Posted tagged ‘Carl Jung’

The Comet Labyrinth: Following the Umbilical Chord to the Soul

November 29, 2013

Comet ISON Reaches Perihelion

Sun-grazing comet Ison's head fans open as it makes closest approach to Mercury 11/19— before slingshot round the Sun 11/22-12/22

Sun-grazing comet Ison’s head fans open as it makes closest approach to Mercury 11/19— before slingshot round the Sun 11/22-12/22

Comet ISON, or Comet Nevski–Novichonok, currently the darling of NASA and Russian space agency whose Vitali Nevski and Artyom Novichonok discovered it in September 2012—using the International Scientific Optical Network in Kislovodsk, Russia, reaches its closest point to the Sun: PERIHELION: tonight, after its journey through the SolarSystem from the Oort Cloud on the edge of the heliospere fourteen months ago.

Thanksgiving comes in all forms
For over a year, international agencies have followed Comet ISON’s heady entry into our neighborhood, heralding its last naked-eye visibility in our eastern dawn skies this weekend, before perihelion—now—its ‘slingshot round the Sun’. When it reemerges next week—despite media/entertainment industry’s drama-crisis Doomsday scenario of planetary mayhem, disintegration or worse—it becomes a more-easily visible evening sky object, setting along with Mercury and Venus after the Sun in the west December 4th.

Harking back to beautiful swallow crop circle of June 2009 with sparkling  "coded" tails, courtesy CCC

Harking back to beautiful swallow crop circle of June 2009 with sparkling “coded” tails, courtesy CCC

Increased brightness caused by its encounter with the solar electromagnetic forcefield—in its face, so to speak—will add to holiday glitz and excitement, as the fireball gradually retreats back whence it came. December 4th-5th Northern hemisphere skies will be dominated by the glitter of twinkly wishing stars; it will do a fly-past of Earth on Hogmanay/New Year’s Eve. What more could a movie-fantasy/retail-therapy culture want for the ‘holiday season’?

On a (less Western) more philosophical soul-level: if Humanity’s Oversoul wished to indulge us in a little fireworks display to herald the phenomenal rise in spiritual consciousness-awareness of kin spirits reconnecting on earth, within what has for some been a waiting game since the ’Sixties, wouldn’t “It” choose to entertain, rather than chastise us?

Aren’t most of us tired of having to cope in that ‘stranger-in-strange-land’ environment? desire with body-mind-spirit to reach out of our fish tank-box and allow the Great Work of the Medicine Wheel to gather us up in its healing motion?

Perspective of the Ancients

Newly-formed Niijima Island, courtesy NipponCoastGuard, during simultaneous eruptions Java, Mexico, Guatemala & Sicily, November 23, 2013

Newly-formed Niijima Island, courtesy NipponCoastGuard, during simultaneous eruptions Java, Mexico, Guatemala & Sicily, November 23, 2013

Comets in the mind of ancient peoples were signs of the wheeling of the Ages; heralds of the end of the old and the beginning of the new. On an electromagnetic level, we are naïve to believe that recent fierce elemental storms have not happened many times in the history of planet Earth. This year alone, as well as Solar sunspot maximum storms, accelerated weather patterns and volcanic activity have increased on Earth as well as on major ‘outer’ planets, Jupiter, Saturn+moon Titan, Uranus and Neptune. So adding a newcomer from the Oort Cloud into the heliospheric mix, it is little wonder all heads turn to the skies.

Labyrinth: a solo path

Labyrinth: a solo path

You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is in danger by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness. And so to whatever degree any one of us can bring back a small piece of the picture and contribute it to the building of the new paradigm, then we participate in the redemption of the human spirit, and that after all is what it’s really all about
Terence McKenna

Terence McKenna
‘s prophetic statement that ‘Man would make it with Machines’ has arrived in the real world. Bluetooth and iPods accompany street rap, break dancing and shopping carts. Man is more making it with his machine than his neighbor; more aware of his inner soul than the ‘real’ world around him. Altogether not such a bad thing in consciousness terms…

The Body is the umbilical cord to the Soul—Terence McKenna

NORSE Thor, GOD of Thunder Lightning & the ethers struck bolts of fear in Viking hearts

NORSE Thor, GOD of Thunder Lightning & the ethers struck bolts of fear in Viking hearts

Western civilization has been denied the concept of ‘Soul’ for fifteen hundred years while the establishment church/temple controlled the means—ritual pathway—umbilical cord which leads there. By denying their followers, whether Roman catholic, Anglican, Islamic, Hasidic, Coptic, Mormon or southern Baptist, they are all entangling their followers in unentanglable strands of dogma which obscure the Soul they profess to teach connectivity to.

Integrity requires listening to loving parts of your personality and honoring them. Conscience takes you where others want you to go. Integrity takes you where your soul wants you to go.
Gary Zukav
Spiritual Partnership: the Journey to Authentic Power

Mind-Body Labyrinth:Umbilical Cord to the Soul

Silbury Hill "time-attractor", or Eschaton: is time running out? crop circle June 25th, 2013

Silbury Hill “time-attractor”, or Eschaton: is time running out? crop circle June 25th, 2013

We are in the grip of some kind of an attractor, and when we look back at History, we can have a sense, I think, that we have never been here before. But we are so accustomed to causal thought, that we assume we have been pushed here, pushed here by historical necessity, by bad political decisions, by the vicissitudes of evolution—cultural and otherwise. I don’t think so. I think we have been pulled here, that we are under the aegis of a kind of attractor. Some people would call it a “destiny”, but what it is is a dream that is pulling us deeper and deeper into the adventure of existential becoming. And faster and faster—that’s the other thing. Deeper and deeper, faster and faster, so that the rate of change that people were accustomed to before the Industrial Revolution, for example—we can barely conceive of such slow-moving, stately, meta-stable societies. On the other hand, within the 20th Century, the acceleration has been even more intense, and will continue to accelerate in the 21st.
Terence McKenna, The Archaic Revival

McKenna was convinced of the aloneness of Nature; he saw it critically as responsible for the current need to construct the UFO-Alien scenario—as the ‘most acceptable form to the ego presenting itself—alienation—disguising itself as an ET being’.

Many within the crop circle community have waxed eloquent this year on classical weaponry, ancient legendary ‘seeding’ from the stars, etc., and the UFO element has been given full rein.

Javelin-style CC Chute Causeway, Wiltshire 2013

Javelin-style CC Chute Causeway, Wiltshire 2013

Valid points, however, are being made to a predominantly western-agnostic-disconnected audience, who seem unable to make the quantum leap to an electromagnetic scenario which most enlightened, consciousness-aware, New Age groups now accept as our greater human potential: our current path on the planet either encompasses such greater awareness, or dies.

Taken together, several West-Keennettdesigns this year reflect previous seasons: the alien head Hinton Parva, 2011 the sacred serpent Ouroboros, the double-bladed axe.


“Local legends tell of gods in old Mexico armed with Xiuhcoatl, ‘fire snakes’. that emitted rays capable of penetrating and mutilating the human body.”
Graham Hancock on use of ray-launchers among the Aztec-Inca civilizing gods, Quetzalcoatl and Viracocha Fingerprints of the Gods

Australian aboriginal tradition tells that former men were the ‘Brothers of Lightning’.


Electromagnetic spectrum: light, sound, music, all one

Electromagnetic spectrum: light, sound, music, all one

So, if the 2013 crop circle hourglass shape, top, is a deceptive electromagnetic trick played by the forcefield around Silbury, Avebury and the Ridgeway, while at the same time reminding us of its alchemical symbol and our wasting (planetary) time, what are we going to do about it ?  

Overton-&36Silbury Hill is the largest man made mound in Europe—imagine a five-acre field (2 ha), lovingly mounded with tons of chalk approx.2,500 B.C., contemporary with building Avebury, Aberdeenshire’s recumbent stone circles, Egypt’s classical pyramid period.  

July 7th 2013 at first sign of English summer, largest manmade mound in Europe, Silbury Hill attracts Ship of Dreams crop circle

July 7th 2013 at first sign of English summer, largest manmade mound in Europe, Silbury Hill attracts Ship of Dreams crop circle

Throughout the much-maligned, many times sabotaged 2013 crop circle season, a subliminal but increasingly powerful element of design, intelligence and desire to communicate appears, showing an overlay of tighter, more specific pointers to trigger those intuitive receptors in the human brain. Previous seasons from the glorious days of 2009-2010-2011 have prepared our consciousness for the appearance of ‘magical’ designs which trigger joy centers and memory receptors in the mind; so that when similar Disneyesque shapes reappear, reshuffled, realigned, we sense them as familiar. Check archives for specific seasons, sidebar right.

Progression of sound and light, electromagnetically transmitted in crop designs 2013 in the Avebury triangle

Progression of sound and light, electromagnetically transmitted in crop designs 2013 in the Avebury triangle

Circling the hourglass formation are ‘weather-feather’ glyphs which at first glance look similar to June 2012 designs. But edging closer, they reveal Celtic Church ogham, the Dark Age equivalent of Viking runes.

MUINThe idea related to Muin, vine, is propheric, open to intuition, truth. Its potency is greatest during Lammas-August and the ancient festival of Fire, of Lugnassadh, Lammas, symbolic of letting go, releasing old habits, clearing the past.

RUISRuis, elderflower, beginnings—endings, death/rebirth. Power at time of ‘thinnest veil’ between dimensions, Hallowe’en, Samhain

IDADIoho, ancient yew, symbolizes rebirth, reincarnation, immortality—yew wood never ‘dies’. 

COLLColl, hazel, intuition; wisdom of the Salmon, pre-Celtic totem of gnosis, potent in July. 

EADADEadad, poplar, birth, healing, prevention of illness; finds spiritual strength-endurance to face harsh life realities.

The Assyrian/Minoan labrys, double-headed axe was symbolic of sacred union between sky-earth; ultimate god/essly power; access to electric current, thunder and lightning; sun; fire. In Minoan Crete, coincidentally destroyed 2500B.C. by volcanic apocalypse, the double-bladed axe meant divine sovereignty, holding sacred power via presence of the deity within.

All are symbols of left-hemisphere-dominant power, prevalent for two millennia, now being questioned from within by some of us in western society. An undercurrent of the resurgent feminine—in all its guises, intuitive through outright male-female conflict—is surfacing to join indigenous wisdom in respect for the mother planet.

Ever-increasing circles of energy: humanity's potential godself

Ever-increasing circles of energy

Imagine for a moment, if you will, being our sentient mother Earth, tried beyond her patience with us, her errant children’s ways, enlightened and encouraged by her brightening lover, Sol to communicate in a language long known to our foremothers, but now forgotten: the plant symbols, Pictish creature designs on stone, tree shapes translated into ogham by early Celtic churchmen. Would she not use all the armoury at her disposal—an alkaline-waterfilled-electromagnetic-natural generator to relay her messages as artforms in crop circles—messages in the corn—as in 2013, within the underlying fabric of this magical aquifer? And would she not use multi-phase formations appearing in sequence over consecutive nights, as in 2009,2010, as a means to tempt those who of us who long to reconnect; while reminding us that enlightenment comes in fragmentary-momentary layers.

Sadly in post-modern faith-devoid Britain, these sacred messages, worshipped in pre-Celtic belief as intuitive gifts, seems to be ignored on those now-overpopulated shores, and it may take a miracle for the Brits to wake up and see it for themselves.

...our Pale Blue Dot...

…our Pale Blue Dot…

Viewed imaginatively as an overlay in a sequence of several seasons, like long-time crop circle devotee Gerd Estrup, or as an ongoing dialogue between higher consciousness and our prosaic selves, the 2013 season is indeed appealing to our soul to wake up and contribute; to intuit, grow and believe in something greater than the unholy mess we have created.

If we open ourselves to infinite possibilities, the unlimited, the unexpected, the extraordinary is allowed to enter and surprise us. We may save ourselves and our Pale Blue Dot after all.
©2013 Siderealview