur, September 26th, the Day of Atonement. In the Roman Catholic—and indeed Judaic/Coptic calendar—Archangel Michael’s feast follows on September 29th, Michaelmas.

Of all world calendars, the Hebrew count, begun in c.3800BC, is the most reliable, predictable counter of Time. Julius Caesar’s calendar of early Rome—the Julian—updated and corrected only two years before he died in 44BC, lasted for fifteen centuries, until it started losing days (how careless) and was superseded by the Gregorian Calendar of 1582, currently in use by the western world. By embedding leap years, it succeeded in tightening up the anomaly with the solar year, from which it now differs by only 26 seconds.

Wedjat eye, Eye of Horus, created in crystal/faience was worn by ancient Egytians as a protective amulet ‘on the left hand’; image courtesy Museum of Antiquities, Cairo

Calendars of ancient Egypt, dating from the Old Kingdom (2780 – 2250BC), are seldom quoted these days, but the sacred tablets of the Pharoahs and temple inscriptions indicate deep understanding of the workings of the heavens, of creation, space-time, and, most revealing of all, the measurement of the precession of the equinoxes: which all early cultures recognized as marking divisions in the celestial sphere, as accurately as the minute hand on a grandfather clock.

Zep Tepi: Beginning of Time [First Time]
Ancient texts, such as the (much-maligned) Hebrew/Aramaic Dead Sea Scrolls, and the Egyptian ‘Knowledge of Thoth’, insist that we humans are destined to become gods; that from their Zep Tepi—Dawn of Time—literally First Time—we were programmed to evolve beyond our present terrestrial form. The Egyptian god spoke of the Star Walkers, individuals who, like Enoch, traveled beyond the Great Eye of Orion [out of the program] and returned, to walk like gods amongst men. Such evolved humans are comparable with the ‘Lords of Light’ of the Maya, Sumerian Nephilim or Anunnaki—”those who from Heaven to Earth came”—and the Tibetan Shining Ones/Dakini.

Prehistoric Serpent Mound contained no burials; raised as a sacred emblem to the Adena people’s protective spirit in Ohio’s lush farming hinterland: egg in serpent’s mouth aligns with summer solstice sunset

Enochian texts suggested that regular cataclysmic changes would act as evolutionary agent provocateur, to quicken resident life forms into taking the next evolutionary step—prior to exodus from the womb planet, or creational egg.

According to many world legends, the Zep Tepi returns at the beginning and end of each time cycle, the 13,000 year half-point of our solar system’s 26,000-year zodiacal orbit around galactic center, seen in the precession of the equinoxes. Because of conditions in our galactic orbit, these 13,000 year intervals or ‘worlds’ appear separated by cataclysmic upheaval, ongoing throughout history.

So it is a revelation to discover that, alongside the Long Count Calendar of the Maya, the calendar-in-stone of the Great Pyramid—or ‘Phoenix Cycle’ of our galactic orbit, in Gregorian time, converted—reveals that their predicted end-time also falls on December 21st, 2012.

Compared with these, the Long Count calendar of the Maya, founded in 3114BC, now 5126 years old, a combination of cosmology and the measurement of Man’s evolution, is the most romantic and prophetic of ancient counting systems. Alongside their sacred, ritual Tzolkin and the solar/fiscal Haab, the Longcount is the most cosmically satisfying. Its dramatic predictions have gained a huge fanbase during 2012, ranging from a most evocative Native American cultural resurgence, to the outlandish/misleading Apolcalypse Now scenario.

The four faces of the nine-stepped pyramid of El Castillo, dedicated to Kukulcán at Chichén Itzá, Yucatán is divided into 4×91 steps = 364, plus the common top step = 365 days = 1 solar year

It is no surprise, then, that on equinox again this year thousands gathered at Chichén Itzá in present-day Yucatán to watch sunset. Guatemala is Maya heartland, Yucatán, its former spiritual home (now within Mexico), where on equinox, twice every year the magical serpent of light (Sun) weaves its snakelike form down (September) and up (March) the step-pyramid El Castillo’s rampart outline against the sky; hundreds of neighboring Guatemalan and Mexican visitors attended the sunset ceremony on equinox, September 22nd this year.

Looking back on the 2012 season, it is remarkable that something we wrote in 2010 applies this year, too:

The (crop circles) brought us dimensions beyond those we’re accustomed to thinking in, sacred geometry and energy vortices and power places known to all previous civilizations, but somehow ‘lost’ to our own: magical light orbs and mysterious high-pitched sound accompanying the formation of a circle or even group meditative ‘requests’ for such a crop appearance.

Serpent Symbolism in World Myths

Seven little serpent ‘tadpoles’ appeared just before Equinox in an Ohio field within the Hopewell ancient mounds; neighboring Adams county is home to the famed Serpent Mound of the Adena or ‘Fort Ancient’ culture, 1000BC-AD1000, photo courtesy Jeff Wilson

2012 brought to light a much deeper cultural myth, however: the cosmic intervention of the Serpent. Debased in Judaeo-Christian ethos as pagan ignorance, belief of a common (peasant) mentality—and blamed for Man’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden for suggesting knowledge gained from the Tree of Life—the serpent/dragon/kundalini energy nevertheless has come back to ‘educate’ us: literally [Latin, e-ducere=]to lead us out from our mindless state of cultural ignorance—into the Light.

It is not as if ancestral serpent wisdom has not been trying to alert us: the Egyptian pharaoh-god-king habitually wore the uraeus as a symbol of divine knowledge; modern physicians are represented by the caduceus, the staff of their lengthy studies entwined with the serpent imparting its wisdom. The dragon is totem for all oriental cultures, and even English hero, St George, is depicted as slaying his own dragon (of so-called pagan ignorance). Italian culture used serpent symbolism, as did the Romans, and the Greek Ouroboros famed as representing Mankind undulating forth around the Earth, only to return to seek its own beginnings.

To the Maya, however, and possibly—while little understood—to the indigenous cultures of North America as represented by the Adena people, above—the serpent of wisdom-knowledge-enlightenment-consciousness is one who seeks to return not only to ancient ways, but to its own birth canal; the Maya sacred tree, which grows in the dark chasm at the center of the Milky Way, the birth canal—Vesica Piscis—to which its child, the Sun, solar system and all earth-dwellers will return on winter solstice 2012.

So, if the latest equinoctial surprise in Ohio, above, of a crop circle of serpent-tadpoles emulating the serpent-alien theme that decked Wiltshire fields in profusion all summer, has come to give us a final message at the end of the season, it is perhaps this: as stated in the now famous crop circle of Chilbolton 2002:

Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts and their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. BELIEVE. There is GOOD out there. We OPpose DECEPTION. conduit closing (bell sound)

The Ohio tadpole ring, while resonant with the Serpent Mound in neighboring Adams County, appeared within the ancient mounds of the Hopewell culture. It is now well-known within the crop circle community that several strands of consciousness, meaning and significance are embedded in such glyphs, and its occurrence at Hopewell may indeed be another message: one for the human race to BELIEVE, to hope well, to look forward to what the future has in store for us.

Almost as a postscript, comes the knowledge produced by current advances in DNA research, where studies have shown that our very cells—junk DNA—are encoded to remember who we are. Such is the golden alchemy of time and consciousness that is unfolding now before our eyes.

What culminated in the British crop circle seasonal finale—the subliminal message(s) of Hackpen interdimensional cube-within-a-portal, above—the serpent mother-Earth pictures of Picked Hill, Avebury and Woodborough, and now seen in the tadpole ring at Hopewell, Ohio, is a strand of communication now penetrating our thought patterns collectively as a culture.

If we are open to it, it appears to be a message from our own higher consciousnes: that ancestral serpent knowledge is alive and that all is well.
©2012 Siderealview

Cereal Waveforms: Mother Alien and Ripening Consciousness

July 11, 2012

Following Britain’s ‘wettest’ June, and peering out—through continuing rainclouds and drizzle—with five days to go until mid-July, St. Swithun’s Day, traditionally a day which sets the weather pattern in stone, I may be forgiven if I entice you for a moment into a little fantasy dreamed over the last month, bathed in a field of energy beneath the electromagnetic landscape of Wiltshire. I hope, at least, that its fantasy theme will enhance your day, and bring an improvement to the 2012 (rainy) season; I hope at best to add a little flavour to the amazing range of crop circle symbols—cereal waveforms as messages—which have struggled in punishing weather conditions, but appear to flourish in the Wiltshire grain basket.

This little crop circle story is brought to you by courtesy of~~~the Alien Mother.

Alien Mama makes a Nest

Mother Alien, swims up from the depths of the electromagnetic aquifer, crop circle at Milk Hill, Alton Barnes, June 25th, 2012

Mother Alien appeared first, June 25th, 2012 below Milk Hill White Horse, as if swimming up from the electromagnetic depths of the aquifer to greet her three wayward children, spawned earlier in the month at Woodborough Hill.

Her impact lasted only a few days, before an audience of stunned onlookers—admiring her sacred geometrical simplicity and sense of dimension portrayed as a 2D image in a cornfield, as viewed from above—when another image, less exquisitely formed, arrived at Boreham Wood, marginally north of the expected CC-hub, July 5th—smiling.

Triangular Flower-of-Life motif July 1st, with apices pointing N to Avebury, Kennet to E & Silbury Hill to S, shown; ©

Throughout a wet June, fewer than usual crop imprints had occurred, and so when July opened, not only with a dry sunny day, but also three geometrically-inspired designs in sacred Avebury heartland, which radiates outwards from the Sacred Triangle—Avebury-Silbury Hill-Kennet—there was cheering in the ranks: a dimensional cube at Chilcomb Down, Hampshire; the stunningly-crafted flower-of-life motif within a pyramid (dimensions imagined) at Avebury, above, were joined on July 1st by a star-tetrahedron [20-sided merkabah] at Wanborough-Liddington. For good measure, a fourth cropcircle formed the same day in Telford Shropshire, to surround that endangered forest in cropcircle energy.

But in the Wiltshire heartland, it seems, the Alien Mother had surfaced and had major plans.

Alien sci-fi movies influenced a generation—giving Alien Mother a familiar feel

The Alien Mother motif, as a symbol for the energy of the Earth—but, in popular consciousness, clearly identified with the creature in an impressive Sigourney Weaver repertoire—was indeed seen as a serpent or dragon force by ancient peoples. Wessex was no exception. Peoples here were so aware of dragon energy that they erected megalithic monuments to trap it, harness it, redirect it and also worship/honour it. It was believed that the movement of the sun also affected the strength of this force, see Rollright Stones and the Dragon Project. Then for centuries, the British Isles succumbed to industrial ‘thinking’, with few believers left in this ancient energy and its power; but Science is turning matters around again, with increasing knowledge of the heliosphere, earth’s magnetosphere, dimensional physics, and the discovery of the Higgs-Boson ‘God particle’ last week. So Mother E/A chose a good time to return.

AlienMother=EarthMother:not so alien, but we humans have difficulty seeing her as ‘real’; curls up at Picked Hill, July 9th.

Remembering that the appearance of the Mother E/A was heralded by three tadpole hatchlings at Woodborough Hill one month ago on June 9th, my feeling is she has been here before—Milk Hill design of July 2010, below right—and it is my fancy that she is here to stay—even has developments up her sleeve~~~

Less fluid, more stilted version of serpent head of July 25, 2010 at Milk Hill

Humans are fascinated by symbols, code; messages from an ‘other’ culture is therefore like a box of magic tricks: we have to decypher, to decode, to understand.

There is one significant crop circle message that has eluded interpretation: the triple-stage ‘astrolabe’ of Milk Hill, below, with its planetary orbits and intricate coded tail that formed over three nights during solstice week, 2009, to the astonishment of Kornkreis-followers. Another, more stilted, less flowing serpentine formation appeared, also at Milk Hill, on July 25th, 2010.

Now three years after the astrolabe, are we seeing our alien mother’s metamorphosis as a message?—a physical extension of a dimensional vibration—that we are still grasping to comprehend: emanating from the same electromagnetic subsoil and rock that produced the White Horse, and capable of manifesting specific ground forces into the human timeframe, perhaps even telling us she was gestating…

Let the story unfold…

Mother Alien emerges from the Astrolabe, which presaged her birth; Milk Hill motifs, left, Astrolabe, solstice week, June 21-29, 2009; right, emerging ‘dragon energy’ June 25, 2012 in adjacent field

She appeared right after solstice, on June 25th 2012, in the adjacent field, as if the energy of Milk Hill—in folk memory a white horse, symbol of power—stored up for three years—was now bursting out. Her tail lines up west, the direction back to the astrolabe ‘ghost’, from which she came—but her head is turned south, in the direction she is headed: towards her babies—and ultimately to her nest at Picked Hill.

A white horse in prehistoric cultures was symbolic of the power/life-force, and ancient Britons were, like their Greek, Persian and Indian counterparts, reverent of this supernatural power which was deeply manifested within the earth. It is amusing to think that our 21st Century technology is only just recognizing these powerful surges and currents.

Seeing our alien mother friend as a physical extension of a dimensional vibration we may still feel like novices, but there is a glimmer of understanding now, of the electromagnetic subterranean milieu—a network of water, rock and energy—which is capable of producing specific ground forces, resulting in designs of enormous resonance.

Is it beyond our everyday reach to believe that this force might have intelligence?

Stukeley’s 18thC engraving of Avebury’s ‘serpent’ energetic spiral: spinning out from the powerful stone circle at the centre of Wiltshire’s electromagnetic aquifer

If crop circles are made by hoaxers, then they should stop doing it, because they are breaking the law and damaging the food supply. If they are made by UFO aliens, they shouldn’t give us the dates of our trips to Mars and names of men from the Titanic era – famous, clever, but now forgotten. If some are transcendental, the power behind it should realize that our culture is now willing to accept transcendental happenings. If they are indeed transcendental, then society will have to make a big adjustment in the years ahead.
Gerald S Hawkins

She makes her nest on the same latitude as her hatchlings of June 9th: July 9th crop circle at Picked Hill, within half a mile of Woodborough CC; photo courtesy Andrew Lewis

While Mother Alien lurked in the ethers, unmanifested, her three tadpole offspring braved the physical world and surfaced in the grain of Woodborough, June 9th. She arrived herself June 25th, below Milk Hill; turning south, as if acknowledging their presence. On the same day an ill-formed (incomplete/embryo?) single tadpole appeared nearby at Knoll Down, Beckhampton. Next came the ?possibly-hoaxed smiling alien caterpillar, July 5th at Boreham Wood, Lockeridge; it seems somehow not as beautiful, nor as purposeful as Mother E/A—but it too had a precursor in the embryo serpent spiral CC of nearby Honey Street, June 26th last year.

Woodborough tadpoles, a half mile distant from M.Alien’s nest

Then, lo and behold, on July 9th, as if with foresight seen by her previous Milk Hill incarnation, the great Mother E/A finds a place to curl up and nest at Picked Hill; this beautifully crafted crop circle lies within half-a-mile of her tadpole swimmers; and is coincidentally on exactly the same latitude parallel as they are: map ref. Woodborough hill SU117611 ; Picked hill SU126611.

It is no wonder the crop circle crowd are no longer clamouring for symbols. The energy is unfolding before their eyes.

A miracle happens whenever some other unseen world intersects with our own
C.S. Lewis ‘Miracles’ (1949)

When in 1969 New Age antiquarian and ‘conservative anarchist’ John Michell (1933-2009) proposed in ‘A View over Atlantis’ that sacred sites were connected by invisible lines of energy, his theories were challenged by the establishment.

“This forcefield may actually be invisible to those whose previous knowledge tells them it cannot exist”, he said famously. Now, such electromagnetic fields are measured; while plasma physics and electric Universe theory—as well as Higgs-boson—are catching up and proving him right, after all.

“I am passionate that this knowledge—of sacred gematrial and numerological relat­ionship between man and temple—should be public, not secret, so that it may not be lost to mankind. For it is the heritage of every man and woman—their spiritual birthright.”
Israel Regardie

A devoté of occultist Regardie, Michell considered himself the (20thC) Merlin, who having lost faith in traditional belief, rediscovered it in the Earth: and through the writing of the pragmatic Watkins (Old Straight Track of ‘ley lines’ fame), Gerald Hawkins (who Decoded Stonehenge, 1965, 1973) and Alexander Thom—whose 1967 survey of British megalithic sites established the megalithic yard as a prehistoric standard of measurement. He was a firm believer in the St Michael alignment, a succession of ancient monuments which run from the tip of Cornwall to the Norfolk coast. Michell was delighted when Don Robins’ Dragon Project at Rollright confirmed that this subterranean forcefield did seem to be enhanced and revved up by the appearance of sunlight—at dawn and dusk, particularly—believing as he did that ‘invoking the Sun’ was a crucial sacred ritual performed by our Ancestors, which we have forgotten how to employ.

Hence, John Michell might say, the dreary British summer of 2012.

Curling cozily next to her offspring, Mother Alien awaits her awakening by the Sun

During the British summer soak, however, Solar proton storms have been bombarding Earth—with class M and X-flares a constant in the last ten days—playing havoc with internet connections and manmade electronic equipment; see NOAA solar & geomagnetospheric indicator, sidebar right; but it seems the electromagnetic field—particularly in Wiltshire—is thriving. The dragon lady is lying in wait, anticipating perhaps the return of the sun, to show us more miracles from her unseen and previously unimagined realm of the limestone aquifers under the sacred soil.

While I merely dreamed of the Lady of the Dragon Line, her appearance so close to her babies is too cozy not to be deliberate. So I await developments—along with some of you, who I hope have enjoyed my fantasy—in anticipation that somehow the power she hides beneath her slumbering curves, may again manifest in an even-more-fantastical form this season, to show us that we humans have indeed punctured the Mother Earth’s veil, and she, friendly matriarchal presence that she is, is pleased to play the game with us, until we learn what our forebears already knew from birth: the deep connection we hold (so irresponsibily, sometimes even lightly) with our parent, the Blue Planet.
©2012 Siderealview

Magnificence of the Three-Six-Nine and Timing of the Eschaton

March 6, 2012

The Transcendental Object at the End of Time

Kahauale'a: seismicity and solar flares = son et lumière

If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the Universe
Nikola Tesla Никола Тесла; Serbian American electrical/mechanical engineer and inventor (1856–1943)

Nikola Tesla's Tower: he invented the Tesla coil in 1891--still in use 120 years later in radio, tv and electronics

“(I have conceived) a means…for man to transmit energy in large amounts, thousands of horsepower, from one planet to another, absolutely regardless of distance. Nothing can be more important than interplanetary communication.”

“My flying machine will have neither wings nor propellers. You might see it on the ground and you would never guess that it was a flying machine. Yet it will be able to move at will through the air in any direction with perfect safety, higher speeds than have yet been reached, regardless of weather and oblivious of ‘holes in the air’ or downward currents. It will ascend in such currents if desired.”
Nikola Tesla on his self-energizing craft

“Many recent crop circles presaging mathematical/symbolic resonance/code have appeared near transmitters/antennae. Tesla was fascinated by the ‘attraction’ antennae/lightning rods held for lightning.

History–the Shockwave that precedes the Eschaton
McKenna said: “Nothing is unannounced. If you are paying attention, stuff comes down the pike. First a little wave, then a medium wave, then the tsunami.

“This is what it’s like when an entire species prepares to move on to the next dimension” Terence McKenna, speaking in 1999.

‘We are in the shadow of this transcendental object at the End of Time; we are all gathered here at the endgame of processes–we are about to become unrecognizable.’
Terence McKenna on Omega Point or Eschaton

He calls Eschtology the ‘study of that Last Thing’; the Thing we are still unraveling: that ‘concrescence of becoming’. Just as Carl Sagan released his belief systems towards the end of his life, McKenna had doubts. He didn’t want to die; at one time he believed death might be overcome.

He tended towards Eastern thought, (*influenced by Teilhard de Chardin, a Jesuit monk); his viewpoint was suffused with mystical theology of Eastern orthodox Christianity which is teleological, Eschatological and Universalist.
He did believe that the Universe has purpose towards hyper-complexification, or advanced organization. He predicted it would occur faster and faster. “In this state there is an illusion which makes it appear as if Nature is tending towards something–towards caring.”

“We are on the brink of understanding between Western space-time-matter and the energy dynamic, where an event is NOT pushed from behind, but attracted by something ahead. The Universe is under the sway of the Transcendental Object at the End of Time. All Nature aspires to this state of perfect Novelty. Nature abhors habit; so it produces Novelty at every level.”

According to the traditional view, provided in the last 200 years by Science, we live in a ‘very ordinary galaxy in a very ordinary Universe’. But, if drawn by the Attractor, we (human beings) suddenly return to center stage, become important in the Scheme of Things, because we are presently the most novel species on the planet–evolving most rapidly–as part of the Cosmos’s own tendency towards higher order. ‘More than that, we are the carriers,’ says Terence.

Most novel development since sliced bread

Symbiosis: Man + Machine = Superconsciousness

Today, as we draw ever closer to that transcendental object at the end of time, TOATEOT, Humanity represents the cutting edge of complexity. The whole process is one of moving towards complexification, his Novelty; our Fusion as one Consciousness; the Omega Point.

When Omega arrives, Humanity will have reached the finite limit of the capacity of the body. It is then, McKenna predicted, we will “‘make it with machines’!: These machines are time compressors; they give us a false sense of eternity.”

He predicted Consciousness and Language would be the keys.

Our entire civilization cannot move a marble at the speed of light, but we can move information at the speed of light…
Terence McKenna on the human-machine symbiosis

Donna Haraway, "A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century," in Simians, Cyborgs and Women: The Reinvention of Nature (New York; Routledge, 1991)

How could he know, thirteen years down the line from that prediction, that today we would be knee-deep in our umbilical connection to the Universe via the Internet? We are capable of holding three conversations at once, share omnipresent exclamations of momentary excitement, the discovery of a new spring flower: daily affirmations of our connection. We check out fifty blogs while the washing machine churns and still find time to email parents-child-friend. Last week I was invited to (and spent the evening at) a Blog Party.

There was absolutely no difference in my mind between attending the party in the ethers and one in person in the real world, except for the lack of champagne slipping down my throat. Brain synapses registered the same: maybe an even higher sense of ‘anticipation’ because some of our new Internet friends we’ve known for such a short time. We are only just getting the hang of this symbiotic wo/man-machine relationship; but it’s fun. Isn’t it? As Terence said, in coming together, we are becoming one Consciousness.

McKenna knew this time would come because he was tuned in–through shamanic conviction–to that experiential-knowing of our deep connection through our bodies to Nature to Earth-Solarsystem-Galaxy arm-Universe.

Immanentizing the Eschaton*

Grateful Dead at Winterland, 1973;
album cover art, courtesy Emek

You can’t go back and you can’t stand still
If the thunder don’t get you then the lightning will
Grateful Dead

“We now hold a catalyst for the human imagination of sufficient power that if we use it, we can deconstruct the lethal vehicle that is carrying us toward the brink of the apocalypse. And we can redesign it into a kind of starship that will carry us and our children out into the broad star galaxy we know to be awaiting us. But it’s a cultural test Nature is giving us. Intelligence is a grand experiment, upon which a great deal depends… and if it proves inadequate, Nature will cover it over with the same kind of cool impunity as she covered the dinosaurs, the trilobites…”

As McKenna’s own death drew near, his compassion for his fellow Man surfaced as the closest he ever came to faith in Universal Intelligence.

Glimpses into that Mind brought him into close alignment with Tesla’s own wonder of the Universe–and Number (top). The “magnificence of the 3-6-9” is the Phi spiral which entwines through everything. Both Tesla and McKenna spoke of the marvel of the Fibonacci sequence [3, 6, 9, 15, 24, 39…] and the stunning fractal it reproduces in Nature: from the Julia Set, Mandelbrot kidney-shape and the spiral of growth in plants, to the way galaxies spin in whorls and spirals: each according to an ever-expanding sequence of numbers–Nature’s fondness for one-third and two-thirds–themselves fractals of a greater whole.

The 'Julia Set' cropcircle appeared at teatime July 7th, 1996 next to Stonehenge, to the amazement of visitors. Even their trails have Fibonacci beauty

“We wonder why numbers–the product of the human mind–are so incredibly powerful for the description of Nature? Numbers arise in the depths of human restless emotion. What the relationship is of these things to each other is a deep mystery–the most difficult question for philosophy; one not even asked until 20thC–but it indicated a fundamental congruence of processes which are mental and at the same time relate to the world of Nature itself.

Phi spiral form in Fractal Mathematics

“I am an inventor/purveyor of a mathematical theory of Consciousness. I believe that, more powerful than any atom smasher or subtle than any space telescope, is the human mind. The human mind is the most subtle and superb of all instruments for the study and measurement of Nature.

“When we look into ourselves, we discover the same process that we discover in the birth and death of a species, flow of a river, collapse of a corporation or flowering of a love affair. Somehow this process is under the aegis of some sort of universal equation or description, so it doesn’t matter if it’s the birth or death of your hope, or the evolution of the Pacific Ocean. Processes always occur in the same way. Therefore congruence between the mental world of human beings, the abstract world of mathematics and the world of Nature–it’s the same Universal Stuff. This is why the concept of ‘truth’ can have some meaning.” Terence McKenna

...or we could, like the playful dolphin, keep up the game in the hopes that the Universe, in the form of a helpful humpback, might surface and give us the ultimate ride...

His predictions reflected his beliefs: that the human race is facing a dilemma: remain fixed in the plane of matter–or take off and find we have wings. He thought the amphibians must have had similar thoughts ‘…should we go up there and breathe the atmosphere… can we make it?’ Unlike the amphibians, we are breaking from the plane of matter; hurtling towards the Attractor at breakneck speed. The process is now in place, so that we must totally rewrite the script. No-one knows what will happen in the next 100 years, let alone in the next 100 days.

We are becoming a Community of Mind. But, ultimately, the only person in there is you.

‘You can argue, discuss and scientifically examine all you like, but it comes down to the same thing: Nobody understands what is happening. Not Buddhists, not Christians, not Government scientists, not anyone you know. So forget ideologies. They betray, they limit, they lead astray. Just deal with the raw data and TRUST YOURSELF. Liberate yourself from the Illusion of Culture. Take responsibility for what you think and what you do.’

We are about to make some new kind of leap. Before you enter the zone, you are an animal; after you leave the zone, you are a god. In the zone you are a schizophrenic and there’s a fire in the Madhouse at the End of Time. TMcK

The sweet pea Deva was first to explain to Dorothy Maclean the involvement of the Nature kingdom in human affairs

In the expanded New Age version, based originally on Eastern Orthodox ideas of Eternity–but quantized to fit with parallel universes, relativity of time and space, and the effects encountered in dreamtime and out-of-body experiences–the Eschaton, the ‘last thing’ has already happened. In *eternity/no-time everything already is, was and will be. So we can theoretically, from our position within (enclosed) time, already access the Eschaton in certain states of awareness. Also, we can choose to live as though continuing in such an awareness. In McKenna’s credo, it is extremely important to persevere: to live that belief, once experienced.

Both McKenna and Tesla were steeped in Nature: Tesla invented means to draw free energy from a naturally-occurring waveform attracting lightning to the earth; McKenna lived the last years of his life surrounded by his beloved wild Hawaiian forest, in his committed belief that Nature speaks, if one but listens.

Findhorn Foundation , a 50-year old Intentional Community in NE Scotland, was created around a Group Mind calling itself the Devas/Nature Kingdom. Dorothy Maclean, 92, the last of the community founders, continues to teach/write and spread Nature’s spiritual message widely. In her long life she has dedicated herself to sharing that vast store of knowledge imparted by the plant kingdom. She started small: the Deva of the Sweet Pea was first to speak to her. Still others have written/spoken of the wisdom given by Nature Spirits.

Virgin coast redwoods, sequoia sempervirens: Humboldt Co Freshwater Reserve, saved from clear-felling by Julia's treesit in Luna

Julia Butterfly-Hill–treesitter par-excellence–who almost singlehandedly saved swathes of virgin Redwood forest (Freshwater, CA, early 1990s), says her Sequoia host, Luna, whispered to her–mostly at night.

Several indigenous cultures, followers of the back-to-the-Earth movement–of which Ms Maclean and thousands of surviving Baby Boomers are a part–along with an upsurge in much younger Green/Alternative communities–advocate returning to ancestral ways of living in harmony with our surroundings; that we need to return to a state of reverence and respect for the Earth. Kiesha Crowther, Nassim Haramein and Drunvalo Melchizedek foresee mass exodus from cities and towns, should ‘earth changes’ become the norm.

McKenna would see our present earth-battering by solar flares (M-class flares yesterday, X-class flares today, see NOAA index, sidebar right) as yet another sign of the approaching Eschaton. I think he would again offer his previous advice: to take responsibility for how we think and what we do.

And may we have faith that the Universal Mind–manifesting as our Supreme Intelligence and Oversoul–and having our best interests at heart, will lead us with a kindly hand.
©2012 Siderealview

*There is no time at the End of Time because time is ‘restored’ in its fullness…every moment, every experience in all possible worlds/dimensions becomes eternal at the end of time. Not only what happened but what might have happened (or will happen), so it is essentially infinite. Nothing is lost.


Facing One’s Power in the Age of Light

January 25, 2012

The Electric Universe

Helix nebula in Aquarius: a new infra-red high-resolution image, courtesy Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit

Electromagnetism invades all walks of life. It permeates inventions, discoveries in electronics; and revolutionary use of crystalline and silicone technology has brought it into the mainstream where it now affects all strata of world culture.

Yet behind the scenes, we know that its ephemeral nature — its very essence as a ‘force’ on Earth — makes it fragile and open to disruption by an even greater electromagnetic source — that powering our Sun.

The Superstorm of September 1859 known as the Carrington Event is often quoted as earth’s worst magnetic storm, when the planet passed through a solar particle storm (coronal mass ejection, CME) lasting a week. Most of middle N.America was without rudimentary communication; telegraph systems worldwide were disrupted; spontaneous fires broke out. If such an Event were to happen now, there would be complete electronic blackout: hitting communications satellites, GPS; knocking out high-frequency radio communications which airplanes use to fly polar routes; overload electrical grids and blow out transformers, i.e. geo-collapse.

Much recent work by the Thunderbolts Project, glowing from their January 6-8, 2012 Conference, has shed light on electromagnetic powering of stars and galaxies. Key points of their theory give weight to an Electric Universe over one dominated by gravity and black holes:

Electricity now seen to play a more significant role in the Universe than previously accepted;

Sun and stars electrically powered by drift currents (Electric Connection)

Planetary surface features like craters, dendritic structures and rilles caused by super-lightning (electrical scarring)

Certain cosmic phenomena are electrical in nature, including:
Comet tails (electric comets)
The plumes of Enceladus
Martian dust devils
Galaxy formation and dynamics — circumventing the need for black holes and dark matter

Electricity and Magnetism as Waves of Light

B1509 pulsar called The Hand of God

In 1860 a 30-year old Scot at Cambridge, James Clerk Maxwell, discovered that the interplay between vibrating magnetic and electric fields created a wave.

He found that electric or magnetic fields alone could not create a wavelike motion; only the delicate interplay between electric and magnetic fields could produce this special wave.

At the time the universe as Man knew it consisted of Newtonian gravity, the four elements of alchemy and the metaphysical belief in ethers surrounding Earth. Space was the unknown frontier, a vast unexplored vacuum. Yet Maxwell proposed these waves operated in that void.

“To most physicists Maxwell’s idea seemed preposterous because there was no ‘ether’ to conduct these waves. Maxwell’s fields were ‘disembodied’ and moved by themselves, without a conducting medium.” Michio Kaku ‘Beyond Einstein: Cosmic Quest for A Theory of the Universe’, 1995.

Maxwell discovered light was made up of electric fields (E) and magnetic fields (B) which oscillate in unison --electric fields vibrate vertically, magnetic fields horizontally

Maxwell was undaunted. Using his equations to calculate, he found he was able to derive a specific number for the speed of this wave. He was astonished to find it was the speed of light. Light was revealed as a series of electric fields chained and interconnected with — and turning into — magnetic fields. Maxwell had accidentally discovered that his equations unraveled the nature of light as an electromagnetic wave.

Theory of Everything
His revelation was the first unified field theory — affectionately called the TOE: Theory of Everything.

Braided current sheets glow softly in visible and infrared light along the Cygnus loop of the Veil Nebula,
photo Johns HopkinsU/ NASA

Ever since Maxwell’s ground-breaking work, Light has been seen as the electro-magnetic force, created by vibration of electric and magnetic fields rapidly turning into each other;


are intertwined and speed-linked forms taken by the electromagnetic wave.

Electric Universe theory supported by the inter-disciplinary Thunderbolts Project has built on the work begun by Maxwell; expanded and expounded by Albert Einstein’s phenomenal mind; triggered by quantum theory. Like its sister, Stanford prof. Leonard Susskind’s Holographic Universe Theory, which also defies the old ‘black-hole model’, EU’s proponents are excited by unprecendented confirmations of their original predictions.

Recent EU predictions are confirmed by mainstream astrophysicists using ever-complex telescope technology not available in Maxwell’s time, but now able to detect electrical activity throughout the Universe.

Supernova 1987A in the Magellanic Cloud, closest supernova event (169,000 light years distant) since the invention of the telescope, exhibits massive electrical discharges from its central star

“The EU model has brought vastly more success than those from the mainstream. For instance, no one can argue that the ‘astonishing’ outburst of Comet Holmes 17P was ‘predictable’ nor even understandable by mainstream scientists. There are many other recent data and discoveries: from the validation of the electric Sun/Earth connection, to the observation of ‘impossibly’ huge cosmic ‘voids’, to the ongoing ‘mystery’ of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays… to anomalous (i.e. electrical) space weather. We are seeing precisely what one should expect if the predominant force in the heavens is electricity, not gravity”
Michael Goodspeed, Electric Universe Predictions

Supernova 1987A depicted in crop designs in Italy and Czech Republic, June-July 2011

A massive and graphic example of classic electrical discharge and stranding from a star is Supernova 1987A, above and left — the closest supernova event to happen in our skies since the invention of the telescope. First seen in February 1987 in the Magellanic Cloud, our dwarf companion galaxy to the Milky Way 169,000 light years from Earth, its discharges have increased and brightened since its discovery.

“Close observation since its appearance in 1987 provides proof that supernovae are catastrophic electrical discharges focused on a star.” Thunderbolts Project

GEO600 gravitational wave detector, Sarstedt, Germany picks up strange sounds

Meanwhile German scientists have been trying to understand why their equipment measuring gravitational waves is picking up strange sounds.

Craig Hogan, professor of astronomy and physics, U.Chicago and director of Fermilab’s Center for Particle Astrophysics in Batavia, Illinois feels GEO600 has stumbled upon the fundamental limit of space-time –- the point where space-time stops behaving like the smooth continuum Einstein described and instead dissolves into ‘grains’, just as a newspaper photograph dissolves into dots as you zoom in.

Prof. Craig Hogan, UChicago and Director of FermiLab

“It looks like GEO600 is being buffeted by the microscopic quantum convulsions of space-time.

“If the GEO600 result is what I suspect it is, then we are all living in a giant cosmic hologram.

“The idea that we live in a hologram probably sounds absurd, but it is a natural extension of our best understanding of black holes, and something with a pretty firm theoretical footing. It has also been surprisingly helpful for physicists wrestling with theories of how the universe works at its most fundamental level.” Craig Hogan, Director FermiLab.

These holograms can be imagined like those on credit cards and banknotes etched on two-dimensional plastic film. When light bounces off them, it recreates the appearance of a 3D image. In the 1990s physicists Leonard Susskind and Nobel prizewinner Gerard ‘t Hooft suggested that the same principle might apply to the universe as a whole, see above and here. These physicists explain that our everyday experience might itself be a holographic projection of physical processes taking place on a distant, 2D surface.

Controversy still surrounds electrical activity powered by our own Sun. Aurora (borealis and australis) are accepted as electromagnetic phenomena occurring at the poles following a solar flare; electrically-charged plasma can knock out power lines and wreak havoc in city distribution grids; but still the person-in-the-street does not look upon the sun as an electromagnetic engine capable of causing seismic disturbance (potentially on a vast scale) on our little terrestrial globe.

All this week Earth inhabitants are being rocked within a huge radiation storm of M-class and X-class flares — an electromagnetically-charged curtain of particles which left the Sun last Friday. Spectacular auorae confirmed NOAA’s Solar and Geomagnetic Field Indicator (right sidebar bottom) flashing Flare/Orange Storm/Red.

SpaceWeather and NASA upgraded their warning to M-9 class flare (threshold X-flare, the largest), since a further CME erupted from the Sun yesterday. Its leading edge hit Earth one hour later and, as it continues through the solar system, it will strike Mars January 25th. This radiation storm comes with a punch. It shot earthwards at 4million mph, much faster than the usual CME, catching up with its predecessor in one day. Some southern US states have suffered electronic failure.

Angel of the North- weekend aurora Tromsø, Norway, photo Bjørn Jørgensen

NASA’s Goddard Space Center is monitoring this particular solar storm carefully as it has a triple payload: electromagnetic radiation is followed by radiation in the form of protons. Then the CME —- plasma from the sun itself — provides the backlash. This makes the geomagnetic field wobble and shake and scatters electromagnetic currents everywhere. It is plasma which can cause electrical grid malfunction. Goddard helio-physicists are following closely as increasing activity confirms the sun’s move from an 11-year solar minimum towards solar maximum expected 2013.

According to Goddard analysts, Friday’s CME strongly compressed Earth’s magnetic field and briefly exposed satellites in geosynchronous orbit to solar wind plasma. Earth’s magnetic field continues to reverberate from the impact, with further buffeting expected. Arctic aurorae have been spectacular.


Central 'squeeze' of energy is typical of electromagnetic filament formation in a nebula

You know you are a powerful creator if you choose to use your power: power based in your heart — the power of healing emotion Gregg Braden, The Divine Matrix

In the electronic revolution internet sites have sprung up all over declaring that 2012 brings about the end of the world.

Others that, through our inner looking glass, we will rebirth whatever we conceive heaven to be — and make it manifest.

Still others rebel against the Old Guard, denouncing corrupt rulers. Like the Roman Decline, their Empire is tottering, crashing, while the people feast and fest: bread and circuses; football and Olympic Games.

‘Now that no one buys our votes, the public has long since cast off its cares; the people that once bestowed commands, consulships, legions, and all else, now meddle no more and long eagerly for just two things — bread and circuses’
Juvenal — Decimus Junius Juvenalis AD55-127

Just as Nero (AD37-68) was chastised for fiddling while Rome burned, the RichList are now being questioned for their jetset behaviour.


Esther Hicks continues to bring the Law of Attraction to a mass audience

Among the plethora of New Age guidance and self-help gurus suggesting we listen to our inner voice is Esther Hicks, 64, recently widowed, life-partner of Jerry, soul-partner of ‘Abraham’ — her off-planet/oversoul voice that she shares with millions. Described by some as a ‘channeler’ for Abraham, a group of clearly evolved teachers, speaking their broader non-physical perspective through her physical body, she continues to write, broadcast, and offer workshops on practising the Law of Attraction.

“Contrast helps you identify desire. Desire is summoning. It’s always flowing through you. You have the opportunity to open to the harmony of the vibration of your desire or not. As the desires are being summoned through you, and you go with the flow, you thrive, but if you use things to be your excuse for not going with the flow, you are arguing for your limitations. We want to show you how to go with the flow, which means nothing more than finding vibrational harmony with your own desire, and letting the Universal Energy that your desire is summoning to flow through you. It is optimum creative experience”
— Abraham

She chose to continue her work after her husband Jerry’s death in November 2011, and has a workshop schedule planned — albeit brief — for the winter months touring the southern United States until April. Her bestselling book — The Vortex, 2009 — provides focus for these forays into the human psyche and her hands-on — or spirit-speaking — approach has helped thousands to find their own positive role in life.

“Nothing needs to be fixed. Everything is unfolding perfectly. So when you stand in your now accepting that all is well, then from that vibration, you become surrounded by more and more evidence that all is well. But when you’re convinced that things are broken, that there is pollution, or that things have gone wrong, or that the government is doing conspiracies… then what happens is you get caught up in that vibration, and you begin to manifest that kind of stuff, and then you say, ‘See, I told you that things were going wrong.'” — Abraham

The Law of Attraction says ‘that which is Like unto itself is drawn’ Abraham-Hicks

“When you play the What-If? game, look for things that make you feel better. There is never a situation in which there is not a way out but, out of habit, most people continue to choose the ‘lack’ perspective until they eventually find themselves where it seems that there are no more choices. But as you hold your intention to look for evidence of Wellbeing and thriving and success and happiness, you will tune yourself to the vibrations of those things and so those kinds of good-feeling experiences will dominate your life” — Abraham

The Law of Attraction, a term coined in the first decade of the 20th Century, is a belief which has outlived its proponents in the New Thought and Theosophist movements of the metaphysical community to become a 21st Century byword. The human mind seems incapable of encompassing the totality of the universe in its complexity, so it filters the reality to let in only a miniscule fragment.

What the mind understands becomes one’s fact or reality, and what it doesn’t, does not even exist in one’s world/universe. Forays by the mind out into that infinite source of knowledge-comprehension-belief bring understanding back into the individual’s sphere of experience, i.e. what we think becomes real.

DMT molecule in accurate detail at Roundway, July 23, 2011. 2 days later its companion CC showed human pineal gland

Genuine crop circles — particularly to the cropcircle community who await the 2012 season with bated breath — are extreme examples of this belief system, where during summer months in Britain, and now in several European and American countries, crop formations transmit code for information accessible only by the subconscious mind. Particularly relevant to our train of thought are two crop circles which appeared in succession at Roundway, Wiltshire in July 2011 showing the human ‘feel-good’ centre — the pineal gland which generates melatonin — two days after the same DMT molecule manifested in accurate detail nearby (above). It is common knowledge that spontaneous healings, human warmth and friendship and synchronistic meetings have occurred in crop circles. Roundway, near Devizes is — in electromagnetic terms — seething with cross currents accessible by dowsers and magnetometer readings. Many believe that in addition to their embedded code, designs connect at a subliminal level with our DNA.

Inspirationally, crop circles have had a hold over a large world audience because of the electronic miracle of aerial photography, mostly courtesy CCC and the Silent Circle, with instant rebroadcast over the internet. Within mainstream media (television and radio), the jury is still out.

The crop circle following is comparable with devotees of The Secret (2006), and What the Bleep do we Know (2004) which built on the New Thought Movement theme and brought many new names into the spiritual self-mastery movement, including quantum physicist Gregg Braden and Doctors Joe Vitale, Joe Dispenza, and Deepak Chopra. While Oprah was soaking up television audiencies, these MDs/PhDs were the first cultural phenomenon to bounce off the burgeoning internet. Six years on, within social media — Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google+ — such spiritual discussion is commonplace; crop circle excitement quick to spread.

2 pendulums control a pen over a writing surface: Edison's harmonograph drew spirals, ellipses & figures of eight

After the Superstorm of 1859, New England’s ‘tech industry’ at the formative MIT (19thC equivalent of today’s Silicon Valley in California) fostered youthful Thomas Edison’s interest in telegraph technology (with A.Graham Bell’s help) to produce the first ‘harmonic telegraph’.

His ‘harmonograph’ and ‘multiplex transmitter’ were the embryo internet of his day, scratchily etching sounds and rudimentary pictures from an electric signal: a path which changed communications in the western world.

It is tempting to speculate that one of the superstorms of the sun’s impending solar maximum might similarly create (temporarily adverse) conditions which could foster even wilder leaps of imagination in inventors using the medium of light-waves to create previously uncontemplated splendours.

Crop circle messages and the Large Hadron Collider: Pewsey CC solstice 2010 calculated Phi --'golden mean'-- but looked suspiciously like the CERN accelerator

Maxwell, Nikola Tesla, Edison and Einstein would have loved to live now — in the world we take for granted — to flip keys instead of switches to bring rainbow reality into the drabness of their black-and-white world: Maxwell and Einstein to see the Higgs-Boson particle cast doubt on a fixed speed for light; Tesla to discover his rotating electromagnetic field could drive ships to the stars; and for Edison to see that Wall Street still uses a version of his stock-ticker! One wonders how they would view the latest iPod or the ability to speak on Skype.

“The purpose of our journey on this precious Earth is now to align our souls with our personalities: to create harmony, cooperation, sharing, and reverence for Life; to grow spiritually. This is our new evolutionary pathway. The old pathway — pursuing the ability to manipulate and control — no longer works. It now produces only violence and destruction.” Gary Zukav

Worldwide prophecies, from ‘Heaven-on-Earth’, to Messianic revelation, to the ‘Second Coming’ suggest the signs will appear in the skies. The classical Maya religiously kept watch to document and measure the paths of heavenly bodies as a means of calculating when this New Age would dawn.

This week should give us an inkling whether the signs in the skies are fulfilling prophecy or merely telling us to buckle up for the ride into the Light. Either way, it should be the ride of our lives.
©2012 Siderealview

Dragon in the Ground: Cropcircles and the Scalar Wave

September 22, 2011

Gemini Observatory (Hawaii) image of elegant Nebula Kronberger 61 in N.constellation Cygnus, Swan: 'football' is ionized shell of expelled plasma & oxygen-III

“Electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world’s machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels”
Nikola Tesla 1856-1943

Within the earth’s magnetosphere — the electrical shield which functions as a smaller planetary dynamo equivalent to the sun’s huge electromagnetic field — there is a spinning scalar vortex running through the earth which is apparently kept in place by the moon’s position and rotation around the earth.

It is precisely held.

We always see only the single face of the moon, in all her phases, inclined towards Earth in permanent gaze — a geomagnetic/lunar arrangement which is scientifically impossible according to simple gravitational theory — only one of the moon’s many anomalies which few except plasma scientists will touch.

West Woodhay Down Inkpen crop circle July 29, 2011: serpent-dragon represents scalar wave technology seen in our double-helix DNA and the farthest spiral galaxy

However, the moon seems to perpetuate this axial configuration on a scalar electromagnetic level, pulling earth’s tides and in turn being pulled closer and repelled by earth herself. These motions are embedded within the ancient characteristics of astrology, surrounding the Moon’s North and South Nodes, imaginary locations which have been known from time immemorial as the Dragon’s head and Dragon’s tail.

Both legend and astrology connect the Nodes with the ascendant, a point representing the rose-colored glasses we constantly look through (both directions) as we occupy an avatar, in this plane on the surface of the globe.

Iapetus, 7th of Saturn's 33 moons, like our Moon, always shows one face to its ringed parent. Named for Uranus' Titan son, Iapetus fathered Prometheus and Atlas

The serpent, ‘Lucifer’, ‘angel-of-the-dawn’, the light-bearer all signal the astrological ‘ascendant’, calculated as the point where the light of dawn shines on that part of the world when the subject of the astro-chart is born. It gives the chart its orientation and reveals the functional level where unseen forces manipulate development and motion or flow of life within the incarnate who inhabits the avatar.

In Hinduism, an avatar, Hindi: [ˈəvət̪ɑːr], English: /ˈæv.ə.tɑːr/, (avatāra: Devanagari अवतार, Sanskrit for “descent” [viz., from Heaven to Earth]) is a deliberate descent of a deity from heaven to earth, or a descent of the Supreme Being (i.e., Vishnu for Vaishnavites) and is mostly translated into English as “incarnation”, but more accurately as “appearance” or “manifestation”.

Earth's 'Becker-Hagens' energetic grid concentrated into nodes where tetrahedra meet

From this constant flow and vibration, electromagnetic resonance of the earth can be calculated. That results in a shape (wave, graph, grid) for the resonance, which allowed Berthe Hagens and Bill Becker to devise the Becker-Hagens vortex grid. This earth grid is based on known energy focal points (Wiltshire-speak’s ley lines) with its nodes spaced in configurations exactly matching the Platonic solids: the cube, tetrahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron,and icosahedron.

The 5 Platonic solids (Tetrahedron, Cube or Hexahedron-6, Octahedron-8, Dodecahedron-12 and Icosahedron-20) are ideal, primal models of crystal patterns which occur throughout the world of minerals in countless variation. Because of their intrinsic use by Mother Nature, they are known as forms of Sacred Geometry.

Earthstar vortex map: grid for western North America showing energy vortices at Sedona, AZ, Mt.Whitney, Lake Tahoe, Mt.Shasta and Three Sisters, OR

The earth’s own neutral center is a dimensional window that vibrates at frequencies resonant with the earth’s own spherical harmonics. I’m not certain whether these spherical harmonics correlate to mechanical, electromagnetic, or gravitational vibrations. Whatever the case, standing waves are set up that create equally-spaced node and antinodal points on earth’s surface.
David R Cowan, author of Ley Lines and Earth Energies and Safe as Houses

The Becker-Hagens Grid incorporates the Platonic solids and the 20-sided icosahedron to create a grid of 62 points. It is worth reading their work, as they delve deeply into the historical background for such an earth grid.

This dual vortex (in opposing directions) has a continuous flow that rings the earth like a large horn or bell. Their research seems to indicate that the moon exerts influence via interference with the earth’s original energies.

Interestingly, the same grid was well-known to the ancients who built megalithic structures at nodal points on land and knew to navigate around such energy vortices (as Great Abaco-Bermuda Triangle, Corryvreckan and the Maelstrøm) in the oceans.

Old Bewick, Northumberland Neolithic cupmarked rock -- reminiscent of crop circle design -- carved to capture and store earth energy from sunlight

The Dragon Project of Dr G.V. (Don) Robins was one of the first to document measureable energy fluxes at such Neolithic sites as Rollright Stones in the 1980s. The eponymous Dragon was that magical energy stored in the ground which ancient myth likened to a sleeping dragon: the same beast which early Christian saints — Michael and George — slew in their efforts to wean country people (pagans, fr. Latin, paganus, country person) away from such ‘nonsensical’ belief in earth magick and superstition in an earth energy rivaling God.

Robins’s Geiger counter and ultrasound readings were anomalously absent inside the stone circle precinct at Rollright, Oxfordshire, compared with background radiation outside the stone periphery. He measured the nearby King Stone, a huge outlier, over a period of five years, finding that it pulsed regularly each day at 30 minutes and 10 minutes before dawn, with pulsations strongest at the equinoxes and less marked at the solstices.
Don Robins, “The Dragon Project and the Talking Stones,” New Scientist, 96: 166, 1982.

Easter Aquhorthies recumbent stone circle, Aberdeenshire with its huge quartzite window to capture the sun at winter solstice, photo Marian Youngblood

Guy Underwood, author of Patterns of the Past, and Tom Graves Needles of Stone recorded anomalies at Arbor Low in Derbyshire and Long Meg, Cumbria. Locally, it was common knowledge that larks and swallows seemed drawn to the ultrasound emanating at both stone circles. Gerald Hawkins’ team found high-energy readings emitted from a cupmarked circle stone at Temple Wood, Kilmartin, Argyll in 1973.

Neolithic stone circles in Aberdeenshire have documented high-energy, thought to be ‘stored’ in the quartz inclusions present in many granite ‘recumbent’ stones chosen specifically for placement in the southwest of the circle to ‘capture’ the dying sun in midwinter, major standstill moonset and the setting sun in the north at summer solstice. As with stone circles in Northern England and Wiltshire, most are placed over underground aquifers where it is thought the stones acted as ‘radio masts’ to collect the subterranean energy and transmit it above ground along the planetary grid.

Aberdeenshire also has its ‘ringing’ stones which sounded like a bell when dawn sunlight hit. A similar phenomenon was recorded by Strabo at Thebes when the northern quartz Colossus of Memnon sang at dawn.

E = Δtc2

Nikola Tesla discovered 'radiant energy' in scalar waveforms

Nikola Tesla discovered in 1901 that when a metal was illuminated by high-frequency light (e.g. ultraviolet light), electrons were ejected from the metal at high energy. This work was based on the previous knowledge that light acting on metals produces a current, but Tesla was the first to describe it as a particle phenomenon. Further, it was discovered within the year that energy emitted by these ejecting electrons did not depend on its intensity but its frequency (wave-form): in order to produce high energy electrons, one must illuminate the metal with high-frequency light. The more light there is, the more electrons are ejected, but intensity depended on frequency alone. This very interesting discovery was intrinsic in the Manhattan Project‘s production of the first ‘atom’ bomb.

However, more recent — and ongoing — research into e.g. CERN’s Higgs-Boson particle and OPERA at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), has much wider (and potentially more hazardous) implications for mankind, should present work on electromagnetic scalar wave technology be controlled and used for destructive, rather than constructive purposes, in leading humanity through its present crisis.

The Photon Phantasm and Time Travel
When Einstein received his Nobel Prize in 1921, it was not for his more difficult and mathematically-laborious special and general relativity, but for the simple, yet totally revolutionary, suggestion of quantized light.

Einstein’s “light quanta” are what we now call photons. They are a quintessential example of light’s wave–particle duality.

Electromagnetic radiation propagates following linear wave equations, but can only be emitted or absorbed as discrete elements — thus acting simultaneously as both a particle and a wave.

Milk Hill, Alton Barnes figure of eight crop circle of 08:08:08 -- ideal representation of a scalar wave

“Scalar waves are produced when two electromagnetic waves of the same frequency are exactly out of phase (opposite to each other) and the amplitudes subtract and cancel each other. The result is not exactly an annihilation of magnetic fields but a transformation of energy back into a scalar wave. This scalar field has reverted back to a vacuum state of potentiality. Scalar waves can be created by wrapping electrical wires around a figure eight in the shape of a Möbius coil. When an electric current flows through the wires in opposite directions, the opposing electromagnetic fields from the two wires cancel each other and create a scalar wave.”

“The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them — into the impossible.”

Clarke’s Second Law

Möbius coil within our DNA: scalar wave technology at the micro level

“The DNA antenna in our cells’ energy production centers (mitochondria) assumes the shape of what is called a supercoil. Supercoil DNA looks like a series of Möbius coils. These Möbius DNA supercoils are hypothetically able to generate scalar waves. Most cells in the body contain thousands of these Möbius supercoils, which are generating scalar waves throughout the cell and throughout the body.”
Dr. Stephen Linsteadt, Holographic Repatterning Practitioner

“There is enough energy inside the space of an empty tea-cup to boil all the oceans of the world”
Richard Feynman

Despite ongoing demands on world nations’ already overstretched budgets for potentially-hazardous nuclear power and coal-generation plants, little focus falls on the fact that during the 1930s, the US Navy, Stanford University and General Electric exploited Tesla’s free energy system. While some of the patented equipment they used is too complex for the lay person to understand, Bill Morgan simplifies in his ‘beginner’s guide’ what he calls the ‘Scalar Wars’ of the free-energy movement begun by Tom Bearden.

One of the first scalar wave crop circles of 2011 appeared 13th July at Windmill Hill, along with two sameday Wiltshire companions -- at Chaddenwick Hill, Mere and Stonehenge

The layman will need to understand that there is a new kind of energy that is altogether different from what he knows, e.g. radio, TV, cell phones, etc. This is electromagnetic energy. Ordinary EM waves that we have known about are called transverse EM waves, to distinguish them from the new longitudinal EM waves. These scalar waves do not actually exist in our ‘material’ world, but exist only in the space dimension, or the time domain. And we must keep in mind that this space exists all through everything. Our bodies are mostly empty space between atoms and molecules. So the gateway to this ocean of energy can be there at every point in the universe. This seething ocean of energy is all around us and all through us.
Bill Morgan, Brave New World of Scalar Electromagnetics

Needless to say, Bearden stresses the destructive potential of military and power-driven use of such technology.

Two scalar-wave crop spirals on same day in Wiltshire: left, Windmill Hill spirals clockwise; rt. Chaddenwick Hill counterclockwise. Photos courtesy CCC

“If Bearden is correct in his Scalar EM theory, then we can build devices which would enable us to alter gravity, time, inertia, and the apparent mass of an object. This of course has enormous implications for military applications, space-vehicle drives, time-travel, teleportation, paranormal phenomena, and just about every other area one can think of.”
Rick Andersen ‘What is Scalar Electromagnetics?’

It is important to remember that (in astrophysics and hydrodynamics) scalar wave fields exist in a fifth-dimensional, non-linear, context. Third-dimensional laws of nature do not operate here. Scalar wave fields exist out of our relative time (4th) and space (3rd) dimensions and as such, do not decay over time or distance. As we explore higher dimensions, we begin to encounter new parameters, new ways of thinking.

ET timetravel sequence
There is another, benevolent, aspect to what Einstein called zero-point energy — Tesla’s ‘radiant energy’ — which few may have read about.

The planets as renditions of perfect sacred geometry, image John Martineau

Jesse Errol Stewart describes in vivid (and technical) detail his introduction through a family member to a group who had mastered the use of ‘zero-point’ nodes — specific locations on the earth, like Great Abaco, Transvaal and Giza — where not only was energy neutralized, but the time spectrum opened up as well: a situation akin to using a locus to move at will between dimensions; a time portal. We take the Siderealview that it is appropriate to include his observations here because they are so truthfully and lucidly presented, and because world consciousness is becoming aware of the imminent electromagnetic interface encountered when one moves from one level of ‘reality’ to another. See previous Siderealview posts on quantum and dimensional awareness. It is not as if we are not already blessed with several decades’ worth of Star Trek, Back to the Future and the writings of Arthur C. Clarke, Robert Heinlein and H.G. Wells. It seems somehow natural now to open ourselves to the possibility of moving at will through the time dimension. For this is what Jesse Stewart’s group did, using scalar wave technology:

“Our initial research had indicated that the tetrahedron was the most effective geometric form to use in conjunction with the tensor coil, which is an exceptionally strong scalar wave generator. In the Qabala, a tensor coil is mounted on each of the vertices of the tetrahedron configuration and each of these scalar wave generators is aimed towards the exact center (Scalar rendezvous point) of the tetrahedron. The effects of the pulsed scalar wave generation are incredible in that within the rendezvous point the concentrated scalar activity generates intense electromagnetic fields that cut across multiple dimensions. Once these electromagnetic fields become defined they will begin to expand outward at an exponential rate if the scalar wave generation is not tightly controlled.”
Jesse Errol Stewart Time Vector Field Chronicles

Bill Morgan simplifies Bearden, describing Longitudinal EM energy which fills the ‘vacuum’ of space, the time domain of spacetime, and expresses time as compressed energy, with the equation E = Δtc2, above, as waves of time, or Energy equals (delta=change) in Time accelerated to the speed of light, squared.

We can travel to the distant stars. And now the wormhole of time — compressed energy — is opening up before our eyes.

What synchronicity. Just when we had all mastered Einstein’s other equation: E = MC2.

In typical positive style, Morgan suggests solutions to the energy crisis and the “oil problem” are in hand. That oil wars are unnecessary because there is endless energy freely available from the domain of time. Also that future cure of all disease is within our grasp. This ability was also suggested by Jesse Stewart’s time travel group, who used the mechanism of returning to NOW from the past as a means towards youthening and restoring health. They called it Regenesis.

We have obstacles to overcome, however:

Saturn's dark side: distant Sun illuminates dust, debris, fabulous rings; NASA Cassini orbiter photo

Unbelievably powerful weapons are not only possible, but are already operating in several nations. The many powers of these weapons are unprecedented and mind-boggling.

Mind control on a mass scale (via electromagnetic tweaking of our human circuitry) has now become possible, and machines to do it are already in place in certain nations. It has become possible mentally to enslave whole populations with the twist of a few dials.

With these warnings, there is much work ahead for us, the human family, to accomplish; with only a window of opportunity of a couple of years.

Jesse Stewart’s travelers also gave an account of a crisis facing Humanity in the 2013-2015 time window: that other dimensional civilizations share consciousness that helps them rely on a centralized benevolent Intelligence which guides actions and words, subdues conflict and spreads a loving and compassionate feeling within all interaction. He suggests Humanity is learning how to think as Group Consciousness, but that we shall have to speed up our ability to use this intuitive capacity — this inner loving guidance system — very rapidly, if we are to weather the storm and defuse the threat posed by such massive weaponry as some less-disciplined nations possess.

They see this as our current dilemma: the human crisis. None of the future scenarios envisaged by either time-frame dimension is able to penetrate the 2013-2015 window: the glass is dark. Our Human future is in our hands.

We must write that chapter ourselves.

Now that we can travel to the stars, it’s time to take care of business at home. And it is crucial that we take our own collective consciousness concept seriously.

We are creators. More than ever before, our future depends on us.

Dimensional Shift: Take the 5D Elevator

August 28, 2011

Archaic hieroglyph inscribed on circumference of newest dimensional crop circle at Cherhill, Wiltshire

“Miracles start to happen when another unseen world intersects with our own.”
—C. S. Lewis, 1947

The Fabric of Space
Ever since Einstein, mathematicians, sacred geometers, astrophysicists and scientists of all disciplines have struggled to explain the fabric of space.

Lisi's Theory of Everything (ToE)--note similarity to Jubilee Plantation form

“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”
— Albert Einstein

One of the latest in a long line of contenders (including charismatic Nassim Haramein, whose theory of ‘Resonance’ is constantly expanding) is the E8 Group. Garrett Lisi‘s E8 ‘Theory of Everything’ (subatomic) strives to explain –on the back of Einstein’s relativity, and assuming gravity as the dominant force — how all things fit together. It is a nice idea. But many quantum physicists and mathematicians disagree. “…[E8]’s biggest flaw is probably its starting point, because gravity is not a fundamental force, but an emergent one, as postulated by Dutch theoretical physicist Erik Verlinde.” David Deutsch, author of The Fabric of Reality: towards a Theory of Everything (1998) and The Beginning of Infinity (2011) says ‘one of the most valuable, significant and useful attributes of human thought is its ability to reveal and explain the fabric of reality.’

Cherhill 5D cube --'penteract'-- at Jubilee Plantation: connections made by physicists to E8 theory; or is it Max Planck's 'Divine Matrix'?

Milo Wolff’s Wave Structure of Matter, describes how waves in quantum space form all the matter of the Universe. His simple, elegant explanation of how matter forms at a point/node, answers some of the basic questions in physics, e.g. WHY gravity exists. Previously physics taught that particles were the “stuff,” and the rest is empty space. It seems the opposite may be true. Space now looks like a multidimensional fabric with nodes where particles of reality form and reform where waves cross, as they move through this fabric. Wave patterns, vibration and sound play a huge role in the illusion we call matter.

Deutsch disagrees with Stephen Hawking that the human race is ‘typical’ in the Universe, merely ‘chemical scum’ on the surface of a ‘typical’ planet. He thinks we are an exceptional species, our knowledge accelerating at a phenomenal rate. He agrees with Nobel prizewinning physicist Richard Feynmann that the ‘Multiverse’ is our quantum medium and we sentient beings are the most important entities in it. His work in the field of quantum computers makes him an optimist. Like Terence McKenna, he believes, all (human) knowledge is without boundaries, constantly evolving. McKenna said in 2000 before he died that humanity is headed for a world made out of Mind:

‘Mind instead of “stuff”…a hologrammatic disk, part bio, part machine, part think tank, part Mind’
Terence McKenna

Deutsch, working in 2011 to create the ultimate quantum computer environment, is making McKenna’s prophecy a reality.

Other physicists, Quantum or otherwise, converse in terms of the Multiverse. Sabine Hossenfelder and Rob Bryanton, author of Imagining the Tenth Dimension say we have only scratched the surface. In this realm of multiple dimensions and parallel universes, gravity seems to have taken a back seat to a simpler field of energy where waves interlock and form ‘nodes’ of matter. Just like crop circles do!

Sabine (Bee) is, like fellow physicist Bryanton, besotted with additional dimensions. They are true disciples of Max Planck, known as the ‘father of quantum physics’. He believed all reality was contained within a Matrix, which he called divine because it displayed a field of energy which appears intelligent. Planck shocked contemporaries in 1947 by confirming what the Ancients believed — on all continents — that the Universe is being run by a Divine Being with our interests at heart. He also said ‘Mind is the Matrix of all Matter.’

“All matter (from the birth of stars, to human DNA and everything in between) originates and exists by virtue of a Force. We must assume behind this force a conscious, intelligent Matrix.” Max Planck, 1947

Gregg Braden, a former aerospace computer systems designer, transitioned into his life’s work of trying to understand this matrix. He sees this ‘container of the Universe’ as the bridge between our imagination and reality, as well as being the mirror in our world for what we believe: a reciprocal process. ‘To unleash the power of this matrix in our lives we must understand how it works and speak the language that it recognizes.’

Perhaps the Jubilee crop circle is saying just that: getting us to read the code; opening our minds to interpreting symbols other than words on a page.

So, if Space has the underlying predetermined form of the ‘golden decagon’ which the Jubilee Plantation crop circle portrays — with specific lines absent so that it looks like a 5D cube (penteract) — its internal structure seems based on the Golden Mean/Ratio, Phi (Greek letter uppercase Φ, lowercase φ, or written mathematically ϕ); that magical balance of beauty, harmony and form that gives us shivers to contemplate.

Just as previous crop circles have given us clues, little coincidences, double entendre allusions to inside knowledge, names, nearby features, and particularly sacred form and meaning, this season’s finale seems filled with meaning. It is simultaneously seen in the physics community as ToE (above), to sacred geometers it is a 5D hypercube, and a spider web. (Native American mother arachnid warns us to be mindful of the web we weave in our lives; to focus on our choices). The crop circle’s perimeter webbing is indeed masterful — a tapestry of careful precision, photo below. Looks as if we’re being given some good advice.

A tesseract looks simple when conceived from fifth dimensional perspective, courtesy Rob Bryanton

Once again ET/our human-Oversoul reminds us we are part of something divine and, even more exciting, communally about to transition into — the Fifth Dimension.

Carl Sagan, in describing a Tesseract (4D cube), carefully talked us through an understanding of seeing the fourth dimension as ‘another form of measure at right angles to the ones we are familiar with’ or, more simply, to look at its shadow. Many of last year’s (2010) crop circles presented hypercubes and allusions to the fourth dimension. Now we are being presented with a progression into the fifth.

How does our imagination picture a further dimension at right angles to time?

In the fields of Wiltshire, harvest is almost over. Only a few acres remain to be cut and stored. Another season has come and gone.

Cherhill Pentaract, a hypercube in 5D, resolves into form once your eyes accustom you to the illusion of movement,
image courtesy Steve Alexander

But our dimensional brothers from another time-space-reality have been sending us messages nonetheless. They continue contact with our subliminal consciousness so that, if we allow the communication to root, it will add another notch to that strand of human DNA that is consistently expanding, upgrading, enlightening us to understand a newer, all-encompassing reality — one we’ve never encountered before.

The crop circle at Jubilee Plantation may be the last of the season. It is ostensibly a simple decagon surrounded by woven grain and etched in the center with slim lines of apparent intricacy — only one footprint wide on the ground — and probably the most important crop circle which has been imprinted this year. Like last season’s finale, when seen from above *as with all designs inspired by our Oversoul [*see Nazca lines], it serves to click an unbidden trigger in our synapses and unleash our dimensional observer: the one who sees multiple cubes rising and descending in the elevator of our mind.

The Pentaract is, in animation, a constantly imploding and exploding hypercube extruding itself from its own cone of squares like a rectangular telescope. In shadow in the field, its 2D shape is merely a mass of thin lines. But this field imprint is a masterpiece of dimensionality that only our human consciousness [in its expanded version] could devise to send back to us through time/space and via the elevator of understanding which we croppies hope we project in our willingness to receive, before the season is out.

Deutsch, an innovator like his gurus, Richard Feynmann and quantum cosmologist Leonard Susskind, likes to simplify. The beauty of a formation (in the field or in mathematical formulae) betrays for him a simple truth. Susskind believes we are having an intelligent conversation with the Universe. Physicist Deutsch, an Oxford don, appears to be honing that into sharp focus, by bringing ecology, natural selection, physics, mathematics and evolution into the conversation via computer technology. He points out the shocking fact that the earth’s natural ecosystem is almost incapable now of supporting human beings, certainly in any numbers. We have created our own life-support system of food, energy, transport, shelter and communications. He is fond of using his own territory of Oxfordshire as an example. Take away the farms and modern infrastructure and, in the woods and downs, little of the vegetation that is left now is edible. He, like Stephen Hawking (but for different reasons) advocates upgrading our planetary exploration capability and getting ‘out there’. His Beginning of Infinity is a great treatise on Life, the Universe and Everything, a book for our time where the answer is not 42: it is infinity.

The Significance of Venus

Woven 'fabric' of Jubilee plantation, image Frank Laumen. The August 15th crop circle is a masterpiece of wordplay, timing, sacred geometry and cultural prompting. Its decagon (double pentagram) appeared on the day planet Venus (pentagonal orbit) reached superior conjunction

This season’s shapes have constantly encouraged us to leave our myopic cultural concerns and look to the heavens. Earlier in the season, crop designs focused on orbits of the solar system’s inner planets, cometary ‘intruders’, reminding us of knowledge known to our ancestors but apparently ‘lost’ to modern civilization. Few knew, for instance, that the day of the Jubilee plantation appearance was astronomically significant (particularly to ancient skywatchers) as the moment Venus reached its farthest elongation from Earth in direct line on the other side of the sun from us — known as superior conjunction — when all three bodies line up, but when Venus becomes ‘invisible’. As the ancient Babylonians described her, Ishtar/Venus the dual-phased (Sumerian double countenanced Inanna) morning star of war and wrath now enters the Underworld, where she transitions from being goddess of war in the Eastern sky and emerges 60 days later as evening star in the West: Ishtar/Aphrodite, goddess of love. What a great pity our modern prosaic preoccupations with money and status no longer allow us to look at love and war with that cosmic perspective.

‘When beggars die there are no comets seen
The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes’
Calphurnia, Julius Caesar II ii 30 Wm Shakespeare

Hurricane Irene making landfall on the East coast of the USA, August 28th, 2011

Much of the eastern United States is at present having to contemplate the power of the planet, in a frightening double dose of earthquake and hurricane. This electromagnetically-sealed planetary body is suddenly seen, not merely as the mothership that guides us through those remote reaches of interstellar space, but as herself a biosphere of living, moving, reacting interplay of elements: fire, water, air, earth. Suddenly what the Ancients believed takes on meaning few in formerly powerful Wall Street or choppy Chesapeake could have imagined.

Our place in the Universe is constantly changing and ancestral societies DID know more about this reality than we, shadow people of 21stC society, do. We wake up one morning and everything has changed. Power is for a moment seen, not in the symbolic dollar or in terrestrial exploitation to squeeze every last ounce of energy out of an exhausted source; but in a living, breathing rotating body in the heavens responding to electromagnetic pressures being thrust upon her.

To the Ancients (Maya, Sumerian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Chinese, Hindu, Aztec and Inca) Venus’s elongation was symbolic of (sacred) periodicity — an amazing calculable phenomenon which ties the two planets forever locked in celestial embrace as they orbit their parent Sun. There is no more potent symbolism seen in the heavens than the exact cyclical rhythm that Venus dances with Earth: Venus travels faster than Earth, orbiting the sun 2.6 times to Earth’s 1.6 orbits. This means that five Venus cycles of 548 days exactly equal eight Earth cycles of 365 days. Five Venus years equal eight Earth years. Exactly. The beauty of that synchronicity was not lost on formative societies. It was the stuff of which their gods were made. The Venus rotational cycle formed a perfect sacred pentagram. This is also contained in the Jubilee crop design.

Ninth Wave of Calendar of Consciousness for 2011: split into seven 'days' and six 'nights'. We entered the fifth 'night' August 18th

Currently the Long Count calendar of the Maya is gaining popularity, thanks to the willingness of Maya Elders to share sacred handed-down knowledge, to scholars who have gone before, like Ian Xel Lungold, José Argüelles, and to current teachers of the 5124-year calendar cycles like Carl Johan Calleman.

What is gradually surfacing — not through television or newspaper reportage, but through that McKenna/Deutsch miracle of quantum computing, the Internet — is that the Ancients knew a thing or two and we would be well-served to pay attention. The Thunderbolts Project, mentioned earlier in our Siderealview blog, a consortium of physicists, mythologists, astronomers, authors and plasma technicians, has now published intriguing proof that ancient mythology, cave and rock art and petroglyphs from Mesopotamia to Russia and Tibet, from North and South America to Northern Europe all described Earth’s volatile beginnings as a planet surrounded by other heavenly bodies — a little too close for comfort. That, before the Age of Reason and the vision of heavenly stability we see in our skies now — nine impeccable planets circling an orderly star — there was an Age of Chaos. And that these unruly planets gave their names to archaic deities: that the gods WERE planets; fiery dragons and thunderbolts were comets, the stuff of the stars.

Saturn/Kronos as Creator
Saturn appears regularly as the oldest god: before the Sun, Saturn ruled [Saturnia Regna = Golden Age].

Ancient belief systems from both Old World and New have often featured in our Siderealview. And, while we continue to extol the virtues of that bible of myth by Giorgio de Santillana and Herta von Dechend, Hamlet’s Mill (1969-2002), an ‘Essay investigating Origins of Human Knowledge & its Transmission through Myth’, with its huge databank of archaeoastronomical research on which world myths are founded, the Inca pantheon — the Inca celestial myth has similarities to all world cultural branches — seems to have escaped their notice.

The mythology and chronology of the Maya is currently in vogue and getting a lot of attention. But it helps to look at pre-Columbian belief generally — Inca peoples in particular — as the picture painted there is one of pure untainted primitivism: something lost in other cultures where transmission has been heavily edited, influenced or interpreted.

Chandra telescope image of Saturn's rings emitting X-rays; below 1913 Birkeland lab experiment on electrical 'sun-like' behavior of Saturn

Roman naturalist Gaius Plinius Secundus (Pliny, AD23-79) wrote erudite work based on scientific observation:
“Heavenly fire is spit forth by the planet as crackling charcoal flies from a burning log.” He was speaking of ‘comet-Venus’ but he recorded interplanetary ‘thunderbolts’, in his time and in Roman history thrown by each of the three ‘upper planets’, Mars, Mercury and Saturn. He actually died during the eruption of Vesuvius, poor man.

Rome may have had its master observers whose documentation is beyond question, but such references are scanty in the Americas.

“The natives of this country say that in the beginning, before the world was created, there was one whom they called Viracocha. And he created the world dark and without the Sun, nor Moon, nor stars.”
Inca (preColumbian) creation myth

Tawantisuyu stretched from Ecuador in the north through the Andean kingdoms of Peru, west and south-central Bolivia, through northwest Argentina, Chile and southern Pacific coast; the European equivalent of a huge kingdom lying between the coast of Portugal and inland Caucasus.

Altar tablet from Coricancha temple to Viracocha in Cuzco before it was destroyed: 'gods' Sun (l), Moon (r) flank Viracocha's central gold disk with Mars, Venus and thunderbolt below

The language of Quechua survives. It straddles this last millennium, offering insight into their elusive yet strong belief in heavenly deities, rather than –as seen in vestigial effigies dedicated by the Maya to their gods– a religion dominated by statues. The only exception in worship of a planetary pantheon was their use of gold to simulate LIGHT. The Maya, on the other hand, had a fully functional ‘alphabet’ of symbols inherent in their multi-functional Tzolkin calendar and an amazing history, Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel which retold their history (and that of their ancestors, the Olmec) going back at least to 4200BC. Maya culture, while not totally continuous, has survived. The Inca belief system has not.

However, both cultures, along with all the oldest mythologies in the Old World, shared the belief that the original sky god (before the sun) was the equivalent of Greek Kronos (Father Time), Mesopotamian Shamash/Ninurta, Babylonian Sakkuth, Sumerian Anu, Etruscan Satres (from whom the Romans borrowed Saturnus) — the first planet/god who created order out of primeval chaos. This was Saturnia Regna, (trans. rule of Saturn), the ‘Golden Age’.

In the Chilam Balam, Saturn is the nameless one — known only as Oxlahun-ti-ku, (trans. the ‘Thirteen’, perhaps referring to his moons; Cuzcoan Viracocha) — one of two gods ruling the heavens. Venus was ‘born’ in 3147BC, when Longcount began. In the Inca creation legend, Viracocha is the Great God (Saturn, temple disk above), worshipped by the sun, moon and planets.

One last teaser: before we return to our preoccupation with culture, conformity and crisis. Where thunderbolts and lightning struck terror into the hearts of primitive peoples — not unlike the terror being felt in the eastern US states right now as Earth tears her hair and sheds her shackles — the power of light, plasma discharge, electricity and magnetic storm had a hold over our ancestors. They viewed the heavens as a place from where gods came to wield instruments of light not known on Earth. Similarly, light orbs (balls of light, ultrasonic/electric crackling) have been witnessed in association with crop circle formation.

So many eye-witness accounts now attest to the creation of authentic crop circles — sometimes literally in minutes — by means of hovering plasma balls of light, that their elusive nature was this year one of the serious discussions at the annual CircleChasers gathering July 27th at Alton Barnes. Perhaps the most genuine, enduring — and authenticated — footage capturing the orbs is that of Steve Alexander’s Milk Hill video (1990).

Thunderbolts, light orbs, gods in the sky. The seasonal finale seems also to signal symbolic change (N. hemisphere) from summer (Leo full moon August 13) to fall (Virgo new moon August 29) — always a deep psychological shift. It also marked Maya 5th ‘night'(of world chaos) August 18th-September 4th.

That elusive ‘signature’, shown top, next to the Jubilee crop circle harks back to several ‘dragon’ designs of earlier years. It may even be the meteorologist’s symbol for a ‘weather-feather’. But it surely connects us through age-old wisdom to ancient beasts of prophecy — dragon, serpent and crow. It now appears with intriguing regularity each season.

Jubilee plantation’s choice location may also signal reason for jubilation: transition to higher, more noble principles, unbelievably even entry into the fifth dimension.

Suspending our disbelief, we are capable of creating new miracles, events which are not part of commonplace experience. We are becoming a one-world consciousness. Together we are beginning to resonate as OneMind. The Elevator doors are open. What are we waiting for?
©2011 Marian Youngblood

The Wesak Effect: Changing Human Consciousness

May 17, 2011

Mount Shasta & lenticular cloud: spiritual center for US Wesak festival; photo courtesy Living Shasta

Mind is the Matrix of all Matter
Max Planck

Wesak is the most important date in the Buddhist calendar — regardless of where it is held in Indian, Chinese, Zen, Tibetan, Indonesian, Nepalese, Mahayana or Western practices.

HH Dalai Lama participates in the Newark Peace Education Summit in New Jersey during Wesak week 2011

Celebrated by one-third of the world’s population during the week of the full moon in May, it marks the birth of the Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama, c. 563BC) and, for some Buddhists, his enlightenment (Nirvana) and his death. In Burma and Thailand, for instance, it is celebrated with special lanterns made of paper and wood; candles are burned continuously and houses are cleaned, decorated and made new with much joyful music and the sound of bells. In Laos it is known as the Feast of the Lanterns. In India, it is Vesak Day, or Buddha Purnima.

Caged birds released on Wesak: spiritual symbolism and vegetarian practice

There is a long tradition of releasing caged birds on Wesak, signifying the freeing of the soul from the body cage on reaching enlightenment — Nirvana. Many (strict) Buddhists are vegetarians, but those who are not, often pay butchers to release animals otherwise scheduled for human consumption. On this auspicious day, others forgo eating meat. Water ceremonies include bathing the Buddha’s shoulders to remind devotees to purify the mind from greed, hatred and ignorance.

Wesak is a festival we might all benefit from sharing — or at least understanding its roots. In contrast with many world religions, Buddhism is unique for its focus on personal spiritual development and striving for deep insight into the true nature of life, through the practice of morality, meditation and awareness of one’s own accessible inner wisdom.

Buddhists believe nothing is permanent: that change is always possible.

22,000ft axis mundi Mt.Kailash, Tibet, simultaneously the world's most venerated holy place (to 4 world religions) and the least visited, acts as the Earth's Crown Chakra

May we dedicate all positive words to the enlightenment of all sentient beings in six realms of cyclic existence
Buddhist prayer

Buddha literally means ‘one who is awake’ and has become enlightened. It is a term that denotes a person who has attained the supreme wisdom and compassion that Enlightenment brings.

The Wesak festival is unique in world religions in that it is a present-time cosmological event and not just one that commemorates a past spiritual happening–as do most holy days.

In Buddhist tradition, Wesak is a five-day festival: two days of preparation, both mental and physical; the day of the Wesak full moon itself, (this year, Tuesday 17th May) and two days after for meditation, direction of energy for good, for self-healing, and for planetary vision.

Ideally, one should approach Wesak week with discipline, clearing the mind beforehand, eliminating from our consciousness all negativity — including the influence of negative people — so that our mind and spirit are opened and ready to receive the forces of Light (love).

If someone negative tries to complicate your life, turn and walk away from them” Caroline Myss

In the western version of the tradition, the day of the Wesak full moon is known as the Day of Safeguarding.

On the full moon of May, with the rising of the morning star, Siddhartha Gautama became the Buddha, the enlightened one

While Siddhartha’s enlightenment happened over 2500 years ago, it is interesting to note that this year (2011) the ‘morning star’, Venus, is not only recapturing brilliance celebrated in that age-old Buddhist proclamation, but also — on May 11th — approached within one-half-degree of fellow morning planet Jupiter, alongside Mercury and Mars in the pre-dawn eastern sky. This Jupiter-Venus-conjunction is the same configuration as that heralded in 6BC as the brilliant ‘Star in the East’ which signaled the birth of Christ.

So Venus and Jupiter, among others, are presently contributing as planetary pointers to this year’s Wesak week. Other celestial phenomena are in store for the rest of 2011 and 2012.

“On the Day of Safeguarding (May 17th) itself, we the human race should try to receive, contain and hold as much of that great spiritual light, (energy, love) as we possibly can within our bodies as a kind of intelligent network of conscious ‘Mind’ for the planet — as her brain, so to speak.” Wesak Souled-Out Spiritual Hierarchy.

In the West, this year’s festival has primary focus on raising planetary awareness: a rising tide of human Unity Consciousness, which has been a consistent feature of this blog and is becoming the focus of much attention in the runup to 2012. The western hub of Wesak ceremonies, festivities and deep religious rededication is Mount Shasta, Siskyou County, California.

Earth's energy grid, portals and Chakras on the electromagnetic network

In the language of Earth-Gaia Medicine, the Earth, as a sentient being, has energy chakras, one on each continent, just as the human body has energy centers. Shasta is believed to hold the energetic focus for Mother Earth’s root or base chakra.

Her other chakra points are:
Island of the Sun, Lake Titicaca: Sacral second Chakra
Uluru, Ayer’s Rock, Australia: Solar plexus third Chakra
Glastonbury, Somerset: Heart fourth Chakra
Great Pyramid, Giza: Throat fifth Chakra
No fixed location for sixth, Third Eye Chakra
Mt. Kailash, Tibet: Crown 7th Chakra and axis mundi, peak of the world axis.

’Sixties Revolution
California is known for its leading-edge ethos begun in the 1960s and ’70s of multi-discipline spiritual thought, an EarthFirst lifestyle and as home to many New Age groups. Hermann Hesse’s ‘Siddhartha‘ was virtually ‘required reading’ during the spiritual revolution of the ’sixties in a State which became a honeypot for spiritual entrepreneurs, gurus and devout followers of a New Age way of life. While that ‘off-the-grid’ lifestyle continues a presence in the State, it has become — like other spiritual practices — subsumed by the great unwieldy machine of human progress, population growth, and the media/internet/communications revolution.

Among a plethora of New Age spiritual frontrunners from that era, however, one guru stands tall above the rest — Ram Dass. As (former) Dr Richard Alpert, b.1931, he was the renowned Harvard professor whose experimental psych lab –alongside Prof. Timothy Leary and his (then) graduate student Dr. Ralph Metzner, founder of the Green Earth Foundation— used mind-altering techniques in the study of the transformation of human consciousness. They co-authored the volume ‘The Psychedelic Experience‘: a Manual based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead and dedicated to Aldous Huxley. In his subsequent conversion and becoming a messenger for ‘American Buddhism’, Ram Dass was seen not only as a genuine seeker, practitioner and proponent of the simple spiritual lifestyle, but his consistency and practice of personal liberation have affected many lives.

My life is my message” Baba Ram Dass, 1992

Author of the seminal spiritual bible of the time, ‘Be Here Now‘, 1971, he practised the art of self-discipline in maintaining one’s own unique balance and wisdom, in allowing self-liberation, and the ‘voice of the Divine’ to come through into daily life.

Ram Dass suffered a cerebral hemorrhage in 1997 which paralyzed his right side. It has taken him over a decade to recover all function, but he is back on the lecture-appearance circuit, his message stronger than ever. Before the stroke, he finally met and was interviewed by contemporary and fellow research/occult scientist, Terence McKenna (video conversation above). While they had taken divergent life paths — McKenna researching the biological immediacy of shamanic experience and altered states of consciousness; Ram Dass eschewing mind experimentation for spiritual ritual and meditative practice — they discovered shared truth and remarkable similarities in their need to question accepted authority and discover ‘one’s own reality’: McKenna’s ‘felt presence of direct experience’. The video series is unprecedented in its honesty and their familiarity with each other, because while they shared a youthful background of the counter-culture, this was their first encounter as seniors in the consciousness field. In that sense, the video interviews (on YouTube) are unique, unrepeated. McKenna died in 2000 of brain cancer.

Terence McKenna, author of 'Food of the Gods,' before he died in 2000

McKenna believed human evolution and particularly language development were triggered by apes eating hallucinogenic plants after their descent from the trees; that either Man must return to Nature before she explodes, or tout de suite launch some rocket ships to the stars. Ram Dass approaches humanity as a concept seen from the transcendental realm of Godhead, as viewed through the Third Dimension. Both men of ideas have lived long enough to be able to dissolve ego in an unprecedented open exchange. But while the duo (in their video conversation) approach the subject from apparently opposite sides, they both bring light to their shared belief in autonomous, intuitive ‘knowing’, as opposed to acceptance of concepts fostered by fear-mongered dogma of state and government attitudes.

They both believe in ‘Mind’, as the engineer of reality, consciousness.

“The Net,” says McKenna, “is an ‘oracle’ fostering an unprecedented dialogue between human beings and the sum total of human knowledge.” He believes that out of computer graphics will emerge a new form of human communication. “We are heading for a world made out of Mind.”

“Go beyond the ‘isms’ and tell me what you really think we’ll find,” says Ram Dass. While he believes in intuitive links, he concedes the need for virtual/real communication.

Dass believes in the transcendental awareness brought about by communion with one’s higher self, the Divine. It hinges on the presently-growing impetus of global consciousness. McKenna had first-hand knowledge of South American Indians who experienced the Collective Unconscious as an immediate, shamanic, reality; not just as an intellectual construct.

As our society weaves itself ever-more deeply into this colossal thinking machine, McKenna believes it may somehow be able to replicate those shaman Indians’ collective knowing. He answers:

“We’re finding a world made out of Mind instead of ‘stuff’. Mind itself is being pulled taut. We are being given that transcendental object at the End of Time”.

“So what is this transcendental object at the End of Time?” asks Dass.

“A material made from hologramatic disk: part bio, part machine, part think tank, part Mind.”

Over one million Buddhists are meditating right now, pooling consciousness. Critical mass requires only one half of one percent of the population to be ‘vibrating’ at a higher frequency for cohesion/enlightenment/ascension to occur.

This Wesak festival might be the very one which decides the fate of the Earth: the one which changes global consciousness and takes it one step farther up the ladder to the stars.
©2011 Marian Youngblood

Solar Plasma: Our Seismic Sound & Fury

March 16, 2011

How could a tone become a picture and light become a noise? Carl Sagan

Solar X-class flare October 2003--Honshu 7.0magnitude quake occurred two days later

No-one watching film footage from last Friday’s horrific 8.9-magnitude earthquake in Honshu–and in other sensitive areas of seismic activity in the Pacific–can fail to feel compassion for those affected by volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and resulting tsunamis. Japan’s death toll is currently around 10,000. Now Honshu’s crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant is in critical condition, with comparisons being made with Chernobyl (25 years ago, April 1986) and Windscale (“Sellafield“, October 1957). Other quakes are being felt in Tonga, Fiji and the Gulf of California.

Hawaii’s Kilauea erupted March 7th-11th, with subsequent quakes this week within a substratum of fissures in the Volcanic Park at the SE corner of “Big” island in the Hawaiian chain. As Kilauea has been active since 1983, little attention worldwide has been paid to this most recent activity–except by HVO who monitor constantly. Kilauea’s main eruption happened Wednesday 09-03-11.

While praying that the critical situation in Daiichi nuclear power plant will be averted, this blog wishes to reflect the supreme human effort being made to focus on what is important for Mankind, despite/because of what is happening in the active region known as the Pacific Ring of Fire.

We are beginning to realize that these seismic surprises are not isolated incidents and that they are a response to movement of the Earth’s crust and tectonic plates (lithosphere). If we do not gear ourselves up–and act as one human movement planet-wide–we may not survive the next onslaught. That’s the bad news.

The good news is that planetary emergency measures have already begun. Charities, relief agencies and US Military have pulled together to bring help to the stricken areas.

A similar response occurred after the Haiti 7.0 earthquake one year ago when over 200,000 people lost their lives. Now relief agencies are having to share resources and the Caribbean island’s restructure efforts are being put on hold, while rescue agencies and life-support groups are flown to Pacific Rim areas instead.

Pacific Rim Landfall where tsunami ripples from Friday's 8.9 magnitude earthquake reached, in hours

While quake-derived tsunami off Tokyo and Sendai, Japan resulted in the loss of life and a way of living which is locally deeply mourned, it is crucial to maintain awareness of its significance on a planetary level.

The Honshu tsunami rippled across the Pacific pond in under 12 hours, causing havoc in Hawaii, Chile, Central America and the US Northwest Pacific coastal cities of Santa Cruz, Mendocino, Eureka and Crescent City. Here rare bird colonies were wiped out, whales and shoals of sardines beached.

Meantime, New Zealand communities of Canterbury and Christchurch are still cleaning up after the February 21st 6.3-magnitude quake three miles deep in the Heathcote Valley which claimed the lives of 166 people. It does not bear thinking that one year previously the 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Haiti brought a deathtoll of 230,000. Phuket island in Thailand is only now recovering from the 9.1 magnitude quake and tidal wave of December 26, 2004 which killed 168,000 people.

There has been world response.

Somehow, despite media overkill–and possibly because of the nuclear threat– oil stocks plunged on Wall Street and individuals and environmental agencies are asking for a different response: a simpler energy solution; a cleaner way of life–pedal-power, electric/solar vehicles. This time it is possible they may be heard. It has been suggested that, as the Nipponese automobile industry will have to start from scratch, it may surprise the world in manufacturing solar-powered vehicles.

We are now four years into the new Solar Cycle #24 of waxing solar (emission) activity, with powerup to solar maximum next year, 2012. For over 150 years scientists have been able telescopically to view the sun’s surface to witness the rise and fall of sunspot cycles.

Effect of electromagnetically charged solar flare on man-made satellites and the geomagnetic sphere

“Each cycle lasts about 11 years, and in-step with this, many other cycles keep a rough cadence. Northern and Southern Lights (aurora) are more common during sunspot maximum than minimum. Titanic solar flares–brighter than a million hydrogen explosions–come and go with each cycle. But on a darker side, solar flares can kill, electrically-charged plasma can cause blackouts, and satellites can literally be forced out of the sky” Dr Sten Odenwald, Author of ‘Learning to Live with a Stormy Star‘ (Columbia Univ. Press, 2000)

Because the date 2012 has received much publicity–both positive (Mayan Long Count calendar culmination) and negative (Apocalypse End Times)– Many are aware of ‘something’ pending, hanging over us all as a species and, for the first time in a long time–an Age– we are beginnning to think as One.

We are also thinking quicker. Time–along with our learning curve–appears to be speeding up, too.

It is even possible that, with the current seismic catalyst, we are becoming, what Nikolai Kardashev via Michio Kaku calls a Level One Civilization.

Nikolai Semenovich Kardashev (Никола́й Семёнович Кардашёв) (b.1932) is a Russian astrophysicist, and director of the Russian Space Research Institute (Institute for Cosmic Research) at Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow. He is author of the (1964) paper in Soviet Astronomy “Transmission of Information by Extraterrestrial Civilizations”. He devised a scale of three categories by which a civilization is classified by the amount of usable energy it has at its disposal–plus a degree of space colonization. Others have added two higher categories.

Kardashev Type I
civilization is one able to harness all the power available on its (single) planet. The implication is that in so doing, it is able to function as ‘one’ and therefore to have mastered the supreme mark of a self-realized group: peaceful interaction.

Kardashev Type II civilization is able to harness all power available from its star.

Kardashev Type III civilization can harness all the power in a single galaxy. With the power of an entire galaxy at its disposal, a type III civilization would be able to come up with radical new power sources.

By extrapolation, a Kardashev Type IV civilization would have access to the power of an entire galactic supercluster. Kardashev Type V would be a civilization that occupies the entire universe.

Michio Kaku, theoretical physicist at New York’s City University, instigator of the Big Think discussion thinktank, and author of ‘Physics of the Future‘, released this week, suggests that, even with the Pacific crisis in full flow (and eliciting world humanitarian response), the Earth is as yet not a Category One civilization.

Carl Sagan estimated that Earth qualifies as a Type 0.7 civilization. Before he died in 1996, however–and in spite of his agnostic view–he had hopes that we might overcome our aversion to living in harmony–or rather, to lay down our weapons of war, and interact peacefully with one another. “Decency,” he said (and humility and community spirit) “in this demon-haunted world may be all that stands between us and the enveloping darkness.”

In all of the four-billion-year history of life on our planet, in all of the four-million-year history of the human family, there is only one generation privileged to live through that unique transitional moment. That generation is ours.”
Carl Sagan

This month the pragmatic scientists are having a field day. Geologists continue to profess that a connection between electromagnetic surges in solar plasma and seismic volatility within the earth’s core is “geologically implausible”.

Last month it was the turn of the theoretical and spiritual physicists–those, like Leonard Susskind and Richard Feynmann, who developed M-theory, or TOE, the Theory of Everything–a string-theory derivative that excites astrophysicists and biochemists alike.

In this [TOE] field of quantum physics, consciousness is viewed as a unified field where everything is seen as everything else. There are no boundaries. No ‘you’ and ‘me’; no ‘this’ or ‘that’. Only a field of awareness–consciousness. It has been suggested that we switch our perception from genetics to energetics: and that we recognize our bodies (and the planet) as energy vibrating at a very dense frequency.

This shift in perception creates a different way of viewing ourselves in the 3D/4D space-time continuum.

Correlation between crop circles and sound

ALBERT EINSTEIN: “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.”

Nature uses only the longest threads to weave her patterns, so each small piece of her fabric reveals the organization of the entire tapestry.”
Richard Feynman

It can only be a matter of time before the geologists will change their tune and realize that–if all is energy and the Sun, our parent star, an increasingly explosive mass of plasma/energy–its hurling great gobs of electromagnetic pulses in our direction is almost bound to affect us, its tiny magnetically-powered offspring, in countless ways. Causing massive rifts in the earth’s crust will be seen as only one of those myriad effects.

As a child at the 1939 New York’s World’s Fair (his revelation, at top), Carl Sagan’s own world was turned upside-down by a vision of graphs and sonic tones replicated in scientific instrumentation. Nowadays we take such intra-dimensional expression for granted. Pie charts are only a flick of the wrist away from spectrographs which reveal the magnetic cores of extra-solar planets, hurtling comets or the mystic music emitted by Neptune.

Our generation has learned that the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum–from radio waves through microwaves, infra-red, visible light, ultra-violet light, to x-rays and gamma rays– are all massless particles (photons) of the universal energy known as electromagnetic radiation, or simply Light. Light waves are fluctuations of electric and magnetic energy through space, usually expressed (by humans) in wavelength or frequency.

Sound is also measured in wavelength and frequency, with two major differences: sound (at the lowest end of the spectrum) travels at 1100ft per second; light (“C”, as expressed in E=MC2) at the high end, at 186,000mps. And while sound can travel through dense matter/objects, light cannot. The denser the material, the slower it travels, e.g. light travels around one-third more slowly through water than through air and space.


“Angels of Biblical metaphor were equated with song and the Word of God. Acoustical pressure is the only real difference between instantaneous light waves and slower material existence.” Brendan Bombaci

All faiths use sound to reach the Supreme. The early Christian church was no exception in trying to reach God through harmonies expressed within the sacred geometric environs of cathedrals. Their hallowed vaults were from earliest times designed to uplift both the supplicant and the surrounding community. Gregorian chant is the only version of this sacred music left to us. The rest of what was the Solfeggio–Sol-Fa– system of tuning into sacred tones is considered ‘lost’. Musical convention has since 1953 altered ‘concert pitch’ [A=432Hertz] to the more strident and dissonant A=440, agreed by the International Standards Orgaization (ISO) based on a previous recommendation by Joseph Goebbels in 1939. It is now the accepted standard pitch for orchestras, bands and individual instruments.

Sound as Image: the frequency of 432Hz and its trangular form

Basically, there are six Holy frequencies, the ‘original sacred tones’, called the Solfeggio.

Do 396HZ ‘Liberates guilt and fear’-–associated with releasing emotional patterns.
Re 417Hz ‘Undoing situations, facilitating change’-– breaks up crystallized emotional patterns.
Mi 528 Hz DNA Repair, ‘connecting all the strands’-–related to transformation and miracles.
Fa 639 Hz ‘connecting/relationships’-–whole brain quadrant interconnectedness.
Sol 741Hz ‘Awakening intuition’-–associated with intuitive states, non-linear knowing.
La 852Hz ‘Return to the Spiritual Order’-–a pure love frequency: unconditional love and return to spiritual order.
Doctor of Divinity David Hulse, founder of SomaEnergetics is reintroducing original sacred tones to help heal people’s lives. He believes that “ancient Solfeggio contains frequencies that can start everyone’s ascension process”.

“The body is held together by sound—the presence of disease indicates that some sounds have gone out of tune.”
Deepak Chopra

An in-depth (and exciting intellectual) treatise by Brendan Bombaci on the ancient connections between sacred geometry, music, the Sun and our archaic weights and measures system can be pondered here.

Others, from Galileo to Hans Jenny, studied Cymatics: wave patterns converted into a visual display of sound. John Stuart Reid in Britain and Jack Kassewitz in the USA together developed the Cymascope, originally to record patterns made by whales and other cetaceans in song. Their work shows remarkable correlation between patterns created by different tones in grains of sand and those designs of exquisite complexity in crop circles.

John Reid says:
“432 Hertz pops out as a triangle every time we image it.
We thought there was something wrong with the CymaScope™ but after trying for more than an hour we concluded that the number three was somehow universally connected to 432 Hertz.

“We captured it on video and it looks like it’s alive. It writhes and pulsates and refuses to take up any other form. We researched the reason why it takes up this geometry and it turns out to be an interesting case: when A is tuned to 432Hz the frequencies of the other A (octaves) shift (within a decimal point) to 27 Hz, 54, 108, 216, 864, 1728 in other octaves – all divisible by three. And the higher the frequency, the greater the geometric intricacy.

“D tuned to 576 Hz becomes 9 Hz, 18, 36, 72, 144, 288, 1152 in other octaves. E becomes 324 Hz which becomes 81 Hz, 162, 648, 1296 in other octaves. All of these frequencies are divisible by three: the cosmic triangle.”

Translated into mathematics, 432hz vibrates at the frequency of the golden mean PHI. As a Fibonacci sequence, it unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity and magnetism with biology, the DNA code and consciousness.


“There is no doubt that our present worldview is undergoing tumultuous change, and at such times, the collective unconscious of humanity reaches out for guidance. Because our thoughts are electromagnetic pulses which transcend time and space, it is possible that our request has been received, and information is manifesting in fields around the world.” Freddy Silva

The crop circle phenomenon is a product of both light and sound–both media have been witnessed by reliable sources–as light orbs and sonic high-pitched hum during their formation.

Silva’s is the enlightened ‘croppie’ view. He is among several renowned thinkers (including Kiesha Crowther) who will speak at this summer’s Prophets Conference in Glastonbury July 1-8, 2011. His view reflects that of a growing number who believe that annually recurring patterns in the English countryside and other summer pastures around the globe are created by a vibrational source that we do not yet quite comprehend.

Understanding is on the tip of our tongues, the edge of our minds. We are pushing the boundaries of higher dimensions and those dimensions are letting us in.

Progressively, in recent years, complex mathematical and geometric patterns have evolved which are more than the variable graphic produced by random cymatics. They contain an expression of our own maturing consciousness. They show intelligence at a deep resonating level which responds to an expression of our own deep need for connection to that Universal Intelligent Source.

We are getting answers.

Do we–the human race pushing our way through the cosmic birth canal to Level I–remember the question?