Crop Circles: Hitchhiker’s Guide in Sound and Light

‘Where observation is concerned, chance favors only the prepared mind”
Louis Pasteur 1854

Crop circle codes of light

Last weekend, as I joined in giving thanks for our earthly blessings, an autumnal appreciation of Crop Circles, themselves the epitome of high summer warmth and abundance, seemed right. If, like me, you are adjusting to the onset of winter, shortening days, dwindling light, you might be tempted to regret that, at the height of summer, we didn’t feel more appreciation for the phenomenon. Once more I allowed the beauty of their designs to imprint on my subconscious and, as many others have done, asked myself why here, why now? So this is my second blog at a time of entering into hibernation, because we occasionally need a double dose of joy to get us through hard times.

As a catalyst for change, their imprint on harvest field and human consciousness is gaining ground and their messages of joy, beauty, grace (as well as mathematics, geometry, astronomy, enough science to boggle the most ardent geek) have been hitting us squarely between the eyes: 10,000 messages in 29 countries in the last decade. Along with spiritual feelings generated in visitors within the circles themselves, those messages are having an impact on us, the human race: feelings appropriate to this particular season: like peace and goodwill to our fellow man. How clever of them to be able to combine both physical and spiritual. And to do it in such a miraculously short time.

Helicopter and microlite pilots have attested to crop circles appearing in the Wiltshire countryside in a 15-minute timespan between one flyover and the next. Overnight campers trying their best to stay awake to ‘catch them at it’ have either dozed off at the crucial moment or seen the tail end of a luminous glow disappear over the horizon, leaving a trail of beauty blazed in the corn.

Crop scientists agree, stalks of barley and wheat show effects of intense heat similar to microwave or laser energy which can make a stem node pop or a stalk bend and lie flat without breaking, all the while being manipulated into a stunning swirling pattern akin to weaving or cosmic basketry. Monitored examples so far have registered minute alterations in cellular structure, fluctuating background radiation and depletion of the local water table, but crops continue to grow to maturity and harvest with no negative impact. In fact recent research is beginning to believe a quick dose of light radiation and an altered energy field actually improve crop yield.

Known side-effects, seen by the scientific establishment as an increase in electromagnetic energy and altered soil chemisry, produce on-the-ground human biological emotions such as brotherly love, increased camaraderie, and an inclination to share with others; add to that the agricultural bonus of stronger wheat, more robust barley, increased yield, and the fact that these crops are increasingly being consumed by us in our bread, malt, beer and pastries, would it not follow that we too are being affected? To take the concept even farther; might we find through the gifts left in these complex manifested forms a way to feed the world’s starving masses?

In recent years the beauty of crop circle art, alone, has succeeded in affecting us as a collective. That in itself is remarkable. Through the immediacy of the internet and with huge advances in video technology, visitor numbers have escalated beyond local belief, air traffic and ‘sky tours’ have doubled and website ‘hits’ on the phenomenon number over one million.

There are few left unaware or untouched by them. People in all countries – even the most inured city-dweller – and followers on all continents, whether or not they have experienced them first hand, are writing and blogging about them. I for one have visited only one, but that’s the beauty of their effect: the photographic record has nearly as much impact on us as the creations themselves.

While some communications media continue to postulate their formation by humans, most of us who’ve been following their process of revelation are aware now that something else is going on.
They are making us look to the stars. Our place of origin, according to all major world religions, astrophysicists, philosophers, a multitude of alternate faiths, and a huge body of ancient knowledge.

‘He made his Progeny of an extract of Water held in Light estimation’
Q’uran The Koran

Why, if not to guide our fumbling consciousness in a new direction, would we be given a steadily increasing stream of tantalizing coded information, created in seconds, coming from what appears to be the Realm of Light?

Sextant Crop Circle at Alton Barnes Phase I June 21, 2009

It’s not just a physical reaction; it’s emotional, psychic, spiritual and other-dimensional as well. We are being drawn out of our three-to-four dimensional planes and becoming familiar with concepts, taught by all the great spiritual doctrines, that there are several other realities than the one we see.
Suddenly our Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy becomes an open door to the Universe and is teaching us to think out of the box, to look beyond.

Take the Sextant Crop Circle for instance: After its preliminary formation on midsummer night 2009 in a field at Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, it took two successive nights to complete. And it brought reaction from three different schools of thought:

Coronal mass ejection predicted in 'jellyfish' crop circle

The Astronomical community suggested its initial phase mirrored the inner solar system, predicting (like the ‘jellyfish’ crop circle) a solar coronal mass ejection (CME) for a date three weeks in the future. Phase two appeared to give universal values and positions for the inner planets confirming that date and time; and phase three, although a trickier concept, as it appeared to be in ‘code’, a mixture of ASCII and hieroglyphs which were yet to be revealed!

The Mathematics community, including our dear-departed gurus Sagan and Hawkins (my last blog) are insistent that much crop circle symmetry and form resembles the perfection of number and the exquisite harmony of music:

‘As the expression of number in space, geometry is inextricably linked to music since the laws of the former govern the mathematical intervals that make up the notes in the western music scale – the diatonic ratios – hence the reason ancient Egyptians referred to geometry as frozen music.’

There is a physical connection, too, between matter and sound, as sound waves will create geometric patterns in sand, iron filings, any flexible medium. Navajo and Hopi traditions relate how shamans in ancient times would utter words on to sand to create sacred patterns. Music soothes the fevered mind; it coaxes plants into growth (Secret Life of Plants, Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird).

Sextant crop circle phase 2 appeared June 23 2009

Echoed in all the world’s faiths and traditions is the concept that Universal matter was created by sound: Hindu Mandalas are created in the vibration of God; Islam expresses God as a sacred geometric image; in the Christian tradition, medieval geometry produced miraculous structures like the Gothic cathedral whose hallowed arches resonated with song and chant. And

‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God St. John

Phase 3 Sextant crop circle Alton Barnes June 30, 2009 with coded tail

The third response is from an individual, but is, I believe, the most revealing of the three: Judy Beebe has been a medical scientist for 35 years, and on her spiritual path since she was nine years old. Through a series of life-changing experiences, some of them OBEs, she has created what she calls a Language of Light, which she itemizes and demonstrates lucidly to be a Univesal code which is embedded in the crop circles.

She fervently believes Mankind has reached a point where we are now listening:
– to our own ‘Spirit within’,
– to messages sent from our Universal Matrix to remind us of our sacred potential, and
– to our own forgotten memories of who we were before we incarnated on this planet. She is convinced that water carries the matrix of our future.

Her information is carefully and lovingly documented and her website is a work of art in itself. She also – like the crop scientists measuring growth rates and changing cell structure – thinks we are being directed towards new simpler technologies which we have only to use our God-given intelligence to figure out and implement. In her view, the 2008 Crop Circle season was about ‘energy’; the 2009 season about ‘water’. Man’s way forward is to develop our next source of energy from the water molecule: what she calls Omega Cell or GEM energy.

Judy Beebe's concept of phase 3 Alton Barnes 'sextant' crop circle with tail

For her, the ‘Sextant’ crop circle phase one clearly gives the GEM energy formula, along with instruction in how to activate the energy matrix which we need as a species to develop our ‘understanding heart’ and to ascend in consciousness. Phase two shows the matrix opened up and the activation of ‘watery fire’ or power from the constituent elements of water – oxygen and hydrogen. Phase three shows energy at our fingertips to power the world; she says energy from water is our destiny. To her, the phase three tail of code, like the swallow crop circle with coded tail which appeared the same week at Stanton St. Bernard (June 27, 2009) is a flow of rippling water energy.

Her work has matured over several years and her evidence is clear and beguiling. It is a masterpiece, with directions to reach the Master Key, and well worth taking time to study.

Gradually, as we work our chilly way moment by moment towards winter solstice, the time of earthly endings and solar standstill, we are being shown miracles in nature along with human ideas which have sparked from them. In contemplating designs devised by laser consciousness, we are also being given a razor-sharp view of an alternate reality. I believe we are being drawn closer to our destiny, and. like the return of the light after solstice, our new beginnings are around the corner.

Explore posts in the same categories: Art, crop circles, metaphysics, New Age consciousness, philosphy, world religions

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5 Comments on “Crop Circles: Hitchhiker’s Guide in Sound and Light”

  1. Ruby Dabling Says:

    What an interesting article! Thank you for taking the time to post this for us.

  2. […] Go here to read the rest: Crop Circles: Hitchhiker's Guide in Sound and Light … […]

  3. […] Read the rest here: Crop Circles: Hitchhiker’s Guide in Sound and Light […]

  4. Judy Beebe Says:

    Thank you so much for this article which includes my work.

    The 2010 crop circle season is about DIMENSIONAL KNOWING.

    I have interpreted some of the beginning ones and have them all saved. I will be getting to these very soon and will post the season for all to see on my website.

    Just thought you would like to know that some very significant tests of the GEM Energy are going off within the next few weeks. Tests that are not scientific, but rather practical. These companies are merely proving the energy for themselves and then will be introducing product to the world. The tests will be recorded via video and will certainly be demonstrated to the world.

    We are going to hit the ground running and never look back to coal or fossil fuels for our energy sources. Keep GEM Energy in your thoughts and in your heart for we are about to make a tremendous leap in consciousness and respectful living on the planet we call home.

    Judy Beebe

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