Kundalini, Crop Circles and Creation Experiment

Ouroboros eternal returning serpent of life swallowing its own tail: crop circle Walbury Hill, Berkshire June 12, 2010

Crop circles this season have not been bountiful. More designs have appeared so far in Italy than in Wiltshire and southern England. But the messages transmitted by the few have been powerful indeed: archetypal images, ancient knowledge refashioned, the human race is being encouraged to take note, achieve self-mastery, to grab hold of the solar wind and fly.

My last blog went online overnight June 12/13th, just as the Berkshire crop circle was being discovered at Walbury Hill – an ancient site, but not a common place for crop circles. I had been gearing myself up to write for a couple of days beforehand, but there were a number of incidents in my life which made it impossible – I had guests from Tuesday of that week until they departed on the morning of the New Moon, June 12th. The night before they left, they asked me to do an I Ching reading for them: something I haven’t done in thirty years. Composing oneself for psychic interpretation of the age-old wisdom of the Orient, the symbolism of the Yin-Yang, was a new feeling for us both. Their combined chosen hexagram turned out to be Hexagram 20: Contemplation.

…the kings of old visited the regions of the world, contemplated the people, and gave them instruction…

Apart from that extremely apt symbolism as it relates to crop circles visiting Earth, a secondary meaning is:

‘You will gain understanding of what the future holds for you by contemplating the effect of your life on others. If your influence and example are good, you are without blame. This is its own reward.’

When my friends were safely on their flight the next morning, I lost no time in putting my blog-thoughts on computer, working right through until midnight. Then I tweaked and uploaded at 2a.m. the following morning.

Supreme Lord Siva, gold-adorned sculpture on Delhi's Gurgaon Highway

As fate would have it, my American guest blogger, Mehal Darji-Rockefeller, who is steeped in Vedic astrology, religious symbolism, kundalini, working with chakras and eastern consciousness-raising techniques, was online and responded immediately from the heart. He didn’t have time to ‘think’. His response (below) was beautifully right-hemisphere. Seen in retrospect he was voicing the spirit of the crop circle which had materialized during the night at Walbury Hill. His reference to Vedic symbolism, kundalini power, ancient archetypes and our human shift in consciousness is of great significance. He wrote:

‘Tonight, the 13th moon phase or new moon, is a hallmark event. In the Vedic tradition it is known as Pradosham and means “removal of stains from the law of cause and effect.” Archetypal Being Siva designated a few different Pradosham windows (times when it is easier to dissolve old patterns).

‘The 13th Moon Phase (in both the waning and waxing cycle of the Moon) is one of the Pradosham windows chosen by Siva for removing karma. This is a very ancient concept – not that of all this new age business. The body turning into light is a reality for the earth plane. Flesh and blood will not inherit the Kingdom.

‘As William Blake said in Auguries of Innocence,

“We are led to believe a lie
When we see not thro’ the eye,
Which was born in a night to perish in a night,
When the soul slept in beams of light.”

‘Comets and their symbol of death, evil destruction are a primordial message that I welcome. For that is how Rome was born, right? With that in mind, humanity is in a key transcendence of consciousness. This was brought about via a synergistic effect of Uranus in powerful Aries and when Saturn went direct in Virgo last week.

‘Saturn is the task master. Virgo gives us the ability to pay attention to detail. This transit is time for humanity to stop procrastinating! The time for action is NOW.

Saturn also receives the aspect of Jupiter at this time which has the scope to accelerate new opportunities on a global scale. This comes with a word of caution, however, to financial and banking employees regarding stability. With the fluctuations in the global market, expansion in any industry is not guaranteed.

‘There is also the spice of Muruga that adds divine energy and power to the mixture. This year Muruga‘s birthday coincided with the strong, astrologically-significant transit of the planet Mars into Leo – May 27th.’ [My note: this was also full moon and beginning of the 29-day moon cycle which will end with full moon/partial lunar eclipse on June 26th; more below]. ‘This opens the gates for the energy of the Regal Warrior to enter. Gone is the time of hold-ups and frustrations. Lord Muruga‘s birth is celebrated in the Vedic month of Vaikasi (May-June) when the Full Moon coincides with the Vishakha star.

‘The day celebrates the incarnation of Muruga who assumed the form of a Regal Warrior to triumph over the evil forces of the Demon King Surapadman. It is symbolic of the conquest of the refined intellect over the egoistic mind.

Muruga‘s energy is the culmination of wisdom, desire, and action. He is the archetype or deity in charge of Knowledge, Youthfulness, and Valor. This is the day on which Mars, the planet ruled by Muruga, enters into Leo, its friendly sign. As Mars moves from Cancer to Leo, it sheds eight months of passive behavior and dons its usual fiery garb. This is the ideal time for go-getters to unleash the full potential of Mars. The energies are especially supportive for dynamic action to achieve lofty goals.

‘Mars’s big march into Leo lasts up to July 20.

Muruga was the Supreme Commander of the forces of Devas (gods), and led them to victory over the demons. He fought his enemies using his weapon – the Vel or Lance. In esoteric tradition, the Vel represents the rising Kundalini fire which consumes karmic impurities. Muruga is considered Lord of Kundalini who enables the ascent of one’s sexual energy from the base of the spine (center of gross qualities) to the pituitary gland (center of divine wisdom).

‘This now activates the collective consciousness of humanity’s kundalini energy.

‘The heart and throat chakra are activated — which were under-active. Now, with the power of forgiveness, humanity can break the bondage of karma and the cycle of duality. This correlates with the Uranus-into-Aries shift.

‘We must all put our attention on our intention of ascending the soul of Mother Earth. Forgiveness offers that. Otherwise we will stagnate in the realm of darkness.’

His words were transmitted as first footage was being filmed at Walbury Hill.

John Scott's interpretations of the Walbury formation in Berkshire

Over the following few days there came a rash of commentary on the Walbury crop formation, much of which is logged on the ‘Forum’ of the excellent CropCircleConnector site run by Mark Fussell and Stuart Dike. It ranged from simple snake-like graphics of the Lower Mississippi basin encompassing the oil fiasco in the Gulf of Mexico to extra-planetary channelings from starbeings. Two important interpretations, however, came from John Scott and Luke Peacock, both of whom focus on astronomical cycles (Scott lunar, Peacock solar) and both see the symbolic ‘broken lines’ in the formation as evidence for reading an I Ching interpretation, specifically Hexagram 20! Luke says:

Overall Hexagram 20 refers to having the perspective of a tall tower or a high mountain that sees all below, and has a better vantage point of above also. It serves as direction for people to aspire to, where the view is wide and expansive.

Within the centremost circle of the design the barley crop has been laid in folds, one curving clockwise, the other counterclockwise: the resulting pattern is the eternal Yin-Yang symbol. A little déjà vu for me, considering my guests’ chosen hexagram last weekend. The serpent, coincidentally, embodies the above concept of Muruga activating the collective consciousness of human kundalini.

Walbury Hill serpent's head faces midsummer sunrise precisely

Luke Peacock is fascinated by the position of Walbury Hill, with its Walbury Camp Iron Age hillfort enclosure 947 feet above sea level, the highest point in SE England. It was chosen in prehistoric times to view sacred sunrise and sunset with ritual held at annual equinoxes and both solstices. The crop circle reflects this precision, aligning the serpent head directly to view the point on the horizon where the sun will rise tomorrow morning, June 21st.

John Scott is a little more direct. He is sure this year’s crop designs speak directly to the human psyche: like Mehal, he believes that after ‘death’ of worldly trappings and ego, a ‘vast sociological shift in consciousness is about to take place.’ He sees the Ouroboros, Great World Serpent circling the Earth, as one of the most powerful archetypal and alchemical symbols which could have been chosen to touch and purify the human soul on its path to enlightenment: ‘. . .possibly the most powerful symbols known in occult literature. It seems the CC-makers have shifted to another level of content. Anyone who has had a personal enlightening experience knows this can often mean not just death on the emotional or mental plane, but complete annihilation of ego; a complete 180º turnaround in thinking and living.’ He is not optimistic for huge numbers of those not ‘getting the message’:

‘I feel with crop circles this year that the important nature of archetypal symbolism may not be fully understood by a wide swathe of the community. The (death and the Ouroboros) symbols are immense in terms of a global, sociological (change). People’s personal problems will be swept aside. These two symbols are completely unforgiving in energetic content; it would be akin to a paper aeroplane in a tornado; the tornado dictates the journey.’

He is convinced the overlighting intelligence creating the crop designs has a ‘deep metaphysical knowledge of our collective energetic bodies which in itself is the real mystery.’ He feels a sense of honesty and openness in their communication as an ‘urgent message to humanity.’ And no amount of reading spiritual literature or self-improvement manuals will prepare us for the actual leap we are about to take.

Chirton Bottom, Devizes, Wiltshire 'analemma' appeared June 16th

As if that weren’t powerful enough, another crop formation appeared on June 16th at Chirton Bottom, near Devizes, Wiltshire. It has been interpreted by Red Collie, an American DNA specialist with a PhD from CalTech currently living in Australia. He sees the linked figure-of-eight as an ‘analemma‘, or the apparent elliptical motion of a heavenly body in the sky as seen from the earth. An analemma of the sun is caused because
1.The Earth is tilted on its axis 23.5° in relation to the plane of its orbit around the sun.
2. The Earth does not orbit the sun in a circle, but in an ellipse. Analemma is ancient Greek for the pedestal of a sundial.

Dr Red’s conclusion about Chirton is that it is an analemma of the 29-day lunar cycle.

He explains:

Analemma explained

Analemma, elliptical apparent motion of a heavenly body

‘Its major shape is a figure-eight or lunar analemma that proceeds for 29 days or one complete lunar phase cycle as “Sun (big) – Moon (small) – Sun (big) – Moon (small) – Sun (big) – Moon (small)”, going day or night for 29 days. It shows dates of May 27, 2010 to June 26, 2010 (both full Moons). 
There will be a 50% partial lunar eclipse on June 26, 2010, so that is why its “small Moon” symbol for “day 29” or June 26, 2010 has been drawn at half the size expected.’

Neither of these latest crop circles looks ahead beyond June. The total solar eclipse of July 11th will no doubt come up again as a reminder later this season.

In the meantime a group of crop circle enthusiasts who all share Facebook identities have decided to hold an experiment in consciousness (and crop circle creation) this solstice weekend. You can join in if you like.

The suggestion is made that at a precise predetermined time (tonight, Sunday June 20th at 22:30 BST/21:30 UTC – that’s 5:30pm Eastern Daylight Time, 2:30pm Pacific Daylight Time) a specific design drawn by Andreas Müller in Germany will be released on the Facebook page of ‘Report a Crop Circle Formation’ and it is then up to each one of us to meditate, focus on, picture in our minds, whatever method comes most easily for the design to imprint on our consciousness and for – hopefully – this specific design to appear within the following four+plus hours in the fields of Wiltshire. A group meditation has also been suggested starting 22:30 UTC (one hour later than photo release). A specific location will also be released, so that those who are familiar with the environs may visualize that, too, but for those meditating in distant locations worldwide who may not know the English countryside, this aspect of the experiment is secondary. The main focus is to discover whether our group consciousness can create overnight a design in the fields.

Result(s) (if any) will be released on the same ‘Report a Crop Circle Formation’ page on Facebook the next day or as soon as discovered. There will be trusted followers in the chosen location ready to witness any appearance through the solstitial night of June 20-June 21. If you want to participate and the link provided doesn’t work (Facebook requires one to log in first), please enter Facebook and then ‘search’ the ‘Report A Crop Circle Formation’ page.

The design is until this moment only known to one person in the world – Andreas – so that no ‘leaks’ will jeopardize the experiment.

Think of it this way: if John Scott is pessimistic about human beings’ ability to raise consciousness as a group mind, we might prove that we are indeed capable of more than we know. Our Supermind may indeed succeed in tapping into the Universal Overmind as we return to Source and simultaneously project our intentions as Kornkreise pixels.

Until tomorrow morning, then. Let’s see if we can do this together.

Explore posts in the same categories: astrology, astronomy, astrophysics, Authors, crop circles, culture, metaphysics, mythology, New Age consciousness, philosphy, ritual, seasons, spirituality, world religions

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5 Comments on “Kundalini, Crop Circles and Creation Experiment”

  1. … Awesomeness !!!


  2. […] by the Christian church as evil betrayer) is symbolic both of knowledge (medical caduceus) and the Kundalini of the spirit and simple rising sap in Nature. Bride was the pagan goddess of the Earth in her […]

  3. siderealview Says:

    Reblogged this on Siderealview's Blog and commented:

    Ouroboros: Sanskrit/Assyrian/Greek-classical symbol of Man’s destiny to rejoin with himself: more appropriate now that the SHIFT is happening — the Ancients knew how to prepare for CHANGE; so do we, if we ALLOW ourselves to listen to Spirit and do it together

  4. Very deep and interesting, great minds , well done .
    Thank you.

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