Posted tagged ‘garden’

Solstitial Stillness : Prelude to Midsummer Madness?

June 25, 2013

Rare lightning storm over Chile's VLT array (very large telescope) at 8,500ft Cerro Paranal, Atacama desert

Rare lightning storm over Chile’s VLT array (very large telescope) at 8,500ft Cerro Paranal, Atacama desert

Solstice, they say, should be a time of stillness. Ancient civilizations—however primitive our society views them—were aware of the sun’s influence on their lives and its ability apparently to ‘stand still’ twice each year, when it reaches its greatest distance from the celestial equator. Now, in the Enlightened Aquarian Age, we hold festival over winter to celebrate that time of change. What do we do in summer? Go on vacation? Study crop circles? Some continue to work right through this special time, not realizing our connection to its ancient traditions, rooted in the earth.

Party Time!
Some cultures continue to make offerings, like the Ayamara in Peru. English do Maypole dance, Cornish have their Green Man bonfires, Nevada its Burning Man Festival, August 26-September 2nd this year, and California its music. So perhaps the consciousness behind celebrating in the fields is not totally lost to urbanites, if we can drink in the stillness offered by nature and make an effort to incorporate calm communion with the Earth in our everyday lives.

Classical civilization certainly knew how to do that—and party. And if they didn’t have gods of their own to offer obeisance and reverence to, they imported others. Saturnalia was known throughout the Roman world as the epitome of winter revelry, debauchery, excess, as the only time the old rigid god Saturn let down his hair. Equally, in summertime, they pulled out all the stops, liberally borrowing gods and goddesses from other cultures as themes suited.

Cybele, adopted as Mother-protectrix of Rome's 'city and fields' wore the Phrygian helmet-crown of warrior goddess

Cybele adopted as Mother-protectrix of Rome’s ‘city and fields’ wore the Phrygian helmet-crown of warrior goddess

Cybele, right, the original pre-classical (Bronze Age, c.8thC BC) Indo-European Earth Mother warrior goddess from Phrygia-Anatolia, Turkey—symbol of fertility, earth’s swelling summer cornucopia of growth and abundance—was converted for her ‘psychic powers’ to take a place in the Greek and Roman pantheon. The Sybil who issued prophetic knowledge, like the Delphic Oracle, was her Roman adaptation. She was guardian of Rome. Her Egyptian equivalent was revered as Earth Mother figure Hathor; but the later Greeks, succumbing to male-dominant cultural needs, altered her concept of ‘love’ to one embodied by Aphrodite—losing the earth connection.

The Earth Mother of prehistoric cultures—whose neolithic carved dolls date to pre-Ice Age Europe—survives in vestigial worship of Inca Pachamama in Bolivia, but had turned volte-face in the Aegean by the time of the Trojan wars, when male physical prowess and warlike behavior on all fronts were supreme in Greek eyes. It is curious to note that hero of the Trojan wars, Paris, embodying male physical beauty, pure in mind, focused in war and manly pursuits like discus and javelin dexterity, was an imported ‘alien'(suppressed culture) superhero who wore the prehistoric Phrygian helmet (like Cybele), denoting his more ancient origins. The Roman army dedicated its legions’ souls to the care of Mithras—another import from Phrygia, complete with godly war-helmet.

Where the primeval mother-warrior had battled time and the elements for the good of the Earth, bringing fruits in season, male culture—in taking over the role of earth-caretaker—may have gone a little overboard on the warrior front.

Delphic Oracle—Eta Delphinids, Cetacean Commiunications

The locked grid for Solstice June 21 2013 9pm EST, courtesy Astrotheme Progressed Charts

The locked grid for Solstice June 21st 2013 9pm EST, progressed chart, courtesy Astrotheme

In astrological circles this solstitial time is seen as one of huge change—in context of life, personal vision, and clearing away old debris, solstitial chart by Astrotheme, left.

Astronomically, NASA/NOAA’s solstitial prediction for ‘few’ aurorae over the midsummer period, includes a mention by the space agency of meteor showers, Eta Delphinids, M-class solar flares ongoing, with resulting storms hitting earth through June and July. Earth’s magnetosphere activity is listed as ‘unsettled’ during this period, see changes sidebar right. We are, after all, midway through solar maximum, 2013.

Somewhere between the two star camps there appears in the northern sky one of our least-known yet most massive constellations, only visible in summer: Ophiuchus. Both astro sides agree: this giant (dim) group of stars stretching from the head of Scorpio across Libra and Virgo, to touch the (upside-down) head of Hercules at zenith, brings into the summer sky images—and concepts from the ancient mind—most appropriate to this silly season. Because of the cosmic quirk of precession of the equinoxes—earth’s ‘wobble’ on its axis bringing it successively through each of the zodiac signs, backwards—we in the Aquarian Age in Earth’s subtropical, tropical and temperate zones are seeing—many for the first time—two gigantic constellations which were familiar to the Ancients, who anthropomorphized them as expressions of their own conflicting ideals.

backwards thru Zodiac~~ Aquarius: water-bearer, far-sighted visionary, troubled by burdens—symbol of the Age
Capricorn: seagoat, god of cardinal order, old (outworn? Saturnian) mechanisms, consistently appears at midsummer full moon to put cat among pigeons…
Sagittarius: archer, ruled by Jupiter: Jovian happy-spirited lover of nature, trying to hold balance between the above and…
Scorpio: scorpion, fixed water=ice symbolic of birth, death and rebirth, transfiguration; overcoming impediments, its sting-in-tail never allows others to relax

enter~~ Ophiuchus, serpent bearer holding both ends of constellation Serpens in his hands: Serpens Cauda, tail in his right; Serpens Caput, head in his left.

Constellation Ophiuchus, Flamsteed Celestial Atlas, 1776

Constellation Ophiuchus, Flamsteed Celestial Atlas, 1776

Ophiuchus: Ὀφιοῦχος “Serpent-bearer”, serpent-wielding handler of snakes, transitioned from his ancient image of enlightened Man wrestling-with-conscience through medieval image of unbridled male sexual power, to Georgian image of protective fatherly person-of-age and wisdom and healing, to Victorian preoccupation with—mostly male—medical profession—caduceus, or *thyrsus a symbol of healing derived from a rod (bamboo, fennel, or the male member) wrapped in a vine, ivy or flower garlands.

Unusually, both ‘scientific’ and ‘psychic’ astros agree, constellation Ophiuchus will dominate the July 2013 sky, rising higher than it has in the last two thousand years. Some extreme astrologers have suggested rearranging the traditional/tropical zodiac, to make room for another constellation (because his feet actually stand on the ecliptic, between Scorpio and Sagittarius). Current western astrology, however, is a convention developed from zodiac signs visible in Roman/Greek skies, using attributes associated with cultural gods/seasons/beliefs of that time, and these which would lose meaning if arbitrarily rearranged.

As Ophiuchus makes its first appearance since the “EndTimes of 2012″—brighter and more dominant than at any time in human memory—there may be another message for us in its new guise.

Sumer is icumen in, Lhude sing cuccu!

Greco-Roman god Priapus, rescued fresco from Pompeii c.AD79, Archaeological Museum of Naples

Greco-Roman god Priapus, rescued fresco from Pompeii c.AD79, Archaeological Museum of Naples

PRIAPOS was the rustic god of the Ancient world, responsible through his unbridled fertility for the bounty of the vegetable garden. Later stylized as a dwarfish entity with a huge penis, which symbolized garden fertility, originally his head was crowned with a peaked Phrygian cap, belying his origin as a god, native to the Hellespont, ancient Phrygia. His cult was introduced into Greece and Italy, where his mythology was reinterpreted in Greek terms. Greeks naturally named him a son of one of their phallic gods: either Hermes/Mercury or, more often Dionysos. His mother was Aphrodite. They were accompanied by satyrs Orthanes and Tykhon.

Priapos/Priapus was honored by Greeks, Romans, Mysians, Hittites, Egyptians (their Apis, bull of fertility) as protector of sheep, goats, bees, the vine and of all garden produce. In formative cultures, the phallus was the ancient emblem of creation. It represented gods Bacchus, Priapus, Hermaphroditus, Hercules, Shiva, Osiris, Baal and Asher, who were all Phallic deities. Roman Priapus, a stylized symbol of Rome’s mastery of the then world, had odes written to him and poems pinned on patio phalluses in gardens of aristocratic ladies who wished to keep their arboreal spirits potent.

The most famous extant depiction of Priapus is the Pompeiian fresco, above. He is crowned with peaked Phrygian cap, shown weighing his enormous member on a set of scales against the produce of the fields. He wears Phrygian war-boots, and has a Bacchic, cone-tipped thyrsus* resting by his side.
Photo of Pompeiian fresco, courtesy Andargor

Burning Man annual late summer festival in Black Rock Nevada desert

Burning Man annual late summer festival in Black Rock Nevada desert

In festive summer frolics, Priapus was depicted accompanied by garden nymphs, dyads and maenads, each waving a flower-wreathed *thyrsus—a wand made from fennel or bamboo, with a pierced pine-cone at its tip, which nymphs used as mini-phalluses to poke at the unitiated or to ward off satyrs and unwanted suitors.

In Celtic mythology he is the god of spring, Greenman, vestigial Druid prince-king-god who invoked fertility for his land through dance in sacred groves where tree and nature-spirits dwell.

Primitive statues of the god were traditionally set up in vegetable plots to promote fertility, with the added benefit of functioning as a type of scarecrow for scaring away birds. But when garden gnomes became a late 19thC fashion, their priapic member was eliminated in the mass-produced version, as Victorian sensibilities dictated that such garden gnomes NOT display their ‘private parts’, in case ladies in passing carriages should succumb to the ‘vapors’ and require medical assistance.

Priapic Preoccupation in Crop Circles
Victorian humor aside, Priapos was genuinely revered as patron of the garden, guardian of growth for all crops, and it is a relief to see this multi-faceted countryside god showing his (at least symbolic) head above ground—as a sign of bounty to come?—in the first two-phase crop circle appearance at Stanton St Bernard, Wiltshire, June 21st.

Solstitial crop circles have traditionally sent some of the clearest messages as the theme of a season; it is tempting to believe that the paucity of designs in Wiltshire—twelve during June; British total for season—is one of those. Meanwhile, crop circle anticipation remains high: manfully upheld by the Italian contingent, as the fields of Rome, Tuscany and northern Italy have had a relatively ‘normal’ growing season—that in itself may suggest we show a little deference to our classical heritage.

Stanton St Bernard dual-phase priapic crop circle points to ancestral Milk Hill

Stanton St Bernard dual-phase phallic crop circle points to ancestral Milk Hill, photo courtesy Paul Jacobs

So it is riveting to see that the season’s first ‘complex’ symbol should appear right on schedule—over solstice—in the Wiltshire ‘hub‘, in the same fields which created all the uproar last year, see Siderealview archives.

*Seen as a thyrsus, (typically, English has no translation for a wand wreathed in flowers sporting a bristle like a dildo), its pinecone-like business end pointed straight at Milk Hill—representative of ancient Earth Mother-milk-and-honey-bounty—the first meaningful crop circle of the season may once more be pulling at us with multiple strands. Targeting the Mother hill (the highest in Wiltshire) goes partway to awakening dormant English respect for ancient ways. By incorporating the dildo-pinecone in a sword- (or thyrsus-like) javelin cut straight through the barley and aimed at Milk Hill’s symbol of male strength—the horse riding the Mother—this crop design rekindles memories of pineal gland/third eye crop formations of summer 2011.

Messages then were that we/’Society’ release our male left-brain stranglehold on our fragile 21stC world, allow the female intuitive right-brain heart-centered side to come out of dormancy and express more freely. And that the pleasure zone: endorphins, melatonin and the pineal gland, function together as a means to synthesize and synchronize this new awareness in us humans by connecting our mind-body-spirit back to our terrestrial home.

Now, in post-Omega-Point reflection through a slow growing season, we are reminded to temper our left hemisphere destruction of habitat, and instead to devote time to more reverent and respectful treatment of our earthly environment.

To add to this summer madness, Ophiuchus rises to full stature in the northern July night, unseen until now in such grandeur by 21stC eyes. He stands diametrically opposite Orion, filling the southern arc of the night sky, his feet astride the ecliptic, between Sagittarius and Scorpio, his head grazed by the upside-down head of Hercules at zenith. Grasping with both hands he wields the Serpent: Serpens Caput in his left; Serpens Cauda in his right, the dual twisting constellation locked between his outstretched legs, as if caught in flagrante delicto, not a god, but a man wrestling his (inner and) outer demons.

Summer’s greatest blessing is that we northerners can relax, feel warm, surrounded by earth’s cornucopia of beauty, vegetative growth at its height—lulled into enjoying the brief season without thought to winter, responsibility, cold… the grasshopper and ant scenario. Or, with American Independence Day July 4th just around the corner, could consciousness of the ‘Silly Season’ already be taking hold? Celebrate now for tomorrow we die?
Te morituri salutamus!

We know our Earthmother’s answer.
©2013 Siderealview

Wiring under the MotherBoard: a Glimpse of how the Universe works

October 12, 2011

October 6th crop circle at East Field, Alton Barnes highlights overwintering wildlife-friendly crop of brassica and barley,
photo Olivier Morel

We are trapped in a world of too much infor-mation. Innocence is gone for us. We cannot expect to cross the Rainbow Bridge through a good act of contrition; that will not be sufficient.
We have to understand.
Terence McKenna (1946-2000)
American philosopher, author, ethnobotanist and visionary

With the onset of October, country communities in the Northern hemisphere are preparing for winter and ‘death’ of the Earth, farmers gathering up strawbales for feed, ploughing and planting overwintering crops. Meanwhile in the cities, activity usually turns to entertainment or to seasonal frivolity—thoughts inwards are not usually the province of mass media. But societal consciousness has changed and now, where it used to be the ‘news’ that people watched, it is the internet, with increasing mass communication of End Times, not entirely uninfluenced by this month’s Calleman version end-date of the Tzolkin Calendar of the Maya on October 28th. On that date, he says, humanity reaches the top of the Ninth Wave, the peak of the nine-step pyramid of Underworlds/Consciousness: the End of Time as we know it.

Autumn this year, however, has brought out the youth of humanity into the streets in droves. The young ones have decided enough is enough; time to speak up about world conditions: Occupy Wall Street *(OWS) has burgeoned into Occupy Chicago, and Los Angeles (second week); with Occupy Maine and Portland,OR., Dallas, Boston (from Oct.6), Dublin and Phoenix (Oct.8, Yom Kippur) Iowa and London (Oct.9, Day for Trees), and including a flurry of Occupy cities scheduled for October 15th, World Revolution Day, collectively marking World Food Day, Columbus Day and Canadian Thanksgiving. Cities—and countries—joining the Occupy movement this week include Montreal, Canada; Brussels, Belgium; Sweden, Holland, Finland and France.

It is no mean feat to camp out in foul weather, with storms predicted—which mid-October often brings—with donated food, little shelter, less money and no end in sight. Yet, this is what the movement is prepared to withstand, in order to get a message across to their audience—the ‘fat cats’—that the underdog has tolerated intolerance and inequality long enough and it’s time to make a stand on human rights.

Truth cannot be told, so as to be understood, and not be believ’d—William Blake
[If the truth can be told so as to be understood, it will be believed]

It is no coincidence that mainstream media has ignored the Occupy movement. It appears to be too sensitive an issue to report responsibly. It touches too many sacred cows that have been allowed to roam for so long and eat all the pasture; so that amazing technological extension of human consciousness—the internet—has picked up the slack.

The worldwide web has been alive with the OWS movement, with wild stories as well as heart-warming intimacies, spreading faster than mainstream negative news is capable of reporting. The internet has come into its own.

The internet has always had purpose: to bring together MINDS. FB and Twitter are just the fluff on the exterior blowing into the winds of change… there is a deeper connection we are beginning to see and need to appreciate and use. This extension-of-Mind was foreseen by many visionaries, but we, the Now generation—from teenage OWSers to aging Baby Boomers (now outnumbered by the teens)—are still here and can make it work for us.

Mind, consciousness, creative thought have always been Mankind’s blessing, his headstart on the lesser animals, but the Earth is straining under her human shackles. She, too, wants to be free.

The Earth, like her biological inhabitants, seems to be responding to that End-of-Time ‘attractor’, a point beyond the human now, a future dream coming closer—McKenna’s ‘Dwellpoint ahead in the temporal dimension’, his Eschaton.

Glittering entity attracting us into our future... ALMA's first deepspace image, Catseye nebula

This scintillating object glittering in hyperspace, throws off reflections of itself, which actually ricochet into the past, illuminating this mystic, inspiring that saint or visionary, and out of these fragmentary glimpses of eternity we can build a kind of map, not only of the past of the Universe and the evolutionary progression into Novelty, but a map of the future.

Human history represents such a radical break with the natural systems of biological organization that preceded it, that we are now in shock.

I think people have a very narrow conception of what is possible with reality, that we’re surrounded by the howling abyss of the unknowable and nobody knows what’s out there.

Western religions have persistently integrated into their theologies the notion of a kind of end of the world, Ascension, stepping into heaven-on-earth. It seems that is not going to happen according to any of the orthodox religious scenarios, however, but through basic human will and intuition.

The Universe her/himself—that great Being we dare not see as intelligent—seeks closure in a kind of omega point of transcendence. And s/he will take us, the Earth, the Sun, the solar system and the Galaxy, along with her.

Ritually tuning into the earth...

This is what shaman- ism has always been about. A shaman is someone who has been to the end. He knows how the world really works, and knowing how the world really works means to have risen outside, above, beyond the dimensions of ordinary space, time, and causality. He has actually seen the wiring under the board, stepped outside the confines of learned culture and embedded language, into the presence of what Wittgenstein called “the unspeakable”.

This presence will yield knowledge which can be brought back for the good of the community. For 90% of human culture, the shaman has been the agent of evolution. He learns techniques to go between ordinary reality and the realm of ideas, this higher dimensional continuum that is somehow parallel with us, available to us, and yet ordinarily occluded by cultural convention out of fear of the Mystery. Shamans have been able to de-condition themselves from Society’s instinctual distrust of the Mystery, in order to go into this bewildering higher dimension, and gain knowledge. They recover and bring back the jewel lost at the beginning of time: to save souls, cure, commune with the ancestors.
T McKenna, 1997

Almost invariably, the shaman who finds himself in the transcendental presence of the Other is humbled. But with practice, he becomes wise; and in nearly every indigenous culture on planet Earth, this Universal wisdom is shared.

The Land of Gaia
‘Shamanism is not a religion; it is a set of techniques, and one of the principal techniques is the use of visionary plants. These natural psyche-enhancers dissolve boundaries, and in the presence of dissolved boundaries, one cannot continue to close one’s eyes to the ruination of the earth, the poisoning of the seas, and the consequences of two thousand years of unchallenged dominator culture, based on monotheism, hatred of nature, suppression of the female.’ The Archaic Revival, 1991

McKenna found shamans acted as exemplars, by making a psychic journey to the domain of Gaian ideas, and then bringing them back in the form of art, and meshing them with the human struggle to save the world. The planet has its own intelligence, and under certain circumstances it will actually open a channel of communication with an individual human being.

Kiesha Crowther's new book: Message for the Tribe of Many Colors imparts earth wisdom to see us through End times

McKenna’s reverence for the human body and the planet Earth is echoed—without herbal help—by Kiesha Crowther, ‘Little Grandmother’, also a shaman, chosen keeper of earth wisdom for the Tribe of Many Colors, and from childhood a lifelong outdoors-living person. Having spent countless days and nights in the high farming community of Colorado, she is able to tune into her heightened sense of (other) life around her, speaks to birds; she can intuit an elk on the highway up ahead. She has developed her own natural shamanist gifts, reinforced by a neglectful upbringing, and enhanced by spending a lot of time alone.

Her deep connection to nature brings her into ideal relationship with her surroundings: the Earth, her ‘Mother’. She has learned to communicate with owls, river water, puma, the Earth Mother herself, on an intuitive level—without words—but often in pictures.

She gets a tingly feeling, tastes straw in her mouth, smells violets or rain, and knows that she is sensing a being nearby. She trusts her own inner voice, she listens to messages from the trees, a blade of grass, a bee. She has been bailed out of some tricky situations by listening to this ‘voice’.

Now in her early thirties, she walks forward proclaiming that we should all stop right this minute and tune into what the Earth is—really—saying. Then we would have no hesitation in stopping oil drilling, copper mining, damming salmon rivers and seeding the atmosphere with manmade storms. The Earth has, after all, always supplied our needs, given us everything we have ever demanded. But she is getting restless, tired of giving, without replenishment or simple gratitude.

Mother Earth, too, is sentient. Kiesha agrees with McKenna that it is time to take better care of her, or she may not continue to be quite so tolerant.

Kiesha says:
‘Never take anything without being given permission. We are suffering the consequences now of being planet-robbers.’

Her respect for the Earth Mother is much highlighted in her new book, ‘Message for the Tribe of Many Colors‘, published last month by EarthMother Press.

Humanity going through sudden change, evolution speeding up at an unprecedented rate

Human beings are going through a pivotal shift that almost all life-forms go through, but there is something quite unique about us. We are evolving and changing at a supersonic pace that has never been seen before in the Cosmos. We human beings are going through an evolution of consciousness, making progressive leaps much faster than any life-form before. For this reason, we have caught the attention of other beings in our galaxy and in other galaxies. It seems that planet Earth is like a child in its spiritual evolution compared to other places, and yet we are growing and making giant leaps in consciousness, because of our special placement in the solar system. Great bursts of energy from our Sun are helping to speed us up and raise our consciousness at a pace never seen before.
Kiesha Crowther, Message for the Tribe of Many Colors

She has learned that, however much negative people and outmoded opinions influence and put pressure on us, we can derive strength from this ultimate test to our spiritual will and reach through the hardest adversity to communion with our Higher Self, our Oversoul.

She believes that we can endure almost any hardship for just a little while longer until the love train starts to kick in. But it’s up to us to remember the goal, however hard our present circumstances. The movement is happening. People are beginning to live from the heart, rather than from the head. We are beginning to think as One. We are Ascending…

…But, things are falling apart. What do I do?
Kiesha now travels extensively, sharing her earth wisdom and assisting in placing specially-energized crystals in the earth at strategic points. This, she says, will help stabilize the earth grid which is also sensitive to negative manipulation by those who take what they please. She has often been asked what to do when things go crazy. Her suggestions for the End Times:

...plant a garden, know how to grow your own food, find a place to nurture your family...

Stay in the heart:
Secure loved ones & families;
Collect seeds and plant a garden;
Learn how to live sustainably, find out how to access clean water and make use of clean energy;
Instead of spending money on trinkets, buy things you need for your family; essentials which will support you and that will sustain your life through difficult times ahead.

‘Get a home, buy land if possible, grow food, store seeds, know how to grow a garden, find clean water—these are the things we should be doing to support our lives right now’
Kiesha Crowther

Turn off History

‘The twentyfirst century is the shudder that announces the approaching cataracts of time over which our species and the destiny of this planet is about to be swept.’

Coming from vastly different backgrounds, Kiesha from poverty, McKenna from the intellectual stratosphere, it is profound how much both visionaries share: in fact it’s fairly apocalyptic. Both are convinced that “History is ending”: that our generation is witnessing the revelation and purpose of the cosmos. McKenna said “History is the shock wave of the eschaton”. Crowther says “We are the strongest of the strong”, the “ones we have been waiting for”, and that we have chosen to be here to witness and help birth this time.

What this means for those of us living through this transition into hyperspace/love dimension, is that we are privileged to watch the greatest release of compressed change since the birth of the Universe. But we are also witnessing a coming together of vast groups with a common bond. It is vital we see the big picture and do not get caught up in the “old” news tactic of focusing on the negative.

The light of the Universe is made up of photons; there is no anti-particle. It's all light

The Big Picture is what is happening; differences are being laid aside. It is particularly apt that new initiatives are being led by the young. It is a long time since such freedom was witnessed and encouraged… the Boomer generation of the ‘sixties is now old and grey. But their ethos is still alive and well in the minds of the OWS youngsters. The message is not altogether alien. Flower power and ‘living in the heart’ have a similar ring.

The new physics is a physics of light. Light is composed of photons, which have no antiparticle. This means there is no dualism in the world of light.

The shockwave has huge reverberations, however.

OWS (and other) Occupy movements are taking hold; showing us a little of the wiring underneath the Motherboard. We are getting a glimpse of how the Universe works in demonstrating a coalescing of minds, bodies in the streets, consciousness in computerdom.

EarthDance founded in 1997, held Guinness book of Records 'greatest world drumming event 2004' in NoCAL; now a worldwide equinox event

“House music and rave culture and rhythms are rediscovery of the art of natural magic with sound; and percussive sound can change neurological states. Large groups of people getting together in the presence of this kind of music are bonding in a telepathic community strong enough to carry the vision out into mainstream society. I think the youth culture that is emerging actually sums up Western civilization and points us in an entirely different direction.

We arrive in the third millennium, in the middle of an archaic revival—a revival of these physiologically-empowering rhythm signatures—a new art emerges, a new social vision, a new relationship to nature, to feminism, to ego.”
Terence McKenna Alien Dreamtime

Paradoxically, computer networks display a deeply feminizing influence that society needs to change its mind. (Kiesha suggests we ‘change the channel’). In the hardware, the unconscious is actually being created; and, as we are learning pretty quickly, consciousness equals reality.

Both shamans would agree that the Unconscious, the deep feminine, is that part of us which we have neglected. It is time for its magic to reemerge.

The real secret of magic is a world made of words, and if you know the words the world is made of, you can make of it whatever you wish

Tonight the Moon is full in Aries – usually a great influence for action. If Calleman’s accelerated date is correct, the pinnacle of the pyramid, the beginning of the New is only two weeks away. He is not alone in his calculation. October 28th 2011 is 13 Ahau in the Tzolkin, named ‘Return of the Ancestors’ in Mayan prophecy: a signal, perhaps, that we should all step up to the plate and serve if we are to become friends with the Earth again. Because she feels mistreated, she may have a few more storms to blow before she believes us.

Wildlife-friendly East Field median strip was featured in 3 crop circles this summer; all sited along the line leading the eye to Bronze Age Knap Hill amphitheatre (N)

The Human race is already transforming. Are we prepared for consciousness evolution at a speed never before contemplated? We have to take our future in our own hands: help the needy, share the food, plant trees, and accept our responsibility for being here at this special time on this unique planet.

A simple crop circle sequence appeared in October (top and left) in East Field—out of season—the third occurrence this year along the same line-of-sight. Just like the Java crop circles in January and the Mexican crop circles at spring equinox, they highlighted the farming community’s care for wildlife, reverting to cultivation by traditional natural methods of nurturing the earth—no huge machinery—just a strip of carefully-planted food.

Famous East Field formation, double-bladed axe, vesica piscis dimensional formation of July 2010. Surrounding archaic script has yet to be interpreted

East Field is in croppie language a byword for the **hub**. The first of the nouvelle vague circles appeared here in the 1990s. Here is where light orbs are sighted most frequently, electrical equipment fails, ultrasound shrieks, the water table suddenly goes dry, and people experience spontaneous healing.

East Field, like Etchilhampton, is run by the good guys: farmers who add a little extra for wildlife. In Kiesha’s terminology, the Earth Mother is speaking in dulcet tones, approving where we show care for her; in McKenna-ese, the Other is stepping through the time fabric and leaving us his/her calling card. Either way, crop circles of 2011 have highlighted farms where earth nurture has taken precedence over earth rape. Perhaps we are beginning to please the Mother, after all.

We have to make a start somewhere. The youth in Wall Street, London, other cities of the world, have shown their card. We countrydwellers have to show our hand, too. We can plant our gardens, show respect and gratitude for our food, decline to shop for unnurtured sources of supply. Take care of the soil and the water. Go off the grid. If the OWS youth can show us the way, lend us their strong bodies, we oldies can stand on their shoulders and reach for the sky.

The Universe is, after all stretching down her hand to help us up.
©2011 Siderealview