Posted tagged ‘magnet crop circle’

Final call from the Ionosphere: Lighten UP!

July 25, 2011

Alien face crowned by feathered headdress, with collar and surrounding field of exquisite reflective crop lay like a spider's web, East Kennet July 2011

“All is Number. God is Number. God is in All.”
Pacal Votan, Last Great King of the Maya, AD603-683, Palenque Chiapas Mexico
“The mathematics of Space cannot be used to measure Time. Only the mathematics of Time can fulfill this. This is the fourth dimensional mathematics of the Maya”
Valum Votan, José Argüelles, AD1952-2011

Daniel Pinchbeck said as much. In his acclaimed book ‘2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl‘, (Tarcher hardcover U.S. 2006, released in GB paperback under title ‘Year of the Mayan Prophecy‘, Piatkus 2008) he sums up the quandary posed by our society’s headlong pursuit of Science to the detriment of all our naturally-acquired wisdom, leaving our instincts, our psychic connection with our intuition, our ‘still, small voice within’ lagging and dragging behind and falling by the wayside — where it languishes without love.

Amesbury, Stonehenge: twelvefold crop motif July 13th-- trompe l'oeil effect of sacred geometry, to which the passing crowd seems indifferent

“Science likes to work in paradigms. Because we don’t have explanatory grids for (UFOs, aliens, and) crop circles, they tend to be dismissed automatically and ridiculed. They are events that cross the boundary between the psychic and physical. I like the Jungian perspective that these phenomena are aspects of archetypes that are presently constellating in the collective psyche”
Daniel Pinchbeck, 2012:The Return of Quetzalcoatl

James Clerk Maxwell, (1831-1879) Scots physicist and graduate of Universities of Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Cambridge, realized that light, electricity, and magnetism were all aspects of the same phenomenon: one of the great unifications of physics. His mathematical ‘equations’, formulated in 1861, are still considered the basis of much continuing research in the electromagnetic field, and more currently in the field of biomagnetics.

Overton Down, July 18th, 2011 above the Ridgeway. Avebury sacred stone circle lies below, just over the ridge.
Photo Stuart Dike

But Science is struggling to explain the diversity and regularity with which crop circle imprints are created electromagnetically usually at night, but sometimes in daylight in a matter of minutes, leaving an unbruised crop bent but still growing; often with masterful and exquisite layering, and tufted central designs. The July 22nd crop formation at East Kennet (top) is an example. Not only are its ten pyramids symbolic of completion, full cycle, returning to source, but the background motif of a spider’s web implies perfection: that humanity is (perhaps) still on course for a change –a unification– in consciousness. The design has more symbols: enough to satisfy multiple doubting disbelievers. The central head can either be seen as Lord of the Dawn, Quetzalcoatl, the Great God of Central American belief in Number — crowned by his feathered-serpent headdress — or as the almond-shaped ‘Seat of the Soul’,’third eye’of the human body, the pineal gland, located in the middle of the head and source of bodily happiness, whose secretions of the hormone seratonin/melatonin (see below) produce altered states of consciousness.

Crop circle Reprise: crop design at East Kennet, July 22 this year (right) within ten-pointed ziggurat star design; compare Quetzalcoatl headdress within 20-pointed star at Wayland's Smithy, 2005 (left)

Back to the Garden

‘…We are stardust
Billion year old carbon
We are golden
Caught in the devil’s bargain…and we’ve got to get ourselves back to the Garden…’
Joni Mitchell, 1969

While our ancestors schooled us through millennia of handed-down wisdom –even in the West we had teachers, to whom we gradually turned a deaf ear — with the exploration of America, the Indies, the ‘Colonies’, we became conquerors, achievers, the epitome of current male-oriented culture where science and domination and ‘success’ are valued, with peace, balance and tender care for the Earth seen as weakness. Indigenous cultures were suppressed, EarthFirst beliefs and traditions devalued. They and their ancestral lands were marginalized.

Michael Lindfield, author of The Dance of Change, formerly a 14-year resident of the Intentional Community of Findhorn in NE Scotland, puts this anomalous situation in context:

Etchilhampton, Wiltshire July 25th --one of 3 appearing same day: hexagonal design with higher dimensional central cube motif, reminiscent of last year's Metatron's cube. Farmer David White is giving all visitor donations to charity

“I believe, that in the West, we have worked to hone and perfect the analytical mind. In our scientific research into the meaning of life, we’ve been looking mostly at objects. What we haven’t really paid attention to is the relationships in between. We see that as empty space. The prevailing world-view is it’s just empty space populated by objects.

“I believe space is a living field. Space as an entity in its own right –through its energetic field– makes conscious relationship possible. It’s a ‘vibrant field of conscious connection’ because it allows relationship between objects to exist. As a ‘being’ in its own right, it’s more like a wave than a particle. You have to have both waves and particles to have the whole picture. And I think we’ve just been looking at the particles, trying to put the particles together, and forgetting about the wave.”

July 20th yin-yang symbol at Louth, Lincolnshire, 3rd this season. Louth lies at 0ºW 53ºN, symbolic of zero point in human consciousness, 53 the sacred number for Garden of Eden

Astrophysicist Alan Holt
, a NASA space engineer who spends half his life on-planet and half his life off — in orbit on ISS — has the benefit of God’s eye view of the progress of civilization. One of his on-planet obsessions is crop circles. He visited the Wiltshire hub in the summer of 2000 and again this year.

“On the way back to Glastonbury we stopped at the Barge Inn. The Barge Inn is located along one of the many canals (Kennet and Avon, Ed.) crisscrossing England, and is a meeting place and informal headquarters for crop circle researchers and visitors. Photos of the latest crop circles are tacked up on a bulletin board.”
Alan Holt M.S., ISS astronaut

“Since I have for many years used enhanced intuitive capabilities to pick up additional information, I did sit in the crop circle near the Barge Inn (in 2000) and picked up some interesting impressions pertaining to the future. In addition, I put out the thought, somewhat as a test but really a request, that I would like to see a crop pictogram appear which could provide me some insight into the direction I should pursue in my advanced transport/field physics research activities.” Alan Holt July 2000

Space Utilization and Exploration Projects

Crabwood 2002 message in ASCII code: 'beware the bearers of false gifts and broken promises'

“The complexity and form of the crop pictograms continue to be very amazing and insightful. There is a growing focus on, and concern for, the decline of the Earth’s environment; and a growing awareness of the upcoming shifts in the calendars of the Maya, Hopi, and other native groups; and what these shifts (in consciousness?) could mean for human civilization. It would be interesting if any trends in the crop pictograms begin to occur, which more directly and more often address steps to help us avoid the decline in the Earth’s environment, and enhance potential shifts in human consciousness.

Alien oval face Hinton Parva, Wiltshire July 20th, 2011

Alan Holt, astrophysicist

While the space engineer is careful to specify that his opinion is his alone (not associated in any way with his employer, NASA), he also speaks in a forthright manner about space exploration and human consciousness — his two main interests.

‘There is truly an astounding phenomenon unfolding in England and elsewhere in the world. It’s very unfortunate that unscientific thinking, and perhaps deliberate disinformation, of a few individuals have been picked up and accepted by a naïve press worldwide. As a result, millions of people have been deprived of the opportunity to experience a consciousness-expanding phenomenon. It is our civilization’s loss; but fortunately the apparently successful attempt to ridicule or “debunk” crop circles will do nothing to stop what may be a major transformation ahead for humanity.’

‘From my perspective, there is also a warning or “be prepared” message coming through the crop pictograms as well. We have not been very good stewards of the planet on which we are living. We have recklessly depleted resources; contaminated water, air and Earth; threatened the foundation of Earth’s viability with the use and testing of nuclear weapons (and perhaps other exotic technology), and continue to waste at least one-half of what we produce –especially here in the U.S. The Earth can compensate for some of our mistakes, but it too goes through transformations. If our care of our planet is not dramatically improved soon, we may not have many more years to enjoy the beauty and nurturing environment which even now the Earth still provides.’

One might imagine his regular visits to ISS –in addition to his terrestrial work with NASA– give him an ET-eye-view of our blue planet. In May this year he was interviewed by Suzanne Taylor, producer-director of the 2010 movie: What on Earth? He recalled his request eleven years earlier (the intuitively-voiced prayer while in the Barge Inn crop formation) and says:

“It was made clear to me in my first visit to a crop pictogram in 2000, that we may not have many years left to enjoy the verdant Earth as we do now. Hopefully, we have made progress since 2000 to reverse that trend, and we will take additional steps to minimize the Earth’s environmental decline.” Alan Holt update, May 2011

Eleven years ago: Magnetic field in a Wiltshire crop field, July 22, 2000 at Knoll Down, Avebury Trusloe

“The bar magnet crop pattern which appeared during my visit in 2000, did seem to be an answer to the question/request (which I mentally proposed) about the best research approach, in my breakthrough space transport interests. I am now convinced that humanity’s destiny path will lead us to become a very successful, evolved consciousness — a space-exploration species. The crop pictograms may be helping us to take a few key steps down that path.” Alan Holt, Project Manager, NASA Space Exploration, International Space Station (ISS) (personal view).

Roundway (2) July 25th, hard on the heels of its melatonin molecular companion, suggestive of the human 'third eye'-- the pineal ('pine-cone') gland. This glyph was harvested immediately by the farmer

As we know, the Earth acts as a giant magnet, with terminals of the magnetosphere entering, penetrating and exiting through the torus of the north and south poles. Every living creature is affected –from birth until death– by electromagnetic fluctuations generated by this huge dynamo. Most dramatic illustration is the way bees and bats use it. Other higher animals (homing pigeons, gestating whales, migrating turtles and geese) adjust their frequency to home in on their geographical place of birth via genetic/intuitive tuning into Earth’s magnetic field. On a day-to-day level, this magnetic shield — the magnetosphere — is protecting and shielding living beings from (excessive) solar radiation, CMEs and stray emissions from deep space. It is known to affect brain function and therefore can –in some humans– have an influence on health and behavior. It is the invisible energy that drives the Universe.

Windmill Hill-2, Avebury, July 26th: culmination of several consecutive days of crop images, courtesy CircleChasers

Pinchbeck says: ‘We may be at the same place with psychic phenomena and psychic energy today as we were in the mid-18th Century with electricity. We may find that we can tap into psychic energy for purposes of planetary transformation, in the way that we once used to tap into electricity.’

‘Our future as a species may depend upon us developing a more sophisticated awareness of the activities of other forms of intelligent life in the cosmos. We may find that there is a multidimensional multitude of other beings with different agendas and intentions, and we will have to learn to discriminate between psychic realms that are spiritually beneficial for us and others that are dangerous and potentially destructive for us.’

The Spirit Molecule

Roundway crop circle-1 (left) appeared July 23rd: compare it with the 5-MeO-DMT molecule (right), the chemical structure of melatonin or the 'spirit molecule'

ET, having sent a couple of ‘serious’ messages — some feel the alien ‘Gray’ head at Charlbury Hill, Hinton Parva-2 (July 20th) is being ‘scalped’ by one field tramline and its mouth muzzled by the other — two of July’s most recent communications give a clear suggestion to look at the chemical structure of hormone melatonin. The curvacious equation appeared last weekend (July 23rd) next to the ancient Roundway Mound below the Millennium White Horse. Melatonin occurs naturally in the body, is produced by the pineal gland (above) and its chemical constituents (DMT = C12N2H16, melatonin = C13H18N2O) are similar to the family grouping of human DNA, with which it combines easily. Two days later another (Roundway-2) crop design appeared, suggesting the remarkably aesthetic structure of the human ‘third-eye’, the pineal gland which secretes the treasured hormone — ‘spirit-molecule’, DMT in natural form.

Are our off-planet/higher dimensional colleagues/audience encouraging us? Egging us on to access our own natural hormones to create greater bliss? Or merely suggesting we don’t take ourselves quite so seriously, i.e. LIGHTEN UP?

While bigtime media may not recognize this (‘always the last to find out’), there is a growing awareness in the crop circle community and its followers that much new information is being transmitted for our delectation by a ‘multi-dimensional’ source –call it what you will. One focus for this interest in the paranormal, higher dimension perspective –the connection between the waves– is CircleChasers’ annual gathering and discussion at the Coronation Hall, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, which will be held this year on Wednesday, July 27th –in two days’ time. The speaker will be Andrew Collins. His theme: UFOs, Plasma and the Multidimensional Experience. If you are anywhere near the vicinity, it should be an evening worth your while.

The Wiltshire community, converging on Alton Barnes-Barge Inn-Honey Street-Avebury are, like some of its farmers, a real mix of emotional extremes. There are those who would remove all evidence before it percolates; others who want to share the bounty. It’s an individual thing. But, as our supporters say –astronauts to combine harvester-drivers to microlite photographers– it’s not going to go away. Catch it while you can.

…and the beat goes on…
©2011 Marian Youngblood