Silver People on the Shoreline Let Us Be


Crop circle code triggers human DNA

Crop circle code triggers human DNA

We did it.   We transitioned through the Gate.  That’s what they say. On 8th August this year – 08-08 – g8-eight – we as a species ascended. Along with our habitat, our flaws and our failings, our flashes of genius, we and our planet ascended into the fifth dimension.

It’s been predicted for centuries.  All major religions have a cosmic beginning, a human middle and a cosmic end. The Maya, for instance, didn’t do things by halves.  They decorated their pantheon with gold and revered their gods for their mathematical skills. They made it into a science: their calculations are vast,  their calendar precise. Not only that, it is beautiful.   Mathematical functions appear as images. Calendrical pictograms ending in the year 2012. 

Human consciousness has been greatly influenced of late by the calendar.

In 1969 a large section of the world’s youth population believed that they were creating a new world.  ‘Silver people on the Shoreline Let Us Be’ are words from the Crosby, Stills and Nash song ‘Wooden Ships’ composed that year. Richard Alpert, West Coast philosopher became guru, Baba Ram Dass. Forty years on, we celebrate this week the anniversary of Woodstock; music from a magical time reenters the sphere of consciousness; there is a nudge from Father Time: Cronos, Saturn, ruler of the universe, for humanity to wake up and get on with it.  Saturn is said to move through each astrological sign once in 30 years.  So, as a species we’re already 10 years past our Saturn Return, overdue for our awakening.  The Earth waits for us to move into our sacred space within the circle of life, switch on our antennae and tune into the music of the spheres: that motherboard we were always intended to reconnect with.

We are after all, the braincells of the planet.  We’ve been genetically modified to function as her intellect: our neurones, our DNA merely need the correct activation sequence. Ten percent of our mind’s circuitry is wired, like a computer, ready for the other 90% to wake up and use our god-given powers.  The trigger seems to be the recent barrage of electrons being showered in our direction.   We are after all energy, a mass of electrons ourselves.  We respond to waves of energy like solar wind, ionic disturbance in the light spectrum and minute fluctuations in the planet’s magnetosphere all the time. Since around May scientists agree cosmic rays, solar flares, light transmissions – said by starseed followers to bring new code to activate human DNA – have increased. Even the scientific community concede DNA has the capacity to expand. We, the central database, are capable of assimilating these charged particles as they arrive, but we have to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed to do it:  we’re meant to be on the alert, awake, aware.  Be Here Now.

For generations ancestral wisdom preached the peaceful life;  joy in simple things. When people used to listen to their elders there was a subconscious equilibrium that kept in balance the environment, their surroundings, their world. But the habitat became too restrictive for the new human; he needed to push the boundaries, to expand, explore beyond his physical arena. In the ‘eighties a large chunk of humanity broke off from the home iceberg and sailed into the sunset.

I mentioned Richard Alpert.  Twenty years previously he, along with a number of his generation, chose to prolong their experience of ephemeral ‘sixties enlightenment and make it a way of life.  As Ram Dass he influenced a generation.  He and his contemporaries are coming to ‘maturity’; they are ‘the ancients’ now.  They are being heard again. Some of the human race, at least, is listening to its elders.

Where does that leave the rest of continental earth? Adrift in a concrete ship, adorned with tentacles of freeways and air lanes, looking for a port of call?

Thing is: they weren’t set adrift without directions, a guidance system.  It is built-in in the system’s consciousness: this is the way home – arrow pointing to nirvana.  Some people in the boat are beginning to swither. How does looking for the moon by means of acquisitions bringing them any closer to home? to inner contentment? is it bringing them joy?  Some of them are turning the ship into the wind, accessing the guidance system, asking the pilot to turn a lighted beacon to the promised shore.  The Jews knew it as the Promised Land.  Christians: Heaven-on-Earth. New Agers like Eckhart Tolle call it the New Earth.

We train ourselves to rise above the mind and return home to the place we have always been, but have forgotten.

According to the Elders of the Maya, the Hopi, Lakota and several other native American tribes, we are due to move through a Shift. Depending on your point of view, this shift is polar, calendrical or as a frame of consciousness. Ram Dass led a swathe of his generation from mind-altering to living beyond mind. One of his contemporaries, Drunvalo Melchizedek, bridges the cultural divide and brings to the Western world oral teachings the Maya handed down to prepare for this time.  Both men believe that the Shift is imminent and thousands of groups of New Agers agree with them.  While one practice focuses on non-duality and non-attachment as the way to enter heaven/nirvana/the NOW, the other reminds its followers that the way back home is through the Earth, that by giving respect to all beings, or ‘treading lightly upon’ our home planet, we shall simultaneously reconnect with earth’s dynamo, to bring us back into balance with lost knowledge, the key to unlock the secret code to living as we were designed to: in possession of all our faculties, self-healing mechanisms, ability to nurture one another and raise the group mind to the next level.

Many networks proclaim the way forward through the Shift is to be present, follow intuition and show love: to ourselves, our friends, extended family and groups. As if reflecting this need to connect, internet pages have sprung up which fill an inner void, as counseling support groups did in the psychiatric age. Now, instead of seeing your shrink, you can blog about difficulties, twitter your daily thoughts, boost another’s confidence, share dreams with cyberfriends – some you may never physically meet.  It takes only minimum hyper-knowledge, a little netiquette and a willingness to let go of old ways like ‘can’t type, don’t know how it works, why do I need a support group of total strangers?’ 

Rainer Maria Rilke (1892-1910) asks us to ‘welcome the new year, full of things that have never been’, suggesting we open our hearts to the concept of possibilities.  The ancient East advocated ‘before and after nirvana, chop wood and carry water’.  New agers say ‘Expect Miracles’. Either way, it seems a pity, at the dawning of a new era, not to use our full potential.   
©2008-2019 Marian Youngblood

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3 Comments on “Silver People on the Shoreline Let Us Be”

  1. Excellent posting! There is certainly a “Global Shift” at this very present moment. Around the world, there are organizations, in remarkable numbers – large and small. They all share the same Consciousness for a revolution from the current disconnection, apathy, ignorance, etc.

    I agree, that human consciousness is indeed influenced via astrological and/or planetary alignment/energy. Given the rare, spectacular occurrence of a solar eclipse, and some lunar eclipses this summer–I have a KNOWING that humanity is progressiveness moving forward.

    I share your sentiments regarding Saturn and its cosmic power. Yes, we are long overdue for our awakening. Based on the above paragraph, and personal knowledge in astrophysics, in my opinion, we will feel, notice–this influence of Saturn or Shani,in Vedic Astrology.

    The planet Shani or Saturn revolves around the Sun in about 30 years, which means it passes through all the 12 rashis or moonsigns in 30 years. Thus Shani Bhagavan spends on an average about two and half years in each rashi or moonsign. This movement of Shani through the moonsigns carries great importance in hindu astrology and horoscope predictions.

    Lord Shani is more known for his Blessings than his ill effects. No other graha is comparable with Lord Shani in terms of blessings. He showers with his blessings at the end of his dosha.

    Shani is a Deva and son of Surya (the Hindu Sun God) and his wife Chhaya (Shadow goddess) and hence also known as Chayyaputra. He is the cousin of Yama, the Hindu God of justice. It is said that when he opened his eyes as a baby for the very first time, the sun went into an eclipse, which clearly denotes the impact of Shani on astrological charts. He is known as the greatest teacher.

    Note: The Sun is always most powerful over planet Saturn. In the very near future the Sun will conjunct Saturn. The degree of influence on an individual will vary, however, Globally or cosmically…the effect will be profound.


    While many pople are aware of this need for a change in awareness and higher consciousness, I have found that most are reserved to express or accept such. However, internally every individual, animal, rock, particle is essentially the same. We are all composed of the same atoms. Within those atom, diving deeper, are even more infinitely small particles. Within those…nothingness.

    There is an empty space. What is this space between cells, atoms, humans, flowers—a silence that can be tapped by all in an effort to increase self-conciousness i.e. to reach a higher energy level and to connect with source energy. The result, an infinite feasibility of manifesting miracles on all scales–to create and synchronize vibrational patterns–Globally.


    The duality of quantum physics. Waves have tops and bottoms–but can never be disconnected–i.e life and death, you can not have one without the other. This is the nature of the physical plane. There will always be hills and valleys, but be certain bliss will be present.

    When Jesus went to a village, his presence changed the consciousness of the populous. Highly actualized and conscious beings as such & Mother Teresa even, radiate high vibrational energies that resonates upon others—a change in ones DNA!

    The end result, a reconnection to Source and a quantum shift or transcendence of Spirit/Consciousness.


    Random Musing: This is innately seen if one looks an the following example. A plane crashes in the opposite side of the world. However, individuals in the polar opposite express sentiments of sympathy, they send love, pray, feel connected to the people who suffered. The individuals physiological systems change and can be expressed with the below quote:

    “I celebrate myself, and sing myself,
    And what I assume you shall assume,
    For every atom belonging to me as good as belongs to you.”

    -Walt Whitman

    • siderealview Says:

      Mehal – how wonderful of you to join in – not only do you support the concept but you add a whole new take & a bunch of knowledge that I would’ve spent weeks to learn; I better sign you up right now as guest blogger!!

      Seriously, while I know a little of western astrology, I know less of eastern, except to see similarities; The sun is daily getting closer to Saturn in Virgo (west.astro); are you saying that some time around September 2nd this year there will be some really life-changing event for human consciousness? your words: something ‘profound’. How wonderful if that were so. Probably like me, you don’t like to put your finger precisely on dates like this, but it is so interesting when astrological/astronomical and quantum research hit a common patch. Light particles, (solar)light pulses out, enhances particle, particle energizes, gets ‘excited’, DNA quickens, being ascends.

      As an astrophysicist, do you see things mathematically? do code and shapes jump off the page at you? While tangential to this post, crop circles may be appearing with embedded code for our enlightenment… I talk a little about that in another blog and would love your opinion/reaction/intuition on some of the crop circle designs featured there:

      The Crop Circle Connection

      Yours is a strong voice. It is a pleasure to have you stop by.

  2. siderealview Says:

    Reblogged this on Siderealview's Blog and commented:

    Appropriately, forty years since Woodstock, I re-dedicate this reblog to David Crosby, who classically as one of CSN, has chosen to perform in his #Sky Trails tour this year, visiting the Redwoods & Arcata September 2019. Croz helped share Jefferson Airplane’s lyrics with the world of newbies in the New Era——my Boomer take anyhow…

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